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Pakistan orders shutdown of rights groups over "anti-state" activities in Punjab

It would be far better to provide the evidence to show what "anti-State" activities are being alleged here.

About time pakistan took action against the neo-liberals traitors. In this age of terrorism the war for the minds is through the social media just as ISIS does or al Qaeeda... or foreign entities that cause "arab springs" around the world.

Their agents are from the extreme right: religious extremists or from the extreme left: the liberal extremists.

Hang them both!
About time pakistan took action against the neo-liberals traitors. In this age of terrorism the war for the minds is through the social media just as ISIS does or al Qaeeda... or foreign entities that cause "arab springs" around the world.

Their agents are from the extreme right: religious extremists or from the extreme left: the liberal extremists.

Hang them both!

What's a "neo-liberal"? lol
About time pakistan took action against the neo-liberals traitors. In this age of terrorism the war for the minds is through the social media just as ISIS does or al Qaeeda... or foreign entities that cause "arab springs" around the world.

Their agents are from the extreme right: religious extremists or from the extreme left: the liberal extremists.

Hang them both!

Atleast liberals didn't blow up any mosques or killed any children.... It was all your religious 'Peaceful' friends....
Atleast liberals didn't blow up any mosques or killed any children.... It was all your religious 'Peaceful' friends....

I never said liberals... i am liberal... i said neo-liberals or extremist liberals ...

Just when you say to a conservative religious person... " extremist religious terrorist"... the religious person replies back "those people aren't religious , because religion teaches peace" ... but they don't recognize the extremist in their mist because they believe everyone is humble, pious, and gentle.....

Then you tell a liberal person... "extremist liberal socialist fascist" ... but the don't recognize the extremist in their mist like the Nazi, the socialist extremists, the man hating feminist, the extreme leftists ... because to them a liberal is all about love, democracy, openess, .

Liberals don't recognize: Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mussolini, ... millions upon millions murdered

Religious conservitives don't recognize: khawaarji, bin laden, Isis etc.

While the rest of us in the middle suffer from their agendas.

So according to that article, a neo-liberal is somebody who supports capitalism. None of these Pakistani Liberals support capitalism, they're either socialists or don't have any fiscal plan cause they're just fixated on social activism.

That's one form of neoliberalism...

The other is social neoliberalism

Bhensa is a neoliberal...
Why? Because the rule of law is important. Those who support the State to do whatever it wants without any accountability are the ones harming Pakistan.

Ah yes, the good old refuge of criminals and scoundrels - patriotism. :D

A nice step...All NGOs that get foreign aid especially from agencies and govts are involved in anti-state actions one way or the other.
ISLAMABAD, Jan 19 (Reuters) - Authorities in Pakistan's largest province have ordered several women's and human rights groups to shut down, accusing them of unspecified "anti-state" activities, an official of a human rights group said.

Pakistan has toughened its stance against local and international non-government bodies in recent years, accusing some of using their work as a cover for espionage. In 2015, it ordered Save the Children expelled but reversed the decision.

"They are shutting up people by harassment," I.A. Rehman, an official of the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, told Reuters on Thursday.

Police and security officials have ordered about a dozen non-government organisations (NGOs) to halt operations, mostly in southern Punjab province, Rehman added, with groups working on women's and human rights appearing to be the main targets.

"The provincial government has given orders to district police offices that so-and-so organization has been indulging in anti-state activities, so ban this organization," he said.

Punjab's home minister, Rana Sanaullah, did not respond to written queries about the orders.

However, conservative Pakistan's small community of liberal groups is worried about a new crackdown on anyone seen as criticising the government, as concern grows over five liberal writers and activists who went missing this month.

The government denies any role in the disappearances.

Two officials of non-government bodies in Punjab told Reuters police had ordered their employees to halt work.

"Yesterday, the police went to one of my colleagues in Bahawalpur and asked him to shut our office over there," said Mohammad Tehseen, director of South Asia Partnership Pakistan, which focuses on women's rights.

The police gave him a letter, seen by Reuters, issued by the Punjab Home Department alleging that his organization was "pursuing (an) anti-state agenda".

Tehseen denied the charge, and said the police would not specify any actions to support the accusation.

Telephone calls to police in the city of Bahawalpur went unanswered on Thursday and Friday.

Other organisations have received similar letters, Rehman said.

Another NGO, Women in Struggle for Empowerment, was ordered to halt work in Punjab and obtained a copy of another letter from a provincial agency accusing it of activities "detrimental to National/Strategic Security".

A copy of the letter provided to Reuters by the group's director, Bushra Khaliq, cites an order from the ministry of the interior.

Sent copies of the documents, Interior Ministry spokesman Sarfaraz Ahmed said a statement would be issued later, but it had not arrived by Friday afternoon.

Punjab need operation against all culprits and terrorist. Pick and chose is not the solution. Call in Ranger and do the combing operation in Punjab. Gen Bajwa should follow the Gen Raheel legacy and push the Punjab govt for full throttle operation . Otherwise , Pakistan will turn into Afghanistan.
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Good move by govt.
These NGO's in the shadow of human rights are leaving no stone unturned to make Pakistan suffer.If an NGO is really working well it is alright but backbitting in the name of human rights is unbearable.

by nature NGOs are anti state, why would a foreign country pay someone in Pakistan to do good in Pakistan just for the sake of goodness, to uplift people and to make them progressive independent modern thinker...has heaven come down to earth
by nature NGOs are anti state, why would a foreign country pay someone in Pakistan to do good in Pakistan just for the sake of goodness, to uplift people and to make them progressive independent modern thinker...has heaven come down to earth

If you scratch the surface and remove the facade ...each NGO has an agenda to promote which alignes with their interests..... what ever that interest may be. It may be genuinely good or it may have some alterior motive... who knows.
plz take up the issue in GHQ section ....

I just told you that whatever was written in that screen shot was the anti pakistan feelings of such activists and extremist liberals .
It's not me so I don't deserve the nagative rating , I'll delete the post if you want me to .

Mujhay Ayan ali ji picture par negative mili thi :D
Ye surkh nishaan lag jae bhai to tarpata rehta ha :lol:
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