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Myanmar Defence Forum

so what..? have been never seen such safety slogans in ur country..? o_O

View attachment 369571

Seen a lot of such slogans,but not that particular one.
BTW, we don't have these slogans on the walls inside hangars. Our ones are kept as neat and clean as possible.

This is the hanger of 25th Squadron "Trend-Setters" at BAF Base Zahrul Haque, Chittagong.

Seen alot of such slogans,but not that particular one.
BTW,we don't have thsese slogans on the walls inside hangars.Our ones are kept as neat and clean as possible.
View attachment 369627
This is the hanger of 25th Squadron "Trend-Setters" at BAF Base Zahrul Haque,Chittagong.

Am I the only member receive the empty square box of their posts?

Thank you, I thought my computer was infected by virus...:cry::cry::cry: now am relaxed.
Relax..!! Bro ur Pc is completely fine.. :D
We usually use this kind of fonts in public forum if we want to talk in private. This font was developed long ago and can't see and can't translate with Google.

This is how we see..
Very cool, I want to learn this language.
ha ha.. thanks for intresting our language.. bro :D
actually it's just normal Myanmar language. but its font style was developed since nearly 2 decade ago so even google doesn't know that font.. now it's still useful in talking private chat in foreign public forum. :D

Type 59D/M test firing
May I hear what the Burmese perspective of the clash of Border Post 9631 look like? I had only read the Thai perspective of it so I'm curious how the Burmese perspective look like?
May I hear what the Burmese perspective of the clash of Border Post 9631 look like? I had only read the Thai perspective of it so I'm curious how the Burmese perspective look like?

Very roughly, I read that a lot of medals were given out on the Burmese side and our soldiers performed better than what the Thai sources claimed. What was a major disappoinment was the airforce. AA guns couldn't hit your F-16s and the MAF failed to scramble its F-7s in time. That made the difference and led to the purchase of 32 MiG-29's and one of the densest air defence networks in ASEAN.
Indonesia Offers Constructive Inputs to OIC


, Jakarta - Indonesia has offered constructive suggestions to members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for resolving the Rohingya Muslim minority crisis in Myanmar, Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi stated.

"(The focus is) how to build tolerance and harmony, as there is a horizontal conflict in Rakhine State. Trust has also to be built between the Muslim community and Buddhists. In this case, Indonesia will submit constructive suggestions to the OIC," Marsudi stated before the opening of the Special Session of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the OIC on the situation of the Rohingya Muslim community in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday.

Marsudi affirmed that Indonesia has adopted a constructive approach, as it has already sent 10 containers of food and clothing to Myanmar.

"I will fly from Kuala Lumpur to Rangoon for a meeting. I will thereafter fly to the capital of Rakhine State where I will inaugurate two new schools built by the people of Indonesia," the minister revealed.

Marsudi said Indonesia already has six schools. The Indonesian schools are open not only to the Muslim community but also to the Hindu community.

"We are trying once again to help build tolerance and harmony at the grassroots level to affirm that the difference is no issue," she stated.

Marsudi said her side has also followed up on the Senior Officials Meeting on Thursday morning.

"During a meeting with several foreign ministers and heads of delegations, I also met OIC Secretary General Dr Yousef Bin Ahmad Al-Othaimeen, and they more or less agreed to the constructive approach to resolve the Rohingya issue, and they expect a lot from Indonesia, which is already playing such a major role in resolving issues in Rakhine State," she stated.

Marsudi confirmed that the results of the OIC meeting will be delivered to Myanmar, and Indonesia will seek to play the role of a mediator to anyone in need, as it had taken several initiatives in Myanmar.

"We are ready to assist the Muslim community and help Myanmar resolve the problem. Hence, in addition to offering humanitarian aid, we have to convey to Myanmar to develop cooperation in the areas of police training, sharing our military experience with the Myanmar military, and promoting inter-faith dialogue. I have spoken to the minister of the United Arab Emirates to discuss this issue," the Indonesian foreign minister stated.

Marsudi said the issue of Rohingya refugees crossing into Bangladesh had been discussed when the envoy of Myanmar had visited Bangladesh.

"The sending of a special envoy was also a follow-up to the results of my meeting with Aung San Su Kyi. Thereafter, I flew to Bangladesh. I also conveyed whether it is possible for Myanmar to send a special envoy to hold discussions with Bangladesh. Eventually, the state councilor was sent to Dhaka to discuss the refugee issue," she noted.

What makes us happy is that they could communicate to manage border-related issues between the two countries, she added.
Very roughly, I read that a lot of medals were given out on the Burmese side and our soldiers performed better than what the Thai sources claimed. What was a major disappoinment was the airforce. AA guns couldn't hit your F-16s and the MAF failed to scramble its F-7s in time. That made the difference and led to the purchase of 32 MiG-29's and one of the densest air defence networks in ASEAN.
If I remembered correctly, Thai sources claimed that Burmese F-7 were in Israel receiving upgrades, the A-5 were in so bad a shape that barely any of them can fly. However, they did report Super Galeb strafing Thai forces.

We also handed out a lot of medals as well. Myanmar's deployment of T-72S to the area worried command and that lead to the purchase of 11 Oplot-T and 140 VT-4 to complement the old Pattons. MiG-29 lead Thailand to purchase more and modernize the current F-16 fleet.
If I remembered correctly, Thai sources claimed that Burmese F-7 were in Israel receiving upgrades, the A-5 were in so bad a shape that barely any of them can fly. However, they did report Super Galeb strafing Thai forces.

We also handed out a lot of medals as well. Myanmar's deployment of T-72S to the area worried command and that lead to the purchase of 11 Oplot-T and 140 VT-4 to complement the old Pattons. MiG-29 lead Thailand to purchase more and modernize the current F-16 fleet.

VT-4's? That's a recent purchase isn't it?

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