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Iranian president orders work on nuclear propulsion device

Yes,but it doesnt say its uh6 thats being used in the centrifuge and its being carried out within the jcpoa not as a response to the us breach of the deal.Sadly no real surprise.
It was on TV
During Khatami Iran had restored it's relation with most European countries! Italy & Iran were building satellite together business with France, Germany... were booming! It took 4-5 years of Ahmadi for even freaking Peugeot that makes a shit load of it's money from Iran, willing to stick a knife in it's own back strictly because of Ahmadi's nonsense!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahmadinejad is a Zionist agent tasked with destroying Iran's economy in my book!
Instead of using $100 per barrel oil to build the country you give out handouts to make the majority of the ppl dependent on the government and you give loans to any corrupt fool you can find!

Your pursuing a nuclear program the world thinks you want a nuke to wipe Israel off the map and you purposely play into that narrative spout absurdities about Holocausts... while throwing a shit load of money towards enrichment all at the same time!!!!!!!!!! Who gives a shit about Holocaust!!!!! As Iran's president what benefit do you bring the Iranian nation to give interviews with Zionist media outlets to spout their own narrative!!!!!!!!!! I don't think anyone is that stupid which make him a Zionist agent!!!!!!!!!!

And almost EVEY FREAKING Major Military project Iran has had started under Khatami or Rafzanjani!
Sejil-2, Shahab-3, Fatteh-110, Mowj Class, Submarine technology, Saegheh, Azarakhsh, Antiship Cruise Missiles, Turbojet engines, Karrar, Saeer, Samavat, Fajr-27, Zolfaghar, Boragh, Tophan ATGM,....

Ahmadinejad was hands down a TRAITOR!! Only election in the past 2 decades that brought out millions in protest was his 2nd term! He was a TRAITOR and anyone that can't see that is a fool! And that's why Iran's supreme leader has justly banned him from elections!!!!!!!!
Sorry,but thats total bullsh!t,Peugeot didnt quit iran because of ahmadinejad,it quit iran under the pressure of the us general motors who at the time had a stake in peugoet,the joke of course was on them because ultimately gm dumped Peugeot who was then left out in the cold and had to write off the entire value of its iran operations which was its largest market outside france and was estimated at around 15% of the companies value and was the biggest loss in its corporate history,ultimately Peugeot had to agree to compensate iran to the tune of over 400+ million dollars which ironically was probably more than the value of the gm stake in Peugeot.As for your italian satellite did you ever get it?,no of course you didnt they took irans money and kept the satellite blaming sanctions.Iran didnt sanction itself the west did that and it wasnt because ahmadinejad dared to question the dogma of the wests secular religion of the shoah,they did that because iran dared to have an indigenous nuclear program and they would`ve done that regardless of who was the president of iran at the time.I also think its very funny that you consider ahmadinejad,a man who stood up against the west and defended irans right to nuclear technologies,as a traitor,so what then does that make rouhani,someone who agreed to the virtual dismantling of irans nuclear program in return for nothing more than the lifting of some sanctions and the vague promise of better economic relations with the west and the sale of some airliners,I guess you must think hes a true patriot right?
Yes,but it doesnt say its uh6 thats being used in the centrifuge and its being carried out within the jcpoa not as a response to the us breach of the deal.Sadly no real surprise.

Iran can test IR-6 & IR-8 within the confines of the JCPOA Iran has clearly stated that Iran's retaliation to the breach will be to replace it's IR-1 with IR-6 & IR-8 as a response to the U.S. breach!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently even mass production of IR-8's is a breach of the JCPOA...

IR-8's have not finished all of it's testing they just got a license to put gas in it from the IAEA & Iran is NOT claiming that it's even ready for mass production! At the end of the day Iran is confident that if a breach takes place Iran's response will shock them! And it wouldn't be the 1st time Iran has shocked them when it comes to it's nuclear program!

Iran will always be within a year of building a nuke + Iran can buy nukes or weapons grade Uranium from North Korea covertly, at will, if it chose too! If the point is to have a deterrent against Israeli nukes Iran already has that!
is there already a "direction" who most likely will be next president of Iran in few months?
and is that candidate like bitch rouhani pro west or pro Iran?
is there already a "direction" who most likely will be next president of Iran in few months?
and is that candidate like bitch rouhani pro west or pro Iran?

The only way Rohani will lose is if a major Reformist or a Secular Principalists/Conservative (Which unfortunately doesn't exist) challenges him! Tehran's mayor is the closes thing the principalists have to a more religiously open minded candidate and he would have to say something radical like Hejab should be a choice for people to vote for him over Rohani.
The religious crazy's will never get more than 6 million votes combined in Iran and they all voted for Jalili & Velayati last time around! Roahni had 18 Million votes the crazy's combined had 6 Million & Tehran's Mayor also got 6 Million.
Whether they wanna admit it or not a clear message was sent that Ahmadinejad 2nd term was rigged!
Iran can test IR-6 & IR-8 within the confines of the JCPOA Iran has clearly stated that Iran's retaliation to the breach will be to replace it's IR-1 with IR-6 & IR-8 as a response to the U.S. breach!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently even mass production of IR-8's is a breach of the JCPOA...

IR-8's have not finished all of it's testing they just got a license to put gas in it from the IAEA & Iran is NOT claiming that it's even ready for mass production! At the end of the day Iran is confident that if a breach takes place Iran's response will shock them! And it wouldn't be the 1st time Iran has shocked them when it comes to it's nuclear program!

Iran will always be within a year of building a nuke + Iran can buy nukes or weapons grade Uranium from North Korea covertly, at will, if it chose too! If the point is to have a deterrent against Israeli nukes Iran already has that!
So far it appears that iran is doing precisely nothing in response to obama signing the latest sanctions bill,apart from the laughable proposal to look at marine/naval reactors and even that is done within the jcpoa and with iaea oversight.
So far it appears that iran is doing precisely nothing in response to obama signing the latest sanctions bill,apart from the laughable proposal to look at marine/naval reactors and even that is done within the jcpoa and with iaea oversight.

That's because ISA hasn't been enacted yet! And Obama didn't sign it! It just became Law because he didn't veto it & John Kerry for now has the power to wave it! And Americans being banned from having over $20 million USD investment in Iran is more a sanction on American Billionaires than on Iranians they are cutting off their own peoples capability to have influence in Iran!!! Regardless of what Iranian politicians say I don't think anyone in Iran is loosing sleep over it! And the EU, Chinese, Russians,... are more than happy to see their American rivals cut themselves out!!!!!!!
Every action has equal and opposite reaction!!!! And the blow back for this will be Europeans, Chinese, Russians,.... will tell Iran privately to forget about them we will instead invest here here & here
And Iran will be more aggressive towards nuclear related R&D within the confines of the JCPOA!!!!!!

For Iran to do something stupid right before Trump takes office is STUPID, Absurd & a trap Iran is NOT going to fall into!
is there already a "direction" who most likely will be next president of Iran in few months?
and is that candidate like bitch rouhani pro west or pro Iran?
his most likely going to be one term president

apart from the laughable proposal to look at marine/naval reactors .
will see how laughable will be once the if JCPOA brock down . we remember that and i hold you accountable to it . let's hone JCPOA breaks down which is unlikely
The only way Rohani will lose is if a major Reformist or a Secular Principalists/Conservative (Which unfortunately doesn't exist) challenges him! Tehran's mayor is the closes thing the principalists have to a more religiously open minded candidate and he would have to say something radical like Hejab should be a choice for people to vote for him over Rohani.
The religious crazy's will never get more than 6 million votes combined in Iran and they all voted for Jalili & Velayati last time around! Roahni had 18 Million votes the crazy's combined had 6 Million & Tehran's Mayor also got 6 Million.
Whether they wanna admit it or not a clear message was sent that Ahmadinejad 2nd term was rigged!

you are telling your dreams to him as FACT .... If there is no strong rival for Rouhani , the participate rate will get below of 45 - 50 % .... in this case , the winner of Election will be biggest loser of Election ....

his most likely going to be one term president

will see how laughable will be once the if JCPOA brock down . we remember that and i hold you accountable to it . let's hone JCPOA breaks down which is unlikely

really !? do you except any thing from 70-80 years old politicians !?
Hashemis , Reformist and Principlists ( what principle they believe !? I wonder ) are just filling their pockets with Iranians money , sooner or later all of them will run from Iran with our country wealth .... just like Khawari ...
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you are telling your dreams to him as FACT .... If there is no strong rival for Rouhani , the participate rate will get below of 45 - 50 % .... in this case , the winner of Election will be biggest loser of Election ....

really !? do you except any thing from 70-80 years old politicians !?
Hashemis , Reformist and Principlists ( what principle they believe !? I wonder ) are just filling their pockets with Iranians money , sooner or later all of them will run from Iran with our country wealth .... just like Khawari ...

For the past 20 years in every Presidential election the reformist & pro reformist have won except for 1 election & that was Ahamdinejads 1st term & the only reason he won then was because people voted against Rafzanjani rather than for Ahmadinejad & at that time people were just too tired of the Rafzanjani family and the political atmosphere in Iran was against him personally and not for any policy but that was until they saw what Ahmadinejad was! And he did NOT win his 2nd term everyone knows it whether they wanna admit it or not is a separate issue!

Only a delusional person would think that the vast majority of Iranians inside Iran would want a revolution!!!!!! Election after Election the fools that want a revolution have called for a ban on elections & election after election Iranians have showed them what fools they are by coming out and voting at rates above 70% so there you go!!!!!

And thanks to the BASIJ 30K-40K fools can't come & start a fake me out revolution in Iran that no one wants!

The right & the conservatives in Iran will ALWAYS come out and vote because it's a matter of duty for them even when they know they are going to lose they come! and as a response the reformist always show up! And Iran's election is never between just 2 ppl!!!!! THE ABSOLUT only way for the conservatives to win is if they get someone like Ghalibof to say something that would drag a large portion of reformists to their side!

And the winner of the election will be the president of Iran no matter how many show up & I can promise you right now well over 30 million Iranians out of ~50 Million eligible voters will show up & that's 60% & that's the absolute minimum!
For the past 20 years in every Presidential election the reformist & pro reformist have won except for 1 election & that was Ahamdinejads 1st term & the only reason he won then was because people voted against Rafzanjani rather than for Ahmadinejad & at that time people were just too tired of the Rafzanjani family and the political atmosphere in Iran was against him personally and not for any policy but that was until they saw what Ahmadinejad was! And he did NOT win his 2nd term everyone knows it whether they wanna admit it or not is a separate issue!

Only a delusional person would think that the vast majority of Iranians inside Iran would want a revolution!!!!!! Election after Election the fools that want a revolution have called for a ban on elections & election after election Iranians have showed them what fools they are by coming out and voting at rates above 70% so there you go!!!!!

And thanks to the BASIJ 30K-40K fools can't come & start a fake me out revolution in Iran that no one wants!

The right & the conservatives in Iran will ALWAYS come out and vote because it's a matter of duty for them even when they know they are going to lose they come! and as a response the reformist always show up! And Iran's election is never between just 2 ppl!!!!! THE ABSOLUT only way for the conservatives to win is if they get someone like Ghalibof to say something that would drag a large portion of reformists to their side!

And the winner of the election will be the president of Iran no matter how many show up & I can promise you right now well over 30 million Iranians out of ~50 Million eligible voters will show up & that's 60% & that's the absolute minimum!

First , Ahmadi nejad was the winner of 2009 election , so don't try to fool others with your shameless lies ...
second , in Rafsanjani begin as revolutionary but ended as Capitalist and Khatemi ( his pawn ) in one of greatest lie in Iran history act as Anti Rafsanjani in 74 and won the election ( later people found out that Reforimist are nothing more than lapdog of Capitalists and Hashemi )

have shame and don't lie with straight face ....
First , Ahmadi nejad was the winner of 2009 election , so don't try to fool others with your shameless lies ...
second , in Rafsanjani begin as revolutionary but ended as Capitalist and Khatemi ( his pawn ) in one of greatest lie in Iran history act as Anti Rafsanjani in 74 and won the election ( later people found out that Reforimist are nothing more than lapdog of Capitalists and Hashemi )

have shame and don't lie with straight face ....

Keep living in your delusional bubble!!!! Maybe your not old enough to remember but the absolute only reason Amma need a JOB won the 1st time around was STRICKTLY & ONLY because people voted AGINTS Rafzanjani in the 2nd round!
Take a good look at those names!!!!!!!!!!!!

2009 was rigged!!!!!!!!!!
Keep living in your delusional bubble!!!! Maybe your not old enough to remember but the absolute only reason Amma need a JOB won the 1st time around was STRICKTLY & ONLY because people voted AGINTS Rafzanjani in the 2nd round!
Take a good look at those names!!!!!!!!!!!!
View attachment 362817

2009 was rigged!!!!!!!!!!

most people vote for him , unless you see Iran as Tehran and Tehran as Iran ....

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