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Vietnam Metro Transportation

Vietnam has been building roads to Vientian and Lower part of Laos.
For North South direction, air passenger flight is better choice. 2 hours flight time for 1700km helps.
Railway should be for cargo. Motorway is also completing.
A non-HSR development is ongoing. If they choose HSR, the Japanese would get the jobs.
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China is the largest trading nation in SEA. It makes sense to strengthen connectivity with the region. Vietnam loves our tech products and machinery.

We like their raw materials and textile.

Currently, an energy grid development is ongoing across China-VN border.

As long as there is VCP in Vietnam, China-VN trade is bound to grow further with the US accounting for a meager 3% in Vietnam's exports while Greater China (Mainland, HK, TW) commands a mighty 50%.
Vietnam has been building roads to Vientian and Lower part of Laos.
For North South direction, air passenger flight is better choice. 2 hours flight time for 1700km helps.
Railway should be for cargo. Motorway is also completing.
A non-HSR development is ongoing. If they choose HSR, the Japanese would get the jobs.

I doubt if Japan ever get a contract for HSR in Vietnam. Even Singapore - Kuala Lumpur line go to the Chinese. And Japanese railways find it extremely difficult to export Shinkansen, since it requires some strict conditions, like spare parts, to run system efficiently. Shinkansen train in Taiwan is a proof for the failure of choosing Japan tech, not because it is not high quality per se, but it is not suitable for export. If something broken, they need Japanese spares and Japanese experts to fix it. It is not feasible for any country.

Not to mention that Taiwan is far ahead of Vietnam in railways tech.

Just because of political reasons, now most people prefer Japan when talking about HSR. But when the real money issue emerges, I think they will consider again, unless the Japanese pays 100% for construction cost.
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I am not pro-HSR in Vietnam.
Vietnam has poor railway system, what we need is self construction of improved traditional railway to reach China level of traditional railway, average speed 120-150km

Instead of HSR, the combination of air passenger and motorway are ok.

HCMC assigned Japan as contractor for all metro projects. Only 1 of 8 lines in Hanoi won by China company
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I am not pro-HSR in Vietnam.
Vietnam has poor railway system, what we need is self construction of improved traditional railway to reach China level of traditional railway, average speed 120-150km

Instead of HSR, the combination of air passenger and motorway are ok.

HCMC assigned Japan as contractor for all metro projects. Only 1 of 8 lines in Hanoi won by China company
Lol. Because the Japanese are the only one who agrees to finance the projects. The rest of the bidders all want the viet to pay cash for it. One metro line in Hanoi is being built by Chinese contractor; guess what? That line is being financed by china.

Lol. Because the Japanese are the only one who agrees to finance the projects. The rest of the bidders all want the viet to pay cash for it. One metro line in Hanoi is being built by Chinese contractor; guess what? That line is being financed by china.

On the side note, Vietnam building metro lines in Saigon is extremely inefficient to improve traffic. A 2-billion 12-mile metro line can only transfer a few folks. Instead of building a metro line, they can build another boulevard that costs just $500 million to better lessen the traffic jam.
Lol. Because the Japanese are the only one who agrees to finance the projects. The rest of the bidders all want the viet to pay cash for it. One metro line in Hanoi is being built by Chinese contractor; guess what? That line is being financed by china.

On the side note, Vietnam building metro lines in Saigon is extremely inefficient to improve traffic. A 2-billion 12-mile metro line can only transfer a few folks. Instead of building a metro line, they can build another boulevard that costs just $500 million to better lessen the traffic jam.

Building more roads (or even bigger roads with more lanes) don't solve the problem that a subway line could... just go to Los Angeles and you know what i mean. You will be in traffic everyday. there's no traffic on subway lines, trains come on time, you get to your destination on time, and its way safer (FYI 40,000 motor deaths each year in the USA, no amount of train crashes can reach those numbers). Subway lines are way more efficient, your not running one train at a time.. your running a train every 10 minutes max like in NYC. Plus not everyone wants to drive, it sucks when your sitting in traffic and stretching your commute to 1 hour every morning.
Lol. Because the Japanese are the only one who agrees to finance the projects. The rest of the bidders all want the viet to pay cash for it. One metro line in Hanoi is being built by Chinese contractor; guess what? That line is being financed by china.

On the side note, Vietnam building metro lines in Saigon is extremely inefficient to improve traffic. A 2-billion 12-mile metro line can only transfer a few folks. Instead of building a metro line, they can build another boulevard that costs just $500 million to better lessen the traffic jam.

Can't agree with you.

Metro in non-US cities is advanced, comfortable, precisely punctual like clock work, frequent, in most cases. I think you have lived in US for too long. And have you heard every subway station is also a commercial complex attracting investment?

I've been to both Hanoi and Saigon, if the metro construction cannot keep in pace with the growing number of cars and expansion of suburbs, the situation will be only getting worse.....No matter how many boulevards or suburban expressways to be built.


My city has more expressways than an american "super city"....

Lol. Because the Japanese are the only one who agrees to finance the projects. The rest of the bidders all want the viet to pay cash for it. One metro line in Hanoi is being built by Chinese contractor; guess what? That line is being financed by china.

On the side note, Vietnam building metro lines in Saigon is extremely inefficient to improve traffic. A 2-billion 12-mile metro line can only transfer a few folks. Instead of building a metro line, they can build another boulevard that costs just $500 million to better lessen the traffic jam.

You are wrong. Not depend on the Japanese or Chinese but Vietnamese decision, namely National Assembly. Once Vietnam agreed, we have to pay, and we aren't ready to pay for such a big loan even in the future.

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