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Terrorism: An Ideology or a Conspiracy


Oct 19, 2008
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Terrorism: An Ideology or a Conspiracy

Tuesday June 01, 2010 (1105 PST)

Apart from over 240 suicide attacks, there have been “2284 bomb blasts” all over the country ever since 2001. These terrorist attacks killed over 27000 people. More recently, these terrorists have attacked on the two mosques of the Ahmadis in Lahore, killing over 95 persons and injuring more than 100, all gathered for the collective prayers on Friday. In a way they created an impression that minorities in Pakistan are being tormented, unsafe and that Government has failed to protect them.

Earlier through isolated incidents some terrorists tried to victimise the Christian, Sikh and Hindu communities too. Besides, these terrorists tried to exploit the sectarian divide between various sects of the Muslims. There have been substantial attacks on the religious gathering of both schools of thoughts particularly on the eve of Yoom-i-Ashoor (10th Muharrum) or on the eve of Eid-i-Miladun Nabi (12th Rabi-ul-Awal). Through repeated attacks, these terrorists tried their best to provoke Sunnis against Shias and minorities against majorities and vice versa.

This is not the end; these terrorists have not spared thousands of others, who neither have any religious, sectarian or ethnic connections. In summary, Mosques, Imam Barghas, social gatherings, business places, government installations, security forces, families and even innocent kids have been brutality targeted by the terrorists. The question arises, who are they? What are their future designs? Do they have some ideology or just creating a law and order situation? Are they loyal to Pakistan or the Muslim Ummah. And who is behind them? In the succeeding paragraphs, I will make an endeavour to reply these queries briefly.

There are two schools of thoughts having their independent opinions about the true motives and future designs of these terrorists. The dominant school of thought opines that these terrorists are indeed, the instrument in the hands of a few intelligence agencies of some regional and global powers, who intend creating a state of anarchy in Pakistan by creating internal scare and lawlessness. By doing so these external powers aims to attain two main objectives. Firstly; keeps Pakistan battling within its internal fronts, rather presenting a unified force against any external pressure and strengthening the country economically and politically. In this way, it would be easy to influence the country by regional and global powers for their own gains.

Internally instable Pakistan would not be able to create hurdles for these anti Pakistan forces, particularly those having the hegemonic designs.

Furthermore, creating internal disturbances means, economic crumbling of the country. Economically weak Pakistan would be looking for the financial assistance either from the international monetary institutions or the rich countries in order to meet its needs. An economically dependent country would readily fulfil the demands of powerful countries even at the cost of its own interests.

Secondly; the nuclear arsenals of Pakistan are a constant headache for the rest of the world, especially US led West, India and Israel. Through this internal instability, Pakistan is being constantly reminded that its nuclear programme can be easily accessed by these terrorists, who can later use them for international terrorism, thus presenting a global threat. This whole exercise would mean that Pakistan would be subsequently compelled to do away with its nuclear arsenals. Or at an appropriate time frame, it would be asked to give its nuclear weapons under the custody of international community.

The second school of thought has entirely a different view point about the terrorists. They perhaps believe that these terrorists are the followers of an ideology, the Islamic ideology. They want to create the Islamic state(s) in the current areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan. This Islamic state(s) would be governed through the rules of Caliphates or the Amir-ul-Momineen. There would be supremacy of the Quranic laws, rather the man made constitutions, as being practiced in Pakistan and Afghanistan. This school of thought considered this militancy as the Jihad for the ultimate establishment of the Muslim Caliphate. This school of thought visualize that Islamic governments in Pakistan and Afghanistan would be the first step. In the subsequent steps, there would be a series of the Islamic governments all over. Initially, in the current Muslim world and later rest of the world would be incorporated in it.

Both philosophies have their own logics. Both have sufficient evidences to support their arguments. But what seems to be more close to the reality is the earlier dominant school of thought. The arguments for that are; had these militants been the followers of the Islamic ideology, they would not have committed themselves in the massacre of thousands of Muslims mostly the innocent ones. In Islamic teaching, killing an innocent human being is like killing the whole humanity. And this innocent human being does not mean a Muslim only. Indeed, Islam is a universal religion thus does not allow massacre of any none-Muslim even. Jihad is allowed only under certain pre-conditions and set-rules, to be decided by the government of the time. It is not a general massacre, the way these terrorists are portraying through killing of people all around.

How is possible that followers of the Islamic ideology commit such a heavy massacre of women, children, elderly people and even those who have been killed while offering prayers. As regard the killing of the minorities is concerned, Islam and the constitution of Pakistan provide the guarantees for the safety and security of its minority. Therefore, all acts by these terrorists are nothing except a conspiracy against the state of Pakistan and Islam. The pattern being followed against the state of Pakistan is exactly like the one Britain and France devised to disintegrate the Ottoman Empire during World War-I. These two powers of WW-I, conspired against the Ottoman Empire through local Muslims of the empire in 1915/16.

Sharif Hussein Bin Ali, also known as the Sharif of Mecca, than Governor of Hejaz was induced by the military and diplomatic high-ups of these countries to side with them against the then rulers of the Muslim empire. Through a secret agreement, Sharif Hussain was offered by the confidential negotiators that, he would be given a major chunk of the Arab land to rule as a reward of his assistance to crumble the Muslim Empire. He was financially supported by these powers to revolt against the Muslim Empire. Sharif Hussain did everything desired by the UK and France, but did not get in return, whatever he was promise. The current states of the Middle East indeed came into being through the balkanization of the Ottoman Empire.

These militants, akin to people like Sharif Hussain, are now playing in the hands of external powers to destabilize Pakistan. They are fully funded by the powers located outside Pakistan for their desired objectives. They are not followers of Islamic ideology, rather being used to destabilize Pakistan for the cause of forces behind them. It is now the responsibility of the media and intellectual class and academia in general to create awareness among the general masses regarding the true intents of these terrorists. Let’s identify Sharif Hussains, Mir Sadiqs and Mir Jaffars for their eventual rooting out from the Pakistani society. This is the only way we can serve Pakistan better.
Terrorism: An Ideology or a Conspiracy

Tuesday June 01, 2010 (1105 PST)

Apart from over 240 suicide attacks, there have been “2284 bomb blasts” all over the country ever since 2001. These terrorist attacks killed over 27000 people. More recently, these terrorists have attacked on the two mosques of the Ahmadis in Lahore, killing over 95 persons and injuring more than 100, all gathered for the collective prayers on Friday. In a way they created an impression that minorities in Pakistan are being tormented, unsafe and that Government has failed to protect them.

Earlier through isolated incidents some terrorists tried to victimise the Christian, Sikh and Hindu communities too. Besides, these terrorists tried to exploit the sectarian divide between various sects of the Muslims. There have been substantial attacks on the religious gathering of both schools of thoughts particularly on the eve of Yoom-i-Ashoor (10th Muharrum) or on the eve of Eid-i-Miladun Nabi (12th Rabi-ul-Awal). Through repeated attacks, these terrorists tried their best to provoke Sunnis against Shias and minorities against majorities and vice versa.

This is not the end; these terrorists have not spared thousands of others, who neither have any religious, sectarian or ethnic connections. In summary, Mosques, Imam Barghas, social gatherings, business places, government installations, security forces, families and even innocent kids have been brutality targeted by the terrorists. The question arises, who are they? What are their future designs? Do they have some ideology or just creating a law and order situation? Are they loyal to Pakistan or the Muslim Ummah. And who is behind them? In the succeeding paragraphs, I will make an endeavour to reply these queries briefly.

There are two schools of thoughts having their independent opinions about the true motives and future designs of these terrorists. The dominant school of thought opines that these terrorists are indeed, the instrument in the hands of a few intelligence agencies of some regional and global powers, who intend creating a state of anarchy in Pakistan by creating internal scare and lawlessness. By doing so these external powers aims to attain two main objectives. Firstly; keeps Pakistan battling within its internal fronts, rather presenting a unified force against any external pressure and strengthening the country economically and politically. In this way, it would be easy to influence the country by regional and global powers for their own gains.

Internally instable Pakistan would not be able to create hurdles for these anti Pakistan forces, particularly those having the hegemonic designs.

Furthermore, creating internal disturbances means, economic crumbling of the country. Economically weak Pakistan would be looking for the financial assistance either from the international monetary institutions or the rich countries in order to meet its needs. An economically dependent country would readily fulfil the demands of powerful countries even at the cost of its own interests.

Secondly; the nuclear arsenals of Pakistan are a constant headache for the rest of the world, especially US led West, India and Israel. Through this internal instability, Pakistan is being constantly reminded that its nuclear programme can be easily accessed by these terrorists, who can later use them for international terrorism, thus presenting a global threat. This whole exercise would mean that Pakistan would be subsequently compelled to do away with its nuclear arsenals. Or at an appropriate time frame, it would be asked to give its nuclear weapons under the custody of international community.

The second school of thought has entirely a different view point about the terrorists. They perhaps believe that these terrorists are the followers of an ideology, the Islamic ideology. They want to create the Islamic state(s) in the current areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan. This Islamic state(s) would be governed through the rules of Caliphates or the Amir-ul-Momineen. There would be supremacy of the Quranic laws, rather the man made constitutions, as being practiced in Pakistan and Afghanistan. This school of thought considered this militancy as the Jihad for the ultimate establishment of the Muslim Caliphate. This school of thought visualize that Islamic governments in Pakistan and Afghanistan would be the first step. In the subsequent steps, there would be a series of the Islamic governments all over. Initially, in the current Muslim world and later rest of the world would be incorporated in it.

Both philosophies have their own logics. Both have sufficient evidences to support their arguments. But what seems to be more close to the reality is the earlier dominant school of thought. The arguments for that are; had these militants been the followers of the Islamic ideology, they would not have committed themselves in the massacre of thousands of Muslims mostly the innocent ones. In Islamic teaching, killing an innocent human being is like killing the whole humanity. And this innocent human being does not mean a Muslim only. Indeed, Islam is a universal religion thus does not allow massacre of any none-Muslim even. Jihad is allowed only under certain pre-conditions and set-rules, to be decided by the government of the time. It is not a general massacre, the way these terrorists are portraying through killing of people all around.

How is possible that followers of the Islamic ideology commit such a heavy massacre of women, children, elderly people and even those who have been killed while offering prayers. As regard the killing of the minorities is concerned, Islam and the constitution of Pakistan provide the guarantees for the safety and security of its minority. Therefore, all acts by these terrorists are nothing except a conspiracy against the state of Pakistan and Islam. The pattern being followed against the state of Pakistan is exactly like the one Britain and France devised to disintegrate the Ottoman Empire during World War-I. These two powers of WW-I, conspired against the Ottoman Empire through local Muslims of the empire in 1915/16.

Sharif Hussein Bin Ali, also known as the Sharif of Mecca, than Governor of Hejaz was induced by the military and diplomatic high-ups of these countries to side with them against the then rulers of the Muslim empire. Through a secret agreement, Sharif Hussain was offered by the confidential negotiators that, he would be given a major chunk of the Arab land to rule as a reward of his assistance to crumble the Muslim Empire. He was financially supported by these powers to revolt against the Muslim Empire. Sharif Hussain did everything desired by the UK and France, but did not get in return, whatever he was promise. The current states of the Middle East indeed came into being through the balkanization of the Ottoman Empire.

These militants, akin to people like Sharif Hussain, are now playing in the hands of external powers to destabilize Pakistan. They are fully funded by the powers located outside Pakistan for their desired objectives. They are not followers of Islamic ideology, rather being used to destabilize Pakistan for the cause of forces behind them. It is now the responsibility of the media and intellectual class and academia in general to create awareness among the general masses regarding the true intents of these terrorists. Let’s identify Sharif Hussains, Mir Sadiqs and Mir Jaffars for their eventual rooting out from the Pakistani society. This is the only way we can serve Pakistan better.

This Article took my interest greatly because that is one of the reason of being in this forum, the question of Terrorism?

Interms of ideology or Conspiracy you have started, but there is no link for me to look up, so I would appreciate a link for my judgement. And as being a senior member I am surprised that you would not post this....

This Article took my interest greatly because that is one of the reason of being in this forum, the question of Terrorism?

Interms of ideology or Conspiracy you have started, but there is no link for me to look up, so I would appreciate a link for my judgement. And as being a senior member I am surprised that you would not post this....


Thanks for comments
Pakistan News Service - PakTribune
This Article took my interest greatly because that is one of the reason of being in this forum, the question of Terrorism?

Interms of ideology or Conspiracy you have started, but there is no link for me to look up, so I would appreciate a link for my judgement. And as being a senior member I am surprised that you would not post this....


here you go
Terrorism: An Ideology or a Conspiracy | Pakistan Daily
there has to be an End to this. With Economy crumbling,Our Army dying and sucide bombings and bomb blasts rising with no end to drone strikes in sight, Pakistan is tottering towards a state of anarchy.
The Cuban cigar smoking generals should realize that its time they stop serving there idols in DC. Going ahead with this War will only land us in a more ugly situation. Not to speak of the true desires of our jingoistic and hostile neighbor.
In my view pakistan has a problem of dangerance mix of religion and politics with
slow economy.
Terrorism: An Ideology or a Conspiracy

Tuesday June 01, 2010 (1105 PST)

Apart from over 240 suicide attacks, there have been “2284 bomb blasts” all over the country ever since 2001. These terrorist attacks killed over 27000 people. More recently, these terrorists have attacked on the two mosques of the Ahmadis in Lahore, killing over 95 persons and injuring more than 100, all gathered for the collective prayers on Friday. In a way they created an impression that minorities in Pakistan are being tormented, unsafe and that Government has failed to protect them.

Earlier through isolated incidents some terrorists tried to victimise the Christian, Sikh and Hindu communities too. Besides, these terrorists tried to exploit the sectarian divide between various sects of the Muslims. There have been substantial attacks on the religious gathering of both schools of thoughts particularly on the eve of Yoom-i-Ashoor (10th Muharrum) or on the eve of Eid-i-Miladun Nabi (12th Rabi-ul-Awal). Through repeated attacks, these terrorists tried their best to provoke Sunnis against Shias and minorities against majorities and vice versa.

This is not the end; these terrorists have not spared thousands of others, who neither have any religious, sectarian or ethnic connections. In summary, Mosques, Imam Barghas, social gatherings, business places, government installations, security forces, families and even innocent kids have been brutality targeted by the terrorists. The question arises, who are they? What are their future designs? Do they have some ideology or just creating a law and order situation? Are they loyal to Pakistan or the Muslim Ummah. And who is behind them? In the succeeding paragraphs, I will make an endeavour to reply these queries briefly.

There are two schools of thoughts having their independent opinions about the true motives and future designs of these terrorists. The dominant school of thought opines that these terrorists are indeed, the instrument in the hands of a few intelligence agencies of some regional and global powers, who intend creating a state of anarchy in Pakistan by creating internal scare and lawlessness. By doing so these external powers aims to attain two main objectives. Firstly; keeps Pakistan battling within its internal fronts, rather presenting a unified force against any external pressure and strengthening the country economically and politically. In this way, it would be easy to influence the country by regional and global powers for their own gains.

Internally instable Pakistan would not be able to create hurdles for these anti Pakistan forces, particularly those having the hegemonic designs.

Furthermore, creating internal disturbances means, economic crumbling of the country. Economically weak Pakistan would be looking for the financial assistance either from the international monetary institutions or the rich countries in order to meet its needs. An economically dependent country would readily fulfil the demands of powerful countries even at the cost of its own interests.

Secondly; the nuclear arsenals of Pakistan are a constant headache for the rest of the world, especially US led West, India and Israel. Through this internal instability, Pakistan is being constantly reminded that its nuclear programme can be easily accessed by these terrorists, who can later use them for international terrorism, thus presenting a global threat. This whole exercise would mean that Pakistan would be subsequently compelled to do away with its nuclear arsenals. Or at an appropriate time frame, it would be asked to give its nuclear weapons under the custody of international community.

The second school of thought has entirely a different view point about the terrorists. They perhaps believe that these terrorists are the followers of an ideology, the Islamic ideology. They want to create the Islamic state(s) in the current areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan. This Islamic state(s) would be governed through the rules of Caliphates or the Amir-ul-Momineen. There would be supremacy of the Quranic laws, rather the man made constitutions, as being practiced in Pakistan and Afghanistan. This school of thought considered this militancy as the Jihad for the ultimate establishment of the Muslim Caliphate. This school of thought visualize that Islamic governments in Pakistan and Afghanistan would be the first step. In the subsequent steps, there would be a series of the Islamic governments all over. Initially, in the current Muslim world and later rest of the world would be incorporated in it.

Both philosophies have their own logics. Both have sufficient evidences to support their arguments. But what seems to be more close to the reality is the earlier dominant school of thought. The arguments for that are; had these militants been the followers of the Islamic ideology, they would not have committed themselves in the massacre of thousands of Muslims mostly the innocent ones. In Islamic teaching, killing an innocent human being is like killing the whole humanity. And this innocent human being does not mean a Muslim only. Indeed, Islam is a universal religion thus does not allow massacre of any none-Muslim even. Jihad is allowed only under certain pre-conditions and set-rules, to be decided by the government of the time. It is not a general massacre, the way these terrorists are portraying through killing of people all around.

How is possible that followers of the Islamic ideology commit such a heavy massacre of women, children, elderly people and even those who have been killed while offering prayers. As regard the killing of the minorities is concerned, Islam and the constitution of Pakistan provide the guarantees for the safety and security of its minority. Therefore, all acts by these terrorists are nothing except a conspiracy against the state of Pakistan and Islam. The pattern being followed against the state of Pakistan is exactly like the one Britain and France devised to disintegrate the Ottoman Empire during World War-I. These two powers of WW-I, conspired against the Ottoman Empire through local Muslims of the empire in 1915/16.

Sharif Hussein Bin Ali, also known as the Sharif of Mecca, than Governor of Hejaz was induced by the military and diplomatic high-ups of these countries to side with them against the then rulers of the Muslim empire. Through a secret agreement, Sharif Hussain was offered by the confidential negotiators that, he would be given a major chunk of the Arab land to rule as a reward of his assistance to crumble the Muslim Empire. He was financially supported by these powers to revolt against the Muslim Empire. Sharif Hussain did everything desired by the UK and France, but did not get in return, whatever he was promise. The current states of the Middle East indeed came into being through the balkanization of the Ottoman Empire.

These militants, akin to people like Sharif Hussain, are now playing in the hands of external powers to destabilize Pakistan. They are fully funded by the powers located outside Pakistan for their desired objectives. They are not followers of Islamic ideology, rather being used to destabilize Pakistan for the cause of forces behind them. It is now the responsibility of the media and intellectual class and academia in general to create awareness among the general masses regarding the true intents of these terrorists. Let’s identify Sharif Hussains, Mir Sadiqs and Mir Jaffars for their eventual rooting out from the Pakistani society. This is the only way we can serve Pakistan better.

Yet another shallow analytical piece. Probably the summary of an evening debate of the networks in Pakistan curretly I guess.

No objectivity about what is the genesis of these terrorist groups, their histories, their evolution, their support structure, their ever morphing objectives & their modus operandi.

Somehow I have a feeling that every analyst in Pakistan thinks that this terrorism battle is a set piece while forgetting the progression of this threat since 2001 in to where it is today because a set piece is easy to contribute to a conspiracy which incidently is the most important part of establishing the flavor of the season in Pakistan = a mode of total denial of looking thru the real problem = Religious intolerance and utter disregard to the minorities being encouraged by the Government of Pakistan.
Well for you guy, you must prove who is this R M Khan to write this article for me to defend..

It looks like it is a made up name..


The logic is quit valid.. i believe in it why, coz i witness all which has been mentioned i have seen my innocent countrymen dying without any reason in this purposeless war.No matter how much you bleed yourself there will never be a guarantee of a strengthening Pak-US relations. There will always be something for them to whine and blame at Pakistan forcing it to indulge in an open end conflict thus resulting in an anarchy and lawlessness. Going the American way is simply not an option anymore..:agree:
Yet another shallow analytical piece. Probably the summary of an evening debate of the networks in Pakistan curretly I guess.

No objectivity about what is the genesis of these terrorist groups, their histories, their evolution, their support structure, their ever morphing objectives & their modus operandi.

Somehow I have a feeling that every analyst in Pakistan thinks that this terrorism battle is a set piece while forgetting the progression of this threat since 2001 in to where it is today because a set piece is easy to contribute to a conspiracy which incidently is the most important part of establishing the flavor of the season in Pakistan = a mode of total denial of looking thru the real problem = Religious intolerance and utter disregard to the minorities being encouraged by the Government of Pakistan.

are you blind to see the contribution PA made in this war. Dont you see the Havoc through which our Nation is going through with every sunrise bringing a new tale of barbarism, and Yet Pakistan is constantly being pressurized by DC for facing severe consequences if it fails to act upon its growing demands

This is an expensive WAR with huge cost both interms of economy,Military strength and above all Human life. Conspiracy or not.. This War is destroying Pakistan :agree:
are you blind to see the contribution PA made in this war. Dont you see the Havoc through which our Nation is going through with every sunrise bringing a new tale of barbarism,.......

I am neither blind to the situation nor sporting blinkers my friend. Both are necessary to not be the case.

Nowhere did I deny that PA is making a contribution in fighting these terrorists today. The argument that I had put forth had more to do with the obsession with the conspiracy theories in Pakistani 2 penny analytical brigade, of which the article is also one product.

And while I appreciate what PA is currently doing to fight this scum, so as to pre-empt the next conspiracy theory, let us also be clear that it was PA that created Taliban, the jehadi network, the LeJ which was meant to spear the Iranians and a lot of other X e X or Y e Y type of terrorist groups.

Even to this day, in its love for the strategetictic drive, PA continues to espouse to the good taliban and the bad taliban theory which is another clear indication of the continued support of Pakistan to the version of these terrorists which are committing to profit Pakistan in future.

So the surprise that author is exhibiting is a Sham. That is what I meant.

....... and Yet Pakistan is constantly being pressurized by DC for facing severe consequences if it fails to act upon its growing demands

Pakistan will be pressurized bro. That is because these scum may or may not be a threat to you but they are surely a threat to the world. And why should the world accept damage from these terrorist organization that you may choose or not choose to allow to operate from your country and land?

There has to be accountability. Simple.

This is an expensive WAR with huge cost both interms of economy,Military strength and above all Human life. Conspiracy or not.. This War is destroying Pakistan :agree:

I agree that this war is hurting Pakistan in every which way it can as a nation. I also agree that it is an expensive war. But do you have a choice?

Can there be half measures here? And Pakistan does not fight this war, will there be victory against these terrorists then?
Both philosophies have their own logics. Both have sufficient evidences to support their arguments. But what seems to be more close to the reality is the earlier dominant school of thought. The arguments for that are; had these militants been the followers of the Islamic ideology, they would not have committed themselves in the massacre of thousands of Muslims mostly the innocent ones. In Islamic teaching, killing an innocent human being is like killing the whole humanity.

Dear ... even if first opinion is right ... still above quoted arguments are wrong. Even if all the terror planning is made outside, still the actual and front terrorists are insiders and they are Muslims. What really Islam teaches is not the thing to be discussed. Our earlier childhood Islamiat books introduced us a really tolerant view of Islamic Teachings. But many prominant Alims of our country do preach violance. Names of terrorists are like Maaz, Sajid and like etc. etc. Even if the it is a foreign planning,,, still the base camp is local. Foundation is local. Ignorance is local. At the most, it is a vast scale local ignorance ... which is effectively being exploited by foreigners.

This ignorance of our own society is like a tumer ... it is like a cancer (NASOOR) which has demaged all the beauty of our society. Even if we cut this tumer off .... how will we wash its bad impressions on the image of rest of society...???

If it is a foreign planning. We have no complaint with those foreigners. Because it is their task to de-stablize us. Hamain shikayet honi chahiye ghar k chiraghon se...!!!


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