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Tarek Fateh Goes to India and calls Indian Minorities Behanc*** and Terrorists

Well well well, it was fine when he was anti-Pakistan eh. You guys really put your hypocrisy right in the open for everyone to see. Claiming to be all objective, rational and whatnot. Posts like these fly in the face of that, when you like someone just because they are against a country you dislike or hate but start disliking that person once they dislike your country. That's basically the antithesis of objectivity and rationality.

Oh please save us this sanctimonious bs, what are you, in kindergarden? World is not some idealistic Utopia, of course I am being biased. Of course it was fine when he was anti Pakistani, its still fine, it will be fine as long as he doesn't poke his beak into India's internal issues.

And please don't lecture us about hypocrisy. Your's is a country which supports Kashmir and Palestine, as a state policy, but doesn't utter a word about Uyghurs and Kurds, just because Turkey and China happen to be "brotherly" nations.
I have heard a lots of his speeches. He praise Indian Muslims a lot and say that they can afford to say truth. What happened when Muslims tried to raise his voice in Syria and other places? He asked Muslims to speak truth and only truth. He asked Muslims to raise their voice against Mullahs and fundamentalist. He said that the voice should come from Muslims. I have never seen him abusing Indian Muslims or Islam. Now if somebody wants to confuse between what he spoke about Mullahs and false leadership of Mullahs and Indian Muslim than it is a different matter.
Anyway, this thread is not supposed be for Kashmir, it is my bad, i put reference in a different context. I would be happy to discuss with you in a different thread. Any loss or injury to human life is definitely not civil or no society would like to do it. But things in Kashmir is not as black and white as it is from your perspective. We can definitely discuss about it in a different thread.
Oh com'on. No matter what....

Shooting a child in the eye and raping young women are black as phuck. Unless you are a twisted fellow with no functioning brain, the least you could do is condemn such atrocities. Even if they are your worst enemies, how can one condone such barbarism done to little children at a massive scale?

Tariq Fatah is just sorry and sad case of intellectual dishonestly at its worst.
I never liked the guy. Even though I am right leaning, I didn't like it when the guy came to India and started telling Indian Muslims the do's and don'ts of being an Indian. It was ok till the anti Pakistan rhetoric, but now he is just crossing the line

You are not an Indian yourself, so stop handing out patriotism certificates to Indians, Muslims or otherwise. Internal politics of India is none of your concern.

I agree with you. He overreached. And got slapped. He will have to learn quickly. Or he will fizzle out and we will find someone else to taunt the Pakistanis with. How about that bald Baloch guy on Arnob? The one with the checked tweed jackets and irritating voice.
If you listen to his speeches they are all the same . Have the same pattern . 99 % of his speeches include things like '' Pakistan is a state of mind not a country '' '' People from UP came to Pakistan '' '' It will break up some day '' '' Balochistan was a seperate state before Pakistan invaded it '' '' Pakistan army is terrorist '' . Keeps on ranting the same sentences like a broken record
If you listen to his speeches they are all the same . Have the same pattern . 99 % of his speeches include things like '' Pakistan is a state of mind not a country '' '' People from UP came to Pakistan '' '' It will break up some day '' '' Balochistan was a seperate state before Pakistan invaded it '' '' Pakistan army is terrorist '' . Keeps on ranting the same sentences like a broken record

He has a serious issue with Pakistani identity because of the adoption of Urdu as your national language and (what he calls) the suppression of what it should always have been. Punjabi. He claims most Pakistani Punjabis are scared of speaking in Punjabi because of state writ and the younger generations are losing the language.
He claims most Pakistani Punjabis are scared of speaking in Punjabi because of state writ and the younger generations are losing the language.

More bullocks have never been spoken before . He just wants a reason to hate Pakistan .
He has a serious issue with Pakistani identity because of the adoption of Urdu as your national language and (what he calls) the suppression of what it should always have been. Punjabi. He claims most Pakistani Punjabis are scared of speaking in Punjabi because of state writ and the younger generations are losing the language.

First of all his daddy was born in Bombay, so he's not even Punjabi.

Second of all, I tried having a conversation with an Indian Punjabi on here the other day, and he couldn't even speak properly or use the right words.
More bullocks have never been spoken before . He just wants a reason to hate Pakistan .

Its a recurring theme I have noted in most of his TV appearances when he speaks to the guests from your side. In Punjabi. I do wonder though. Along with Urdu, why not Punjabi? Or even Sindhi, Baloch and Pashto (sp?). After all, these are way older than Urdu right?

First of all his daddy was born in Bombay, so he's not even Punjabi.

Second of all, I tried having a conversation with an Indian Punjabi on here the other day, and he couldn't even speak properly or use the right words.

Maybe the dialects are different and have become even more different in isolation over the past 70 odd years? I do notice that even when we say the exact same things, most of you spell it (the words) in English in a way very different to what we do. So its possible for Punjabi as well. Why across the border. Hindi is spoken differently across India, and most of us can make out where the other guy is from by listening to his Hindi. And in some cases, like (some/many) Bengalis, their English as well.
Its a recurring theme I have noted in most of his TV appearances when he speaks to the guests from your side. In Punjabi. I do wonder though. Along with Urdu, why not Punjabi? Or even Sindhi, Baloch and Pashto (sp?). After all, these are way older than Urdu right?

Maybe the dialects are different and have become even more different in isolation over the past 70 odd years? I do notice that even when we say the exact same things, most of you spell it (the words) in English in a way very different to what we do. So its possible for Punjabi as well. Why across the border. Hindi is spoken differently across India, and most of us can make out where the other guy is from by listening to his Hindi. And in some cases, like (some/many) Bengalis, their English as well.

Punjabi in India has gone through a Sanskrit make over. The oldest dialects of Punjabi are spoken in what is Pakistan today.
Its a recurring theme I have noted in most of his TV appearances when he speaks to the guests from your side. In Punjabi. I do wonder though. Along with Urdu, why not Punjabi? Or even Sindhi, Baloch and Pashto (sp?). After all, these are way older than Urdu right?

Urdu is a binding force for all Pakistanis . If they make Punjabi , Pashto , Sindhi or any Balochi it won't be acceptable to rest of the ethnicties . The very same reason Capital was shifted from Karachi to Islamabad in a neutral area .
تاریک فکحے المعروف ابلیس کی بیوہ پیسے کے لیے کچھ بھی کر سکتی ہے۔
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