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Are We going to War With Turkey?.

Malik Alashter

Feb 17, 2012
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United States
Iraq yesterday refuse a Turkish offer to help while yeldrim of Turkey threatens to take some steps on the Iraqi land without the Ok of Iraqi government!!!.
Iraq yesterday refuse a Turkish offer to help while yeldrim of Turkey threatens to take some steps on the Iraqi land without the Ok of Iraqi government!!!.

If you send refuge we will take our own measures, no more big talks and shit agreements. Going in to Iraq and settle perimitter, give the refugees save place in Iraq:-) what the golden army could'nt.
They set Daesh against Turkey. They set the Baghdad government against Turkey. They set the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and its Syrian offshoot Democratic Union Party (PYD) against Turkey. They are continuing to hit Turkey from Syrian and Iraqi territory. They turned the lands of the two countries in and anti-Turkey front through Daesh and the PKK/PYD and gave complete control of our borders to these organizations. They are not only making terrorist attacks from here; they are forming an anti-Turkey line from the Mediterranean to the Iranian border and trying to lock us within Anatolia.

Primarily Iran and the region's countries are in on this plan. Primarily the U.S. and almost all our allies are involved in this. As Aleppo is being buried in the ground, Mosul is being targeted with the excuse of an organization, a very dangerous game plan is being activated for the sectarian war, the Sunni organizations to resist this are being weakened, Turkey, they sole obstacle standing in front of the regionalization of the sectarian clashes, is tried to be pushed outside the region, they are making plans to eliminate whoever is close to Turkey.

Why did Baghdad target Nujaifi?

After the Tariq Hashimi example, an arrest warrant was also issued for former Mosul Governor and Hashd al-Watani (Nineveh Guards) Commander Atheel al-Nujaifi. The Baghdad administration that handed a death sentence to First Vice President Hashimi is now applying the same to Nujaifi and trying to incriminate him with treachery, claiming that he is cooperating with Turkey. The issue is not his cooperating with Turkey. The issue is to eliminate everyone who may stand against the sectarian war plan.

The U.S. is making this plan. Baghdad is making this plan. Iran is making this plan. A region map is being processed through sectarian identity and Mosul is probably going to be the biggest victims of this plan. Because in all the scenarios played out through sectarian identity to date, the winners were the U.S. and Iran. All the dirty plans behind the Mosul operation were revealed just as the fight against Daesh started turning into a deception, a stage.

Turkey must give very harsh responses

All attempts aimed at arresting and eliminating Nujaifi should receive a very harsh response. Military interventions targeting Mosul and Sunnis should be intervened very strongly. As the region's central country, Turkey should respond to the identity wars, oil wars, the sharing wars over Syria and Iraq, directly and without any hesitation. Because once they reach their goal, there will be nothing left for Turkey to do.

We need to ask, weren't the U.S., the Baghdad government fighting against Daesh together with Nujaifi and his Nineveh Guards? Weren't Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) leader Masoud Barzani's Peshmerga and Nujaifi's forces going to join the coalition and prove that the Mosul issue is not a sectarian matter?

Apparently the issue has nothing to do with Daesh. It is those who put Daesh there, who withdrew thousands of Iraqi soldiers from Mosul in one night that set this game too. Mosul is going to be invaded through Iran-axis militias with sectarian motivation and Baghdad's soldiers who give prominence to the Shiite identity and then thrown into the lion's den. Those who advise us and the people of Mosul to just watch are also organizing anti-Turkey demonstrations in Baghdad to frighten us.

What a simple scenario, what an amateurishly prepared play!

Mosul-Aleppo line: Before that war moves to Anatolia

As soon as the map wars currently continuing on Syrian-Iraqi lands are concluded, that war is going to move to Anatolia. There is no doubt about it. Because the eventual target of all the crises in the region is Turkey. The big target is Turkey. We saw this on July 15, too. We can figure this out from the course of all the crises in the region.

Therefore, Turkey needs to expand its area of intervention and never step back until all the terrorist elements and foreign elements in the north of the Mosul-Aleppo line are eliminated. No international formula, no multinational deal is going to provide us security like these interventions will. Turkey must take military steps looking entirely at the region's realities, at future-oriented scenarios.

Let the bargaining table be set after us

Let international law follow after us. Let multinational tables be set after we have intervened. Let there be threats and statements all over. Let there be those fussing on the inside saying, “Turkey is being dragged into a quagmire.” There is such a void, such ambiguity that whoever takes a step will make a gain.

If we want to secure this country's future, if we feel this historic responsibility on our shoulders and in our hearts, if we have not given up on out millennium-long claim, then we have to ruin this big game. There is no alternative whatsoever. We have no luxury to seek truth or justifications beyond what is happening around us.

The active intervention policy we applied after July 15, the new defense concept, might perhaps save this country's centuries. It will narrow the area of their global invasion plans aimed not only at Turkey but the entire region and negate their plans to turn all countries in the city states.

The Nujaifi decision is reason to intervene in Tal Afar

They know this. They know very well what Turkey wants to do, what it has to do and what it is capable of doing. Hence, they have stopped fighting Daesh and mobilized all their means to preventing Turkey. They are targeting whoever is close to Ankara; they are trying to eliminate the persons and circles we are in contact with in the region. This is the reason for the “attack” aimed at Nujaifi.

Wherever we have an area of intervention; that is where they are reinforcing. The plan to siege through the PKK/PYD failed. But they are attacking through the PYD to stop us from intervening in Afrin. They are attacking though the PYD to prevent us from approaching Aleppo. Next, they are going to attack through Tal Abyad, because they know that Turkey's intervention there is an obligation and that it is going to be done. They know that Turkey, which they are trying to keep away from Mosul, can intervene in Tal Afar in cooperation with Nujaifi and the people of the region. They are trying to leave the Turkmens there defenseless and keep Turkey away.

These three regions should also be intervened

So what should we do, what should be our road map?

1. We must spread the Euphrates Shield model along the entire band stretching from the Mediterranean to the Iranian border. We need to conduct the same intervention that was started from Jarabulus with the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in this context from three more regions.

2. Intervention on Afrin and clearing the PKK/PYD from this region. Clearing the area closest to the Mediterranean from terror and anti-Turkey elements. This is why the PKK-PYD started attacking from the Afrin area. Airstrikes targeting Syria's PKK the previous night are, in this sense, extremely important developments.

3. Another similar break-through operation needs to be launched from Tal Abyad. A military offensive that will hit the terror corridor from the heart and prevent demographic elimination, is mandatory both for Turkey's security and the security of the region's people.

4. Turkey should do the same on Iraqi territory by intervening in Tal Afar. The Turkmens and Sunnis need to be stopped from being sacrificed to a sectarian war.

The latest decision aimed at Nujaifi may set the ground for such an intervention. Even if not this, Tal Afar is under threat, there may be massacres in this region, too, like Mosul.

No country will be able to wage war against Turkey

Turkey has no choice but to make the most serious decisions since the founding of the Republic, join the most in-depth military operations and put forth its own map while the maps are being re-designed after 90 years. No element that is an enemy of Turkey should be allowed to settle or take shelter between the Mediterranean and Iran, north of the Aleppo-Mosul line.

This is our road map. Maybe the realities of today render this map obligatory more than the national oath. The likelihood of a power standing up against Turkey is very weak. No country has the luxury to wage a war against Turkey.

The Crusades are on again

I will repeat: We must intervene in these three areas. Let the bargaining tables be set after these interventions. Then, Turkey will be the one to dominate that table. Today's history will not be written in the future based on today's discussions. It will be written based on more integrative scenarios.

And it will be written that the attacks coming from outside in the broad sense are a “Crusades Attack.” The incidents recently happening in our region will be noted as a part of “The Crusades Wars.”

I believe that we are going to see a Turkey that makes sudden and surprising moves from now on.
If you send refuge we will take our own measures, no more big talks and shit agreements. Going in to Iraq and settle perimitter, give the refugees save place in Iraq:-) what the golden army could'nt.
Seriously , we love our Iraqi brothers and sisters. They are always welcome in our homes.
But please keep the terrorists types out of our broders!!! @Malik Alashter
Seriously , we love our Iraqi brothers and sisters. They are always welcome in our homes.
But please keep the terrorists types out of our broders!!! @Malik Alashter

Of course they are welcome, but not as a refugee. You have the shelter and give them food, millions mouth to feed. We don't have oil and we are not that rich. Look to that rich Arap countries, how much millions Syrian did they shelter? Non, send some money and open baracks for that poor people and you will read that they have helped:-).
They set Daesh against Turkey. They set the Baghdad government against Turkey. They set the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and its Syrian offshoot Democratic Union Party (PYD) against Turkey. They are continuing to hit Turkey from Syrian and Iraqi territory. They turned the lands of the two countries in and anti-Turkey front through Daesh and the PKK/PYD and gave complete control of our borders to these organizations. They are not only making terrorist attacks from here; they are forming an anti-Turkey line from the Mediterranean to the Iranian border and trying to lock us within Anatolia.

Primarily Iran and the region's countries are in on this plan. Primarily the U.S. and almost all our allies are involved in this. As Aleppo is being buried in the ground, Mosul is being targeted with the excuse of an organization, a very dangerous game plan is being activated for the sectarian war, the Sunni organizations to resist this are being weakened, Turkey, they sole obstacle standing in front of the regionalization of the sectarian clashes, is tried to be pushed outside the region, they are making plans to eliminate whoever is close to Turkey.

Why did Baghdad target Nujaifi?

After the Tariq Hashimi example, an arrest warrant was also issued for former Mosul Governor and Hashd al-Watani (Nineveh Guards) Commander Atheel al-Nujaifi. The Baghdad administration that handed a death sentence to First Vice President Hashimi is now applying the same to Nujaifi and trying to incriminate him with treachery, claiming that he is cooperating with Turkey. The issue is not his cooperating with Turkey. The issue is to eliminate everyone who may stand against the sectarian war plan.

The U.S. is making this plan. Baghdad is making this plan. Iran is making this plan. A region map is being processed through sectarian identity and Mosul is probably going to be the biggest victims of this plan. Because in all the scenarios played out through sectarian identity to date, the winners were the U.S. and Iran. All the dirty plans behind the Mosul operation were revealed just as the fight against Daesh started turning into a deception, a stage.

Turkey must give very harsh responses

All attempts aimed at arresting and eliminating Nujaifi should receive a very harsh response. Military interventions targeting Mosul and Sunnis should be intervened very strongly. As the region's central country, Turkey should respond to the identity wars, oil wars, the sharing wars over Syria and Iraq, directly and without any hesitation. Because once they reach their goal, there will be nothing left for Turkey to do.

We need to ask, weren't the U.S., the Baghdad government fighting against Daesh together with Nujaifi and his Nineveh Guards? Weren't Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) leader Masoud Barzani's Peshmerga and Nujaifi's forces going to join the coalition and prove that the Mosul issue is not a sectarian matter?

Apparently the issue has nothing to do with Daesh. It is those who put Daesh there, who withdrew thousands of Iraqi soldiers from Mosul in one night that set this game too. Mosul is going to be invaded through Iran-axis militias with sectarian motivation and Baghdad's soldiers who give prominence to the Shiite identity and then thrown into the lion's den. Those who advise us and the people of Mosul to just watch are also organizing anti-Turkey demonstrations in Baghdad to frighten us.

What a simple scenario, what an amateurishly prepared play!

Mosul-Aleppo line: Before that war moves to Anatolia

As soon as the map wars currently continuing on Syrian-Iraqi lands are concluded, that war is going to move to Anatolia. There is no doubt about it. Because the eventual target of all the crises in the region is Turkey. The big target is Turkey. We saw this on July 15, too. We can figure this out from the course of all the crises in the region.

Therefore, Turkey needs to expand its area of intervention and never step back until all the terrorist elements and foreign elements in the north of the Mosul-Aleppo line are eliminated. No international formula, no multinational deal is going to provide us security like these interventions will. Turkey must take military steps looking entirely at the region's realities, at future-oriented scenarios.

Let the bargaining table be set after us

Let international law follow after us. Let multinational tables be set after we have intervened. Let there be threats and statements all over. Let there be those fussing on the inside saying, “Turkey is being dragged into a quagmire.” There is such a void, such ambiguity that whoever takes a step will make a gain.

If we want to secure this country's future, if we feel this historic responsibility on our shoulders and in our hearts, if we have not given up on out millennium-long claim, then we have to ruin this big game. There is no alternative whatsoever. We have no luxury to seek truth or justifications beyond what is happening around us.

The active intervention policy we applied after July 15, the new defense concept, might perhaps save this country's centuries. It will narrow the area of their global invasion plans aimed not only at Turkey but the entire region and negate their plans to turn all countries in the city states.

The Nujaifi decision is reason to intervene in Tal Afar

They know this. They know very well what Turkey wants to do, what it has to do and what it is capable of doing. Hence, they have stopped fighting Daesh and mobilized all their means to preventing Turkey. They are targeting whoever is close to Ankara; they are trying to eliminate the persons and circles we are in contact with in the region. This is the reason for the “attack” aimed at Nujaifi.

Wherever we have an area of intervention; that is where they are reinforcing. The plan to siege through the PKK/PYD failed. But they are attacking through the PYD to stop us from intervening in Afrin. They are attacking though the PYD to prevent us from approaching Aleppo. Next, they are going to attack through Tal Abyad, because they know that Turkey's intervention there is an obligation and that it is going to be done. They know that Turkey, which they are trying to keep away from Mosul, can intervene in Tal Afar in cooperation with Nujaifi and the people of the region. They are trying to leave the Turkmens there defenseless and keep Turkey away.

These three regions should also be intervened

So what should we do, what should be our road map?

1. We must spread the Euphrates Shield model along the entire band stretching from the Mediterranean to the Iranian border. We need to conduct the same intervention that was started from Jarabulus with the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in this context from three more regions.

2. Intervention on Afrin and clearing the PKK/PYD from this region. Clearing the area closest to the Mediterranean from terror and anti-Turkey elements. This is why the PKK-PYD started attacking from the Afrin area. Airstrikes targeting Syria's PKK the previous night are, in this sense, extremely important developments.

3. Another similar break-through operation needs to be launched from Tal Abyad. A military offensive that will hit the terror corridor from the heart and prevent demographic elimination, is mandatory both for Turkey's security and the security of the region's people.

4. Turkey should do the same on Iraqi territory by intervening in Tal Afar. The Turkmens and Sunnis need to be stopped from being sacrificed to a sectarian war.

The latest decision aimed at Nujaifi may set the ground for such an intervention. Even if not this, Tal Afar is under threat, there may be massacres in this region, too, like Mosul.

No country will be able to wage war against Turkey

Turkey has no choice but to make the most serious decisions since the founding of the Republic, join the most in-depth military operations and put forth its own map while the maps are being re-designed after 90 years. No element that is an enemy of Turkey should be allowed to settle or take shelter between the Mediterranean and Iran, north of the Aleppo-Mosul line.

This is our road map. Maybe the realities of today render this map obligatory more than the national oath. The likelihood of a power standing up against Turkey is very weak. No country has the luxury to wage a war against Turkey.

The Crusades are on again

I will repeat: We must intervene in these three areas. Let the bargaining tables be set after these interventions. Then, Turkey will be the one to dominate that table. Today's history will not be written in the future based on today's discussions. It will be written based on more integrative scenarios.

And it will be written that the attacks coming from outside in the broad sense are a “Crusades Attack.” The incidents recently happening in our region will be noted as a part of “The Crusades Wars.”

I believe that we are going to see a Turkey that makes sudden and surprising moves from now on.
Very interesting.
I really wonder what (some) Iraqis are being fed by their media. No way Turkey is after annexing Mosul as some(one) of you mentioned, neither will there be war between us. This fearmongering from the Iraqi side is as accurate as the warmongering sect in Turkey that really believes we should go for annexing Mosul just because the 'misaki milli' was mentioned by Turkish govt.

It seems Iraqi side doesn't (want to) understand Turkey's concerns regarding Mosul. There is for example the possible case of possible sectarian aggression against sunni locals (of course, isis and their sympathisers deserve what will be coming for them, just before a smartass tries to twist my words as if i stand up for isis), some nutjob even made a threat of taking revenge and avenging Hussein in Mosul. This will lead to even more sectarianism in Iraq. Then there will be tons of refugees, which of course will come to us (hence the possible idea of creating a safe zone in Iraq if it comes to that point) and most probably not to Baghdad. Pkk is already in Sinjar and they could expand their presence to Mosul and Tel Afar. And frankly speaking, Turkey seems to have a degree of influence on (some) Sunni Iraqi citizens, so it's in the interest of Turkey that Mosul and area stays sunni and/or pro-Turkey.

Some of this probably explains why the Iraqi govt suddenly tries to keep Turkey as far as possible from Mosul, which naturally raises suspicion from our side and makes us wonder who or what encouraged Abadi to say this. Anyway, let's hope we're just fretting about nothing and that the ongoing Mosul operation will work out without any problems.
Iraq needs to become a country first before they consider even the option of a war.
that was stupid and mean reply!!! and it's coming from chinese!!! so based on your lame and stupid mentality we should let the Turks or any country humiliate us because to you we are not stable country.

any way I'm sure most of the Chinese opposing you.
They set Daesh against Turkey.
isis is a Turkish terrorist supported to destabilize Iraq and syria!!!.
turks think by destabilizing Iraq they can annex mosul as they think lozan treaty give them that right the reason they want to participate in Mosul operation they want make a puppet in Mosul who will declare mosul an independent state a move prior to annex it that's why the Turks support the terrorist alnujaifi who now wanted by our judiciary!!!.

That's why Abbadi warn Turkey from falling in a regional war something Turkey will loose definitely !!! why for ones turkey don't have the economy to go into war with a country been in a consistent war we won't loose as much as turkey would remember once we at war we will buy weapons from our friends and guess what if the American refuse then Russians and Chinese would do it without hesitation at all!!!!!!!!.

Second the US not ready to let this war to happen for some reason?.

Now if it broke out we have oil we can use to feed that war but your economy will doom in few weeks unless the gulf counties help you then your economy will be hit to the limit it won't recover within decades.

Now enjoy your supa powa turkey.
US is using Turkey by the name of ally types of relationship. But we know the nature of USA, today or tomorrow they will hit definitely.

By the way USa has no capability to declare a war own nowdays. bcz their backbone has been broken when they attacked Afghanistan.
People don't seem to get why Turkey is excluded from this, if Turkey was after supporting the Iraqi army then they wouldn't be resisted to this degree. They however aren't, they intentionally violate Iraqi laws and bypass Baghdad even when it is not needed. They have been supporting Nujaifi who has openly been calling to secede from Iraq, Turkey aids his plan. Anyone who has followed Iraq's politics for the last years ( at least 3 years ) knows this, it's not a secret. Nujaifi's policies as governor state the obvious, his statements affirm it over and again. They went ahead and trained a force that doesn't report to Iraq's chain of command, their attempts to bring the Syrian scenario to Iraq. In other words they seek to divide the country to carve out a 'Sunni' state, something Sunni Iraqis don't want themselves, apart from a few politicians loyal to foreigners.

No other neighbor has acted this hostile to Iraq. Now they're making use of Iraq's weak situation whilst its at war. After all Barzani is inviting in anyone to cause problems for Iraq, it's in his nature, he invites the Iraqi army before to fight the PUK.
Just don't except any rational answer from Turkish member , their answers are
1- Turkey is victim and all of their evil neighbors want to harm them
2- they are strong and they can act as their wish
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