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Saudi-Led Airstrikes Blamed for Massacre at Funeral in Yemen

I posted this in (Yemen War thread) and I post it here again to show you how innocent were the victims of yesterday incident.

Okay let see some children and women who were killed yesterday in Sanaa.

1- The six year old, Colonel Mohamed Hilal (deported)


2- the teenager, Brigadier General Ahmed Yehya Alshikh (deported)


3- the nurse and 12 year old, Brigadier General Abdullah Aljoufy (Deported)


4- the cute kid, Lieutenant Colonel Hamid Albushiri (Deported)


5- the innocent girl, the Colonel Muhammad Alshulaif (Deported)


6- the little cute baby, the General Muhammad Alamery (deported)


7- the funny kid, the General Abdulmalik Alarar "the leader of the 4th division"


8- the cute toddler, the General Abdulrahman Aljaki "the ex-president of Central Intelligence" (deported)


These are just a sample of the cute innocent kids and women who got killed yesterday in Sanaa.
there are more of these cute terrorists, but I just posted a little sample of them.
The next targets besides funeral for future strikes could be weddings, ceremonies for graduating at universities , kindergartens even hospitals and so on ,, all of them are legitimate targets .
sometimes it is better to ignore the fools. a piece of advice .
the funny thing, the same op cheers the massacre of the innocents at the other side of earth

The horn from Najd is showing...

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 5991
Narrated by Talhah son of Malik
Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said, "One of the signs of the approach of the Last Hour will be the destruction of the Arabs."
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Thousands of Yemenis, many of them armed, gathered at the United Nations headquarters in Yemen's capital Sanaa on Sunday calling for an international investigation into an air strike on a wake this weekend


that was widely blamed on Saudi-led forces.

The attack - that killed at least 140 people on Saturday - hit a hall where rows of the city's notables had gathered for the wake of the interior minister's father.

The Saudi-led coalition has denied any role in the incident, believed to be one of the deadliest strikes in the 18-month-old war in which at least 10,000 people have been killed.

The attack has been condemned by the U.N., the European Union and the United States.

Pictures showed the inside of the once-ornate hall reduced to a pile of twisted metal and rubble after two huge explosions.

Radios and mosque loudspeakers throughout the city blared mourning verses as demonstrators crowded the streets around the U.N. headquarters, many waving their rifles in the air.

Nada, a high school student living near the site said body parts propelled by the explosion flew into her house.

"What happened was an unprecedented crime ... The sight of it was terrifying and will never leave my mind," she said.

One Sanaa resident, Ahmed Abu Taleb, described his frantic search for a relative.

"We were searching in the hall and in hospitals from the afternoon until dawn today, but after all our anguish we learned that he was among the dead."

On Sunday, Yemen's powerful former president Ali Abdullah Saleh called for more attacks at the Saudi border. Saleh holds sway in the military fighting with Houthi rebels who pushed Yemen's internationally recognized government into exile in March 2015.

Saudi Arabia has launched thousands of air strikes against the Shi'ite Houthis, who the kingdom and its Gulf Arab allies fear are a proxy for their archenemy Iran.

In another sign that the attack may escalate already raging regional tensions, Iran's main ally in the Arab world commiserated with the Houthis and condemned Saudi Arabia.

"I say to (Yemen's) people: you will ultimately triumph," the leader of the armed Lebanese group, Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, said on Saturday.

"Your noble revolutionary blood will triumph over the sword of those bloodthirsty savages."

(This version of the story corrects to add "with" in paragraph 11, making clear that the military is fighting alongside the Houthis)
The horn from Najd is showing...

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 5991
Narrated by Talhah son of Malik
Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said, "One of the signs of the approach of the Last Hour will be the destruction of the Arabs."

Kindly please verify before posting any hadith. Tirmidhi has roughly 4000 hadiths. Where did you get the hadith 5991? Kindly provide another source if available. The hadith does not seem authentic and only propaganda work against the Arabs.
Kindly please verify before posting any hadith. Tirmidhi has roughly 4000 hadiths. Where did you get the hadith 5991? Kindly provide another source if available. The hadith does not seem authentic and only propaganda work against the Arabs.
I'll give sahih bukhari
Narrated Zainab bint Jahsh: The Prophet got up from his sleep with a flushed red face and said, "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah. Woe to the Arabs, from the Great evil that is nearly approaching them. Today a gap has been made in the wall of Gog and Magog like this." (Sufyan illustrated by this forming the number 90 or 100 with his fingers.) It was asked, "Shall we be destroyed though there are righteous people among us?" The Prophet said, "Yes, if evil increased."
The Arabs can deny this all they want. It won't change the outcome.
Good job. Less terrorist on earth. Target was a terrorist camp. 3 strikes at same place.
Pinpoint target and No civilian casualty.
Yemeni nation also don't want terrorist. There is coordination between K.S.A and yemen, that's why it was successful strike.
By any chance, are you a bearded ISIL member or something? Anyway why don't you go forward and do something yourself instead of writing bullshits here, there must be plenty of Shia mosques in Pakistan I suppose.

Lollls whats difrrence between you guys and them ?while you born to worship khumani pigs?
That's right, indeed it's khomeini supporters who are blowing themselves up in mosques and schools in Pakistan and abroad.
I'll give sahih bukhari
Narrated Zainab bint Jahsh: The Prophet got up from his sleep with a flushed red face and said, "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah. Woe to the Arabs, from the Great evil that is nearly approaching them. Today a gap has been made in the wall of Gog and Magog like this." (Sufyan illustrated by this forming the number 90 or 100 with his fingers.) It was asked, "Shall we be destroyed though there are righteous people among us?" The Prophet said, "Yes, if evil increased."
The Arabs can deny this all they want. It won't change the outcome.

Firstly, the hadith you posted doesn't mention no fall of Arabs. If you look at this hadith in Arabic and with knowledge of the language you can understand what is exactly meant from it. 'Woe' in this hadith in Arabic is said as 'Wayl' which means to warn or threaten. There are two words with the same meaning in Arabic. First is Wayl and second is Wayh. Both mean the same but with a different state of warning. Wayh is said as a warning when someone is about to fall into danger and the other word Wayl is used when someone has already fallen into it.

Now analyzing the hadith the prophet used the word wayl which means he foresaw and predicted that evil will rise and the ummah has already falen into because of it. Lastly it refers to all Muslims not only Arabs. At that time mostly muslims were Arabs.

Some people fantasize fall or doom for another group or nation due to personal enmity or hatred. I hope you are not one of them. Some knowledge gathering before posting will save everyone the trouble.
Firstly, the hadith you posted doesn't mention no fall of Arabs. If you look at this hadith in Arabic and with knowledge of the language you can understand what is exactly meant from it. 'Woe' in this hadith in Arabic is said as 'Wayl' which means to warn or threaten. There are two words with the same meaning in Arabic. First is Wayl and second is Wayh. Both mean the same but with a different state of warning. Wayh is said as a warning when someone is about to fall into danger and the other word Wayl is used when someone has already fallen into it.

Now analyzing the hadith the prophet used the word wayl which means he foresaw and predicted that evil will rise and the ummah has already falen into because of it. Lastly it refers to all Muslims not only Arabs. At that time mostly muslims were Arabs.

Some people fantasize fall or doom for another group or nation due to personal enmity or hatred. I hope you are not one of them. Some knowledge gathering before posting will save everyone the trouble.

There are hadiths that say that there will be nothing left of Islam but the name itself. The Arabs will be the ones most affected logically. That is evident enough today. Islamic scholarship has failed.
There are hadiths that say that there will be nothing left of Islam but the name itself. The Arabs will be the ones most affected logically. That is evident enough today. Islamic scholarship has failed.

I can prove Pakistanis or other nations to be worse when it comes to Islam but that is not the point. Most of the ummah as a whole has neglected the religion and its values.
Good job. Less terrorist on earth. Target was a terrorist camp. 3 strikes at same place.
Pinpoint target and No civilian casualty.
Yemeni nation also don't want terrorist. There is coordination between K.S.A and yemen, that's why it was successful strike.
really? did your beloved Saudi terrorists said that?!

U.N. Chief Condemns Airstrike on Yemeni Funeral and Dismisses Saudi Denials -New York Times

‘Zero accountability’: UN human rights boss repeats call for investigation into Yemen war crimes - RT.com
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