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Woman throws acid on husband for remarrying

Don't take me wrong ask your mother or marries sister what they think about their husband's second marriage.

Well I don't want to bring my family in this discussion but since you have asked, I have asked my wife and she says that she will never throw acid on me and she doesn't approve this behavior. The woman must be coming from a criminal family. If someone feels betrayed, he/ she should get a divorce.
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Wife does not bring anything with her to the family...so it does not matter....as long as man can afford it...because men rule!
Ask same question from your mother and let me know what she replied.
What she will do when nobody helps her to stop her husband for ruining her and their children lives. Nice women should do such acts so that man thinks twice for doing such acts.

I see, so if lets suppose a woman goes out and cheats on her husband ... and her husband goes out and throws acid on her ... You'll be okay with that ?

The fact of the matter is, physical violence is never okay .. the increase of cases like these is cause for concern and men just like women deserve sympathy and empathy ... If not, well then let's not whine about "women's rights" anymore .. since it seems that equality only matters when it's women at the receiving end ..
Ask same question from your mother and let me know what she replied.

My mother was already given a boot by my father and he has two other wives..for time being i felt bad about it..but a logical analysis says the opposite...why should a man in case my father put up useless shit from a woman???? We show over sympathy in such cases towards women...but a logical analysis says opposite...a woman does not bring anything to the marriage to the table...the whole family lives off the man income...so a woman cannot squeeze the man around..eventually he will crack one day!
To throw acid was wrong, to remarry for second time was also wrong. She should have divorced him though, not throw acid.

My religion allows me and my country's law allows me to remarry. However, there are very strict requirements on maintaining equality and I know for sure, I will not be able to maintain it so I will not marry.

Some women do not qualify to become a wife and mostly husbands of these kind of women remarry. Similarly, some husband do not qualify for marriage.

Looking at this particular case, I am 99.9% sure this woman had made the life of this poor guy miserable.
To throw acid was wrong, to remarry for second time was also wrong. She should have divorced him though, not throw acid.
Yep she should rather kicked his a$$ in the middle of street
I dont agree with woman throwing acid but neither do I agree when a man marries when he has children. The woman not only ends up getting financially burdened but children also get emotionally drained. Such children quite often are neglected or get abused. Not a good decision per se.
a woman does not bring anything to the marriage to the table

Agree with your comment except the above sentence. A non-working woman works hard at home, gives birth to children, raises them etc etc.

Only if a man is asked to give birth in return of his earnings of whole life, he will run away.
Not so easy in our society,children get the raw deal. Step parents might end up being not so good to them.
i am trying to save a friend from getting banned by helping him get over his old habits :-)

But thanks for your input. cheers
Agree with your comment except the above sentence. A non-working woman works hard at home, gives birth to children, raises them etc etc.

Only if a man is asked to give birth in return of his earnings of whole life, he will run away.

My dear...if a woman does not like her biology she can get sterilized and choose not to give birth..so this argument is flawed...most of the women cannot live without having children and they have immense cravings to become pregnant...
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