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US-India defence pact to impact Pakistan, China

What leads you to believe that what is common factor which India and US will agree on. That will never be Russia FYI as we Indian pretty much know who our strategic partner is and Russia is one of them. So that point is non starter. LEMOA is not about wepon purchase at all. It's about access to material limited to agreed in list shared already with public. India has given access to Russian machines as wrll. Only you will never come to know it. He he he. I can understand China for a second but Pakistan, seriously??? :rofl: China is our strategic competitor and we will work to provide it competition value for the money. For the last point it's only for common interest of India and US. Rest is all air filled ballon. Thank you.

You are not looking at the idea behind this Pact nor paying attention to the reason for such pact but narrating the same since long people does. Do not undermine others, that is where a state fails in plans.
Geo politics has nothing to do with public sentiment. It's all about interests mate

Pakistan is still one of U.S main and long standing ally in Asia. the U.S also has military base in Pakistan, plus they still provide Pakistan with military and financial aid. Most of your military equipments are also from the U .S(and China). I don't believe Pakistan will pull out of its alliance with the U.S this century. If not it would have done it long ago.
You still benefit from this relationship. So it will carry on..realpolitik:)

As I said, pressure is on China, not Pakistan...
World is going to a change and obviously poles are shifting .Funny thing is no matter how worst it is there is/will always be equilibrium ,I see currently Indian members jumping with joy firstly my congratulations to them to join US club and pole but is it the correct place at the moment ,Does US allies strive/suffer any ways it will be another topic ,My message here is very simple biggest challenge it pose it to China and its interest in the very short span ,in medium to short span the Bear cant be kept quiet ,In coming days equilibrium is going to establish ,Bloc comprising of Russia/China is going to emerge big way ,Turkey,Pakistan ,KSA will be part of it . What does it means

1. Militarily Mother Russia can give run for money
2. China has the world most reserves and manufacturing
3. Turkey geo strategic position coupled with Erdogan new best friend
4. Pakistan new role safeguarding Russia/China interest and act as deterrent same as India against China for US .
5. Estimated population around 2/5 of the world

1. US Winner (engaging all countries India/Japan/Philippines against China will weaken China)
2. US presence in India means more than few things .CIA basis/Operatives
3. Pakistan definately feel the pressure internationally but there are fewer choices in life
4. India FDI will continue to improve
5. After China we might see Russian Naval presence in the region as well
6. India Pakistan continue to shit each other in coming years
7. Poor population from both countries will suffer
8. India will be provided superior tech
9. Russian will slowly distant themselves from India but continue to do trade whatever is left

So game is old but with newer sides this time India should feel the pressure little as with great remarks and gestures they are able to turn China against them
You are not looking at the idea behind this Pact nor paying attention to the reason for such pact but narrating the same since long people does. Do not undermine others, that is where a state fails in plans.
Sorry but we don't believe in conspiracy theories, we believe that documents were released internally and will be released to Indian people who will give their opinion. That's participation from our end. Please put some documents in light which can corelate with the statement made by you. Thank you.

World is going to a change and obviously poles are shifting .Funny thing is no matter how worst it is there is/will always be equilibrium ,I see currently Indian members jumping with joy firstly my congratulations to them to join US club and pole but is it the correct place at the moment ,Does US allies strive/suffer any ways it will be another topic ,My message here is very simple biggest challenge it pose it to China and its interest in the very short span ,in medium to short span the Bear cant be kept quiet ,In coming days equilibrium is going to establish ,Bloc comprising of Russia/China is going to emerge big way ,Turkey,Pakistan ,KSA will be part of it . What does it means

1. Militarily Mother Russia can give run for money
2. China has the world most reserves and manufacturing
3. Turkey geo strategic position coupled with Erdogan new best friend
4. Pakistan new role safeguarding Russia/China interest and act as deterrent same as India against China for US .
5. Estimated population around 2/5 of the world

1. US Winner (engaging all countries India/Japan/Philippines against China will weaken China)
2. US presence in India means more than few things .CIA basis/Operatives
3. Pakistan definately feel the pressure internationally but there are fewer choices in life
4. India FDI will continue to improve
5. After China we might see Russian Naval presence in the region as well
6. India Pakistan continue to shit each other in coming years
7. Poor population from both countries will suffer
8. India will be provided superior tech
9. Russian will slowly distant themselves from India but continue to do trade whatever is left

So game is old but with newer sides this time India should feel the pressure little as with great remarks and gestures they are able to turn China against them
Bhai a genuine suggestion, please mention safeguarding Pakistan interests, rather than China or Russia interests. And in thinterests ensure that interest of China and Russia are not harmed from your side. Rest I believe Russia and China are self capable of securing their interests. Wouldn't you @waz agree? Thank you.
Bhai a genuine suggestion, please mention safeguarding Pakistan interests, rather than China or Russia interests. And in thinterests ensure that interest of China and Russia are not harmed from your side. Rest I believe Russia and China are self capable of securing their interests. Wouldn't you @waz agree? Thank you
Thanks for your remarks ,Interest words are quite broaden e.g Chinese routes are equally important for China as well as passing by country , US bases are as much threat to Russia weather they are in Europe /India .
Bhai a genuine suggestion, please mention safeguarding Pakistan interests, rather than China or Russia interests. And in thinterests ensure that interest of China and Russia are not harmed from your side. Rest I believe Russia and China are self capable of securing their interests. Wouldn't you @waz agree? Thank you.

I do.
Let leave cry US! Taliban Taliban Taliban.
They will not cry this slogan then How will they get air bases in the heart of India?

They gave you a lot of chances to cut support with the Taliban and bring the Taliban to negotiating room. you cannot complain the yanks did not give you a chance

Thanks for your remarks ,Interest words are quite broaden e.g Chinese routes are equally important for China as well as passing by country , US bases are as much threat to Russia weather they are in Europe /India .

Russia has no interests in the Indian Ocean. they could care less about American base in India
Well TBH, imaginations and dreams alongwith wishes are like wild guesses and mostly are beyond control. My opinion has nothing to do with anyone else thoughts but I can see a troll mode of you that you very immediately jumped and dragged others into this that have nothing to do what I stated. Our elite have offshore assets but twisting Pakistan, the time has gone and fortunately for us, next is India that did not learn from our past with US.

The fact of twisting Pakistan and India is not different though one has the heart to accept and don't know about latter but is mostly like dodges the reality. We already enjoyed the fruits of US alliance and Godspeed for India, I wish alongwith next president as Trump. Good luck.

Let India decide 1st without any Of, buts will, would, could may or might.

No need to play words game here I know few have habit to engage and quote for months without any idea of the picture but merely depending upon twisted words.

Squaring Pakistan with China and Russia is indeed weird .
Those two are most powerful nations in the world .They didnt engaged against the US directly ,only through their proxies .

And Pakistan was a proxy of the US against USSR ,now they are still a proxy of China against India .
Pakistan still needs US and US still needs Pakistan it is a reality .
World is going to a change and obviously poles are shifting .Funny thing is no matter how worst it is there is/will always be equilibrium ,I see currently Indian members jumping with joy firstly my congratulations to them to join US club and pole but is it the correct place at the moment ,Does US allies strive/suffer any ways it will be another topic ,My message here is very simple biggest challenge it pose it to China and its interest in the very short span ,in medium to short span the Bear cant be kept quiet ,In coming days equilibrium is going to establish ,Bloc comprising of Russia/China is going to emerge big way ,Turkey,Pakistan ,KSA will be part of it . What does it means

1. Militarily Mother Russia can give run for money
2. China has the world most reserves and manufacturing
3. Turkey geo strategic position coupled with Erdogan new best friend
4. Pakistan new role safeguarding Russia/China interest and act as deterrent same as India against China for US .
5. Estimated population around 2/5 of the world

1. US Winner (engaging all countries India/Japan/Philippines against China will weaken China)
2. US presence in India means more than few things .CIA basis/Operatives
3. Pakistan definately feel the pressure internationally but there are fewer choices in life
4. India FDI will continue to improve
5. After China we might see Russian Naval presence in the region as well
6. India Pakistan continue to shit each other in coming years
7. Poor population from both countries will suffer
8. India will be provided superior tech
9. Russian will slowly distant themselves from India but continue to do trade whatever is left

So game is old but with newer sides this time India should feel the pressure little as with great remarks and gestures they are able to turn China against them

Russia does not need China for anything other than to be a buyer of Russian energy
May Allah give the right path to the leadership of Pakistan.

Seriously? And like U got saints as your leaders.

Off topic all the very best wishes four economy.

So how about transforming these best wishes into reality and India stops interfering in Pakistan esp in CPEC. Mere wishes and words dont bring in results.
Squaring Pakistan with China and Russia is indeed weird .
Those two are most powerful nations in the world .They didnt engaged against the US directly ,only through their proxies .

And Pakistan was a proxy of the US against USSR ,now they are still a proxy of China against India .
Pakistan still needs US and US still needs Pakistan it is a reality .

But you missed the new proxy of US against China in this equation, was that deliberate but I think not and must be a forgot to mention case.

That is true that Pak-US cannot be apart like this and we will still have the relations though the level would be revisited to decide.

we believe that documents were released internally and will be released to Indian people who will give their opinion.

So you mean the pact is not signed and it is up-to the people of India whether to sign it or not after some kind of referendum or something else but as much as we know, opinion is nothing when the decision is made in high offices.
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Seriously? And like U got saints as your leaders.

So how about transforming these best wishes into reality and India stops interfering in Pakistan esp in CPEC. Mere wishes and words dont bring in results.
Please share verifiable proof of the allegations. Thank you.

But you missed the new proxy of US against China in this equation, is that was deliberate but I think not and must be a forgot to mention case.

That is true that Pak-US cannot be apart like this and we will still have the relations though the level would be revisited to decide.

So you mean the pact is not signed and it is up-to the people of India whether to sign it or not after some kind of referendum or something else but as much as we know, opinion is nothing when the decision is made in high offices.
No not at all. People have chosen their representative who take decision, however same is open for natives study. Suggestions can be shared with my gov.
But you missed the new proxy of US against China in this equation, was that deliberate but I think not and must be a forgot to mention case.

That is true that Pak-US cannot be apart like this and we will still have the relations though the level would be revisited to decide.

So you mean the pact is not signed and it is up-to the people of India whether to sign it or not after some kind of referendum or something else but as much as we know, opinion is nothing when the decision is made in high offices.

That is where you have terribly mistaken.
China is our strategic rival not an enemy.
Most of the Pakistanis in PDF tries to equate India with their own nation for mere self satisfaction.
But they should see the reality.Only small nations are suitable for proxy thing.
India is a major power and a bigger nation.
We can move forward without any support from US if we want.

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