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Anger as Internet hate-mongers spew venom against Kashmir

By doing these things they are further furling the fire of Kashmiri Intifada.
Moddi will surely lead India into a quagmire with these tactics.
Let us for a second accept your argument. What would happen next?
What if india launched an operation like operation search light?
had you read the news articles, you would have realized this Jul 21st protest wasn't for "azadi"..

Let me give U the a piece from news as apparently U didnt find it read worthy.

" Let me tell the Indian authorities that they can’t control Kashmir by killing innocent people. It is in the interest of India to get the Kashmir dispute resolved,” Sheikh Muhammad Hussain Lutfi said in his speech."

I hope U get the point here.
Let me give U the a piece from news as apparently U didnt find it read worthy.

" Let me tell the Indian authorities that they can’t control Kashmir by killing innocent people. It is in the interest of India to get the Kashmir dispute resolved,” Sheikh Muhammad Hussain Lutfi said in his speech."

I hope U get the point here.

The difference being not proposing "azadi" as the only viable solution. Kashmir dispute can also be resolved by handing over all of erstwhile state of J&K land to India by pakistan and stop supporting terrorism..
The difference being not proposing "azadi" as the only viable solution. Kashmir dispute can also be resolved by handing over all of erstwhile state of J&K land to India by pakistan and stop supporting terrorism..

I simply love when the denial mode is On. Adios dude.
The difference being not proposing "azadi" as the only viable solution. Kashmir dispute can also be resolved by handing over all of erstwhile state of J&K land to India by pakistan and stop supporting terrorism..
The more rational and feasible solution is for Indian to stop violating its commitment to implement the UNSC Resolutions on Kashmir and engage in negotiations with Pakistan and the UN to conduct an impartial plebiscite in all of disputed J&K that will let the people decide.
both New papers are Sunni Mouth piece:disagree:
"A Pro-India leader Asghar Ali Karbalai :lol::lol:also addressed the protesters. He said that killing innocent people would lead Government of India nowhere. Expressing sympathies with the people of the Kashmir Valley, he said that Kashmir was a political dispute and it should be resolved politically".

it Basically Solidarity Martch which was Hijacked by Sunnis
That to a One month back

In Aug Many Clashes reported Among Sunnis and shia on in whic 3 houses burn by Spratis


Indian to stop violating its commitment to implement the UNSC
Pakistan violated it first in 1947 Why we care Now ??
Pakistan violated it first in 1947 Why we care Now ??
There are multiple UNSC Resolutions on Kashmir after 1947 that both India and Pakistan committed to - it is those resolutions and commitments that India is violating, and Pakistan is adhering to.
By doing these things they are further furling the fire of Kashmiri Intifada.
Child Im Kashmiri to I Love To See how Wahabi Mullahs Hijacked So called Azadi

There are multiple UNSC Resolutions on Kashmir after 1947 that both India and Pakistan committed to - it is those resolutions and commitments that India is violating, and Pakistan is adhering to.
IM Talking Last Resolution 47 Which Which Sighted by you guys

Read Part One Should i post It

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