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Those killed in Kashmir hadn't gone to buy milk, toffee: Mehbooba

You are nothing but traitors, why you think kashmiris would accept a hindu or a dogra as one of them

You made your bed when you betrayed kashmiriyat, the people the culture and the faith of most Kashmiris

You are a reject, kashmiris dont accept you, your history, your background or your occupation state

Freedom a birthright of every son and daughter of Kashmir, joining with their brethren in North Pakistan a natural outcome of Partition was denied them by indian greed.

So is about Muslim Freedom than Azadi we learned this in 90's child now we ready for you with our army on your ***

Who are you mullas to judge here Kid your culture is just 500 hundred year old to valley

Pundits and dogras have thousands years of history to this Land

Well son then you would be glad to see pundits dogras etc raising Pakistani green flags in your ancestral land.

And they are not dozens there are hundred of thousands of them chanting Kashmir banega Pakistan.

These sunnis Mulas Not Pundits or dogra Child You Know nothing about Kashmir you live Pakistan
Dog-ras are from Jammu, not Kashmir...Lmao..
And Pakistani Know this Go do your goggle search to find Kashmir on Search list
Expected from Kid child My home is in Budgam district tehsil beerwah in valley
My District is Shia Majority there is Peace there
Anything more
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These sunnis Mulas to Pundits Child You Know nothing about Kashmir you live Pakistan

So all these are sunni Mullah


No matter how badly India tried to divide Kashmiris on sectarian basis she failed and same happened with her attempts about mixing Kashmiri freedom struggle with ISIS.

Endia is failing in Kashmir like never before so its better for you son to keep your bags packed and run for life when you still have time.

And I bet whenever you go to Kashmir Son you would always be shit scared of your life because what if some real Kashmiri knew what you wrote about them on PDF:D


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No matter how badly India tried to divide Kashmiris on sectarian basis she failed and same happened with her attempts about mixing Kashmiri freedom struggle with ISIS.

Endia is failing in Kashmir like never before so its better for you son to keep your bags packed and run for life when you still have time.

And I bet whenever you go to Kashmir Son you would always be shit scared of your life because what if some real Kashmiri knew what you wrote about them on PD
Hahaha Shit scared No way My district is Shia dominated district they hate sunnis as hell :rofl::rofl:
Secondly area commander of Our area is comes in are relations So Mullas Piss in there Pants While thinking About their Life :disagree::disagree:
She's a bitch and she needs some spanking on her stinky *** by the families of mujahadeen!
Well son then you would be glad to see pundits dogras etc raising Pakistani green flags in your ancestral land.

And they are not dozens there are hundred of thousands of them chanting Kashmir banega Pakistan.


they even rised ISIS flags and chanted its slogans. so, what now ?
Is there any difference between sunnis and shias,why do i only see Shias more progressive and open minded ,where as sunnis voilent,for them anyone who dsnt agree to their views is an ememy.
I know its off topic and not related to the topic in hand,but i feel the root cuase of all the problems is in this answer.
If any one has to go Back its Muslims from Kshmir Valley (No Hatred against Muslims). Its so very wrong to come to this Subcontinent as Invaders and then claim as if its their own. either live among us as brothers or please leave ASAP and go back from where u all came.
Indians kill kashmiris, then blame the kashmiris for not wanting to be occupied by india and live in eternal subjugation by foreign hindus.
Wrong. Indians are only killing the Terrorists (mostly Pakistanis) who are attacking India.

Wow. The 7 lakh occupied army that's has massacred thousands are defenders.
I salute this bull shit justification.

Its our army in our land protecting our people. Infact you Pakistanis have massacred Kashmiris using your "assets".
maybe a bit insensitive to the families of the dead, but the CM has a valid point. crossfire casuality reports are not there.
i may be wrong or right or simply the govt stifled the news.
Who are you ?A Kashmiri?

Yes from Azad Kashmir
If any one has to go Back its Muslims from Kshmir Valley (No Hatred against Muslims). Its so very wrong to come to this Subcontinent as Invaders and then claim as if its their own. either live among us as brothers or please leave ASAP and go back from where u all came.

Kashmiris are not foreign they live in and on their own land, they dont wish to live with or amongst indians like Pakistanis they wanted freedom and Partition but indian occupied them, a muslim majority state and they got stuck

They want india to just leave them alone
She's a bitch and she needs some spanking on her stinky *** by the families of mujahadeen!
And you are a fooking dog shit for abusing a woman.
This is the reason whole world hate your and your pedigree. You are not Muslim not Pakistani and certainly not a human.
Anyone want separation based on religion, caste, creeds etc will get bullet in head. Deal with that.
this kashmir story is gettin old ..all :guns::guns::guns:and :help::help::help: ..same old same old..nothing going 2 change there
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