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Those killed in Kashmir hadn't gone to buy milk, toffee: Mehbooba


Jun 19, 2015
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She said that people came out on the roads after the July 8 killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani even though the government had imposed a strict curfew.

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Srinagar, Publish Date: Aug 25 2016 1:45PM | Updated Date: Aug 25 2016 1:45PM
Photo: Habib Naqash/GK
Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti on Thursday said those hit by bullets or pellets had not gone to fetch milk or toffees.

Addressing a press conference here with Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh, Mehbooba faced some tough questions from reporters and was asked how could she justify the alleged disproportionate use of force against protesters when as opposition leader she had criticised the government in 2010 for civilian killings.

The Chief Minister got angry and asked a reporter not to compare the two situations.

"You are wrong. What happened in 2010 had a reason. There was a fake encounter in Machil. Three civilians were killed. Today three militants were killed in an encounter and how is the government to be blamed for that."

She said that people came out on the roads after the July 8 killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani even though the government had imposed a strict curfew.

"Had a kid gone to buy a toffee from an army camp? A 15-year-old boy who attacked a police station (in south Kashmir), had he gone to buy milk? Don't compare the two," she said.

She said that poor Kashmiri youth were being used as shield by vested interests. "Ninety-five percent people killed are from poor families."

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) leader said that it was only five percent of Kashmiri people who were resorting to violence. "Ninety-five percent people don't want violence. They want peace. They want a dialogue to resolve the Kashmir issue. We have to reach out to them."
Pleasantly surprised by the CM's statement. Hope she continues in this vein, at least in this context.

That has been their story all these days.
Attack with kids as human shields. Claim abuses if the defender even tries to protect himself.

That's a common practice among these thugs. They do the same in Palestine; hide in schools, hospitals and then raise a storm when the Israelis bomb those targets - after several warnings.
Indians kill kashmiris, then blame the kashmiris for not wanting to be occupied by india and live in eternal subjugation by foreign hindus.
And I need to learn this from a pakistani Mullas
I am a hindu Who ruled them I am dogra Kid by forefathers ruled Kashmir for hundred years

The kashmiris no longer accept you nor indian occupation.

You are not kashmiri, you are not of Kashmir. You are a indian hindu and must leave kashmir to go to india and live amongst your own.

The people haven't accepted india even after 70 years of occupation, freedom from india is their birth right which was stolen from them after Partition
The kashmiris no longer accept you nor indian occupation.

You are not kashmiri, you are not of Kashmir. You are a indian hindu and must leave kashmir to go to india and live amongst your own.

The people haven't accepted india even after 70 years of occupation, freedom from india is their birth right which was stolen from them after Partition
Hahaha And Invaders Mullahs telling Us go back
Child My ancestral home is in Budgam district,Beerwah in valley Just came back last week

Kashmir is part of indian subcontinent Pundits,Dogras are more native to this Land then Mullas in valley
Hahaha And Invaders Mullahs telling Us
Child My ancestral home is in Budgam district,Beerwah in valley Just came back last week

Kashmir is part of indian subcontinent Pundit,Dogras are more native to this Land then Mullas

You are nothing but traitors, why you think kashmiris would accept a hindu or a dogra as one of them

You made your bed when you betrayed kashmiriyat, the people the culture and the faith of most Kashmiris

You are a reject, kashmiris dont accept you, your history, your background or your occupation state

Freedom a birthright of every son and daughter of Kashmir, joining with their brethren in North Pakistan a natural outcome of Partition was denied them by indian greed.

No more

Look Who is saying this , Lecture from (Runaway) UK Passport hold ... ???

We support the occupied kashmiris to have the same right as those in azaad kashmir from across the world
That has been their story all these days.
Attack with kids as human shields. Claim abuses if the defender even tries to protect himself.
Wow. The 7 lakh occupied army that's has massacred thousands are defenders.
I salute this bull shit justification.
Hahaha And Invaders Mullahs telling Us go back
Child My ancestral home is in Budgam district,Beerwah in valley Just came back last week

Kashmir is part of indian subcontinent Pundits,Dogras are more native to this Land then Mullas in valley

Well son then you would be glad to see pundits dogras etc raising Pakistani green flags in your ancestral land.

And they are not dozens there are hundred of thousands of them chanting Kashmir banega Pakistan.

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