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China discards ‘Shenzhen speed’ for ‘Punjab speed’

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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China discards ‘Shenzhen speed’ for ‘Punjab speed’
By Huzaifa Rehman
July 26, 2016

BEIJING: The Chinese people and government’s functionaries, referring to Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif for his performance, have started using the term “Punjab speed” as a role model, not only for the morale boosting of workers but also to motivate them to accomplish their assigned tasks in the extraordinary way he is doing in Punjab.

The chief minister is currently visiting China. China’s ruling Communist Party, giving a rosy welcome and extra protocol, has arranged high-level meetings for the visiting delegation.Monday was yet another busy day as Shahbaz held 11 meetings with various personalities, including with the chairperson of China’s Exim Bank.

The Exim Bank Chairperson, Hu Xiaolian, said earlier in China they used the term “Shenzhen speed” as a symbol of development and progress, but instead “Punjab speed” was currently in use in China for the rapid execution of projects.

She said Chinese investment in Pakistan would increase manifold in the days to come and a number of projects were being completed in Punjab with an investment of billions of dollars by the Exim Bank.

It may be mentioned that Shenzhen is a city in China where the first industrial economic zone was set up and the Chinese surprised the whole world by its speed of construction.

The chief minister said Chinese financial institutions were playing a historic role in the promotion of Pak-China cooperation through timely and uninterrupted completion of projects in Punjab.

Shahbaz thanked Xiaolian supporting and issuing the loan instalment for the Orange Line project despite a court stay order.Separately, an agreement was signed in the chief minister’s presence for setting up an industrial park in Chunian at cost of Rs20 billion.

Chinese investors will set up factories in the industrial park spreading over an area of 2,000 acres under the agreement inked by the Gharibwal Cement Group and China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITC).

Shahbaz also held a meeting with Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Zhang Gaoli, as both sides agreed on taking effective steps to promote contacts between the Communist Party of China and the PML-N.

Gaoli said there was a need to explore new avenues for strengthening contacts between the two political parties for which all-out cooperation would be extended.

He said China was fully aware of the importance of Punjab with regard to economic cooperation between the two countries. He spoke highly of the progress being made by the Punjab province.

He also expressed good wishes for Nawaz and appreciated his vision. He said the entire Chinese leadership was praying for Nawaz’s early recovery.

Shahbaz said the Communist Party of China had full support of the people, adding that socialist ideology and the force of great historical heritage were behind the unprecedented progress of China.

He said all necessary measures were being taken for the security of Chinese nationals in Pakistan and there was a need to promise that the mutual cooperation between the two countries would be fully utilised for betterment and prosperity of the masses.

Shahbaz also visited a lever transplant hospital where it was agreed that China would support Pakistan in establishment of a similar facility in Punjab.

The chief minister also met the Communist Party of China’s International Liaison Department Head Song Tao who said the relations between Communist Party of China and the PML-N are ideal, which had strengthened in the tenure of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

Shahbaz said the Communist Party, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Li Keqiang had played a key role in making China the second biggest economic power of the world.

He said the Pakistani people, government and army were on the same page against terrorism, adding that the terrorists were a common enemy of China and Pakistan.

The chief minister also delivered letters of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for the Chinese president and prime minister.

The unprecedented warm welcome extended to Shahbaz suggests the ruling Communist Party has developed personal links with the PML-N leadership, which would continue for a long period.
you do not want governments to be efficient. eventually they will harm the people. you want governments to get out of people's way so that people can improve themselves
O thank you! I didn't know that
you do not want governments to be efficient. eventually they will harm the people. you want governments to get out of people's way so that people can improve themselves

That will only improve Micro-Economics !!!!
Without a doubt the Punjabis have been fast paced and much more extraordinary in the way of building and modernising Punjab....far ahead in the region.

CM Punjab Shahbaz Shariff and its administration and Punjab officials must be congratulated for this achievement..Shahbaz Shariff has become the Legendary leader of Punjabis along COAS Raheel Sharif.

The guy has practically sunk Punjab to build Lahore.

Take a trip down to South Punjab. Its astonishing how poor Punjab is outside Lahore and especially our South.

Even Lahore, i am a Lahori myself and we don't have access to clean drinking water. Go to any public hospitals and people are lying on the floor, don't get me talking about education because there is no such thing as public education in Lahore. Police is corrupt to the core, and LDA is only good at one thing and that is collecting Bhatta. But Shahbaz Sharif has been able to build the most expensive roads, bypasses and metro buses. While these projects were completed in other places at less than half the cost, our beloved Chief Minister awarded these contracts at such bloated prices only to Maksons and Habib Construction, companies that are known to give massive kickbacks.

Might as well call it Lahore Speed... There is a Punjab outside Lahore.

Have you ever seen the plight of civil administration, hospitals and schools in Lahore? What speed are you talking about. They don't even have MRI Machines in Mayo Hospital.
if Pak has beaten Shenzen speed then it is a great news .
they made industrial zone, and shabaz sharif made Roads and metros this is my 1 point the second point is It should be Lahore speed not Punjab speed 3 point is who will pay to Chinese for all these Metros and roads etc ? The whole Pakistan will pay for it.

"The chief minister is currently visiting China. China’s ruling Communist Party, giving a rosy welcome and extra protocol"

Chinese Be like Alaad D customer agaya Nacho Bc lol
Might as well call it Lahore Speed... There is a Punjab outside Lahore.
Yes, and there is a Pakistan outside Punjab as well.

For the urban class in Central Punjab, Pakistan starts from Lahore and goes along the GT road to end at Islamabad. No wonder it's called GT Road mentality.
Yes, and there is a Pakistan outside Punjab as well.

For the urban class in Central Punjab, Pakistan starts from Lahore and goes along the GT road to end at Islamabad. No wonder it's called GT Road mentality.

What is your problem with GT road people? Relative prosperity of GT Road region has to do with remittances more then anything. Don't be jealous. Panch ungliyan barabar nahi hoti.
I have always said that Shahbaz Sharif should be the head of PML-N and the prime minister.... Instead we get his half dim witted retarded brother... Nawaz the idiot.

I heard their father made sure the brothers were told their place and how they should divide the country/party.
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