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LOGIC : How logical are we

Kashmiri Pandit

Oct 12, 2015
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We all must have heard , be logical in approach , argue logically . But how many of you have thought what logic actually is and how it helps us ?

Logic is a two types :

Deductive and Inductive . Logic , Reasoning and Arguments interchange each other .
The aim of reasoning is the expansion of Knowledge .

But there are serious flaws in Logical thinking .

01 First is arguing in circles . Where 1st premise contains necessary information related to other premise and Conclusion .

Humans are Smart .
I am a Human
I am Smart .

There is no progress what so ever . Also , Matter used has no importance . Even if the propositions are false , Argument can still be valid .

02 In the second case , on the basis of Premises we make conclusions that are Universal or Generalized .

a) After checking the fingerprints of 1 million people it was found that no 2 finger prints are similar .

b) Every windstorm in this area comes from the north. I can see a big cloud of dust caused by a windstorm in the distance; so, a new windstorm is coming from the north.

c) The cause of India gaining independence was World War 2 .

Here we are hitting in the Dark .

Is Logic and its importance just being hyped ?
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So that makes you quite an illogical person to have been part of this forum for about 4 years now!!
Its the other side of the coin. I am here to debate with those who have some rationality in their inputs.
ps- personal attacks by a "think tank" rather proves me right in the point I made above.
Its the other side of the coin. I am here to debate with those who have some rationality in their inputs.
ps- personal attacks by a "think tank" rather proves me right in the point I made above.
It was not a personal attack at all. I was just asserting your own "findings". Dont really know how people have the guts to bash something they themselves are part of and contributing too. It is YOU who make the forum what it is, all of you! So if the posts here are so pathetic and illogical and the think tanks here so biased, do not see much of a point in you or anyone who think that way being here. Simple.

Have some little shame and respect the place that allow you, me and all of us to share there views and learn something from it.

It was not a personal attack at all. I was just asserting your own "findings". Dont really know how people have the guts to bash something they themselves are part of and contributing too. It is YOU who make the forum what it is, all of you! So if the posts here are so pathetic and illogical and the think tanks here so biased, do not see much of a point in you or anyone who think that way being here. Simple.

Have some little shame and respect the place that allow you, me and all of us to share there views and learn something from it.

I never said that this forum or its rules are biased. I dont know how you prejudged my statement to that. It was a satire based on what I have experienced in the forum while debating with some of its members and that certainly does not means that I don't respect the forum or its rules infact I respect it as much as you do.
I never said that this forum or its rules are biased. I dont know how you prejudged my statement to that. It was a satire based on what I have experienced in the forum while debating with some of its members and that certainly does not means that I don't respect the forum or its rules infact I respect it as much as you do.
Your statement mentioned nothing about "a few members" it was a general statement about how logic and common sense are not part of debates and arguments here. Thus my reply. However, it seems you are now committed to prove your statement about discussion on this thread so i wont be arguing anymore. Hope to see you around (that is IF you think the place is worth it)

Humans are Smart .
I am a Human
I am Smart .

In the second case , on the basis of Premises we make conclusions that are Universal or Generalized .
Well if you ask me what logic is its just another way round the table to make your facts worth something though they might actually be flawed but when a person is made or manipulated to think in a single direction it can be termed as logical :coffee:.......
:devil:for example brainwashing to create terrorist ,believing in peace through utilization of guns in a war .:butcher:........etc
etc......and various other facts make it a logic but once we study out of circle .......of our existence these logic don't add up
like humans aren't the smartest of all the species found on earth .......:rofl:
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