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Four Iran border guards killed in clash on Pakistan frontier

Believe me, I think the same, but some other people don't want it and seem to think Iran will stand by and do nothing.


iran's previous track record regarding defence products is very power . just like fibre glass 5th gen plane ( sorry I cant recall its name)
iran's previous track record regarding defence products is very power . just like fibre glass 5th gen plane ( sorry I cant recall its name)

I'm sure you think you are an expert on Iran's military industry, but believe me you are not.
You are the terrorist! we have no sympathy for you!

I'm not a terrorist, Einstein. And neither is Iran's government. The only people you have sympathy with are terrorists - Jundullah, Jaish al adl etc.

I am not an expert . even a blind man can see the reality .by the way , can u tell me the name of that fibre glass 5th gen plane ?

Iran has not made any 5th gen aircraft. For now there are only design and conceptual studies.
Sure. So that Shahed-129 that crashed near Pakistan with missile pylons was just chillin'...

It was near Pakistan, not in it. I am sure Pakistan doesn't care if Iran has some surveillance on the border.

You are the terrorist! we have no sympathy for you!

How is he a terrorist?

Because both of those countries are my country's enemy.
I would be glad if you would start a war, too.

Israel and Pakistan have no relations, but yeah I guess them fighting would benefit you guys as Iran would probably get curb stomped.

And why do you want the UK to start a war? And with whom?
We don't need to look for excuses. Terrorists are launching attacks on Iran and then scurrying back to Pakistan, to safety. Fact of the matter is, the Saudis have already made Balochistan another staging ground in the proxy war, by sponsoring terrorists there. If Pakistan didn't allow the Saudis to build their terrorist madrassas and had an effective campaign against terrorists in that area, Iran would have no reason to get involved.

And as your compatriot already said, Pakistan has "no interest" in fighting anti-Iranian terrorism in Balochistan. So we can't cooperate if Pakistan doesn't want to.

Iran has shabby history when it comes to involvement in Balochistan. Pakistan being neighborly nation kept its mouth shut and tolerated for so long because Iran is neighbor nation. Given the sectarian wars Iran and Saudi Arabia have created to plague Middle East with terrorism, it is not surprising why they have come crashing upon the door of Iran and Arabia. And you are looking to blame some one else for your own mistakes.

Iran enriched with proxy groups expanded all over Middle East, to the extent they even employed the origin of Pakistanis and Afghanis as well.

Pakistan just launched Zarb-e-Azb to eradicate terrorism, and so far, Pakistan has been successful and more to do so. In fact, USA acknowledged its efforts for eradicating terrorism on massive scale. But can you honestly say the same about your nation? I don't mean to make you feel bad, but let's be honest, Iran is still fueling sectarian wars.

If you look at the history, Pakistan has never been problematic to Iran since 1947 despite of pro policy of Saudi Arabia. It always has been between Saudi Arabia and Iran - starting from Iraq. Pakistan has been very generous to Iran despite of its shabby involvement in Balochistan and its granted access to RAW agent who was caught on Balochistan using Iran diplomatic connection [recently]

There is no point dwelling on the past. Time to look forward. Iran needs to be sincere to Pakistan and vice versa and start improving diplomatic relationship because CPEC has bright future for Iran and Pakistan. So stop blaming everything on Pakistan. If you and Arabia are not gonna stop fueling sectarian wars, the problems will never be resolved. The problem is you and Arabia, not Pakistan. I suggest Persian lovers and Arabian lovers stop acting like childish and move on. It is embarrassing seeing you guys fighting each other like children over meaningless reasons. Shame on you both; Persians and Arabians. You have done enough damage to the Middle East never mind Balochistan in Pakistan. Stop it now and take some responsibility . Own up your mistakes.

As for Pakistan not choosing to get in the middle between you and Arabia, that's right. It is not in Pakistan interest to pick either sides that is determined to destroy themselves for nothing. You call it Pakistan is not interested in eradicating anti-Irani terrorism but i call it, Pakistan is not interested to clean up the mess you and Arabia have created. That is your problems, not Pakistan. Sort it out.

Pakistan is still here as caring neighbor nation as always.
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I'm not joking this actually made me laugh :rofl:

So you think Iran can handle Pakistan? Let's compare shall we:

Ground Forces:

Pakistan: 1.5 million troops and 3,000 tanks

Fight major CT operations as well as skirmishes with India and are designed to fight an enemy several times bigger. Tanks are better equipped and in larger quantities. General equipment is better than Iran's.

Iran: 2.7 million troops and 1,500 tanks

Fight minor CT operations and are trained to fight an enemy smaller then them. Also has less advanced tanks and in smaller quantities. General equipment is also worse.

Since Pakistani troops are already involved in major ops, they can only send a fraction of that 1.5 million, so Iran has it's chances a little more fair.


Air Force:

Pakistan: 400 fighter jets

Consists of roughly 150 advanced F-16's and JF-17's. Rest are F-7's and Mirages, which are decent. Pilots are some of the best trained in the world, examples include MM Alam and Sattar Alvi.

Iran: 140 fighter jets

Consists of 70 advanced Fulcrums and Tomcats, and the rest are Phantoms and Northrop Tigers with one or two indigenous fighters.

Pakistan decisively wins.


Pakistan: 8 submarines, 5 frigates, 5 destroyers, 3 MW and 12 CDC

Better equipped than Iranian navy, but smaller.

Iran: 32 submarines, 6 frigates, 5 MW, 254 CDC

Bigger, but less well equipped.

Since Iran has a bigger coastline, they can only send so many ships otherwise they would be vulnerable, so they only send a small portion of their force.



Pakistan: 130, can hit all of Iran

Iran: 0

Pakistan wins decisively.

In a war, the PAF can quickly gain superiority and start to decimate the Iranian Air Force and make life hell for the troops. They could bomb major Iranian cities and afterwards Pakistani ground forces would pick up the scraps, and start some more war crimes like in 1971 (just being realistic, I wouldn't be proud of such acts). The Iranian navy might try to get some revenge, but the PAF can help the PN successfully defend the coastlines and do some major damage to Chabahar.

Even if somewhow Iran starts marching into Pakistan, Tehran will be nuked.

In a war, there is no way Iran can win. We don't want a war, but we are all being realistic about this.
I can piss higher up the wall than you!

"lets compare" I stopped reading.

This is a pissing on the wall contest that you are about to start and I'm not going to get sucked into your childish and ill-informed game.
They could bomb major Iranian cities and afterwards Pakistani ground forces would pick up the scraps, and start some more war crimes like in 1971
Wait a minute didn't quite catch that, what was the result of 1971 war again?
Wait a minute didn't quite catch that, what was the result of 1971 war again?

Pakistan lost. 15 years later, Pakistan is strong army Nuclear-nation who is equipped to eradicate terrorism which USA is struggling at this moment in Afghanistan. History has no relevant to the future since future is unknown. :D

I don't get chest-thumping here. What is it with Iran and their obsession with comparatively analysis that have no bearing to the reality? You guys do the same with Turkey, Saudi Arabia and anyone that suits your false notion of bravado.

Coming back to the situation, it is not in Iran interest to undermine Nuclear nation, never mind the neighbor nation. Iran knows that but unfortunately its lovers don't. :D
I don't get chest-thumping here. What is it with Iran and their obsession with comparatively analysis that have no bearing to the reality? You guys do the same with Turkey, Saudi Arabia and anyone that suits your false notion of bravado.

Actually it started with a fanboy talking about Pakistan attacking Iran and 'stomping' it. So I think you are asking the question from wrong person. He is not the first Pakistani who does it though, apparently some other fanboys fancy attacking Iran in a call of duty style operation.

I'm not in to all these dick measuring contests about who will win a never-happening war, but sometimes a small slap is needed to wake some fanboys from daydreaming.
Actually it started with a fanboy talking about Pakistan attacking Iran and 'stomping' it. So I think you are asking the question from wrong person. He is not the first Pakistani who does it though, apparently some other fanboys fancy attacking Iran in a call of duty style operation.

I'm not in to all these dick measuring contests about who will win a never-happening war, but sometimes a small slap is needed to wake some fanboys from daydreaming.

You know very well it has nothing to do with Pakistani origin fanboy. The debate is clearly between Arabs lovers and Persian lovers. We have Persian lovers who loves Iran more than Pakistan and we have Arabian lovers who love Saudi Arabia more than Pakistan. Both think it is okay to waste Pakistan over doomed pointless nations that is determined to destroy their own by indulging in sectarian wars.

It is not coming from Pakistani-origin fanboy. If it was, first thing he would have done is to remind the repercussion of the war between each other as neighbor nations which benefits nothing to them but to the enemy of Iran and Pakistan. Unfortunately, that is not the case. I guess that so-called fanboy is more concerned about Saudi Arabia than Pakistan.

I suggest you ignore them since Pakistan is not answerable to either Iran and Saudi Arabia. Pakistan is sane enough not to fall for sectarian wars that engulfed Middle East with terrorism. Nonetheless, Iran and Saudi Arabia will have to answers for sectarian wars that flamed Middle East with terrorism.
Hahahaa... on the one hand you say Iran is doing nothing for Balochistan, then you condemn it when we conduct major development in Balochistan. Newsflash: Iran is not going to allow destabilising actors in a region which is already unstable. We will do as much development as we like and neither Pakistan nor China nor the US can tell us otherwise.

Major development? 200 million that too from a nation of 650 million toilet less people :D good luck..you skipped northern allaince partnership with India..

Yep, one man slips through border and Iran is suddenly incompetent, but militants cross the border from Pakistan every month and kill Iranians. With your logic, what does that make the Pakistani border guards then? Brainless vegetables? Or maybe you are jumping to incorrect conclusions?

its incompetence of both, not alone Pakistan is responsible for Pak Iran border.. but most incompetence is on Iranian part, you give birth to those fanatics, as i said neither Abdul Malik Rigi was Pakistani nor jaish al adal is Pakistani.. common Iranian Baloch fight along both jaish and Jandullah..

Our BLA militants in Pakistani Baluchistan are Marxist, Nationalist, separatist terrorists (which is in control now) they are not followers of Wahabbis andTaliban.. but they may support Balochs on other side bcoz of Sunni oppression stories.. or may be hostile intelligence who benifit from bad Pakistan and Iran relation arrange hideouts for Iranian militants in Pakistan..

anyways u skipped my question again.. isnt security situation improved from what you guys have in 2000's?

They are leaders of the Shia world. Like I said, if Pakistanis were somehow nationally loyal to Iran they would hold up pictures of Rouhani, who is in a strictly political position.

dont start rants.. accept that they are/were leaders of Iranian revolution..supreme commander of Iranian forces.. Rouhani is puppet in hands of Mullah, Mullah can veto any decision of Rouhani with single action, why should Pakistani shia care about a useless puppet Iranian president/General?

Terrorism should be countered with whatever means possible.

So what you clowns are doing on PDF, go fist use all Iranian including you, do not misuse poverty and religion against Afghanistan and Pakistan and when this all answered in future dont whine like a whore that Pakistan raped you...

There is no proof that this group has any support from Iran.

a if i was expecting you to accept that you are behind this group :victory1:

again my questions/

why we are not allowed to bomb those who are involve in radicalization of our people and sending them to Syria and Iraq.. ??

Why we are not allowed to bomb those who despite warning of Pakistan govt fund Shia political, religious, militant parties and making them ayatollah worshipers? Should i post pics of those brainwashed people holding banners with pics of Khomayni, and Ali Khaminai, Hassan Nasrullah in rallies? WTH khomaini and khaminai have to do with Pakistan? who is Hassan Nasrullah?? what he did for Pakistan?

Why we are not allowed to bomb those who allowed a famous gangster/murder of 100's of people named Uzair Baloch an Iranian passport?

Why should we not bomb those who send Abus Salam Rigi like terrorist in Pakistan via official border crossings and then whine against Pakistan..
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