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Pakistan opposes new permanent members to UNSC

Sorry dear it will happen, let's wait for some more years.You can't do any thing, as even lot of arab states openly supporting india's membership.
Yes I am listening this for quite sometime
Current UNSC is outdated (not because India is not a member or allowed to be a permanent member).... We all know the significance of it today........ and If they decide to remain like this, then the significance is going to go down further.....

India should not worry much about this, and focus on improving its economy and military might.......As prof "Phunsuk Wangudu" said...... "Kaabil Bano, Kamyaabi Jhak maarke ayegi"
Yes I am listening this for quite sometime

Yes of course that's why i am telling wait for some more years,it will not happen overnight.Brazil economy shrinking,Japanese dream will be opposed strongly by china,europe already have 2 membership and so problem for germany and only india is much better position compared to other countries.Permanent membership is not the end of the world as india is growing faster,kashmir still part of india,india role in world stage keep on increasing be diplomatically,economically or even militarily.
First thing, I don't think India will get entry into UNSC.
Second India's strategic roadmap, doesn't really depend on it being in the UNSC seat.
Third Pakistan is doing it's due diligence and has legitimate reasons to voice it's concerns, although it's opposition has little bearing on a non-issue.
Support of India's by US, France, UK and Russia is pure lip service, when it comes down to it, both US and China will be against it, with france siding with US.

Indians have to remember, you have to stand on your own diplomacy, Independent India First policy as always. There is no need to meddle or arbitrate in International conflicts unless our own interests are at stake. India First, Always.
It is NOT gonna Happening ... this year ... Finally After all these long years of Lobbying .. UNSC kinda agreed for India to Bring in a Paper .... US & Russia who kept up the rhetoric backed out at final minute .... They cannot Give india a Power which could makie her equal to them ... Even if they would let India (& the group) a Permenant Member .. it would NEVER EVER be with a Veto Power ... which means .. Instead of India getting selected every alternate term will sit & do same Permanently ..

The nearly 200 member countries of the United Nations have agreed that over the next year, they will negotiate the wording of a document that will call for reforming the Security Council, the top decision-making body, which has 15 members. Of these, five, including China, Russia and the US, are permanent.

For the first time, different countries have submitted written suggestions for what the resolution should state. In what was seen as an attempt to thwart India's bid, the US, China and Russia did not participate in that exercise.

China has been strongly opposing the expansion of the Security Council; tonight, it reportedly wanted to force a vote on whether the UN should proceed with a one-year discussion on how the reform should be framed, but failed to muster enough support. If a vote had been called, India would have been forced to get other countries on board to support the extended negotiations.

While the US and Russia have verbally backed India's membership, neither has put that down in writing.

AS i see it .. They will First Negotiate the Wording of the document ... thn negotiate the document it self .. in the end one of the country will call for VOTE & thn Veto it ... sending all back to Zero ... Welcome to Reality.

India's Big Step Forward in Bid for UN Security Council
Support of India's by US, France, UK and Russia is pure lip service, when it comes down to it, both US and China will be against it, with france siding with US.

I think the oppostion would not be an India specific, but against the expansion itself........Who want to dilute their power, which they have been enjoying for somany decades........

With the expansion, the first causality would be "Veto" power
A decade back every one talking about G-7, now where is G-7? With the exclusion of china it becomes irrelevant and no one taking serious or talking about G-7 now a days.The same thing will going to happen for UNSC with the insignificant members in the club after a decade and exclusion of other major countries.
Pakistan is a nation build on single narrative. All its foreign policy and even domestic politics is governed by anti India policy. So this opposition is simply the reflection of this.
"no power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come" and India's time is coming (to quote Dr MMS).
yup. Growing a strong economic might should be our focus. Once India becomes one of the top 3 economies who cares for UN. It would become a redundant organization if it does not adjust to the new world order. Veto power is as good as useless as major powers do will whatever they want with impunity.
There should not be a Security Council at first place. The UN general assembly should have been given this job where a consensus or a 2/3 rd majority must be there on passing any resolution. UNSC is an AUTHORITARIAN council where the P5 countries try to impose and stall one's interests.
A decade back- If india is going to become permanent member, then we also want to become a permanent member

- We will object for india's permanent membership

After a decade
- We can't do any thing as India is a permanent member

@ranjeet @Great Sachin @Ammara Chaudhry @Zarvan @A.P. Richelieu @sarjenprabhu @SarthakGanguly @HariPrasad @Soulspeek @MilSpec @Parul @Roybot @Indos @EAK @xyxmt

Tag me when it happens... till then keep your rants to yourself ..happy wet dreaming..:wave: (permanent membership for the super power in open defecation)..lol:rofl:

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