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Pakistan Launches Final Drive on Taliban Bastion


Apr 28, 2011
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Final Assault Begins in Shawal Valley


ISLAMABAD — Pakistan on Wednesday launched a push on the remaining pockets of Pakistani Taliban (TTP) fighters holed up in the remote Shawal Valley bordering Afghanistan. Though the advance had long been expected, the timing was surprising.

News of the assault came from the military’s Inter Services Public Relations media branch as the head of the army, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen. Raheel Sharif, flew to the Shawal Valley to meet troops stationed in forward areas before ordering the operation to commence.

Addressing the troops, Sharif said: “The sacrifices of the soldiers will not go to waste and we will achieve our ultimate objective of a terror free Pakistan.”

As well as calling for the terrorists to be flushed out of their hiding places in the heavily forested valley with numerous ravines, which facilitated infiltration from Afghanistan, Sharif called on their abettors across the county to be hunted down.

The campaign in the Shawal Valley is the final phase of Operation Zarb-e-Azb that has steadily driven the TTP its allies and affiliates from their sanctuaries in North Waziristan since June 2014. Since then, terrorist attacks across Pakistan have fallen sharply as the security forces have conducted a campaign to neutralize them.

Analyst and former Australian defense attaché to Islamabad Brian Cloughley said the final drive to mop up the remnants of the TTP in the Shawal Valley was expected this year, but the timing was unexpected, which will likely prove advantageous.

“[Gen. Sharif] did say that there was going to be the last push this year, but most people thought that it would be in springtime or early summer”, he said.

“In fact, considering the climate, it's pretty smart to do it now, as the militants will find it very difficult to move around and to find alternative base areas with access to food.”

He said the military on the other hand will be able to cope much better despite having to face the same conditions.

“Army troops will not find it easy, either, of course, but at least they can use helicopters to ferry into blocking positions, while the assault elements move by foot," said Cloughley. "And they don't have to worry about resupply, as the system is extremely efficient, courtesy of hard-won experience in the past few years.”

As to how long this final phase to defeat the TTP will last is uncertain, said Cloughley, though he said he believes there are factors indicating the operation should be concluded in a matter of months.

“It would be unwise to try to forecast how long it will take to defeat them or drive them out, but the army chief is a very determined man and he's been planning this drive for a long time, and he's probably looking at a wind-up by mid-year, so that refugees can start moving back in before next winter,” he said.

In fact, Cloughley said he believes at this stage Sharif will be focused on what will follow the expulsion of the TTP to safeguard the gains and sacrifices made by the military.

“What he really wants is a civilian system of local governance, not necessarily centered on the federal system, and it will be interesting to see what the new governor might come up with to suggest to Islamabad. I have no doubt that he and the chief have had discussions on this.”

Iqbal Zafar Jhagra was appointed today as the new governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province which borders the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, which Waziristan is a part, and Afghanistan.

Sharif appears by far and away the most popular figure in authority in the eyes of the public. However, this has led to persistent speculation as to whether he would accept a rumored extension of his term in office, which ends this coming November.

Sharif ruled out an extension in January, however, stating he would retire in November and the fight against terrorism would be continued by his successor. Sharif’s predecessor, Gen. Ashfaq Kiyani, accepted an extension of his term, and Kiyani’s predecessor was Gen. Pervez Musharraf, who seized control in a coup.

Nevertheless, the story is a recurring one with former president and co-chairman of the opposition Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), Asif Ali Zardari being the latest person to resurrect it. On Tuesday he said Sharif’s rejection of an extension was premature and could hamper the fight against terrorism.

Last month, however, Zardari welcomed Sharif’s rejection of an extension. Zardari last year also lashed out against the military for what he claims was overstepping its boundaries and has been residing in Dubai ever since.

Highlighting Zardari’s change in position, Claude Rakisits, senior fellow at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and an expert on Pakistani affairs, said he believes Sharif is not going change his position.

“Notwithstanding Zardari's confused and contradictory statements, General Sharif has made it abundantly clear that he was not interested in extending his tenure. Moreover, he made clear that if the usual three year tenure were to be extended by the government, it should be applied to his successor,” he said.

Rakisits said he believes Sharif is mindful of what is at risk should he stay.

“General Sharif is only too well aware the damage that can be done to the image and reputation of the army if the COAS overstays his welcome. Under his watch the country has made great strides in rolling back the threat of terrorism, and this has significantly boosted the army's reputation, something that was really necessary after years of military rule and little progress in fighting the terrorists.”

“And although General Sharif is by far the most popular and powerful figure in Pakistan today, he would not wish to jeopardize all this counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency hard work by extending his tenure. So I seriously doubt that he would stay beyond November 2016, when his term ends.”

Pakistan Launches Final Drive on Taliban Bastion
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how many times we have broken their backs and how many times we have started this " final" assault?
how many times we have broken their backs and how many times we have started this " final" assault?
Yes baita you are Correct
As long as civilian and political leadership doesn't follow up after army has secured the area for it then sarcastic people like you are cursed to ask this question for a while
Army eliminates threat and gives the civilian setup to apply the writ of state and provide social political guidance but if that is not done out of incompetency or complicity then it's always a restart from step 1
how many times we have broken their backs and how many times we have started this " final" assault?
Uh, how about never? Previous offensives were to contain the ttp to Waziristan, not really out right destroy them, which Pakistan couldn't properly do at the time.

ZeA is meant to completely get rid of all ttp bases from Pakistani territory, and secure the border with Afghanistan.
how many times we have broken their backs and how many times we have started this " final" assault?
You dont understand the geography of that area mate.
Shawal Dattakhel region was on the cards.
Military operations is not likr a wrestling match. Clearing a single area means developing a whole infrastructure settlement with civilians. Setting up battle plans clearing miles and miles of area from IEDs and so on. And lets just say their are 100 such regions who meed such whole activities of operations.

Unlike common believes. All that area is populated. And the operation is not like all out clean sweep bombing.

And plus all that Afghan border is the worst nightmare that slows things down
Safe heavens inside Afghanistan where these **** tards find refuge also needs to be taken out. As long as Afghanistan continues to shelter TTP dogs, these final push will only last until next time.
ALLAH s.w.t be with you, indeed there will be a victory.

The workload is only caused due to fail civilian administration to whom the area is always handed over. The civilian authority somehow due to her links with these terrorists based upon language and support for power, lacks to maintain peace yet reasoning the repeat of same events which clearly states the burden on Military even during the peace times and cross border interference is an evidence of weak administration but this time the threat will be eliminated completely with no oversight In'Sha'ALLAH.

Pakistan Zindabad
May victory come to us. ALLAH is with us on this war against the khawarij and may he bless us with victory. Our soldiers will go forth and end their madness.

But they will return unless our civilian government fights the real battle which is development in FATA and reforms in madrassas and masjids to comebat those that poison the mind of children leading them to terrorism and terrorist activities. The war will never end until this happens.

Frankly I am scared that the most critical part of the operation is in the hands of the civilian govt which quite frankly is heavily wanting and the other choices are terrible as well.

Hopefully the anti army civilians and liberals are able to understand the difference between the roles of army and civilians and their duties. The army has been brilliant and may they bring victory home but the victory of war can only he brought by the govt and by ourselves.
Uh, how about never? Previous offensives were to contain the ttp to Waziristan, not really out right destroy them, which Pakistan couldn't properly do at the time.

ZeA is meant to completely get rid of all ttp bases from Pakistani territory, and secure the border with Afghanistan.
how many more years the world's sixth largest army and seventh largest air force( who claim to be the best in the world) will need to clear territory of NWA from where civilians have been evacuated? i am not taking the credit away from armed forces. they have done commendable job but 1.5 yrs is a lot of time. you will never get that amount of force(army + air force) to clear/ defend that much of territory against india.
how many more years the world's sixth largest army and seventh largest air force( who claim to be the best in the world) will need to clear territory of NWA from where civilians have been evacuated? i am not taking the credit away from armed forces. they have done commendable job but 1.5 yrs is a lot of time. you will never get that amount of force(army + air force) to clear/ defend that much of territory against india.
The US military hasn't defeated the Taliban either (15 years now), your insinuation is wrong.

Your comparing an insurgency to a conventional war, don't be ridiculous. Insurgencies can take decades to end, and even then, low level insurgencies can persist.
The US military hasn't defeated the Taliban either (15 years now), your insinuation is wrong.

Your comparing an insurgency to a conventional war, don't be ridiculous. Insurgencies can take decades to end, and even then, low level insurgencies can persist.
define defeat first. NWA is free of civilians that means anyone who is not wearing uniform is an enemy and is fired upon. artillery is not for precision engagement, it just flattens whole villages so pak is fighting pretty much a conventional war against a much poorly equipped enemy and yet the area is not clear.
The US military hasn't defeated the Taliban either (15 years now), your insinuation is wrong.

Your comparing an insurgency to a conventional war, don't be ridiculous. Insurgencies can take decades to end, and even then, low level insurgencies can persist.
Exactly. Counterinsurgency is about the most difficult type of war to fight that there is. It is especially difficult for armed forces that are primary organized to win a conventional war. Such efforts can take a generation or more to eventually prevail. Countries like Colombia for example, have been fighting a counterinsurgency for many decades and only in the last 5-10 years, have they turned the corner and are finally seeing a spread of peace, law and order, and economic development in those affected areas.

God bless the Pakistani Armed Forces in their efforts!
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