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14 Reasons Why PML-N Deserves To Stay For Another 10 Years

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2.1 Billion is what is understood, but you can count the the whole list's market price. Just the first land mentioned in the statement is worth 260 Million? Where did you get the figure of 261. Million in 2013? It comes to a multiplier of about 14 in just two years.
http://ecp.gov.pk/AssetLiabilities2013/National Assembly/NA-120/MIAN MUHAMMAD NAWAZ SHARIF.PDF
He is an industrialist nevertheless.

ab ye bhi batana pare ga :tdown:

2nd artical 2nd paragraph ... read 2 1/2 lines carefully :p:
U forgot the most important fact..
We are just nearing the criticle 90 Billion $ loan mark, after which we would be forced to do what our lenders would want us to.
Thank U PML (N).
Please add one more reason why PML-N deserves to stay
Change is good.
Don't get disappointed with the current situation, some people in PML-N are doing good work like Abbassi and Nisar but Pakistan deserves better than these kingship parties, just ask for new options in the next general election or better stay at home if the current situation continues. You will be surprised to see the result.
I'm ok with any politician as long as they do some good and net result is positive. PML-N does have it's shortcomings but at least they are making notable improvements in infrastructure. PPP is all negative and PTI needs to learn to pick only battles it can win, otherwise stay quiet.

However there are two things which will lead to their demise if they don't change their ways soon.

1. They give the apparent impression that they are a Punjab only party and dont care about rest of Pakistan, the advertisements they run on television are hurting them on this regard. They are dividing the country and from what I figure next elections they wont have a all Pakistan majority, all parties will probably each get a single province win and next government will be a coalition.

2. Pakistan doesnt have a Foreign Minister, it only has Foreign Advisors. Army taking stand on foreign relations issues is so far what has saved Pakistan from some possible major Foreign policy failures. PM Nawaz Sharif is not a bold person in people to people interactions and by keeping the Foreign Ministry functions to himself he is harming the country's image. Let someone else do the difficult things. We need a person who has good people skills and bold enough to take harsh stands in front of international counterparts.
Neither PML nor PPP, neither Kiyani nor Sharief. But all four combined, however much you may hate one or the other, should be given credit for something far more fundamental and more subtle that people here are missing.

Because when the history of this period is written, all four will be remembered as having kept the democratic process going, somehow. There were no coups, and the process of transition happened democratically.

Corruption, terrorism, attacks, poverty, intrigue and all the negatives aside, this is a huge accomplishment as significant as any other in Pakistan's history, that may (note that I say 'may') set a solid platform for an institutionalised process that could last a long time.
This thread has taken Noora logic to whole new level. Bravo.
They not only deserve to stay, they will. Maryam Nawaz and Hamza Shahbaz are written in our fate, they will rule us. I can't wait for the sweet transaction of power by the King Nawaz to his daughter. Pakistanis deserve these Feudal elites ruling them. All in the name of Jamhooriat. Only one reason they should be in jail is for giving corruption a new name, a new level say.

@notorious_eagle , some are seeing Bilawal as the future PM, RIP Jamhooriat.

This thread has taken Noora logic to whole new level. Bravo.
They never fail to disappoint. Seen enough trolling.
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