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LEAKED - India is burning Pakistan through TTP: Latif Ullah Mehsud TTP's 2nd In Command speaks out.

At we don't stoop to the level of Indians , supporting animals who butchered small kids ..
only a Nation like India can do this ..

If you learn a little about genesis of Taliban you would know who the real perpetrators are, but this is not an exercise to learn about root cause but to apportion blame to a hapless neighbor whose response to one of the worst terror attack was to send dossiers. A neighbor who chooses not to cross borders even under invasion, a neighbor who returns 90k POW as good faith.

Now when you have had terror tinted glasses for almost ever, where the first foreign policy ever taken by your state was asymmetric warfare right after independence on the kingdom of J&K, it is but natural that you would see terrorist everywhere. That is a given.

But let me put you at ease, nothing has changed, India is still the same spineless, gutless administration which will not respond to any transgression.

Word of advice, bring in your state, non state, television, lollywood and all other sort of "actors", and the only response it will derive from India is massive profits for 24hrs news networks and overtime for foriegn office clerks. That is our standard response.
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Selfdestructing hindutwa aatangwaad pupil like you behind fake user name don't have any right to scarmble proper members....
Forget about Baluchistan....
Just remember Tiger Hill....
you do realize india has more Muslims than Pakistan right ?
if pakistan have already defeated Ttp then why people are dieing everyday.?
Because splinter Taliban groups now working as mercenaries for our beloved neighbors, training for attacks and finances centers working in disguise as consulates. India is operating near 50 consulates in Afghanistan and issuing 0 visas to ordinary Afghan nationals kindly let us know the purpose of these so called consulates, when they are not issuing single visa why they present even in remote areas near Pak-Afghan border. @MilSpec @Horus
Bring it on, we have our printers primed, toners ready and pre ordered a bunch of fed ex overnight boxes. Once your payback begins my government will bombard your's with dossiers.

Well, your government is quite proactive about it, every other fortnight you guys bomb our embassy and consulates in Afghanistan.... So, maybe ISI is listening to @Horus and you... That is after all democracy, will of the people.


@ Pakistani members: Your own policy biting you in your nether regions mates! Talk about bleeding India from a thousand cuts? Why do you think the 'baniya' 'hindu' army is not keenly inducting any major weapons systems, or for that matter why the PM said war in conventional nature is a very remote possibility best relegated to history? What changed? The answer is in Indian policy. Kashmir: let the insurgency simmer, use minimal force (hence need to deploy larger number of troops - to increase coverage and footprint), show restraint and grandstand to international community - result? World has come round to Indian viewpoint of non-interference. Even OIC has abstained from anything more serious than lip service. Kashmir effectively has been allowed to remain as a persistent issue in bilateral relationships. By playing into Indian hands of tying grant of MFN status to India to Kashmir you rammed yourself into a corner by portraying yourself negatively in world opinion. Lets move to Indian 'inability' to challenge your strikes. Every strike your stooges (with or without approval) carry out, is tagged as such. This has given us the political and diplomatic leverage to pay you back in your own currency. With support from many nations who are tired of your duplicity and are glad to see you cut to size.

India will never fight Pakistan - you know why? Because look at your own causalty figures - you are killing yourself socially, economically and politically! Your nation is in chaos. Have said it innumerable times, we have the funds to fight you in the field of your choosing without even blinking and we can keep pumping funds without bothering about the budgetary support. The costs will go up further for you. You will hemorrhage. And you can do nothing about it, as ISIS ideology finds takers in the wider Sunni world, your own society will further fragment, with schism in Shia-Sunni equation the next fault line. We just need to channelize them (the frustrated zealots) towards you. And good funds earn good jihadis in this new world! Everytime you hail your army as a savior, you further portray yourself as a nation which prefers hardline approach to peace, the issue of your army having hardline sympathizers is one known to all the countries - including China, whose Xinjiang is the soft underbelly in this equation.Catch 22 for you mates.
yeah so does million of Kashmir's , and other areas where you army is raping women and slaughtering kids ..
After Afghanistan, Indians are the worst nation ..
Watch, how Jew media orchestrate international drama of Ajmal Kasab.
Selfdestructing hindutwa aatangwaad pupil like you behind fake user name don't have any right to scarmble proper members....
Forget about Baluchistan....
Just remember Tiger Hill....
I don't need a fake user name, I am Aftab Alam and I'm a proud indian. And you are reaping what you sow
you do realize india has more Muslims than Pakistan right ?
Yes i know and you dont have to tell me, @Aftab720 barely have 1 day old ID and he starts trolling....
And indian members specially hindu indian members have history of trolling in PDF....
They are burning Pakistan and they will keep doing so till we strike back. Strike back and strike really hard.
Fight on main defenses is over. Now we need to chase them till thier backyards.
They pushed us to the wall and now its our turn to counter attack.
If they want to fight with us through proxies, let it be like that.
We fought for decades and survived, its time to launch counter attack.
If you learn a little about genesis of Taliban you would know who the real perpetrators are,

that is the most Stupid thing i ever read .. did you forget who fund and create Taliban ? CIA , you sugar daddy .. backed by KSA , trained by Pakistan .. and Taliban were created CIA , but that does not mean you use them to kill kids .. is your army consist of Transgenders to fight a real war with out any back ups ? in 71 you training muktibani and now funding TTP to kill kids, and claim to be peaceful nation ..
either you are high on some cheap drugs or another deluded bharti .

you talking about peaceful neighbor is so pathetic i must say . first you admit that we trained the Mukhtibani terrorist and now claiming to be peaceful ?
If anyone had any doubt about it, he/she must have been living under a rock!

But kudos to RAW and shame on ISI, for such a long streak of success for the former and continuous failure of the later. Why we are still unable to produce India as a state that sponsors & harbors terrorism is beyond me!
Yes i know and you dont have to tell me, @Aftab720 barely have 1 day old ID and he starts trolling....
And indian members specially hindu indian members have history of trolling in PDF....
I have been here since 2012 and some will remember me by the name of sinchan

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