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Many Afghans See Their Future with India, Not Pakistan

the Taliban would have been destroyed long ago
By who, the Americans and NATO dont have any interest in that if they did they would have done it in 15 years with help from 48 countires and the afghans dont have the capability to defeat taliban and dont have any chance in forseable future they can only protect kabul, so that leaves the negotiation process as only solution.
See the links White house has accepted taliban are not terrorists they are armed insurgency
Taliban not a terrorist group? White House official says it’s ‘armed insurgency’ — RT USA
White House Labels Taliban ‘Armed Insurgency,’ Not Terrorists - Washington Wire - WSJ
The Taliban aren't a terrorist group? Are you for real? For God's sake, they have been responsible for the killing of over 3000 NATO soldiers - by suicide bombers, roadside IEDs, ambushes, the murder of civil liberties and so on!.

According to the State Department of America, the Taliban has been taken off its lists of foreign terrorists organizations:)

Pakistan is so awesome ... IT supported Taliban against NATO,ANA etc with their trillion dollar weapons and funds... Damn nigga we badass!

Although no fukin insurgency can survive for decades without local support!

Like I mentioned previously Pakistan loss the battle in Afghanistan, however in the long run we won the war. After 14 years of continuous conflict, the major players involved in this region are accepting Pakistan's stance on negotiating with the Taliban and recognizing them as a political entity...this is called checkmate:)
According to the State Department of America, the Taliban has been taken off its lists of foreign terrorists organizations:)
It was a tactical decision just for opening talks with them as the Americans are forbidden to talk to terror organizations. :P
Worry bout Nepal will you. Atleast they share a border with you guys unlike Afghanistan

Nepal is not an issue for us.And our foreign policy is very matured and advanced .We are not going to react with emotions :D.
You cant influence Afghanistan but our influence in Nepal is something that you cant imagine .They will shout ,cry and whine and will come on our own way .
But Afghanistan has a lots of choices including us, like that these title mentioned :D

Do you think we are trying to win over Afghan public? Think again.

Why should we care about that ?
It was a tactical decision just for opening talks with them as the Americans are forbidden to talk to terror organizations. :P

Sun Tzu would be shaking his head in dismay, because this tactical decision was expensive in terms of the deaths of Nato solders and spending trillions of dollars in Afghanistan. The American's have been talking to the Taliban for a couple of years, since the Taliban opened a political office in Qatar for dialogue:) Pakistan is in the driving seat, because the Afghan Taliban are a political reality and through them we shall shape the destiny of Afghanistan....and the beautiful outcome of this scenario is that the Kabul regime and India can do nothing to stop this:)

Even the Iranians are supporting the Taliban and the Russians are considering to negotiate with them to combat ISIS. China is already on board since they invited the Afghan Taliban shura council to Beijing in early 2015. Therefor, the Kabul regime has become slowly alienated in the international arena.
The Afghan public may hate Pakistan, however our response will be to unleash the Taliban. Already 1200 solders have died in Helmand Province in the last 3 months and now countries such as Russia, Iran and China are interested to negotiate with the Taliban to combat ISIS. The State Department of America has taken the Afghan Taliban off its lists of foreign terrorists organizations. Pakistan is in the driving seat of shaping the future Afghanistan and the opinion of Kabul means diddlysquat:)

We dont cares about that :D
Article here, excerpts below:


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was in Kabul on December 25 to inaugurate the new Afghan parliament building constructed with funds from New Delhi, after the original building was bombed by the Taliban.

The buzz surrounding Modi's visit epitomised the warm relations between the two countries, while the story of the Afghan parliament symbolises the fragile country's ongoing struggle with an insurgency many Afghans blame on neighbour and Indian rival, Pakistan.The day after Modi visited Kabul he was in Lahore to become the first Indian premier to visit Pakistan in over a decade, fuelling hope of better relations between the two countries.

But for many Afghans that have witnessed their own President Ashraf Ghani's failed attempt at outreach to Pakistan, Modi and India remain the main attraction in terms of the country's strategic orientation. A poll from last year showed three out of four Afghans see India as their preferred leader in Asia.

Relations with India, both in the areas of security and civilian aid have been vital for Afghanistan in the post-Taliban era when Pakistan has proved a less constant source of friendship.


As Modi visited, Afghan social media circles poured out their love for India, at the obvious expense of the country's other significant neighbour.


Screenshot of a post from a public Facebook profile of an Afghan social media user. The post ironically compares India's contribution to Afghanistan's development to that of Pakistan, viewed through the prism of the Taliban.

The growth in India-Afghanistan relations in the post-Taliban era was most notable under President Hamid Karzai who famously offered Indian investors “the red carpet while others will get a grey carpet.”
It is a perception always created by India. Mostly among Pakistanis to see their own afghan brothers as enemy..
Request all Pakistani brothers not to fall in these false trap..
The govt. of Afghanistan doesn't represent whole Afghanistan.. they merely represent only 20%...
rest is always on Pakistan side...
It was a tactical decision just for opening talks with them as the Americans are forbidden to talk to terror organizations. :P

after #56inch and countless threats against Pakistan , did modi too do a tactical decision ?
this is not true for Afghanistan. Many more country foresee their future with India and indian cooperation.
First of all, Title is misleading. And thus 3,2,1..disco dance starts pakistan blames indian and Indian blames Pakistani
India is helping hand in afghanistan. And there is no such statement from afghan govt that they love India and hate Pakistan.Isn't?
PM Modi in his speach during inauguration of Parliament mentioned the historical connection of Afghans with India by naming only Pashtun leaders like, Ahmad Shah Durani, Khushhal Khan Khattak, Khan Ghafar Khan Fakhre Afghan.

What about Mehmood Ghaznavi , the one who sacked Somnath ? no mention of him ?

Somnath incidentally is in Modis home state of Gujarat , surely he knows
What about Mehmood Ghaznavi , the one who sacked Somnath ? no mention of him ?

Somnath incidentally is in Modis home state of Gujarat , surely he knows

Ironically many of those "Afghan" heroes modi mentioned were born or are buried in KPK,Pakistan..

We dont cares about that :D

Than tell your govt to stop bitchin & begging for trade routes n whatnot.
Ironically many of those "Afghan" heroes modi mentioned were born or are buried in KPK,Pakistan..

Than tell your govt to stop bitchin & begging for trade routes n whatnot.

Our govt will do what ever they need to do for our national interest and we entire Indians support them .
A Pakistanis or any other foreigners concern is not subject for us .:D
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