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US B-52 bombers fly near Chinese made islands in South China Sea


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
Two U.S. B-52 strategic bombers flew near artificial Chinese islands in the South China Sea this week and were contacted by Chinese ground controllers but continued their mission undeterred, the Pentagon said on Thursday.

China claims most of the South China Sea, through which more than $5 trillion in global trade passes every year, and the United States has said it will continue conducting patrols to assure freedom of navigation. Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines and Taiwan have rival claims in the region.

In the latest mission, which occurred overnight on Nov. 8-9, the bombers flew "in the area" of the Spratly Islands but did not come within the 12-nautical-mile zones that China claims as territory around islands it has built in the chain, said Commander Bill Urban, a Pentagon spokesman.

"The B-52s were on a routine mission in the SCS (South China Sea)," taking off from and returning to Guam, Urban said.

Chinese ground controllers contacted the bombers but the aircraft continued their mission unabated, Urban said.

"We conduct B-52 flights in international air space in that part of the world all the time," Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook told a news briefing earlier on Thursday.

Last month, a U.S. warship challenged territorial limits around one of China's man-made islands in the Spratly archipelago with a so-called freedom-of-navigation patrol, the most significant U.S. challenge yet to territorial limits China claims around its new islands.

U.S. and Chinese warships and aircraft regularly communicate when operating near each other in Asian waters, U.S. military officials say.

U.S. bomber flew near Chinese-built island in South China Sea: Pentagon| Reuters
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Two U.S. B-52 strategic bombers flew near artificial Chinese islands in the South China Sea this week and were contacted by Chinese ground controllers but continued their mission undeterred, the Pentagon said on Thursday.

China claims most of the South China Sea, through which more than $5 trillion in global trade passes every year, and the United States has said it will continue conducting patrols to assure freedom of navigation. Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines and Taiwan have rival claims in the region.

In the latest mission, which occurred overnight on Nov. 8-9, the bombers flew "in the area" of the Spratly Islands but did not come within the 12-nautical-mile zones that China claims as territory around islands it has built in the chain, said Commander Bill Urban, a Pentagon spokesman.

"The B-52s were on a routine mission in the SCS (South China Sea)," taking off from and returning to Guam, Urban said.

Chinese ground controllers contacted the bombers but the aircraft continued their mission unabated, Urban said.

"We conduct B-52 flights in international air space in that part of the world all the time," Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook told a news briefing earlier on Thursday.

Last month, a U.S. warship challenged territorial limits around one of China's man-made islands in the Spratly archipelago with a so-called freedom-of-navigation patrol, the most significant U.S. challenge yet to territorial limits China claims around its new islands.

U.S. and Chinese warships and aircraft regularly communicate when operating near each other in Asian waters, U.S. military officials say.

U.S. bomber flew near Chinese-built island in South China Sea: Pentagon| Reuters
OMG. I knew it was a short matter of time before someone anxiously posted this in the forums. I just saw this type of headline in Yahoo News while eating my lunch. lol
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Chinese members found it normal "its ok", "just flied by".. What happened to the tigers? :coffee:
US ships were escorted by PLAN ships when they came near the islands and China will escort the bombers once the military facilities on the islands are complete which will have PLAAF fighters.

Why do you think China is militarising the islands?

Are you that stupid? :lol:

when were the US ships escorted by PLAN ships ? please show a photo of that happening

no, but apparently you are too stupid to read the article that clearly states US bombers completed their mission without facing any obstacles from PLAAF

I am not talking about future , a lot can happen in the future
b-52 bombers? That's a serious red line, un-needed provocation and waste of US tax payer money. "Do more" and crush Daish (the real threat)!
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