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Should we make a Petition to change the Devanagari script of Bangla!?

Are we ready for this? Will you support the Bangladesh people for this CHANGE?

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Bangladesh is no where near as multicultural as America, are you mad? This one of the most ethnically homogeneous countries in the world, counting all the ethnic minorities in Bangladesh combined they only account for 2% of the population. And so what if you ancestor's came from foreign countries, does that make you, an Arab? Especially if they settled here several centuries ago and completely integrated with the locals here. In fact, what percent of your DNA is actually from Iraq?

The phonetics become an issue.
Bangladesh is no where near as multicultural as America, are you mad? This one of the most ethnically homogeneous countries in the world, counting all the ethnic minorities in Bangladesh combined they only account for 2% of the population. And so what if you ancestor's came from foreign countries, does that make you, an Arab? Especially if they settled here several centuries ago and completely integrated with the locals here. In fact, what percent of your DNA is actually from Iraq?

The phonetics become an issue.

I don't think Sidr is trying to compare the level of multi culturalism but the fact that both countries are multicultural. Since the beginning of Bengal Sultanate we saw the Bengali Muslim identity develop and then d mature during Mughal rule.

The man is right, no country should be imposed an alien culture.
If that doesn't make me an Arab,it shouldn't make me a Bengali either.Its a mix,and I am happy if you call me none of them.
BTW, what makes a person Bengali in your eyes? Is it the language,ethnicity or geographic location that makes a person Bengali?
Bhai, what relation do you have with Arabs? Do you have any common customs with them? Other than the fact that they're Muslims? You may have them as ancestors but, you are still a Bengali. I have Parsi ancestry from my mother's side yet I have nothing in common with them. A Bengali is a Bengali purely based on his ethnicity and language. That goes for all ethnic groups.

I don't think Sidr is trying to compare the level of multi culturalism but the fact that both countries are multicultural. Since the beginning of Bengal Sultanate we saw the Bengali Muslim identity develop and then d mature during Mughal rule.

The man is right, no country should be imposed an alien culture.
What is this alien culture you speak of? Do you mean this "Hinduized" script?
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Bhai, what relation do you have with Arabs? Do you have any common customs with them? Other than the fact that they're Muslims? You may have them as ancestors but, you are still a Bengali. I have Parsi ancestry from my mother's side yet I have nothing in common with them. A Bengali is a Bengali purely based on his ethnicity and language. That makes you a Bengali.

What is this alien culture you speak of? Do you mean this "Hinduized" script?

Tell me which material of Bankim or Sarat Chandra or even Rabridanath you relate to?
Tell me which material of Bankim or Sarat Chandra or even Rabridanath you relate to?

That is a fascinating question you have asked. The mental leap involved in finding a Bengali mind devoid of any attachment to any one of these amazingly diverse authors is truly liberating. Have you read any of these authors' works? Which ones?
Tell me which material of Bankim or Sarat Chandra or even Rabridanath you relate to?

Great question. I'll like to hear what they have to say now. :coffee:

Bhai, what relation do you have with Arabs? Do you have any common customs with them? Other than the fact that they're Muslims?

Excuse me. Are you Muslim and do you follow Sunnah?
Bhai, what relation do you have with Arabs? Do you have any common customs with them? Other than the fact that they're Muslims? You may have them as ancestors but, you are still a Bengali. I have Parsi ancestry from my mother's side yet I have nothing in common with them. A Bengali is a Bengali purely based on his ethnicity and language. That goes for all ethnic groups.

What is this alien culture you speak of? Do you mean this "Hinduized" script?
We hardly have anything in common with Bengali.show me what we have in common.
Heck our language ain't even Bengali.
Yeah that's what closed-minded people do when they run out of argument. :coffee:
BTW,by ours I meant people of my area(Sylheti speakers),Didn't mean whole population of Bangladesh,because your question was directly towards me.My bad,should've been more clear.
If you want to debate more about whether its a dialect or language,you can post in this thread Chatgaiya language

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