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Talks for Su-35, Mi-35 sales to Pakistan are underway: Russian Deputy FM

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Kiou nai..../aub tu thora dil bi karta hey.
That's real deal , & we are getting our target sights well done on indian navy ?lolzz

Its been stated a million times J-11 s can't be sold another country , Russia don't allow that ?
Get it & stop hitting the wall pls ?

The best thing is as the Air Chief said, we are looking both East and West, means we have the option to buy from various sources.
@TigerJay : when will Pakistan find its OWN two Feet and Learn to Stand on them?? always looking for freebees...??
You need to be self reliant if u ever want to have an independent Foreign or National policy.. AND be ACTULLY recognised as a Serious Nation on an international forum... Early years of independence u looked at USA (while india looked at the USSR), but u need to let go sometime and DEVELOP like india has been trying to do since 1985, and now we are reaping the rewards- LCA Tejas, AGNI series, We will fully Self reliant in Radar technologies by 2020) but practically sold ur soul to that country of Capitalists in exchange of a mindless defence acquisition races with india, its harmfull for ur own economy.. please try and understand the point i am making here instead of getting grumpy and taking offence..

You know what the problem here is, you're jumping from one thing to another. We are particularly discussing if Pakistan and Russia are getting into a deal for Su-35s. If you want to discuss Self Reliant Policy of Pakistan you probably need to start another thread. Which I is see quite unlikely. You're just some kid who wants to satisfy his nationalistic honour and pretending to be know-it-all. I have no interest at the moment in discussing Pakistani or Indian Economy. You don't want me to get grumpy at you, please don't start with me. And just a mere suggestion if you really want to learn something out of discussions, please stick to the topic - one thing at a time my friend. Just for a counter counter argument I could ask when will India learn to rather feed it's ever growing poor population, or rather invest in public toilets before they get into developing missile tech and or 5th gen fighter jets, but really that's not the discussion here. So before you speak again try and learn some manners.

P.S. Do a spell check before you post, it makes you look less stupid.
Kiou nai..../aub tu thora dil bi karta hey.

The best thing is as the Air Chief said, we are looking both East and West, means we have the option to buy from various sources.
Or may he just wants to let Indian media speculate till deal is done ?lolzz
Russian arms are the best option cause most being used by our great dragon & in that case we don't have any worries of sanctions & not getting spares if it ?
Expected visit of CAS Sohail Aman to Russia next month..... PAF surely is planning some sort of deal with the Soviets.

In a recent interview in which he stated that PAF would be looking for the next generation fighter towards both east and west ... he also mentioned that PAF is going to concentrate a lot on force multipliers.
We could just as easily get a couple of J11D squadrons if we need a maritime fighter to protect our sea lanes. It does seem though that the Russians want to play ball as well since the Indians gave them the middle finger over MMRCA fiasco.

First of all, not easily. It involves Russia again. Secondly why to invest in J11Ds when you can get your hands on Su35s. J11s are not at all comparable with Su35s at all and which is why China is also interested in buying the same planes from Russia.
In a recent interview in which he stated that PAF would be looking for the next generation fighter towards both east and west ... he also mentioned that PAF is going to concentrate a lot on force multipliers.
yes indeed, for a small air force like the PAF, this is a neccesary option.
@waz, @Arsalan @Oscar @Slav Defence

You don't want us Indians here, Please Sir, say so, we'll march out of here enmasse.

When you tolerate and condone this kind of language, it really sends a very wrong message for every one concerned here, with all due respect.
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No worries , still it is the best remaining option for PAF & PN it can give protective cover in deep deep sea & also can go up to down to indian territory at its will ?
That's what we need & we are getting it ?
agreed with your kind words, this is the way the patriots think about the country, well done , bravo zullo.

If you utilize its strengths a great plane. For navy protection of your subs and trade routes its range and high payload suits nicely. For supporting interceptors like Jf 17 you can use it like awacs coordinating attacks and long range a2a attacks. Having low numbers for deep a2g and antiship mission would be risky it is not stealthy but ew if capable you can hit and run from stand off ranges.Also it is a large plane that needs large air bases to operate.It cant use highway strips or frontline smaller bases like frontline interceptors.Hide them in shelters and camouflage.Build wooden decoys perhaps to protect expensive assets.
agreed with above remarks, a very thorough comment on the use of su35, and what a sumup of a paragraph in which both ata and atg capabilities are discussed, well done.

Air chiief ko janay do, insha Allah achha ho ga
First of all, not easily. It involves Russia again. Secondly why to invest in J11Ds when you can get your hands on Su35s. J11s are not at all comparable with Su35s at all and which is why China is also interested in buying the same planes from Russia.
J-11D is a copy of Soviet flanker...n its less equipped than the other...
Su-35 is the best russia has to offer ...they will not let Chinese kill their sale....
Su-35 is well suited for navy or paf requirements...
And I gues we can afford 36 sukhois..
Russians will say to india that such small amount of jets doesn't puts them in danger...
-and these things only apply if this news is accurate..china times also reported it.. ;)
Dear Batmanforever/ Darkknightreturns/ Batman&Robin:
Anyone can name any thread as anything.. Even "Pakistan overthrows USA to become superpower".. it is JUST a thread started by someone like u or me.. Nothing Official asyet as far as the su 35 is concerned. mi-35 YES, but nothing on su35.. acceptance nor denial from either of the spokesperson from the two govts. At most, the media houses have been speculating that "negotiations are under-way". and for what i understand, this su35 is a rumour, the real deal under negotiation is the mi 35 chopper. Now keeping this aside, the fact also is that Pakistan cant afford the fighters, and no other country will sponsor it for u, neither China and definitely NOT Russia ( India wont allow the deal.. anyone who is aware of the geo politics is aware of it)
China has been ur close partner, but if u see , then Pakistan is a market for Chinese military hardware. if china "funds" su35 for u, then it will give u a plane at par with itself.. something, it hasnt done with Pakistan even with the J 10 as of now.
china will give soft loans to Pakistan, but to buy more jf 17's or maybe when it offers j10's (3-5 years from now). this way, it can keep its own factories running, while also keeping a higher hand to Pakistan (as a friend, ally and more importantly a "Provider"), in exchange for military bases to protect its own interests in the central Asia in pretext of "training PAf" or as a small joint command in the central Asia. Everything is Just business at the en of the day. Quid-pro-quo.. nothing else!
and if Pakistan wants to really live to its full potential, then it has to loose this mentality that someone will be your Provider.. see how things went down south when decades old ally - America- turned away from u..??
like Einstein said - "doing the same thing over and over, in the same way, and expecting the different result each time.. is insanity" DON'T REPETE YOUR PAST MISTAKES... WITH CHINA...


THIS IS A DEFENCE FORUM... SO THOUGH IT AINT ANY OF My business.. or Yours asthat matter (unless u are a PAF pilot.). but since, i am a defence enthusiast, any military hardware does become my business .. (even though i dont make money off it as yet ;-) )

and i would really appreciate if u speak in context of the thread or counter my argument with your logic and reason. .. there are people who get upset quite fast on this forum, if u soo much soo even sneeze out of topic.. soo lets keep on the topic!!

Defense enthusiast or a Jealous Indian? Is it any of your business to deny news where you don't have an iota of information. Or you are a Russian official? Or Pakistani official? So again is it any of your Business?
Defense enthusiast or a Jealous Indian? Is it any of your business to deny news where you don't have an iota of information. Or you are a Russian official? Or Pakistani official? So again is it any of your Business?
Pakistan needs long range fighters now especially to protect cpec...China refused the offer of military bases so we have to do something...at least for
J-11D is a copy of Soviet flanker...n its less equipped than the other...
Su-35 is the best russia has to offer ...they will not let Chinese kill their sale....
Su-35 is well suited for navy or paf requirements...
And I gues we can afford 36 sukhois..
Russians will say to india that such small amount of jets doesn't puts them in danger...
-and these things only apply if this news is accurate..china times also reported it.. ;)

Russia’s contract for supplying China with Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets (NATO reporting name: Flanker-E) is at an approval stage, the first deputy director general of Russia’s arms exporter, Rosoboronexport, said on Monday.

"We are holding talks with our Chinese partners on agreeing a draft contract for the supplies of fighter jets," Ivan Goncharenko told TASS ahead of the MAKS-2015 air show held near Moscow.

There is a growing interest for the Su-35 multirole fighters, including in Latin America and Southeast Asia, he said.

"Su-35, like the new MiG-29M/M2, allows Russia to hold leading positions steadily on the market of combat aircraft in the future," Goncharenko said.

Russia’s Rosoboronexport expects to sign the contact with China for the supplies of 24 Su-35 fighter jets by late 2015.

First published by TASS.

J-11D is a copy of Soviet flanker...n its less equipped than the other...
Su-35 is the best russia has to offer ...they will not let Chinese kill their sale....
Su-35 is well suited for navy or paf requirements...
And I gues we can afford 36 sukhois..
Russians will say to india that such small amount of jets doesn't puts them in danger...
-and these things only apply if this news is accurate..china times also reported it.. ;)

Russia’s contract for supplying China with Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets (NATO reporting name: Flanker-E) is at an approval stage, the first deputy director general of Russia’s arms exporter, Rosoboronexport, said on Monday.

"We are holding talks with our Chinese partners on agreeing a draft contract for the supplies of fighter jets," Ivan Goncharenko told TASS ahead of the MAKS-2015 air show held near Moscow.

There is a growing interest for the Su-35 multirole fighters, including in Latin America and Southeast Asia, he said.

"Su-35, like the new MiG-29M/M2, allows Russia to hold leading positions steadily on the market of combat aircraft in the future," Goncharenko said.

Russia’s Rosoboronexport expects to sign the contact with China for the supplies of 24 Su-35 fighter jets by late 2015.

First published by TASS.
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