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Muslim student arrested in US after home-built clock mistaken for bomb


Jun 7, 2013
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IRVING — Ahmed Mohamed — who makes his own radios and repairs his own go-kart — hoped to impress his teachers when he brought a homemade clock to MacArthur High on Monday.

Instead, the school phoned police about Ahmed’s circuit-stuffed pencil case.

So the 14-year-old missed the student council meeting and took a trip in handcuffs to juvenile detention. His clock now sits in an evidence room. Police say they may yet charge him with making a hoax bomb — though they acknowledge he told everyone who would listen that it’s a clock.

In the meantime, Ahmed’s been suspended, his father is upset and the Council on American-Islamic Relations is once again eyeing claims of Islamophobia in Irving.

Box of circuit boards
A box full of circuit boards sits at the foot of Ahmed’s small bed in central Irving. His door marks the border where the Mohamed family’s cramped but lavishly decorated house begins to look like the back room at RadioShack.

“Here in high school, none of the teachers know what I can do,” Ahmed said, fiddling with a cable while a soldering iron dangled from the shelf behind him.

He loved robotics club in middle school and was searching for a similar niche in his first few weeks of high school.

So he decided to do what he’s always done: He built something.

Ahmed’s clock was hardly his most elaborate creation. He said he threw it together in about 20 minutes before bed on Sunday: a circuit board and power supply wired to a digital display, all strapped inside a case with a tiger hologram on the front.

He showed it to his engineering teacher first thing Monday morning and didn’t get quite the reaction he’d hoped.

“He was like, ‘That’s really nice,’” Ahmed said. “‘I would advise you not to show any other teachers.’”

He kept the clock inside his school bag in English class, but the teacher complained when the alarm beeped in the middle of a lesson. Ahmed brought his invention up to show her afterward.

“She was like, it looks like a bomb,” he said.

“I told her, ‘It doesn’t look like a bomb to me.’”

The teacher kept the clock. When the principal and a police officer pulled Ahmed out of sixth period, he suspected he wouldn’t get it back.

They led Ahmed into a room where four other police officers waited. He said an officer he’d never seen before leaned back in his chair and remarked: “Yup. That’s who I thought it was.”

Ahmed felt suddenly conscious of his brown skin and his name — one of the most common in the Muslim religion. But the police kept him busy with questions.

The bell rang at least twice, he said, while the officers searched his belongings and questioned his intentions. The principal threatened to expel him if he didn’t make a written statement, he said.

“They were like, ‘So you tried to make a bomb?’” Ahmed said.

“I told them no, I was trying to make a clock.”

“He said, ‘It looks like a movie bomb to me.’”

Police skepticism
Ahmed never claimed his device was anything but a clock, said police spokesman James McLellan. And police have no reason to think it was dangerous. But officers still didn’t believe Ahmed was giving them the whole story.

“We have no information that he claimed it was a bomb,” McLellan said. “He kept maintaining it was a clock, but there was no broader explanation.”

Asked what broader explanation the boy could have given, the spokesman explained:

“It could reasonably be mistaken as a device if left in a bathroom or under a car. The concern was, what was this thing built for? Do we take him into custody?”

Police led Ahmed out of MacArthur about 3 p.m., his hands cuffed behind him and an officer on each arm. A few students gaped in the halls. He remembers the shocked expression of his student counselor — the one “who knows I’m a good boy.”

Ahmed was spared the inside of a cell. The police sent him out of the juvenile detention center to meet his parents shortly after taking his fingerprints.

They’re still investigating the case, and Ahmed hasn’t been back to school. His family said the principal suspended him for three days.

“They thought, ‘How could someone like this build something like this unless it’s a threat?’” Ahmed said.

An Irving ISD statement gave no details about the case, citing student privacy laws.

‘Invent good things’
“He just wants to invent good things for mankind,” said Ahmed’s father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, who immigrated from Sudan and occasionally returns there to run for president. “But because his name is Mohamed and because of Sept. 11, I think my son got mistreated.”

He’s not the only one who thinks so. Not much for local politics, Mohamed wasn’t paying attention over the summer, when Mayor Beth Van Duyne became a national celebrity in anti-Islamic circles, fueling rumors in speeches that the religious minority was plotting to usurp American laws.

But the Council on American-Islamic Relations took note.

“This all raises a red flag for us: how Irving’s government entities are operating in the current climate,” said Alia Salem, who directs the council’s North Texas chapter and has spoken to lawyers about Ahmed’s arrest.

“We’re still investigating,” she said, “but it seems pretty egregious.”

Meanwhile, Ahmed is sitting home in his bedroom, tinkering with old gears and electrical converters, pronouncing words like “ethnicity” for what sounds like the first time.

He’s vowed never to take an invention to school again.

Irving 9th-grader arrested after taking homemade clock to school: 'So you tried to make a bomb?' | Dallas Morning News

Sad that a kid had to go through all this.
Why would you live in Texas if you are ethnic? Avoid hillbilly areas. Its like James eating pork chops in FATA :lol:

These people have a history of enslaving and genocide. Essentially the white american version of hinduvita.
Why would you live in Texas if you are ethnic? Avoid hillbilly areas. Its like James eating pork chops in FATA :lol:

These people have a history of enslaving and genocide. Essentially the white american version of hinduvita.
Lol :D

This is their mentality:

God Bless America :D
next time what,arrest(attempted murder) some poor kid to bring in a snake toy to school,you know that could give someone a heart attack.
Amercans are suffering from phobia, particularly from Muslim. They see everything of them from the spectacles of doubt.
Why would you live in Texas if you are ethnic? Avoid hillbilly areas. Its like James eating pork chops in FATA :lol:

These people have a history of enslaving and genocide. Essentially the white american version of hinduvita.

What are you saying man...I stay in Irving...This area is full of immigrants...and in speicific South Asian people...So i doubt there is white man stays in the heart of Irving to make any Islamophobic situation...
‘Invent good things’
“He just wants to invent good things for mankind,” said Ahmed’s father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, who immigrated from Sudan and occasionally returns there to run for president. “But because his name is Mohamed and because of Sept. 11, I think my son got mistreated.”
Sad case indeed!!!
And I couldn't help but notice that his father occasionally goes to Sudan to run for president? o_O I wish I can go to Pakistan every now and then to run for president. :(
Makes me glad that I live in Canada, where racists are publically shamed, if caught. Those officers and teachers should be ashamed.
Well canada has its problems too. But I guess generally its better. But they try to copy the US.

US actively however persecutes muslims. It has been punishing the whole world for 9/11 which wouldn't have happened anyway if they hadn't interfered in Afghanistan in the 1980s. I am not surprised by this arrogant american behavior. They are locked in a cycle of hate and need a constant enemy. If it is not the Soviets its China, if not its Japan and if not its the Muslims.
Better safe than sorry.

The same people who are braying in protest now would be the same ones castigating the failures to prevent a catastrophe while secretly cheering it. USA is damned any which way in their hypocritical eyes in anything that it does, but as you said, better safe than sorry.

Any kid can't just take in a potentially suspicious object even for a show-and-tell. Letting the teacher know in advance is all it takes to keep things safe for everyone.
Muslim student arrested in US after home-built clock mistaken for bomb
By Web Desk
Published: September 16, 2015

The teenager was handcuffed and taken to police headquarters and was not allowed to call his parents. PHOTO: The Dallas Morning News

A Muslim ninth-grade boy was arrested in Texas after bringing to school a home-built digital clock which teachers mistook to be a bomb.

Ahmed Mohamed, 14, who had a keen interest in mechanics and a talent for making mechanical gadgets, had intended to impress his engineering teacher by presenting a digital clock which he had made himself. However, the teacher instantly became wary.

Describing his teacher’s reaction, Mohamed said, “He was like, ‘That’s really nice. I would advise you not to show any other teachers.’”

However, during an English class, the clock beeped and when his teacher saw it, she said it looked like a bomb. Mohamed, who had made his own radios and once built a blue tooth speaker as a gift for his friend, answered that “it doesn’t look like a bomb to me” but the clock was still confiscated and later on in the day, the boy was pulled out of his class by the principal.

“They took me to a room filled with five officers in which they interrogated me and searched through my stuff and took my tablet and my invention. “They were like, ‘So you tried to make a bomb?’ I told them no, I was trying to make a clock,” the boy explained.

Read: Chapel Hill: Three Muslim students killed in US shooting

However, the official insisted that it looked like a bomb, after which he was taken to the police headquarters, handcuffed and fingerprinted. Once there, he was interrogated and was not allowed to call his parents. Mohamed recounted that officers kept bringing up his last name.

Anil Dash


I expect they will have more to say tomorrow, but Ahmed's sister asked me to share this photo. A NASA shirt! pic.twitter.com/nR4gt992gB

8:30 AM - 16 Sep 2015

“I really don’t think it’s fair because I brought something to school that wasn’t a threat to anyone,” Mohamed said adding that “I didn’t do anything wrong. I just showed my teachers something and I end up being arrested later that day.”

Irving Independent School District spokesperson Lesley Weaver released a statement confirming that a MacArthur High School student was arrested on campus but she refused to discuss the case.

“We always ask our students and staff to immediately report if they observe any suspicious items or behaviour. If something is out of the ordinary, the information should be reported immediately to a school administrator and/or the police so it can be addressed right away. We will always take necessary precautions to protect our students and keep our school community as safe as possible,” the statement read.

A police report released on Tuesday cited a “hoax bomb” incident, listing three MacArthur High teachers as complainants against Mohamed.

Irving Police Officer James McLellan said in an interview to a local TV channel that the school officials and officers had been anxious about the device. “It could reasonably be mistaken as a device if left in a bathroom or under a car. The concern was, what was this thing built for? Do we take him into custody?” he said.

“Clearly, there were disassembled clock parts in there, but he offered no more explanation than that. A lot of these details that the family and he have provided to you were not shared with us yesterday. He was very much less than forthcoming,” the officer added.

Read: Does one Iftar at the White House change anything for Muslims in the US?

Mohamed’s father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, blamed the incident on Islamophobia and informed that his son had been suspended from school for three days. “He just wants to invent good things for mankind. But because his name is Mohamed and because of September 11, I think my son got mistreated,” said his father.

Muram Ibrahim, a 15-year-old cousin of Mohamed’s who was part of his middle school robotics team, was shocked to find out how he had been treated. “It just shocked me that people could do this to him. He’s a 14-year-old boy and he’s a genius,” she said, recalling how her teammates used to call her younger cousin over whenever they needed help.

“I thought there’s a lot of diversity at Irving [Independent School District] and I thought that it was different from other school districts. But I was wrong and it makes me really sad that I’m wrong,” she said.

Ibrahim also informed that she helped organise a protest at Irving schools, encouraging students to bring clocks to school in a show of solidarity. But as for Mohamed, he is still battling the memories of the handcuffs around his wrists.

“It made me feel like I wasn’t human,” he said in a video interview. “It made me feel like a criminal.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations said they would be looking into the case and would be meeting with MacArthur High School principal and the Irving police chief on Wednesday, along with the Mohameds.

“I think this wouldn’t even be a question if his name wasn’t Ahmed Mohamed,” Alia Salem, CAIR’s executive director for the Dallas-Fort Worth region said.

The incident has caused outrage on social media, with people tweeting to show their support for Mohamed.

more: ‘They thought it was a bomb': Ahmed Mohamed, Texas 9th grader, arrested after bringing a home-built clock to school - The Washington Post

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