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Karachi vs Mumbai

why post a random photo of a village road in Kanyakumari then? Practice what you preach.

No, but the major ones do.

I can post worse pictures of roads in Delhi

The picture was in response to that other guy who implied that every Indian city has more or less the same road infrastructure as Islamabad
I can post worse pictures of roads in Delhi

The picture was in response to that other guy who implied that every Indian city has more or less the same road infrastructure as Islamabad

... and one can find pictures online of broken up roads in Islamabad too, if one wants to. If by infrastructure, you mean "wide roads", then I'm afraid my words won't be of any use to you. Also, one has to look beyond the arteries, into the realm of minor roads. This thread is supposedly about Karachi Vs B'bay, so please stick to the topic.
... and one can find pictures online of broken up roads in Islamabad too, if one wants to. If by infrastructure, you mean "wide roads", then I'm afraid my words won't be of any use to you. Also, one has to look beyond the arteries, into the realm of minor roads. This thread is supposedly about Karachi Vs B'bay, so please stick to the topic.

Yes exactly and that is where Islamabad takes the cake
On topic: This is a stupid thread

And I can post pics of Delhi roads that would put any road in a Pakistani city in to shame.Whats your point ?

Stop claiming that every Indian city of similar size has a better road infrastructure than Islamabad
why wasting timke see the GDP of every city and analyze which one is better city why fighting a fake war which will have no result
Don't make such sweeping statements.Ever

Orangi is the largest slum in Asia.So what if there isn't any in the downtown ? Mumbai is far ahead in terms of infrastructure.

Not a statement but a fact, Google

Infrastructure doesnt mean sht if its surrounded by piled up trash,


Canberra is better in every criteria which makes Islamabad the best city in the world.

Capital City State - Check
Public servants crawling everywhere - Check
All the nice looking properties are embassies - Check
Wide empty roads with never ending roundabouts - Check
Boring as fck - Check
Shitty public transport - Check
High rises as high as parking lots - Check
Top 10 things to do according to TripAdvisor are attractions, often called Government Buildings by tourists - Check
Nightlife means getting charged by the hour - Check
Uninhabited wasteland,considered as a natural beauty - Check

Canberra's infrastructure is no where close to Islamabad's.
First of all, karachi should be comparing with one of Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai...And each of these south-indian cities will whoop karachi's arse in terms of economic development. Karachiwallas, pick on someone your own little size: not the population size, the economic size.You lost the race to Delhi and Mumbai some 20 odd years ago.
No, its not

A large section of the population is middle class

I know this because i live here....you haven't even been here once

This perception may have been true for the 90's but not anymore

Yup roads like these

The international airport was/is right next door in Rawalpindi

Its not as if citizens of Islamabad were denied international air traffic

I know just Dharavi has a population of one million

Chalo aik aur thread sahi :)
The middle class you are saying is upper middle class. And Mumbai or Delhi are for everyone.
And the road you are showing is from village.
Rawalpindi international airport is not up to international standards that why you are constructing new airport.
Mumbai would be more fitting to compare to Mogadishu or Djibouti than Karachi

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