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Time to talk to Israel

Should Pakistan rethink it's strategy regarding ISRAEL ???

  • NO, We are on course.

  • YES,Course correction needed

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Jan 4, 2013
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The continued ban on YouTube in Pakistan is not the only policy in the country that doesn’t make any sense. Almost 70 years of living in absolute denial over the existence of the state of Israel is equally irrational. There are better ways to show solidarity with Palestine than refusing to have any diplomatic relations with a country that is as old as ours and has the same rationale for independence as Pakistan. Notwithstanding the controversy around even discussing a potential rapprochement with Israel, it’s about time Pakistan gets its act right and consider all options. What Narendra Modi did in the UAE should be reciprocated by Nawaz Sharif in Tel Aviv.

Triggered by the rise of China, the US opening up to Iran, and withdrawal of the US forces from Afghanistan, the global order is undergoing a radical shift. Diplomats in major world capitals are actively pursuing new alliance blocs, and strategic shifts are in motion for prominent international players. Nowhere is the shift more in flux than in the Middle East, where Saudi Arabia, Israel and Iran are actively finding new ways to adjust to the changing US strategy in the region. Moreover, with Prime Minister Modi signing a $75 billion deal with the UAE, including in the areas of defence and intelligence cooperation, alarm bells should ring in the security and defence quarters of Pakistan. While taking many Pakistanis by surprise, the warming of relations between India and the UAE shouldn’t come across as unusual.Beyond the ideas of a Muslim ‘Ummah’, in the real world, international diplomacy is purely based on realistic notions of states asking one question: what’s in it for us? With the US economy back on track, and dependency on oil likely to wane in the decades to come, the Arab world is likely going to struggle — hence, it is preparing to survive by protecting its interest.

With major Arab countries opening up to new avenues and partnerships, especially in the aftermath of Pakistan’s refusal to participate in the operation in Yemen, there is little reason for us to hold onto to our decades-old, outdated foreign policy posture on the Middle East.When even a country like Saudi Arabia, which has historically maintained close backdoor channels with Israel, is pondering over taking Saudi-Israeli relations to the next level, what then is holding Pakistan back? Perhaps, nothing more than inertia — the single biggest enemy of any change or reforms in the country. Unfortunately, in matters of security and defence policies, inertia cannot be afforded space — Pakistan must keep all its options open.

Is it time, finally, to talk to Israel? Perhaps, it is, given, especially that major Arab countries that have had direct confrontations with Israel, including Egypt and Jordan, have diplomatic relations with it. Moreover, other Muslim countries like Turkey have stable relations with Israel, and Indonesia maintains workable ties with the Jewish state. Israel and Pakistan have more in common than meets the eye. Both countries share close relations with the US. At the same time, both are treated with suspicion by US policymakers. In the new emerging global order, both Israel and Pakistan are likely going to be affected by changing US policies in their respective regions: the US shift towards Iran in the Middle East, and towards India in South Asia. Given that Israel is in a tough spot without complete US support, there is an opportunity for Pakistan to bargain with Israel. Beyond the obvious potential for economic, business, and technology related cooperation between the two countries, Israel with its muscle in Washington, can provide Pakistan a major edge, both in the US and in the Middle East.
Even If the rationale to boycott Israel has been to offer solidarity to Palestine, the best way to do that would be to recognise Israel, and mount pressure on it to play a part in resolving the crisis. The real issue is that nobody knows why there are no ties with Israel — partly because there is no discussion or dialogue on the subject. The government must take its people into confidence and tell them that supporting diplomatic relations with Israel is not equivalent to supporting Israel’s actions in Palestine, and that Pakistan not only stands to reap benefits from its ties with Israel, but can also play a productive role in solving the Palestine issue. It’s about time that foreign policy reflected pragmatism instead of being limited by unfounded idealism.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 22nd, 2015.

Time to talk to Israel - The Express Tribune

@Horus @Zarvan @Windjammer @Desert Fox @Bang Galore @MilSpec @Capt.Popeye @Solomon2 @Abingdonboy @500 @That Guy @ranjeet @Syama Ayas @Guynextdoor2

The continued ban on YouTube in Pakistan is not the only policy in the country that doesn’t make any sense. Almost 70 years of living in absolute denial over the existence of the state of Israel is equally irrational. There are better ways to show solidarity with Palestine than refusing to have any diplomatic relations with a country that is as old as ours and has the same rationale for independence as Pakistan. Notwithstanding the controversy around even discussing a potential rapprochement with Israel, it’s about time Pakistan gets its act right and consider all options. What Narendra Modi did in the UAE should be reciprocated by Nawaz Sharif in Tel Aviv.

Triggered by the rise of China, the US opening up to Iran, and withdrawal of the US forces from Afghanistan, the global order is undergoing a radical shift. Diplomats in major world capitals are actively pursuing new alliance blocs, and strategic shifts are in motion for prominent international players. Nowhere is the shift more in flux than in the Middle East, where Saudi Arabia, Israel and Iran are actively finding new ways to adjust to the changing US strategy in the region. Moreover, with Prime Minister Modi signing a $75 billion deal with the UAE, including in the areas of defence and intelligence cooperation, alarm bells should ring in the security and defence quarters of Pakistan. While taking many Pakistanis by surprise, the warming of relations between India and the UAE shouldn’t come across as unusual.Beyond the ideas of a Muslim ‘Ummah’, in the real world, international diplomacy is purely based on realistic notions of states asking one question: what’s in it for us? With the US economy back on track, and dependency on oil likely to wane in the decades to come, the Arab world is likely going to struggle — hence, it is preparing to survive by protecting its interest.

With major Arab countries opening up to new avenues and partnerships, especially in the aftermath of Pakistan’s refusal to participate in the operation in Yemen, there is little reason for us to hold onto to our decades-old, outdated foreign policy posture on the Middle East.When even a country like Saudi Arabia, which has historically maintained close backdoor channels with Israel, is pondering over taking Saudi-Israeli relations to the next level, what then is holding Pakistan back? Perhaps, nothing more than inertia — the single biggest enemy of any change or reforms in the country. Unfortunately, in matters of security and defence policies, inertia cannot be afforded space — Pakistan must keep all its options open.

Is it time, finally, to talk to Israel? Perhaps, it is, given, especially that major Arab countries that have had direct confrontations with Israel, including Egypt and Jordan, have diplomatic relations with it. Moreover, other Muslim countries like Turkey have stable relations with Israel, and Indonesia maintains workable ties with the Jewish state. Israel and Pakistan have more in common than meets the eye. Both countries share close relations with the US. At the same time, both are treated with suspicion by US policymakers. In the new emerging global order, both Israel and Pakistan are likely going to be affected by changing US policies in their respective regions: the US shift towards Iran in the Middle East, and towards India in South Asia. Given that Israel is in a tough spot without complete US support, there is an opportunity for Pakistan to bargain with Israel. Beyond the obvious potential for economic, business, and technology related cooperation between the two countries, Israel with its muscle in Washington, can provide Pakistan a major edge, both in the US and in the Middle East.
Even If the rationale to boycott Israel has been to offer solidarity to Palestine, the best way to do that would be to recognise Israel, and mount pressure on it to play a part in resolving the crisis. The real issue is that nobody knows why there are no ties with Israel — partly because there is no discussion or dialogue on the subject. The government must take its people into confidence and tell them that supporting diplomatic relations with Israel is not equivalent to supporting Israel’s actions in Palestine, and that Pakistan not only stands to reap benefits from its ties with Israel, but can also play a productive role in solving the Palestine issue. It’s about time that foreign policy reflected pragmatism instead of being limited by unfounded idealism.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 22nd, 2015.

Time to talk to Israel - The Express Tribune

@Horus @Zarvan @Windjammer @Desert Fox @Bang Galore @MilSpec @Capt.Popeye @Solomon2 @Abingdonboy @500 @That Guy @ranjeet @Syama Ayas @Guynextdoor2
This crap was expected from Express Tribune nothing new. No talk will be done with Israel until Palestinian state is established with Jerusalem as its capital.
We need not boost unnecessary hostility against Israel. The Arabs and Iranis do what really suits to their interests. Why can't we do what really suits to our national interests? Are we permanently obliged to float with our sentiments for the Palestinians or Arabs? The UAE govt. was more supportive to the Hindu residents compared to the Muslim residents at the time of the demolition of Babri Masjid.

There is no harm in negotiating our terms with Israel. We must do what really suits the best to our national interests.
While Pak-Israeli relations can be debated, it is silly to think Israel will use it's access to Washington for Pakistan's benefit. Israel has no reason to do that.
To help solve the Israel Palestine issue, Pakistan needs diplomatic leverage with Israel, it would also benefit our nation to join the vast majority of the world in having formal relations with the Israelis.

It is no use protesting from where we are, we have no say, no relevance. If we build ties, then perhaps we can exert pressure through diplomatic channels if the will of the people of Pakistan is so.
Israel is a B*****D and a terrorist state.I have nothing against the jews but these israelis are child murdering lunatic psychos.Im glad we dont maintain relations with them.
IMO Israel will do what it's going to do regardless whether Pakistan talks to them or not.

They have an agenda to work towards.
To help solve the Israel Palestine issue, Pakistan needs diplomatic leverage with Israel, it would also benefit our nation to join the vast majority of the world in having formal relations with the Israelis.

It is no use protesting from where we are, we have no say, no relevance. If we build ties, then perhaps we can exert pressure through diplomatic channels if the will of the people of Pakistan is so.
I agree, we are gaining nothing from this point, we are not helping our Palestinian brothers from this point, there is nothing wrong in recognizing Israel, that way we can negotiate with them too, exert pressure. How can anyone expect solution to a problem if we do not address the other party.
It is no use protesting from where we are, we have no say, no relevance
My point exactly, by ignoring what have we gained so far, nothing. We need to start solving the problem, not let it drift and expect it to solve itself.
My opinion

IMO Israel will do what it's going to do regardless whether Pakistan talks to them or not.

They have an agenda to work towards.
How else are we to help our Palestinian brothers in need? if not by talking to Israel. This is the only way to help the Palestinian cause.
Arabs and Iranis have no hostility against India at all. The Indian Hinu workers are given preference in the Middle East. Look at any Gulf State, the majority of workers are the Indian Hindus. Why are we so unnecessarily hostile against the Israelis?
Pakistan has already suffered by becoming front line ally with US,over Afghan policy and many other issues awaits further for Pakistan.Considering Israel is a bad idea.Remember,I find Israel as way dangerous then India,they will never forget for how Mr.Jinnah responded to their telegram,their attempt to destroy Iraqi nuclear reactor is another alaram and further of their conspiracy with India.Keep them at a distance and do not give them any pathway to influence you via diplomatically or any other route.Allowing them for diplomacy means to open up gateways for dire consequences. Israel may pretend,but can never become friend to Pakistan like that of China,please spare us and let us only focus over recent issues regarding WOT,Kashmir issue and Indian issue.
Please,we already have a lots of foes,pretending to be friends,don't increase your problems by adding another one.It is better to resolve your issues with your neighbor countries first.

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To help solve the Israel Palestine issue, Pakistan needs diplomatic leverage with Israel, it would also benefit our nation to join the vast majority of the world in having formal relations with the Israelis.

It is no use protesting from where we are, we have no say, no relevance. If we build ties, then perhaps we can exert pressure through diplomatic channels if the will of the people of Pakistan is so.
Very logical standpoint. We need no fan hatred against Israel unnecessarily. We must be in some position to talk to Israel on certain issues.
Pakistan has already suffered by becoming front line ally with US,over Afghan policy and many other issues awaits further for Pakistan.Considering Israel is a bad idea.Remember,I find Israel as way dangerous then India,they will never forget for how Mr.Jinnah reponded to their telegram,their attempt to destroy Iraqi nuclear reactor is another alaram and further of their conspiracy with India.Keep them at a distance and do not give them any pathway to influence you via diplomatically or any other route.Allowing them for diplomacy means to open up gateways for dire consequences. Israel may pretend,but can never become friend to Pakistan like that of China,please spare us and let us only focus over recent issues regarding WOT,Kashmir issue and Indian issue.
Please,we already have a lots of foes,pretending to be friends,don't increase your problems by adding another one.It is better to resolve your issues with your neighbor countries first.

Israel has no
Pakistan has already suffered by becoming front line ally with US,over Afghan policy and many other issues awaits further for Pakistan.Considering Israel is a bad idea.Remember,I find Israel as way dangerous then India,they will never forget for how Mr.Jinnah reponded to their telegram,their attempt to destroy Iraqi nuclear reactor is another alaram and further of their conspiracy with India.Keep them at a distance and do not give them any pathway to influence you via diplomatically or any other route.Allowing them for diplomacy means to open up gateways for dire consequences. Israel may pretend,but can never become friend to Pakistan like that of China,please spare us and let us only focus over recent issues regarding WOT,Kashmir issue and Indian issue.
Please,we already have a lots of foes,pretending to be friends,don't increase your problems by adding another one.It is better to resolve your issues with your neighbor countries first.

Israel has no problem for interfering in our affairs through other channels. If we establish some diplomatic relations then we may be able to protect our national interests in a much better way. Turkey has diplomatic relations with Israel. The Turks have so far not suffered from any repentance for their diplomatic relations with Israel.
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