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Is America the greatest country in the world?

Nice country to visit, peoples are cool but the govt following Zionist strgeties/Plans etc a lot of innocents blood in their hand. Papa Bush Beta Bush worst presidents.
Its amazing isn't it, though. Whoever goes there is singing their songs and writing their chronicles. Americans sure win over a lot of people who come to their land. They support them and have given many of their people equal rights. These people you are talking about are away from Pakistan's and close to America's outlook, mostly because they have lived there and seen the freedom they are provided.

I surely wish we could exert such influence on our people. We are a divided nation, ethnically, politically and even on sectarian lines.

Why do you think USA has such a great and positive influence? Therein lie the answers you seek for Pakistan, but those may be beyond reach for now.
Goodness in music and world leaders.

Heres my favorites:

  1. Germany
  2. Finland
  3. Hungary
  4. Nigeria
  5. Denmark
  6. Estonia
  7. Botswana
  8. United States
  9. Belgium
  10. Mexico
  11. Suiss
  12. Serbia
  13. Somalia
  14. Greece
  15. Lithua
  16. Poland
  17. South Africa
  18. Kenya
  19. Marocco
  20. Pakistan
  21. India
  22. Israel

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:o:You missed the best nation of all:


No gay No. No. No.
My step father are Swede.

Edit. Thinking Finland and Sweden as one and third or vice versa. I'm living in Sweden and my visit are Swede but my mother are finn and hers brothers and sister are finn. My grand father and mother died 74 and 70 year. Plus my sister have one children with father from Iran. Over 1 year old now.

I say maybe Japan and Israel is two good outside my 3 star kontinents. Two friends to the US.
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Now I thinks Norway and Sweden awake from the list.

My list only the military.
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Goodness in music and world leaders.

Heres my favorites:

  1. Germany
  2. Finland
  3. Hungary
  4. Nigeria
  5. Denmark
  6. Estonia
  7. Botswana
  8. United States
  9. Belgium
  10. Mexico
  11. Suiss
  12. Serbia
  13. Somalia
  14. Greece
  15. Lithua
  16. Poland
  17. South Africa
  18. Kenya
  19. Marocco
  20. Pakistan
  21. India
  22. Israel


Let me correct this for you"

1) India
2) Bharat
3) Hindustan
4) Aryavarta
5) Indica
6) Tianzhu
7) Hodu

उत्तरं यत्समुद्रस्य हिमाद्रेश्चैव दक्षिणम् ।
वर्षं तद् भारतं नाम भारती यत्र संततिः ।।
I wish I can re-live the 80s in US...watch the video...I take a lot of comfort when listening to these two (George Carlin and Bill Hicks) when humanity gets me feeling down...

BTW not to depress everyone here but this video is an excellent work ...

No, it's one of the worst US should stop terrorizing other countries.
The US of A gentlemen is not perfect but we do try to aim for excellence and greatness. Some members here are quite obvious in showing their "hatred" towards the USA and yet our embassies in "their" respective countries receive thousands of visa applications of all sorts. Ironic is it not!??! If you hate our country very much then why watch our movies? Listen to our music? Buy our weapons? Even wear our clothes? and please do not tell me NO. Gentlemen, for me personally that is hypocrisy at its best. This is just my two cents of thought and I do not intend to insult anyone.

AMERICA IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY FOR AMERICANS!!! If you disagree, then that is your problem do not come over!!! stay in that hole you call your country!!! it's as simple as that no need for bashing the US of A otherwise for most of the world, you will only look like a bitter and jealous kid.

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