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shafqat hussain executed in karachi

Finally, he case was spoiled by HRCP
Keep hanging the criminals & rented terrorists.
He has been punished for what he committed.
Not so easy not so fast. He is only punished for the murder but not for the rape, not for the pain he gave to the parents while negotiating ransom deal for 40 days. Put yourself in the shoes of that father, that mother whose 7 years old was kidnapped, parents were selling everything so they could pay to the abductor and what they got after 40 days of wait? a dead body. A battered, shattered, molested, dead body of a 7 years old. While I am writing these lines, my nerves are being shattered and you... Khuda tumharey haal par rehem karey, you are asking for this animal's forgiveness. How senseless and callous humans can be. At-least keep quite if you have nothing better to say.
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Not so easy not so fast. He is only punished for the murder but not for the rape, not for the pain he gave to the parents while negotiating ransom deal for 40 days. Put yourself in the shoes of that father, that mother mother whose 7 years old was kidnapped, parents were selling everything so they could pay to the abductor and what they got after 40 days of wait? a dead body. A battered, shattered, molested, dead body of a 7 years old. While I am writing these lines, my nerves are being shattered and you... Khuda tunharey haal par rehem karey, you are asking for this animal's forgiveness. How senseless and callous humans can be. At-least keep quite I have nothing better to say.
Unfortunately he could not have been punished more by humans so the matter is between him and his god. I agree to every word of yours about the pain he inflicted upon the child, his parents and society in general.
Good riddance... This pathetic excuse that minors can't be hanged is stupid.. He raped and murdered a child. The likes of Marvi sirmed and asma jahangir are blinded by foolish humanitarian calls. I have litirally no idea how Dan one show mercy and love to humans who can destroy humans like that .... This is not love for humanity. Its blindness of the wrong of humanity. Well those two will shout out anti Pakistan and anti army calls again after this to relieve their frustration.... Hopefully more get hanged.. I am extremely supportive of capital punishments.
Good riddance... This pathetic excuse that minors can't be hanged is stupid.. He raped and murdered a child. The likes of Marvi sirmed and asma jahangir are blinded by foolish humanitarian calls. I have litirally no idea how Dan one show mercy and love to humans who can destroy humans like that .... This is not love for humanity. Its blindness of the wrong of humanity. Well those two will shout out anti Pakistan and anti army calls again after this to relieve their frustration.... Hopefully more get hanged.. I am extremely supportive of capital punishments.
They are like this because their baap europe and usa have abolished death sentence. They will do anything to support their daddy. Wish something like this happens to them so that they feel what the parents of that child did.
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Good riddance... This pathetic excuse that minors can't be hanged is stupid.. He raped and murdered a child. The likes of Marvi sirmed and asma jahangir are blinded by foolish humanitarian calls. I have litirally no idea how Dan one show mercy and love to humans who can destroy humans like that .... This is not love for humanity. Its blindness of the wrong of humanity. Well those two will shout out anti Pakistan and anti army calls again after this to relieve their frustration.... Hopefully more get hanged.. I am extremely supportive of capital punishments.
Throw Marvi and Asma's own close relatives in front of these dogs and lets see then whether these bitches get the stomach ach of so-called humanity or not.
Throw Marvi and Asma's own close relatives in front of these dogs and lets see then whether these bitches get the stomach ach of so-called humanity or not.

Agreed... They have yet to face the horror of seeing a mangled dead body if your loved one and then hear some preachy humanist come forward and defend that vile beings action. The feeling of frustration that you cab do nothing and not even the state fan rake vengeance on your behalf bcz these liberal elitist who have no idea any the troubles of people , but act like they do, defend such monsters... I would happily see them get hanged daily then know that my tax money and revenue of my country is going to feeding and helping such scums.
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