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NASA estimates 1 billion ‘Earths’ in our galaxy alone

60 years ago, human beings weren't capable enough to deter any space rock hurtling towards this tiny planet, we survived through 'luck', not because of technological advancement.

Even to survive, they have to achieve that minimum level of advancement without getting wiped out.

It interesting to see that may be they already saw earth million of years before or journey towards us with there extra terrestrial space ship.Just like we saw earth like planet, they might see us kepler like planet earth long before, who knows
I won't say "don't know" because I know aliens exist without a doubt. Just that our scientists and priests feared revealing the truth would be catastrophical.

I have a doubt, since according to darwin theory humans are derived from monkeys, then why the current monkeys still look monkeys !

Thats not the current Theory of Evolution; its that Humans and Apes evolved from a Common Ancestor - Not each other !

Plus its not a 'theory' - Evolution is a FACT....the theories are about HOW it happens - Whether through Natural Selection or through some other mechanism !
and if they were 1 bn religious why not they finished their planets with sucide blasts
i dont think any of 1 billion and 1 planet can be finished by sucide blasts - even the biggest danger to this planet the earth is not sucide blasts its global warming thanks to science and lack of morals -

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