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Turkish Anti ISIS Operations | Updates & Discussions

ISIS must die.

Also Turks should take over Syria. I don't want to call it the revival of the Ottoman Empire, but the Turks seem like the only ones that can sort out this mess.

Iran is by far the better candidate,

Hizbollah has been fighting IS scum for longer and better.
I think Turkey does a good politics.. What they want is to take Kurdish people anger against ISIS, and they want to show them that Turkey are fighting with ISIS for the Bomb. These are important policy to gain good ratings in the kurdish community..

You may be right but my opinion is that since Kurds are greedy people they won't be satisfacted, forget about ISIS there are tons of good will shown to them yet they still support HDP/PKK to seperate their land. Because most of them ignorant and closed to bu educated, brainwashed. I saw recently an interview that Kurdish children think terrorists mean the protector of Kurds.

This scene is from Van province, a pre-election HDP meeting. Van is hit by a 7.2 earhtquake in 2011, we collected as nation 224 Million TL ( 82 million $ ) to help them, collected clothes, sent any kind of aid, toys, medical, tents, meals, water supply, heaters.. Hundreds of people went to Van as volunteer to help people. we built hundreds of new houses in 2 years now they are better then old. After all, this is what we have got;


"7.2 couldn't take us down, who the hell is Turkish Republic"

Enough is enough, their fvcking bloody end is approaching..

Hizbollah has been fighting IS scum for longer and better.

And ISIS keep expanding.. lol
You may be right but my opinion is that since Kurds are greedy people they won't be satisfacted, forget about ISIS there are tons of good will shown to them yet they still support HDP/PKK to seperate their land. Because most of them ignorant and closed to bu educated, brainwashed. I saw recently an interview that Kurdish children think terrorists mean the protector of Kurds.

This scene is from Van province, a pre-election HDP meeting. Van is hit by a 7.2 earhtquake in 2011, we collected as nation 224 Million TL ( 82 million $ ) to help them, collected clothes, sent any kind of aid, toys, medical, tents, meals, water supply, heaters.. Hundreds of people went to Van as volunteer to help people. we built hundreds of new houses in 2 years now they are better then old. After all, this is what we have got;


"7.2 couldn't take us down, who the hell is Turkish Republic"

Enough is enough, their fvcking bloody end is approaching..

And ISIS keep expanding.. lol

Do you expect this little push to end IS?

I doubt this offensive will do much other than to establish a thin buffer zone.
its odd ;
Suicide bomber , IS attack to border patrol , US announces deal on incirlik , TurAF hits IS target .

This flow chart shows that IS isnt a stand alone terrorist group , but they are somehow managed by someone ,whoever is that. US kept looking ways to pull turkey into syria to fight against IS in their own limits ( by encounter our buffer zone plan ). They found a way for it.

What iran is doing just placing shia militants in syria and iraq and strength their influence in their army and government . Some days ago an official from Iraq called turkey's help in training army and polices , by saying that iran backed shia militants doesnt really fight against IS effectively. Turkey's help is vital in fight against IS ,but we hesitated due to border security and lack of intelligence from west ,they never shared intelligence about IS ,but we did. In all western it has stated that , Turkey's pariticipation against IS is only way to finish it off in effective way.

I hope we dont join coalition for airstrikes, i prefer our TurAF to conduct stand alone airstrikes with our own intelligence and preference.

Iran is by far the better candidate,

Hizbollah has been fighting IS scum for longer and better.

hezbollah is just protecting Israel from IS ( anyway seems so ) as buffer between them. I havent seen anything done by hezbollah regard IS, even hard to talk about their contribution.
Absolute RIGHT ! There is a leading mind behind the IS.

Iran did send some thousands combattants to Lebanon, that's for Israel's Advantage as you said. Iran has a secret Agenda with the USA, EU and Israel.

They speak always with "SPLIT" Tongue. You can never trust Iran
About 200 ISIL members killed so far. good job TAF

Also Police forces killed tens of PKK member and arrested about 300 PKKs
Ok. Please lets be factual and careful. We don't want to give them butter on their bread !

Please lets Quote sources like that :

A-Haber 12:20 TT

Prof. Birol Akgün said that Special Forces operated up to 50 km in Syria against IS terrorists. High ranked IS commanders and many Terrorist were eliminated

This info can be interpretated that SF and CSAR were active !
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Ok. Please lets be factual and careful. We don't want to give them butter on their bread !

Please lets Quote sources like that :

A-Haber 12:20 TT

Prof. Birol Akgün said that Special Forces operated up to 50 km in Syria against IS terrorists. High ranked IS commanders and many Terrorist were eliminated

This info can be interpretated that SF and CSAR were active !

I am not saying SF is a lie, in fact given the circumstances they are used. But A-Haber obviously is AKP's number one pool media.
I know.
But at that time . I will quote all national and foreign sources. I won't filter them BUT comment a bit. Tendences e.g
Sources offical and unoffifcal i saw them from facebook, i think government dont say everything because dont wanna provoking them.

Some sources
100'den fazla IŞİD militanı öldürüldü - Gündem Haberleri
35 IŞİD militanı öldürüldü

No report on casualties by TAF.
Prime ministry reports only airstrike, no number on casualties.


24 Temmuz 2015 – 06:49

Sayın Başbakanımız Ahmet Davutoğlu başkanlığında 23 Temmuz tarihinde Çankaya Köşkü’nde yapılan Güvenlik Toplantısı’nda sınırımızda yaşanan DAEŞ Saldırısı değerlendirilmiş ve alınacak güvenlik önlemleri kararlaştırılmıştır.

Bu çerçevede, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri milli imkan ve kabiliyetler ile Özel Güvenlik Toplantısı’nda alınan kararlar çerçevesinde DAEŞ terör örgütüne ait Suriye sınırları içindeki hedeflere dönük bir operasyon gerçekleştirmiştir.

Saat 03:12’de Diyarbakır 8. Jet Ana Üs Komutanlığı’ndan 3 F-16 havalanmış, 03:40 - 03:53 arasında icra edilen hava harekatı ile DAEŞ terör örgütüne ait 3 hedef vurulmuştur. Daha önceden belirlenen 2 karargah ve 1 toplanma noktasına 4 güdümlü bomba atılmıştır. Uçaklarımız 04:24’te üslerine intikal etmişlerdir.

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti ulusal güvenliğini korumak için gerekli önlemleri almakta kararlıdır.

Başbakanlık Koordinasyon Merkezi ve ilgili kurumlar tarafından kamuoyu süreçle ilgili bilgilendirilecektir.

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