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Yechury says yoga is 'dog's body movement', Twitter users lash out

Yeah yoga means doggy pose. Indians are just ashamed to admit it. You know better.

celebrating yoga day and knowing nothing about yoga by majority Indians indeed a shame you should be ashamed of.

Go back read my posts i already explained why this statement is not wrong.

and yes at least i know better than many here :)

He tries to hide his islamo fascist tendencies under a leftist veneer. But he does not even try to hide his hatred of hindus. A typical islamist lowlife.

and a hindu low life always hide behind a Muslim name on PDF ;)
He's not so wrong. During a yoga class in my school, our teacher told us that each asana was inspired by an animal and then she had also shown us an asana which was similar to lion's sitting posture.
He is wrong and so was your teacher. Here is better explanation given by Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev at 1:35.

huzoor, he was not nationalist as you understand it... his ideas were worldly, socialist, and not isolationist, village-like, reactionary as with your rss.
Yechury is anything but a socialist. In fact CPI is a joke
He is wrong and so was your teacher. Here is better explanation given by Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev at 1:35.

I don't think my teacher was wrong because K-sutra also has positions named after animals, then why can't it be true for yoga??
I like listening to Sadguru's explanations, I will watch the video.
Yechury is anything but a socialist. In fact CPI is a joke

so you can join cpi and bring it to meet real socialism.

by the way, in that comment i was talking of bhagat singh.
so you can join cpi and bring it to meet real socialism.

Cannot be done...
Consider them to be zombies as shown in a typical zombie movie.
1. You will die fighting the infected before you get a chance to cure the infection.
2. After whatever least little study I've done on the ideology, I've found it not to be a self-sustaining solution. It leaves much room for corruption. Unchallengeable authority works well as long as the person on top is not corrupt. And Politburo, at the end of the day is the supreme authority, which cannot be questioned.
Human beings, by nature are corruptible. So, there has to be a healthy balance between the champion and the challenger. That is absent in the system.
He is wrong and so was your teacher. Here is better explanation given by Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev at 1:35.

some aasanams are inspired by animal movements like 'mayil aasanam/mayurasanam'(mayil-peacock),paambu aasanam,don't know its Sanskrit name(paambu-snake in Tamil/Malayalam),gajaasanam(gajam-elephant) ,koormasanam(koormam-tortoise) etc..
I don't think my teacher was wrong because K-sutra also has positions named after animals, then why can't it be true for yoga??
I like listening to Sadguru's explanations, I will watch the video.

The names were given just for identification sake. They came after the poses were formed based on certain sciences. For easy of communication and identification, they were named after what they outwardly resembled or reminded one of the most. I think that is true for K-sutra too. It was not a case of learning from the animals.

some aasanams are inspired by animal movements like 'mayil aasanam/mayurasanam'(mayil-peacock),paambu aasanam,don't know its Sanskrit name(paambu-snake in Tamil/Malayalam),gajaasanam(gajam-elephant) ,koormasanam(koormam-tortoise) etc..

Refer to my answer above or watch the video I posted for better explanation.
some aasanams are inspired by animal movements like 'mayil aasanam/mayurasanam'(mayil-peacock),paambu aasanam,don't know its Sanskrit name(paambu-snake in Tamil/Malayalam),gajaasanam(gajam-elephant) ,koormasanam(koormam-tortoise) etc..

Chinese martial arts is even inspired by the yoga.

Kung fu was brought to china by a wandering Indian sage called 'Bodhi Dharma', the descendant of Pallava dynasty
The names were given just for identification sake. They came after the poses were formed based on certain sciences. For easy of communication and identification, they were named after what they outwardly resembled or reminded one of the most. I think that is true for K-sutra too. It was not a case of learning from the animals.
I am still not so sure. Our Yoga teacher used to say that some of the asanas are took inspiration even from the babies.
Human beings, by nature are corruptible. So, there has to be a healthy balance between the champion and the challenger. That is absent in the system.

which is why i propagate direct-democracy socialism ( which has no "party" system ) rather than the single-party-state structure found in societies like ussr... and ussr was meant to dissolve into true communism but stagnated into single-party-rule.

and this fact must be brought into the indian communist movement and reform made.

please note that the "aam aadmi party" too speaks of direct-democracy, though they name it "swaraj"... aap itself has deviated from this vision and which is why i think two leaders ( yogendra yadav and ?? ) have rebeled.
I am still not so sure. Our Yoga teacher used to say that some of the asanas are took inspiration even from the babies.

Nope. Yoga came to being with acute knowledge of body and flow of life energy in mind with the ultimate goal being union with the cosmos. It is not some poses for the sake of contortion or imitation for the heck of it. Such deep understanding of human body and mind which yoga has cannot and would not happen out of imitation.
which is why i propagate direct-democracy socialism ( which has no "party" system ) rather than the single-party-state structure found in societies like ussr... and ussr was meant to dissolve into true communism but stagnated into single-party-rule.

and this fact must be brought into the indian communist movement and reform made.

please note that the "aam aadmi party" too speaks of direct-democracy, though they name it "swaraj"... aap itself has deviated from this vision and which is why i think two leaders ( yogendra yadav and ?? ) have rebeled.

direct-democracy socialism! how does that work ?
He's not so wrong. During a yoga class in my school, our teacher told us that each asana was inspired by an animal and then she had also shown us an asana which was similar to lion's sitting posture.
Did you even read what he said.
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direct-democracy socialism! how does that work ?

the idea is to get every citizen to participate in the political running of society and have the whole system as decentralized semi-independent communes.

each neighborhood in a city calls its residents to a ground or hall and elects a secretariat... this is done with each resident participating and voicing opinion... the secretariat will then be responsible for maintainence of the neighborhood ( security, lighting etc ), for getting and discussing local needs with the city administration, for discussing local and societal issues with local residents and delivering opinions and decisions of local residents to city administration or higher... the local residents confer in a truly democratic manner, with disregard for age, gender, profession or other attributes... this gathering at neighborhood-level becomes called "basic people's congress".

if a city has ten neighborhoods, there will then be ten "basic people's congress" ( bpc ) gatherings with their own secretariats.

the secretariats of each bpc will gather to discuss local and city issues at city level... each secretariat will be delivering the opinions of their bpc's and the needs of their bpc's and how city resources can be allocated to each bpc in a clean manner... and to help make discussions smoother and to help get resources from higher level and to deliver the city's opinions to higher level, the gathered bpc secretariats will elect a secretariat for the city, and this secretariat can be from among them or from some neighborhood or any other person who is deemed suitable... the city-level gathering will become called "municipal people's congress" ( mpc ).

for easier administration of a larger society, some cities can be gathered together into a region and the city secretariats will gather in "regional people's congress" ( rpc )... this can avoided for a small-population society.

either the mpc or the rpc, the relevant secretariats gather at societal level in the "general people's congress" which takes decisions at societal level and to discuss world issues and how to participate in them... to help smoother discussions, the gather secretariats at this top level elect a "general secretariat"... the gathering becomes called "general people's congress" ( gpc )

in all this, each citizen's novel opinions are delivered from the bpc through a chain until it reaches the gpc, each decision by a bpc is delivered until it reaches the gpc... this makes each citizen of the society a politician and a decision maker and opiner... direct-democracy.

done within the guidance of socialism, this will yield and simplest and almost-perfect society... this entire system is called "jamahiriya" and if all societies human-wide are so changed, it will lead to "world jamahiriya"... this plus some more scientific changes will lead to true communism... a vision worth changing one's life for and working towards it.

i suggest you put a diagram for the bpc, mpc, rpc, gpc to understand them more easily.

for more ( The Green Book - I ).

"aam aadmi party" has a similar but smaller-scale idea in form of "swaraj".

@levina @Spring Onion ^^^

@hinduguy ( you may have seen this before ).
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