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What has obstructed Pakistan's rise .

There were advantages----distance, language, phisycal stature, issues over distribution of funds-----.

Would be more powerful and more forceful if had separated earlier without a fight.
Wrong again. You didn't get my point, sheikh mujibur rahman clearly stated in his six points that:

1.The constitution should provide for a Federation of Pakistan in its true sense based on the parliamentary form of government with supremacy of a Legislature directly elected on the basis of universal adult franchise.

2.The federal government should deal with only two subjects: Defence and Foreign Affairs, and all other residual subjects should be vested in the federating states.

3.Two separate, but freely convertible currencies for two wings should be introduced; or if this is not feasible, there should be one currency for the whole country, but effective constitutional provisions should be introduced to stop the flight of capital from East to West Pakistan. Furthermore, a separate Banking Reserve should be established and separate fiscal and monetary policy be adopted for East Pakistan.

4.The power of taxation and revenue collection should be vested in the federating units and the federal centre would have no such power. The federation would be entitled to a share in the state taxes to meet its expenditures.

5.There should be two separate accounts for the foreign exchange earnings of the two wings; the foreign exchange requirements of the federal government should be met by the two wings equally or in a ratio to be fixed; indigenous products should move free of duty between the two wings, and the constitution should empower the units to establish trade links with foreign countries.

6.East Pakistan should have a separate militia or paramilitary force.

Now this was the most logical, best and the most sane way to go forward. Today we would have had Bangladesh and Pakistan as one. Just imagine the economic advantages of this. Same goes for military, we would have had upper hand on India all the time, strategically and numerically(number of soldiers and other factors). I really don't get your argument of eventually it was going to happen. Buddy it could all have been avoided. Read the OP.
It is unity in diversity---they have their identity---they have their resource---we have our identity---we have our resource---.
Read the six points, was it not going to bring a similar change as you are stating. Pakistan even today is quite diverse, we are not facing a mass civil war today. As i said before poor excuse.

@Atanz , bhai share your views. Was separation of Bangladesh inevitable, could it have been avoided, keeping in mind the 'SIX POINTS'. Thank you.

a mature and self-critical essay, with clear recognition of most of the problems in the second paragraph itself... though i say umm when people use the phrase "paradigm shift". :D

like you, i too find it unfair when certain nations call pakistan as "failed state"... i know that india calls so and i find it sad because india too is the typical south asian failed state.

though i don't know what the "lahore resolution" was, in context of east pakistan, it is clear that you recognize that it was failure of the central government ( the state, the establishment ) in not heeding the complaints and concerns of the east pakistanis.

also, like you imply, the military of a society should be the protector of civilian democratic setup and not become the long-term government itself.

but we must recognize that just having a elections/five-year-government-change system is not true democracy but a anti-democracy chaos where multiple groups shout their own party agenda and attempt to come to power so that their agenda is imposed on those who didn't vote for them... this system forgets that democracy must be welfare of the people, under the guidance of the people, where every group or individual must be allowed to opine and participate in the functioning of the society.

direct-democracy ( or participatory-democracy ) must be the goal, with socialism as the guide... only this will yield a just and scientific society... the military must exist to protect this system... generally, military people across the world have been instrumental in bringing progressive thought to their society by forming revolutionary groups, be this in egypt or in venezuela... one such progressive leader that pakistan had was musharraf though he deepen and simplify his philosophy of "enlightened moderation"... i don't know how many pdf pakistanis support him but he, in evolved form, is the leader to have, with the support of imran and fatima bhutto... i include fatima even though some on pdf have said she is inexperienced... well, radical changers gain experience during the course of jumping in and bringing radical change.

hope my ramble is of some use. :D
hope my ramble is of some use. :D

Yes, if destroying Pakistan is your goal! :D
Yes, if destroying Pakistan is your goal! :D

pakistan's green needs more green... ;)

What has obstructed Pakistan’s rise ?

First of all, please establish your premise, since it can be argued that Pakistan has come a long way from where it started. It has risen quite dramatically, to be sure.
First of all, please establish your premise, since it can be argued that Pakistan has come a long way from where it started. It has risen quite dramatically, to be sure.
No need to further explain it, all quite clear.
No need to further explain it, all quite clear.

So you accept that Pakistan has indeed risen a lot from where it started, and hence your basic premise is incorrect?
So you accept that Pakistan has indeed risen a lot from where it started, and hence your basic premise is incorrect?
It's quite logical that Pakistan has risen from where it started. I meant to say why isn't Pakistan one of those advanced countries.
Aaaggghhhhhh!!!!! :bad:

Try the Indian tri-colour! :-)
your wasting your time bro

pakistanies dont understand humour based on hard facts rather there egos can never aknowledge there past mistakes and they keep denying it till they are in no position to do it any longer

pakistan was made on a british pricipal of divide and rule which they started after the mutiny for that they used sulking muslim elite which was loosing there social status to now so called "lalocracy" or the new resurgent educated hindu elite and its growing social and economik stautre while british treated them like dirt (much like west treats pakistani elite today) as they were more interested in wasting there wealth in non important things while most english medium educated hindus were more easier to control and much much more loyal and hard working besides bieng too simple

so british bieng clever started policy of encouraging local political parties to help them serve the crown better so came congress(with majority bieng neo british educated hindu elite) and muslim leuge(almost all of them were nawabs of awadh ,hydrabad daccan , bengal)

second step was partition of bengal in 1905 and sowing of seeds of hatred between punjabi/north indian sikhs and upper caste hindus while further degrading so called lower castes and sowing seeds of revnge and hatred in them against upper caste hindus and promoting christian moissionaries

now fast forward to time just after the WW2 and resurgence of INA and a new more agressive congress pressing for pooran swarj and muslim leauge asking for seprate muslims tate herebritish used every indian party against every other indian party like a great magician

muslim leuge and its founding fathers wanted to preserve there jageers at all the costs which were thretenned by both INA & INC agenda of abolishion of feudalism in india and land reforms

so british used muslim leuge &INC and partition of india happenned but india got intependence + a educated and libral thinking working elite but in case of pakistan they just changed there white masters with the same highli elietist ,egoistic & feudalistic beurocracy , judiciarry & militarry

and the restissayis history
the indian tri colour pattern looks like it was formed after someone wiped his butt after passing yellowish green infected stool

And Pakistani flag was a creation of green Martian butt? I was not addressing you or anything Pakistani, then why such unwarranted insult to our national flag? Move on.

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