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Turkey Approves Regional Jet, Fighter Program

Khalid Newazi

Oct 8, 2014
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A top Turkish government body for procurement has approved two multibillion dollar indigenous programs; one for a regional jet and the other for a national fighter aircraft.

The Defense Industry Executive Committee, chaired by Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, convened Monday. The meeting had been called on unusually short notice, the previous Friday, a senior official said.

The committee brings together, along with the prime minister, Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz; Army Gen. Necdet Ozel, chief of the military General Staff; Army Gen. Necdet Ozel; and chief procurement official, Ismail Demir. No announcement was made after the meeting.

The procurement official said that the committee gave a critical go-ahead to plans for the design, development and production of an indigenous regional jet, based on a Dornier model, with both military and civilian use.

Turkey hopes to build the aircraft for military missions in the Air Force and the Navy. Hundreds of aircraft will be produced for aerial, border and naval surveillance, small cargo transport, and ambulance missions.

The committee also decided to go ahead with the second phase of the country's indigenous fighter jet program. The government will allocate up to $1 billion for the second phase. Turkey wants to fly its "national fighter jet" by 2023.

Turkey Approves Regional Jet, Fighter Program
No official announcement yet... but we heard the same thing.

Regional airliner ...(first time i'm hearing "Jet") will be based on Dornier-328.


@Indus Falcon
For the TAI -FX, it is only the decision to fund and open phase two of it that has been enacted / signed.
So that announcements and results will have to wait. It does show the program to be on track though.

I still don't buy the 2023 date however.
Good day mate, Tay.
Great News, Pakistan should try to learn or join it any way possible to learn and contribute something. Turk is a trust worthy Ally and a Brotherly country.
I think, "flight of the first prototype".

Ahhhhh, Yes! That would be nice and if production follows soon after, still be an achievement!
OK, on that basis, mate : fingers crossed and go, go, go Türkiye!

Good evening all, Tay.
Okay details emerged... project will have 2 phase.

In the first phase TRJ328 (jet engined) and T328 (turboprop) will be produced based on Dornier-328. It is going to have 32 seat capacity.

In the second phase a new plane will be designed. It's name will be TRJ628 with 60-70 seat capacity. TAI, Aselsan, TEI, Havelsan, THY Technic, Alp AeroSpace, KaleAero, TCI, TSI will take part in it's production. First plane will fly in 2023. (I'm not sure if it is maiden flight or completion of certification process.)
TRJ628'in yolcu kapasitesi 70!
İşte yerli yolcu uçağının teknik özellikleri! | AIRPORT Haberleri

(I'm not sure if it is maiden flight or completion of certification process.)
Again Sinan buddy, that's almost certainly maiden flight. Judging by the average development in civilian aviation, 10 years is a norm from drawing board / frozen configuration to first flight with certification adding a year or two.
If that aircraft ( TRJ628 ) was to fly in 2023, it would already be an achievement. Even then, one has to suppose the engines will be bought off shelf and modified for it because that can take even longer.

In any case, the 70 pax goal is a great choice to start. Most 50-ish RJ are dependent on oil prices; when these rise, turboprops gain the economic advantage. Past 70 and with variants towards 100 seats, the problem is lessened.

On a political note, I wonder what the joint dates ( TAI-FX -TRJ ) mean? Is 2023 the year Erdogan expects to retire? Or is it when he hopes to become Sultan? o_O

Good day to you and all, Tay.
Again Sinan buddy, that's almost certainly maiden flight. Judging by the average development in civilian aviation, 10 years is a norm from drawing board / frozen configuration to first flight with certification adding a year or two.
If that aircraft ( TRJ628 ) was to fly in 2023, it would already be an achievement. Even then, one has to suppose the engines will be bought off shelf and modified for it because that can take even longer.

In any case, the 70 pax goal is a great choice to start. Most 50-ish RJ are dependent on oil prices; when these rise, turboprops gain the economic advantage. Past 70 and with variants towards 100 seats, the problem is lessened.

On a political note, I wonder what the joint dates ( TAI-FX -TRJ ) mean? Is 2023 the year Erdogan expects to retire? Or is it when he hopes to become Sultan? o_O

Good day to you and all, Tay.

I too think like you...but it would good to hear the official statement....which will be done in Friday, IMO.

2023 is the 100th Anniversary of Turkish Republic. (Republic established in 1923). :) It has a special meaning.... Also there are some dates likes 2054 (600th Anniversary of the conquest of the Constantinople) and 2071 (1000th anniversary of Battle of Manzikert) :) which Erdoğan uses time to time. (to emphasize, he is a man of vision :meeting: )
2023 is the 100th Anniversary of Turkish Republic.

Facepalm moment for me! I knew that and disregarded it on political opinion alone :
I did not make the link between the Republic and this present government project
mostly because I have doubts about Tayyip's intentions towards secularism. My bad!

Thanks for correcting me gently on that, my friend, Tay.

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