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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Houthis, no money to buy shoes, but have money to buy tanks and rockets on black market.

The Houthis are bare foot in a picture of some dance! So it's undeniable that Iran is funding them!
I know I say this a lot, but you're even dumber than I thought.
Je ne suis pas bien certain de l'origine du problème que certains évoquent ici
quant à une possible aide Iranienne aux rebelles Houthis? Sérieusement …

Why would the support of Iran, even through some real and efficient ground troop weapons,
be such a worry in any case? I mean, it's not like Saudi Arabia is under UN mandate???
Let's be brutal honest here :
France in Mali / target : terrorists / Defence agreement / UN sanctioned ( a tad late* )
Arab League in Yemen / target rebels / separated by wall / private party ( invite only )
which makes it more like
USA in Iraq / target enemy regime / convenient scapegoat / open party with half attendance

And since in all rebellions, some one outside is providing a helping / selling hand, I really don't
get why it should be shocking if Teheran did. Not a matter of low morality here but of realism?

It may shock the British as regards fair-play or be PR food for American politics,
but this is standard geo-political practices, pas vu, pas pris, c'est du jeu.**

8-) Tay on a realistic mode.

* 'Cuz we moved too quickly for it, LOL!
** "Not seen nor caught, it's fair game!" Tay Translation.
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LOL, everyone knows Iran is providing Houthis with weapons.

Only a wide-eyed Irani IRGC, Nazi-saluting, fanboy would deny that.

Houthis, no money to buy shoes, but have money to buy tanks and rockets on black market.

Its a miracle!

Is that your proof that Houthis are getting money from Iran? Epic fail.

Yemen is a country famous for being armed to teeth (normal people).

In case you didn't know, they took over many army bases in last months. So they don't need to 'buy' weapons while they can have them for free.

Next time, instead of embarrassing yourself, read a bit about what actually happened in Yemen in past months.
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Yemen is a country famous for being armed to teeth (normal people).

That's right, Yemen is in the top 3 countries for weapon ownership rate.

But you have to agree, if those guys are barefoot, it's proof that Iran is funding them!

Here are more people who very probably are being funded by Iran, as proven by their being barefoot.

These Indian women (walking to join Hezbollah rally maybe?):

This American girl (at a phone conference with the mullahs, who knows?):

This grandpa and his grandkids (notice the yellow and green colors on their shirts - the colors of Hezbollah and Islam, respectively):
Sénégal! What??? In Yemen? Soon? Why? And with what means?

Just sayin' Tay.
Houthis are forcing Yemeni people to pay from their salaries in order to get food and some ammo !
They destroyed a factory and killed the workers because they didn't pay for them ! o_O
Houthis are forcing Yemeni people to pay from their salaries in order to get food and some ammo !
They destroyed a factory and killed the workers because they didn't pay for them ! o_O

What happened to the mullah money they received? Evaporated? LOL Saudi Arabia destroyed all the work Iran has been doing in the region.

No No man Iran only send food and medicine how dare you?
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