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Operation Dark Target ( Spy Fiction ) Chp 3

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
Operation Dark Target

( If you see any mistake than please tell me so next time em little more careful , as you guys know em not very good at it )

This story is for those who serve their Country without asking anything in Return. Sacrificing their today for our Tomorrow.
The Brave man in Armed Forces.

Chapter 1

It was a cold misty night. 1:20 am in the night, a shadow was walking on the street, there were rows of houses around him. Street didn't show any signs of life. Shadow was walking carefully, watching every step he took, to avoid any noise that could attract the dogs yawning far away from him. He was searching for something, suddenly he turned and came back to a small house, like he left something in the house. Small house with a dark brown colored, iron door. He knocked thrice on the door, but before knocking, he made sure no one was there watching him.

Amjad, he whispered at the door while knocking, a hand came out of the door and grabbed his arm and dragged him inside, he would have fallen on that bike standing right beside the door if he wasn’t careful.

What are you doing here Rizwan, have you seen what time is it, it better be something really important? Amjad Asked Rizwan.

Sir It’s important, we got him.

We got Him?

Amjad was in shock he couldn’t believe what his ears just heard, we got him are you sure.

Yes, sir Rizwan replied we got him.

Months of hard work finally paid off ISI finally had him. The most wanted Terrorist of Pakistan, hundreds of families lost their loved ones because of this one person. He was behind many bombings, attacks on the army, the recent massacre happened in Army School in Peshawar, it all was because of this one person the head of the snake. The army was behind him for years tracking every movement he was making He was known by many names and Mullah Radio was one of them. ISI had to work very hard to get his location. Now the real test was about to start getting the location of target was one thing, but taking him out alive from the bees nest was another. Peshawar incident shocks Pakistan and caught the government by surprise.

We need to alert the higher command we don’t get that lucky in our kind of business every day. Are you ready Caption?

Sir, Yes Sir Rizwan replied

Let me inform Bgr. Tariq.

Bgr Tariq Had spent of most of his life in the army, been in spy game for a very long time so he knew how to deal with them. He was famous for his swift action and showed no mercy to his enemies. He conducted many successful operations and every mission was a success. Whenever he got some his hands on some Taliban, he made sure they won’t be able to hurt any other soul again, his methods were questionable but his results were off the charts.

10 January 2015 Pakistan army GHQ, Rawalpindi, an important meeting has been going on for several hours in room with a round table which was occupied by 4 top high rankings officers of the Pakistan army so they can choose the best course of action.

Major Ali started the briefing

Gentleman “our sources had informed us that Dark target will be traveling to Pakistan next Week to observe the Taliban Initiation ceremony, where 100 new jihadi fanatics will be Joining Threak e Taliban Pakistan (T.T.P).”

And “Make sure we catch this bastard”.

Suddenly the room went into the silent mood there was pin drop silence in the room no one was talking and suddenly this silence was broken by Brigadier Tariq.

He stood up from his Chair and in a firm voice he started to talk.

Gentleman, “I have some disturbing news from the other side of the border, one of our operative just informed us, Dark target is under the protection of Afghan intelligence, that’s why all the past attempts to capture or eliminate him was unsuccessful, and many of our operatives lost their lives. This Time it will be a Black Op, Afghan intelligence won’t be involved in this Op, ISI must eliminate this threat on it’s own and Capitan Khalid one of our best will be in command.”

Khalid... o... Bhai. Khalid, where your heading. Can you get me some fruits? Mubashir shouted from the top floor of the building. They were in the 6th flat.

Khalid Looked up from stairs, saw Mubashir screaming, he raised his hand showing middle finger and walked out of the 5 storey Building.

Capitan Khalid a S.S.G commando was one of the best of his batch, He was trained by the best and spent a few months in the United States with Marines.

He was master of hand 2 hand combat, swimming champion, Sniper, and spending time with US Marines just improved his skills even more. He’s been in Kabul for few days finding Qasim a local commander in TTP and also an asset of Pakistan intelligence. They were supposed to meet in a famous restaurant in Kabul bazaar, But Qasim was no show that made Khalid worried because this wasn't some random info exchange this time the Info Qasim was brought directly involved Dark target. He was drinking tea in the restaurant when he felt his pocket was vibrating he Picked his phone up in a jiffy

Yes, Khalid Speaking.

Qasim here Khalid “got some news for our friends and a special gift”

Khalid “Gift? “He sounded confused.

Yes My Friend Gift but this gift must be sent home ASAP. Qasim replied

Khalid Saying Good Bye to Qasim went straight to his apartment.

Jabar Code name Agent Z by CIA, was an ex agent of a Khad Afghan intelligence agency from the soviet era.

He was famous for torturing his prisoners, he used hot steel rods to pierce his victim’s ear so forth was known as hole master. After current change from Taliban to Karzai Government in command, he joined politics and now he was the current Chief of Afghan intelligence, He always hated Pakistan and after becoming chief he made sure none of his agents have any soft spot for Pakistan.

Early Morning Jabar enters his office, Overlooks the files on his tablet, he gets distracted by the loud ringing of his office Phone

“Jabar Speaking” Jabar answers the phone.

“Hi! Jabar how are you”. The caller replies in a polite voice.

“Oh, Sir it’s you, how can I help you this early in the morning I hope it’s not too important. It's 2 am in DC if I’m not mistaken?” Jabar answers on the phone.

“Yes Jabar it´s important that’s why I’m calling you on phone”. The Caller replies back.

“How can I help you, sir?” Jabar asks the caller.

“You know our friends in ISI are busy because of our friend’s activities in Pakistan, and this is causing problems for us and our friend, we have received Intel from our sources that someone in threak has compromised and he´s switching teams. He knows a lot about our help and your help to Threak. We need him out before he speaks and shares his knowledge with ISI. So we need to take care of him before it’s too late”. The mysterious caller sharing details on the call with Jabar.

“I will put my top men on securing him.” Jabar Answers.

“Good Bye”. Caller disconnects the Call.

How can I find you Mr? Jabar thinks to himself.

Khalid Ran back to his Flat.

Mubashir. Mubashir where the hell are you? He shouts in the flat but no one is there to reply him back.

Before coming back to his flat he made sure he delivered the current information to his friends in ISI.

That was a spy’s life and that’s how wars were fought between Spies Keep Your Side updated with most current and accurate information.

He takes out his phone to Call Mubashir to get his location, and his activities, but before he could dial his number someone knocks on the door, Khalid Drops his phone and reach’s to his gun.

Someone breaks the door and throw a flash bang inside the room.

The Loud bang and bright Light fill the room, stunning Khalid for a few seconds and the 1st thing he sees 3 armed men entering from the broken Door.

Khalid Shoots one guy in his head and try to hit others too, but, other two shows quick reaction and several bullets make holes in Khalid’s body.

He falls on the floor, his body is filled with blood.

Malik search the apartment, other guy must be inside.

The other guy starts to search the apartment.

”No one is in here. Sir”. The searcher replies back.

Mubashir Not far from his Building, talking to a dry fruit vendor, see police gathering around his building.

Mubashir Looks at the building, I hope I’m wrong, but he knew he can’t take the risk of going close and being spotted, he starts to walk to the opposite of the road. The last thing he sees 2 soldiers dragging his friend's body and he’s been covered in blood.
Whispering to himself. Mubashir keeps walking on the other side

“I Swear I will avenge you my brother”. Mubashir promises to his dead friend.

One of the Afghan Intelligence´s Safe houses Jabar is talking to Mullah Radio.
Mullah radio is the Head of Threak e Taliban Pakistan, famous for their Fight against Pakistan Army locally known as TTP. TTP was involved in many Bombings, assassinations, Kidnappings of Pakistan army and civilian. They wanted to convert Pakistan into a jihadi state.

“We are thankful for your support to our cause and we won’t let you and our friends down”. Says the mullah.

“Hafiz Saab!! You are our friend and our friends in the CIA always help their friends no matter what.

How’s the Mission going Hafiz Saab new anything? ”Jabar replies back.

“Anyone can find tons of idiots in Pakistan who will do anything in Allah’s Name”. Mullah replies back with a loud laugh.

“Hafiz Saab! Have a bad news for you I just talked with our friend in DC.He told me a few of their operatives detected and took out one of ISI operatives in Kabul, they wanted to capture him, but the situation got out of hand so he got killed. Got 1 K.i.A in the mission. Our men searched his apartment, but didn’t find anything useful. So keeping your importance in mind .We have thought to send you to Arabia for some time, you can relax and you will be safe there one will think you are there.” Jabar asks at the end.

“If my safety is your concern than I will be happy to go there”. Mullah answers.

“Yellow Rose Calling to Garden over.”

“Yellow rose called to garden over.” Mubashir on his long range transmitter.

Yes Rose Garden attending you”. Someone replies back.

“Black Rose is broken I repeat Dark rose is broken, the mission is compromised what’s the plan of extraction for me”. Mubashir asks the other person.

“Go to your 2nd Garden Rose we will send a gardener to help you recover the Rose and Gift for the wedding he will tell you the Name of the rose.

The last report we received from black rose was, package has a gift for a wedding, which needs to be delivered ASAP, we are sending someone to deliver you and your gift to the wedding, they will tell you the black rose's name, Try to contact the package and ask him to deliver you the gift. Hold tight yellow Rose.

Fi Amanillah.”Over and out.

Mubashir takes out his Cell phone and dials, Osama’s Number.

As-salamu alaykum Osama Speaking .Mubashir hears Osama’s sound.

Osama Watching TV sees his phone ringing him pick it up

As-salamu alaykum Osama Speaking.

“WSlam Osama, the party is compromised black rose is Down we need to meet, you asked for a gift to be delivered? Mubashir asks Osama.

Hold your Horses my friend I think it’s a wrong Number but if you are interested in buying some gifts for the wedding I think you better go to Serena hotel, ask for Imran, tell him Osama sent you he will help you to get to the gift”. Osama disconnects the call.

Mubashir wakes up when someone rings the doorbell of the safe house.

He holds his gun firmly and start to walk towards the gate.

The visitor now starts to knock on the door too.

“Wait, wait coming don’t break **** in the Door”. Mubashir screams in Pashto.

He opens the door and see new faces on the Door.

Yes, how can I help you? Mubashir asks the men blocking the door.

We are here to get you and your gift for the wedding. The visitor replies back
Wedding and gift exchanges were the code words so Mubashir knows he’s in friends.

Come in. Mubashir let them walk in.

I’m Sulman and that’s my friend Wasim. Now you and your gift is our responsibility. Kabul is not safe for you anymore, we need to leave ASAP.
Sulman is one of the agents stationed in Kabul by ISI, he introduces himself and his friend to Mubashir and give him a little update about the current situation.

We need to go to the Serena hotel to pick our gift, a guy named Imran will help us. Mubashir tells Sulman about the package.

Then what are we waiting for lets go. You get ready, we are waiting for you in the car. It’s parked in front of the door.

Mubashir gets ready and gets in the car with his new buddies.

Getting to Serena and getting to Imran wasn’t that hard but when they got the gift they just couldn’t believe their eyes it was a very high ranking ttp commander. And he was very close to Mullah Radio.

The 1st thing comes into Mubashir´s mind was you don’t have much time left Mr radio.

Our Circle is getting Smaller Around you.

Pakistan’s Intelligence agencies were on high alert since last two days. One of the ISI`s informer informed his handler that a meeting will be held in the outskirts of Peshawar.

Chapter 3

G.H.Q Rawalpindi

A high level meeting went on for hours.
“ISI has received two important info’s about TTP. One is a gathering or so called initiation ceremony where 100s of new boys will be joining TTP so they can be trained and the 2nd info is Mullah isn’t in Afghanistan anymore. Tariq tells to Officers sitting in the room.

Brigadier Tariq raise’s his stick and point at Small Dot on the Map of Khyber.
Gentleman “This location is under TTP control and they are going to use this area as F.O.B (Forward Operating Base). We must Take this position before they could harm us. We will use brute force on this one, because we will be facing 2k+ ttp scums.”
Tariq Stops for a second inhales his cigar and Starts talking again,
“As I was saying! It won’t be easy, our informer has informed us Taliban has secured this location pretty well, tons of caves in surrounding hills they have few IED factories there too.”
1st part will be played by PAF, our Boys in Air Force Start hitting these SOBs around 2 AM. Since there are no Civilians in the area, it will be a lot easier for us to kill anything which moves. Our Intel has insured us this area is clean of civilians.
2nd we need to moved 1 brigade of our force to Cover all of the area as fast as possible because many of these bustards will try to run and we can’t let anyone go back to Afghanistan, But it must be done in the cover we can’t let any know where we are moving this big force, it won’t be an easy task to move this big force without anyone’s notice it.

3rd We will Deploy few of our Units on a Special OP in the area, if they need help they will inform us, And “Captain Zaman ”it will be your duty to help them asap so you will be Deployed on the back side of the mountain.

“Gentleman, this won’t be an easy task, because on one side we have thousands of jihads on the other the main leaders of TTP we have to be very precise
We can’t let any go, InshAllah”.
After Tariq discusses little details of the mission with officers.
“That’s all”, was the last word out of Tariq’s mouth and he starts walking to another room at the end of the gallery. Where he will be Briefing the 2nd part of the mission to ISI’s top two agents.

Mountain shakes up with the souls living on it. Pakistan Army with its brother Force in Skies Start to bring hell upon TTP from the skies.Mortars and LGB fired by f16s, and Burraq with its Barq wakes up everyone in the face of sudden death. Pakistani forces catches Taliban off guard early morning, remaining Taliban try to run in the caves dug up by TTP or join their comrades fighting against enemy.
Body parts scattered across mountain, smell of gunpowder, sound of shells exploding upon their comrades, Death is in the Wind.
A slogan “Allah Hu Akbar” tears up the sudden silence caused by the stopping of Shelling. The fight has started Pakistani soldier’s starts to move in to take over the mountain.
Lmgs, assault rifles starts to utter their noises in atmosphere, making holes in the bodies of both sides.
Pakistan army brought 8000 soldiers to break back bone of ttp for once and all.
They set their Trips in every direction and stationing most of their forces on the back side of the mountain where Taliban were supposed to retreat to Afghanistan.
It was a target practice for Pakistani forces, ssg and army takes over the mountain before the dawn breaks out.
Elemental surprise and well-coordinated attack by Both Forces Took out more than 1600 Taliban were taken out by the 1st wave of bombardment and later by Soldiers of Punjab regiment, more than 600 were captured few lucky ones managed to escape to.
Casualties were not little on the Pakistani side, 30 soldier’s embraced shahadat and more than 100 were injured which were later taken back by Mi 17s

“Significant effects achieved by air strikes last night targeting terrorists in [a] area close to the Afghan border,” ISPR Director General Maj Gen Asim Saleem Bajwa said on Twitter. Was being broadcast on TV by different media channels in the country.

The briefing was over now he was heading to a different room, he opens the door, the only two occupants of the room stand up and give him a salute.
“Sit down Captain there is no need of that”. Says the Brigadier.
Tariq asks “So how was your trip to Afghanistan, and how’s the squad?”.
“The squad is fine, and ready for action, sir just waiting for your orders.”
Mubashir replies back.

Mubashir was the head of Scorpion Squad SSG’s elite Squad, the best of the best were cherry picked in this Squad. They were best of the best and always showed excellence, outperforming in every test they were given.
After at Khalid’s death in Afghanistan Mubashir was his successor.

Mubashir, “we won’t deploy your squad with main forces, you will have a different mission. Your Targets are some other high ranking TTP leaders.
The gift you brought back with you, has informed us that Mullah isn’t here anymore, he is out of our assets reach, the only thing he told us about him is that someone informed him that our boys are into him so as usual he ran away, to save his miserable life”, Tariq stops.
“Your mission will be to take out convey, carrying 4 of TTPs major commanders, convey will be heading to the ceremony. Your job is they don’t get there. These are your targets”. Tariq passes few photographs to Mubashir.

1 Khalid Haqqani, the deputy chief of TTP.
2 Sheharyar mehsud AKA Shahbaz, major leader of ttp in South Waziristan.
3 Abdul Wali AKA Omer Khalid Khorasani, Chief of Jundallah group.
4 Abu Bakr, Chief of Bajaur agency also a lucky bastard he managed to escape last time.

“And This Will be Your Guide “Raza”, turning his face to the person sitting opposite to Mubashir. You don’t need to cover his ***, Mubashir. He will be a big Asset to you in this mission, he knows every part of the area, and he also knows how to use guns.”
Any question? Boys, Tariq ask.
No Sir. Mubashir and raise both reply back.
Dismissed Boys.
Mubashir and Raza both Salutes the higher ranking officer and Comes out of the room.
“Raza! We will be leaving at 16:00 hrs. Allah hafiz”. Mubashir says and leaves Raza to find his squad.

@Horus@SUPARCO@WebMaster@Norwegian@Jf Thunder@genmirajborgza786@Pakistani Exile@Pakistani shaheens @MastanKhan @DESERT FIGHTER@Desert Fox@Armstrong@Akheilos@Stealth@American PakistaniIrfan BalochDESERT FIGHTER
@Green Arrow@GreenFalcon @ranjeet@Norwegian@Pakistani jamahirshaheens@Selous@TankMan@hinduguyAmerican PakistanidropkixSkywalkerDevil SoulZarvan
@Zarvan@FaujHistorian@fatman17@ghoul@Devil rockstar08SoulDevil SoulIcewolfWinchester@@orangzaibLoveIconJf Thunder
@Akheilos @TankMan Also started to write something in urdu since me not very good at urdu here is a piece i wrote in urdu leme know how is it
Khamoshi .... khamoshi kis ka cheez ka nam hai , Keya Sahil ke kinare aik dusre se takra kar apne wajod ko kho bethne wali lehro ki awaz ka name hai khamoshi , Keya bech mehfil me Sakoon ka name hai khamoshi . Keya alfazo ki kami ka name hai khamoshi , Keya hai ye khamoshi har insan ne khamoshi ko aik neya nam diya aik neya mani deya. log khete hai ke ka har khamoshi ke peche aik khani hoti hai aik raaz hota . Jo os khamoshi ki bunyad rakhta os ko mani deta .Meri be aik khamoshi hai jis ka aik wajod hai jis ke kuch mani hai .

Insan sadio se apne ap ko talash karne ki koshish kar raha hay , kabhi biwi ki shakal mein , kabhi maa bhp bhai bhan pyaar ki shakal me , kabhi mahzab ki shakal mein . Apni is talash me wo aksar namkyamb hi rahta hai .Meri khanai be hai asi talash ki hai jis me, meri khamoshi mera abd se azal bayan tak ka safar bayan karti.
Some corrections (changes in red):
The Brave men in Armed Forces.
Should be 'men', not 'man' which means only one. 'Men' is the plural, and it should be used because there are many men in the armed forces.
''What are you doing here, Rizwan?. Have you seen what time it is?, It better be something really important'', Amjad exclaimed
This part was a little confusing, It'd be better like this, more understandable and clear.

Are you ready, Captain?

Any question, boys? Tariq asked.
No Sir. Mubashir and Raza both replied back..
They set their traps (better word: ambushes) in every direction, stationing most of their forces on the back side of the mountain through which the Taliban were supposed to retreat to Afghanistan.
It was like target practice for Pakistani forces. SSG and army took over the mountain before the break of dawn.
The element of surprise and a well-coordinated attack by both Forces eliminated more than 1600 Taliban. Many were taken out by the 1st wave of bombardment and the remaining by the soldiers of the Punjab regiment. More than 600 were captured, while a few lucky ones managed to escape too.
This paragraph felt awkward because of the different tenses used, so I thought it should be changed.

Otherwise pretty decent, thanks for tagging.
@Akheilos @TankMan Also started to write something in urdu since me not very good at urdu here is a piece i wrote in urdu leme know how is it
Khamoshi .... khamoshi kis ka cheez ka nam hai , Keya Sahil ke kinare aik dusre se takra kar apne wajod ko kho bethne wali lehro ki awaz ka name hai khamoshi , Keya bech mehfil me Sakoon ka name hai khamoshi . Keya alfazo ki kami ka name hai khamoshi , Keya hai ye khamoshi har insan ne khamoshi ko aik neya nam diya aik neya mani deya. log khete hai ke ka har khamoshi ke peche aik khani hoti hai aik raaz hota . Jo os khamoshi ki bunyad rakhta os ko mani deta .Meri be aik khamoshi hai jis ka aik wajod hai jis ke kuch mani hai .

Insan sadio se apne ap ko talash karne ki koshish kar raha hay , kabhi biwi ki shakal mein , kabhi maa bhp bhai bhan pyaar ki shakal me , kabhi mahzab ki shakal mein . Apni is talash me wo aksar namkyamb hi rahta hai .Meri khanai be hai asi talash ki hai jis me, meri khamoshi mera abd se azal bayan tak ka safar bayan karti.
Urdu kay liyea let me suggest people like @Gufi (if he manages then otherwise :p: ) @Emmie @Slav Defence and boring no. par @Horus
The Brave man in Armed Forces.

Street didn't show any signs of life.
The street

Shadow was walking carefully, watching every step he took, to avoid any noise that could attract the dogs yawning far away from him.
A shadow
He was searching for something, suddenly he turned and came back to a small house, like he left something in the house. Small house with a dark brown colored, iron door.
Can be made into 1 sentence

He was searching for something, suddenly he turned and came back to a small house, with a dark brown iron door, like he left something in the house.

Not sure about the back :unsure:

Amjad, he whispered at the door while knocking, a hand came out of the door and grabbed his arm and dragged him inside, he would have fallen on that bike standing right beside the door if he wasn’t careful.
change "," to a "."

And start a new sentence he would have fallen...

Amjad, he whispered at the door while knocking; a hand came out of the door, grabbed his arm and dragged him inside. He would have fallen on that bike standing right beside the door if he wasn’t careful.

What are you doing here Rizwan, have you seen what time is it, it better be something really important? Amjad Asked Rizwan.
Have you seen the time; it better be something really important...

He was behind many bombings, attacks on the army, the recent massacre happened in Army School in Peshawar, it all was because of this one person the head of the snake.
He was behind many bombings, attacks on the army: the recent massacre in Army School in Peshawar; it all was because of this one person, the head of the snake.

Whats this? Captain?

Bgr Tariq Had spent of most of his life in the army, been in spy game for a very long time so he knew how to deal with them.
remove the of

any other soul again
another soul?

Rawalpindi, an important meeting has been going on for several hours in room with a round table which was occupied by 4 top high rankings officers of the Pakistan army so they can choose the best course of action.
And important round table meeting had been going on for several hours, which was participated by 4 top ranking officers of the Pakistan army to choose the best course of action.

US Marines
The US Marines

He’s been in Kabul

Qasim a local commander in TTP
Qasim, a local TTP commander,

the Info Qasim was brought directly involved Dark target.
would bring

none of his agents have any soft spot for Pakistan.


and the 1st thing he sees 3 armed men entering from the broken Door.
are 3 armed men...

he can’t take the
could not

opposite of the road
opposite road

new anything?
anything new?

one will think you are
no one
ringing him pick it up
and picks it up

a sent you he will
you and he will...

start to walk
starts to walk

and point at
and points

they could harm us

around 2 AM.
02:00 ...I do not think they use AM and PM much :D


without anyone’s notice it.
without anyone's notice or without anyone noticing it

on the back side of the mountain
at the back? On the back? no need side :)

on one side we have thousands of jihads on the other the main leaders
on one side we ...while on the other...

to break back bone of ttp for once and all.
to break the backbone of TTP once and for all..

stationing most of their forces on the back side of the mountain where
no need side

army takes over
took over

before the dawn breaks out.
broke out

Elemental surprise and well-coordinated attack by Both Forces Took out more than 1600 Taliban were taken out by the 1st wave of bombardment and later by Soldiers of Punjab regiment, more than 600 were captured few lucky ones managed to escape to.
The element of surprise
took out more than 1600 Taliban through the 1st wave of bombardment and by soldiers of Punjab regimetn while more than 600 were captured. However, a few lucky ones managed to escape...

Was being broadcast on TV by different media channels in the country.
The news was also being broadcast on TV by different channels across the country.

Scorpion Squad SSG’s elite Squad
missing a comma -
Scorpion squad, SSG's elite squad
Comes out of the room.
go out
Operation Dark Target

( If you see any mistake than please tell me so next time em little more careful , as you guys know em not very good at it )

This story is for those who serve their Country without asking anything in Return. Sacrificing their today for our Tomorrow.
The Brave man in Armed Forces.

Chapter 1

It was a cold misty night. 1:20 am in the night, a shadow was walking on the street, there were rows of houses around him. Street didn't show any signs of life. Shadow was walking carefully, watching every step he took, to avoid any noise that could attract the dogs yawning far away from him. He was searching for something, suddenly he turned and came back to a small house, like he left something in the house. Small house with a dark brown colored, iron door. He knocked thrice on the door, but before knocking, he made sure no one was there watching him.

Amjad, he whispered at the door while knocking, a hand came out of the door and grabbed his arm and dragged him inside, he would have fallen on that bike standing right beside the door if he wasn’t careful.

What are you doing here Rizwan, have you seen what time is it, it better be something really important? Amjad Asked Rizwan.

Sir It’s important, we got him.

We got Him?

Amjad was in shock he couldn’t believe what his ears just heard, we got him are you sure.

Yes, sir Rizwan replied we got him.

Months of hard work finally paid off ISI finally had him. The most wanted Terrorist of Pakistan, hundreds of families lost their loved ones because of this one person. He was behind many bombings, attacks on the army, the recent massacre happened in Army School in Peshawar, it all was because of this one person the head of the snake. The army was behind him for years tracking every movement he was making He was known by many names and Mullah Radio was one of them. ISI had to work very hard to get his location. Now the real test was about to start getting the location of target was one thing, but taking him out alive from the bees nest was another. Peshawar incident shocks Pakistan and caught the government by surprise.

We need to alert the higher command we don’t get that lucky in our kind of business every day. Are you ready Caption?

Sir, Yes Sir Rizwan replied

Let me inform Bgr. Tariq.

Bgr Tariq Had spent of most of his life in the army, been in spy game for a very long time so he knew how to deal with them. He was famous for his swift action and showed no mercy to his enemies. He conducted many successful operations and every mission was a success. Whenever he got some his hands on some Taliban, he made sure they won’t be able to hurt any other soul again, his methods were questionable but his results were off the charts.

10 January 2015 Pakistan army GHQ, Rawalpindi, an important meeting has been going on for several hours in room with a round table which was occupied by 4 top high rankings officers of the Pakistan army so they can choose the best course of action.

Major Ali started the briefing

Gentleman “our sources had informed us that Dark target will be traveling to Pakistan next Week to observe the Taliban Initiation ceremony, where 100 new jihadi fanatics will be Joining Threak e Taliban Pakistan (T.T.P).”

And “Make sure we catch this bastard”.

Suddenly the room went into the silent mood there was pin drop silence in the room no one was talking and suddenly this silence was broken by Brigadier Tariq.

He stood up from his Chair and in a firm voice he started to talk.

Gentleman, “I have some disturbing news from the other side of the border, one of our operative just informed us, Dark target is under the protection of Afghan intelligence, that’s why all the past attempts to capture or eliminate him was unsuccessful, and many of our operatives lost their lives. This Time it will be a Black Op, Afghan intelligence won’t be involved in this Op, ISI must eliminate this threat on it’s own and Capitan Khalid one of our best will be in command.”

Khalid... o... Bhai. Khalid, where your heading. Can you get me some fruits? Mubashir shouted from the top floor of the building. They were in the 6th flat.

Khalid Looked up from stairs, saw Mubashir screaming, he raised his hand showing middle finger and walked out of the 5 storey Building.

Capitan Khalid a S.S.G commando was one of the best of his batch, He was trained by the best and spent a few months in the United States with Marines.

He was master of hand 2 hand combat, swimming champion, Sniper, and spending time with US Marines just improved his skills even more. He’s been in Kabul for few days finding Qasim a local commander in TTP and also an asset of Pakistan intelligence. They were supposed to meet in a famous restaurant in Kabul bazaar, But Qasim was no show that made Khalid worried because this wasn't some random info exchange this time the Info Qasim was brought directly involved Dark target. He was drinking tea in the restaurant when he felt his pocket was vibrating he Picked his phone up in a jiffy

Yes, Khalid Speaking.

Qasim here Khalid “got some news for our friends and a special gift”

Khalid “Gift? “He sounded confused.

Yes My Friend Gift but this gift must be sent home ASAP. Qasim replied

Khalid Saying Good Bye to Qasim went straight to his apartment.

Jabar Code name Agent Z by CIA, was an ex agent of a Khad Afghan intelligence agency from the soviet era.

He was famous for torturing his prisoners, he used hot steel rods to pierce his victim’s ear so forth was known as hole master. After current change from Taliban to Karzai Government in command, he joined politics and now he was the current Chief of Afghan intelligence, He always hated Pakistan and after becoming chief he made sure none of his agents have any soft spot for Pakistan.

Early Morning Jabar enters his office, Overlooks the files on his tablet, he gets distracted by the loud ringing of his office Phone

“Jabar Speaking” Jabar answers the phone.

“Hi! Jabar how are you”. The caller replies in a polite voice.

“Oh, Sir it’s you, how can I help you this early in the morning I hope it’s not too important. It's 2 am in DC if I’m not mistaken?” Jabar answers on the phone.

“Yes Jabar it´s important that’s why I’m calling you on phone”. The Caller replies back.

“How can I help you, sir?” Jabar asks the caller.

“You know our friends in ISI are busy because of our friend’s activities in Pakistan, and this is causing problems for us and our friend, we have received Intel from our sources that someone in threak has compromised and he´s switching teams. He knows a lot about our help and your help to Threak. We need him out before he speaks and shares his knowledge with ISI. So we need to take care of him before it’s too late”. The mysterious caller sharing details on the call with Jabar.

“I will put my top men on securing him.” Jabar Answers.

“Good Bye”. Caller disconnects the Call.

How can I find you Mr? Jabar thinks to himself.

Khalid Ran back to his Flat.

Mubashir. Mubashir where the hell are you? He shouts in the flat but no one is there to reply him back.

Before coming back to his flat he made sure he delivered the current information to his friends in ISI.

That was a spy’s life and that’s how wars were fought between Spies Keep Your Side updated with most current and accurate information.

He takes out his phone to Call Mubashir to get his location, and his activities, but before he could dial his number someone knocks on the door, Khalid Drops his phone and reach’s to his gun.

Someone breaks the door and throw a flash bang inside the room.

The Loud bang and bright Light fill the room, stunning Khalid for a few seconds and the 1st thing he sees 3 armed men entering from the broken Door.

Khalid Shoots one guy in his head and try to hit others too, but, other two shows quick reaction and several bullets make holes in Khalid’s body.

He falls on the floor, his body is filled with blood.

Malik search the apartment, other guy must be inside.

The other guy starts to search the apartment.

”No one is in here. Sir”. The searcher replies back.

Mubashir Not far from his Building, talking to a dry fruit vendor, see police gathering around his building.

Mubashir Looks at the building, I hope I’m wrong, but he knew he can’t take the risk of going close and being spotted, he starts to walk to the opposite of the road. The last thing he sees 2 soldiers dragging his friend's body and he’s been covered in blood.
Whispering to himself. Mubashir keeps walking on the other side

“I Swear I will avenge you my brother”. Mubashir promises to his dead friend.

One of the Afghan Intelligence´s Safe houses Jabar is talking to Mullah Radio.
Mullah radio is the Head of Threak e Taliban Pakistan, famous for their Fight against Pakistan Army locally known as TTP. TTP was involved in many Bombings, assassinations, Kidnappings of Pakistan army and civilian. They wanted to convert Pakistan into a jihadi state.

“We are thankful for your support to our cause and we won’t let you and our friends down”. Says the mullah.

“Hafiz Saab!! You are our friend and our friends in the CIA always help their friends no matter what.

How’s the Mission going Hafiz Saab new anything? ”Jabar replies back.

“Anyone can find tons of idiots in Pakistan who will do anything in Allah’s Name”. Mullah replies back with a loud laugh.

“Hafiz Saab! Have a bad news for you I just talked with our friend in DC.He told me a few of their operatives detected and took out one of ISI operatives in Kabul, they wanted to capture him, but the situation got out of hand so he got killed. Got 1 K.i.A in the mission. Our men searched his apartment, but didn’t find anything useful. So keeping your importance in mind .We have thought to send you to Arabia for some time, you can relax and you will be safe there one will think you are there.” Jabar asks at the end.

“If my safety is your concern than I will be happy to go there”. Mullah answers.

“Yellow Rose Calling to Garden over.”

“Yellow rose called to garden over.” Mubashir on his long range transmitter.

Yes Rose Garden attending you”. Someone replies back.

“Black Rose is broken I repeat Dark rose is broken, the mission is compromised what’s the plan of extraction for me”. Mubashir asks the other person.

“Go to your 2nd Garden Rose we will send a gardener to help you recover the Rose and Gift for the wedding he will tell you the Name of the rose.

The last report we received from black rose was, package has a gift for a wedding, which needs to be delivered ASAP, we are sending someone to deliver you and your gift to the wedding, they will tell you the black rose's name, Try to contact the package and ask him to deliver you the gift. Hold tight yellow Rose.

Fi Amanillah.”Over and out.

Mubashir takes out his Cell phone and dials, Osama’s Number.

As-salamu alaykum Osama Speaking .Mubashir hears Osama’s sound.

Osama Watching TV sees his phone ringing him pick it up

As-salamu alaykum Osama Speaking.

“WSlam Osama, the party is compromised black rose is Down we need to meet, you asked for a gift to be delivered? Mubashir asks Osama.

Hold your Horses my friend I think it’s a wrong Number but if you are interested in buying some gifts for the wedding I think you better go to Serena hotel, ask for Imran, tell him Osama sent you he will help you to get to the gift”. Osama disconnects the call.

Mubashir wakes up when someone rings the doorbell of the safe house.

He holds his gun firmly and start to walk towards the gate.

The visitor now starts to knock on the door too.

“Wait, wait coming don’t break **** in the Door”. Mubashir screams in Pashto.

He opens the door and see new faces on the Door.

Yes, how can I help you? Mubashir asks the men blocking the door.

We are here to get you and your gift for the wedding. The visitor replies back
Wedding and gift exchanges were the code words so Mubashir knows he’s in friends.

Come in. Mubashir let them walk in.

I’m Sulman and that’s my friend Wasim. Now you and your gift is our responsibility. Kabul is not safe for you anymore, we need to leave ASAP.
Sulman is one of the agents stationed in Kabul by ISI, he introduces himself and his friend to Mubashir and give him a little update about the current situation.

We need to go to the Serena hotel to pick our gift, a guy named Imran will help us. Mubashir tells Sulman about the package.

Then what are we waiting for lets go. You get ready, we are waiting for you in the car. It’s parked in front of the door.

Mubashir gets ready and gets in the car with his new buddies.

Getting to Serena and getting to Imran wasn’t that hard but when they got the gift they just couldn’t believe their eyes it was a very high ranking ttp commander. And he was very close to Mullah Radio.

The 1st thing comes into Mubashir´s mind was you don’t have much time left Mr radio.

Our Circle is getting Smaller Around you.

Pakistan’s Intelligence agencies were on high alert since last two days. One of the ISI`s informer informed his handler that a meeting will be held in the outskirts of Peshawar.

Chapter 3

G.H.Q Rawalpindi

A high level meeting went on for hours.
“ISI has received two important info’s about TTP. One is a gathering or so called initiation ceremony where 100s of new boys will be joining TTP so they can be trained and the 2nd info is Mullah isn’t in Afghanistan anymore. Tariq tells to Officers sitting in the room.

Brigadier Tariq raise’s his stick and point at Small Dot on the Map of Khyber.
Gentleman “This location is under TTP control and they are going to use this area as F.O.B (Forward Operating Base). We must Take this position before they could harm us. We will use brute force on this one, because we will be facing 2k+ ttp scums.”
Tariq Stops for a second inhales his cigar and Starts talking again,
“As I was saying! It won’t be easy, our informer has informed us Taliban has secured this location pretty well, tons of caves in surrounding hills they have few IED factories there too.”
1st part will be played by PAF, our Boys in Air Force Start hitting these SOBs around 2 AM. Since there are no Civilians in the area, it will be a lot easier for us to kill anything which moves. Our Intel has insured us this area is clean of civilians.
2nd we need to moved 1 brigade of our force to Cover all of the area as fast as possible because many of these bustards will try to run and we can’t let anyone go back to Afghanistan, But it must be done in the cover we can’t let any know where we are moving this big force, it won’t be an easy task to move this big force without anyone’s notice it.

3rd We will Deploy few of our Units on a Special OP in the area, if they need help they will inform us, And “Captain Zaman ”it will be your duty to help them asap so you will be Deployed on the back side of the mountain.

“Gentleman, this won’t be an easy task, because on one side we have thousands of jihads on the other the main leaders of TTP we have to be very precise
We can’t let any go, InshAllah”.
After Tariq discusses little details of the mission with officers.
“That’s all”, was the last word out of Tariq’s mouth and he starts walking to another room at the end of the gallery. Where he will be Briefing the 2nd part of the mission to ISI’s top two agents.

Mountain shakes up with the souls living on it. Pakistan Army with its brother Force in Skies Start to bring hell upon TTP from the skies.Mortars and LGB fired by f16s, and Burraq with its Barq wakes up everyone in the face of sudden death. Pakistani forces catches Taliban off guard early morning, remaining Taliban try to run in the caves dug up by TTP or join their comrades fighting against enemy.
Body parts scattered across mountain, smell of gunpowder, sound of shells exploding upon their comrades, Death is in the Wind.
A slogan “Allah Hu Akbar” tears up the sudden silence caused by the stopping of Shelling. The fight has started Pakistani soldier’s starts to move in to take over the mountain.
Lmgs, assault rifles starts to utter their noises in atmosphere, making holes in the bodies of both sides.
Pakistan army brought 8000 soldiers to break back bone of ttp for once and all.
They set their Trips in every direction and stationing most of their forces on the back side of the mountain where Taliban were supposed to retreat to Afghanistan.
It was a target practice for Pakistani forces, ssg and army takes over the mountain before the dawn breaks out.
Elemental surprise and well-coordinated attack by Both Forces Took out more than 1600 Taliban were taken out by the 1st wave of bombardment and later by Soldiers of Punjab regiment, more than 600 were captured few lucky ones managed to escape to.
Casualties were not little on the Pakistani side, 30 soldier’s embraced shahadat and more than 100 were injured which were later taken back by Mi 17s

“Significant effects achieved by air strikes last night targeting terrorists in [a] area close to the Afghan border,” ISPR Director General Maj Gen Asim Saleem Bajwa said on Twitter. Was being broadcast on TV by different media channels in the country.

The briefing was over now he was heading to a different room, he opens the door, the only two occupants of the room stand up and give him a salute.
“Sit down Captain there is no need of that”. Says the Brigadier.
Tariq asks “So how was your trip to Afghanistan, and how’s the squad?”.
“The squad is fine, and ready for action, sir just waiting for your orders.”
Mubashir replies back.

Mubashir was the head of Scorpion Squad SSG’s elite Squad, the best of the best were cherry picked in this Squad. They were best of the best and always showed excellence, outperforming in every test they were given.
After at Khalid’s death in Afghanistan Mubashir was his successor.

Mubashir, “we won’t deploy your squad with main forces, you will have a different mission. Your Targets are some other high ranking TTP leaders.
The gift you brought back with you, has informed us that Mullah isn’t here anymore, he is out of our assets reach, the only thing he told us about him is that someone informed him that our boys are into him so as usual he ran away, to save his miserable life”, Tariq stops.
“Your mission will be to take out convey, carrying 4 of TTPs major commanders, convey will be heading to the ceremony. Your job is they don’t get there. These are your targets”. Tariq passes few photographs to Mubashir.

1 Khalid Haqqani, the deputy chief of TTP.
2 Sheharyar mehsud AKA Shahbaz, major leader of ttp in South Waziristan.
3 Abdul Wali AKA Omer Khalid Khorasani, Chief of Jundallah group.
4 Abu Bakr, Chief of Bajaur agency also a lucky bastard he managed to escape last time.

“And This Will be Your Guide “Raza”, turning his face to the person sitting opposite to Mubashir. You don’t need to cover his ***, Mubashir. He will be a big Asset to you in this mission, he knows every part of the area, and he also knows how to use guns.”
Any question? Boys, Tariq ask.
No Sir. Mubashir and raise both reply back.
Dismissed Boys.
Mubashir and Raza both Salutes the higher ranking officer and Comes out of the room.
“Raza! We will be leaving at 16:00 hrs. Allah hafiz”. Mubashir says and leaves Raza to find his squad.

@Horus@SUPARCO@WebMaster@Norwegian@Jf Thunder@genmirajborgza786@Pakistani Exile@Pakistani shaheens @MastanKhan @DESERT FIGHTER@Desert Fox@Armstrong@Akheilos@Stealth@American PakistaniIrfan BalochDESERT FIGHTER
@Green Arrow@GreenFalcon @ranjeet@Norwegian@Pakistani jamahirshaheens@Selous@TankMan@hinduguyAmerican PakistanidropkixSkywalkerDevil SoulZarvan
@Zarvan@FaujHistorian@fatman17@ghoul@Devil rockstar08SoulDevil SoulIcewolfWinchester@@orangzaibLoveIconJf Thunder


So you are witing this series?good one:)
hmmm...quote that msg and make the changes....and remove the quotes and say this is updated version :p:
This story is for those who serve their Country without asking anything in Return. Sacrificing their today for our Tomorrow.
The Brave men in Armed Forces.

Chapter 1

It was a cold misty night. 1:20 am in the night, a shadow was walking on the street, there were rows of houses around him. The street didn't show any signs of life. A Shadow was walking carefully, watching every step he took, to avoid any noise that could attract the dogs yawning far away from him. He was searching for something, suddenly he turned and came to a small house, like he left something in the house. Small house with a dark brown colored, iron door. He knocked thrice on the door, but before knocking, he made sure no one was there watching him.
Amjad, he whispered at the door while knocking; a hand came out of the door,grabbed his arm and dragged him inside. He would have fallen on that bike standing right beside the door if he wasn’t careful.
Have you seen the time; it better be something really important? Amjad Asked Rizwan.

Sir It’s important, we got him.

We got Him?

Amjad was in shock he couldn’t believe what his ears just heard, we got him are you sure.

Yes, sir Rizwan replied we got him.

Months of hard work finally paid off ISI finally had him. The most wanted Terrorist of Pakistan, hundreds of families lost their loved ones because of this one person. He was behind many bombings, attacks on the army: the recent massacre in Army School in Peshawar; it all was because of this one person, the head of the snake. The army was behind him for years tracking every movement he was making He was known by many names and Mullah Radio was one of them. ISI had to work very hard to get his location. Now the real test was about to start getting the location of target was one thing, but taking him out alive from the bees nest was another. Peshawar incident shocks Pakistan and caught the government by surprise.

We need to alert the higher command we don’t get that lucky in our kind of business every day. Are you ready Captain?

Sir, Yes Sir Rizwan replied

Let me inform Bgr. Tariq.

Bgr Tariq spent most of his life in the army, he was in spy game for a very long time so he knew how to deal with them. He was famous for his swift action and showed no mercy to his enemies. He conducted many successful operations and every mission was a success. Whenever he got some his hands on some Taliban, he made sure they won’t be able to hurt another soul again, his methods were questionable but his results were off the charts.

10 January 2015 Pakistan army GHQ, Rawalpindi, An important round table meeting had been going on for several hours, which was participated by 4 top ranking officers of the Pakistan army to choose the best course of action.
Major Ali started the briefing

Gentleman “our sources had informed us that Dark target will be traveling to Pakistan next Week to observe the Taliban Initiation ceremony, where 100 new jihadi fanatics will be Joining Threak e Taliban Pakistan (T.T.P).”

And “Make sure we catch this bastard”.

Suddenly the room went into the silent mood there was pin drop silence in the room no one was talking and suddenly this silence was broken by Brigadier Tariq.

He stood up from his Chair and in a firm voice he started to talk.

Gentleman, “I have some disturbing news from the other side of the border, one of our operative just informed us, Dark target is under the protection of Afghan intelligence, that’s why all the past attempts to capture or eliminate him was unsuccessful, and many of our operatives lost their lives. This Time it will be a Black Op, Afghan intelligence won’t be involved in this Op, ISI must eliminate this threat on its own and Capitan Khalid one of our best will be in command.”

Khalid... o... Bhai. Khalid, where you’re heading. Can you get me some fruits? Mubashir shouted from the top floor of the building. They were in the 6th flat.

Khalid Looked up from stairs, saw Mubashir screaming, he raised his hand showing middle finger and walked out of the 5 storey Building.

Capitan Khalid a S.S.G commando was one of the best of his batch, He was trained by the best and spent a few months in the United States with Marines.

He was master of hand 2 hand combat, swimming champion, Sniper, and spending time with the US Marines just improved his skills even more. He’d been in Kabul for few days finding Qasim, a local TTP commander and also an asset of Pakistan intelligence. They were supposed to meet in a famous restaurant in Kabul bazaar, But Qasim was no show that made Khalid worried because this wasn't some random info exchange this time the Info Qasim would bring directly involved Dark target. He was drinking tea in the restaurant when he felt his pocket was vibrating he Picked his phone up in a jiffy

Yes, Khalid Speaking.

Qasim here Khalid “got some news for our friends and a special gift”

Khalid “Gift? “He sounded confused.

Yes My Friend Gift but this gift must be sent home ASAP. Qasim replied

Khalid Saying Good Bye to Qasim went straight to his apartment.

Chapter 2

Jabar Code name Agent Z by CIA, was an ex agent of a Khad Afghan intelligence agency from the soviet era.

He was famous for torturing his prisoners, he used hot steel rods to pierce his victim’s ear so forth was known as hole master. After current change from Taliban to Karzai Government in command, he joined politics and now he was the current Chief of Afghan intelligence, He always hated Pakistan and after becoming chief he made sure none of his agents had any soft spot for Pakistan.

Early Morning Jabar enters his office, Overlooks the files on his tablet, he gets distracted by the loud ringing of his office Phone

“Jabar Speaking” Jabar answers the phone.

“Hi! Jabar how are you”. The caller replies in a polite voice.

“Oh, Sir it’s you, how can I help you this early in the morning I hope it’s not too important. It's 2 am in DC if I’m not mistaken?” Jabar answers on the phone.

“Yes Jabar it´s important that’s why I’m calling you on phone”. The Caller replies back.

“How can I help you, sir?” Jabar asks the caller.

“You know our friends in ISI are busy because of our friend’s activities in Pakistan, and this is causing problems for us and our friend, we have received Intel from our sources that someone in threak has compromised and he´s switching teams. He knows a lot about our help and your help to Threak. We need him out before he speaks and shares his knowledge with ISI. So we need to take care of him before it’s too late”. The mysterious caller sharing details on the call with Jabar.

“I will put my top men on securing him.” Jabar Answers.

“Good Bye”. Caller disconnects the Call.

How can I find you Mr? Jabar thinks to himself.

Khalid Ran back to his Flat.

Mubashir. Mubashir where the hell are you? He shouts in the flat but no one is there to reply him back.

Before coming back to his flat he made sure he delivered the current information to his friends in ISI.

That was a spy’s life and that’s how wars were fought between Spies Keep Your Side updated with most current and accurate information.

He takes out his phone to Call Mubashir to get his location, and his activities, but before he could dial his number someone knocks on the door, Khalid Drops his phone and reach’s to his gun.

Someone breaks the door and throw a flash bang inside the room.

The Loud bang and bright Light fill the room, stunning Khalid for a few seconds and the 1st thing he sees are three armed men entering from the broken Door.

Khalid Shoots one guy in his head and try to hit others too, but other two shows quick reaction and several bullets make holes in Khalid’s body.

He falls on the floor, his body is filled with blood.

Malik search the apartment, other guy must be inside.

The other guy starts to search the apartment.

”No one is in here. Sir”. The searcher replies back.

Mubashir Not far from his Building, talking to a dry fruit vendor, see police gathering around his building.

Mubashir Looks at the building, I hope I’m wrong, but he knew he can’t could not risk of going close and being spotted, he starts to walk to the opposite road. The last thing he sees 2 soldiers dragging his friend's body and he’s been covered in blood.
Whispering to himself. Mubashir keeps walking on the other side

“I Swear I will avenge you my brother”. Mubashir promises to his dead friend.

One of the Afghan Intelligence´s Safe houses Jabar is talking to Mullah Radio.
Mullah radio is the Head of Threak e Taliban Pakistan, famous for their Fight against Pakistan Army locally known as TTP. TTP was involved in many Bombings, assassinations, Kidnappings of Pakistan army and civilian. They wanted to convert Pakistan into a jihadi state.

“We are thankful for your support to our cause and we won’t let you and our friends down”. Says the mullah.

“Hafiz Saab!! You are our friend and our friends in the CIA always help their friends no matter what.

How’s the Mission going Hafiz Saab anything new? ”Jabar replies back.

“Anyone can find tons of idiots in Pakistan who will do anything in Allah’s Name”. Mullah replies back with a loud laugh.

“Hafiz Saab! Have a bad news for you I just talked with our friend in DC.He told me a few of their operatives detected and took out one of ISI operatives in Kabul, they wanted to capture him, but the situation got out of hand so he got killed. Got 1 K.i.A in the mission. Our men searched his apartment, but didn’t find anything useful. So keeping your importance in mind .We have thought to send you to Arabia for some time, you can relax and you will be safe there no one will think you are there.” Jabar asks at the end.

“If my safety is your concern than I will be happy to go there”. Mullah answers.

“Yellow Rose Calling to Garden over.”

“Yellow rose called to garden over.” Mubashir on his long range transmitter.

Yes Rose Garden attending you”. Someone replies back.

“Black Rose is broken I repeat Dark rose is broken, the mission is compromised what’s the plan of extraction for me”. Mubashir asks the other person.

“Go to your 2nd Garden Rose we will send a gardener to help you recover the Rose and Gift for the wedding he will tell you the Name of the rose.

The last report we received from black rose was, package has a gift for a wedding, which needs to be delivered ASAP, we are sending someone to deliver you and your gift to the wedding, they will tell you the black rose's name, Try to contact the package and ask him to deliver you the gift. Hold tight yellow Rose.

Fi Amanillah.”Over and out.

Mubashir takes out his Cell phone and dials, Osama’s Number.

As-salamu alaykum Osama Speaking .Mubashir hears Osama’s sound.

Osama Watching TV sees his phone ringing and picks it up.

As-salamu alaykum Osama Speaking.

“WSlam Osama, the party is compromised black rose is Down we need to meet, you asked for a gift to be delivered? Mubashir asks Osama.

Hold your Horses my friend I think it’s a wrong Number but if you are interested in buying some gifts for the wedding I think you better go to Serena hotel, ask for Imran, and tell him Osama sent you and he will help you to get to the gift”. Osama disconnects the call.

Mubashir wakes up when someone rings the doorbell of the safe house.

He holds his gun firmly and starts to walk towards the gate.

The visitor now starts to knock on the door too.

“Wait, wait coming don’t break **** in the Door”. Mubashir screams in Pashto.

He opens the door and see new faces on the Door.

Yes, how can I help you? Mubashir asks the men blocking the door.

We are here to get you and your gift for the wedding. The visitor replies back
Wedding and gift exchanges were the code words so Mubashir knows he’s in friends.

Come in. Mubashir let them walk in.

I’m Sulman and that’s my friend Wasim. Now you and your gift is our responsibility. Kabul is not safe for you anymore, we need to leave ASAP.
Sulman is one of the agents stationed in Kabul by ISI, he introduces himself and his friend to Mubashir and give him a little update about the current situation.

We need to go to the Serena hotel to pick our gift, a guy named Imran will help us. Mubashir tells Sulman about the package.

Then what are we waiting for lets go. You get ready, we are waiting for you in the car. It’s parked in front of the door.

Mubashir gets ready and gets in the car with his new buddies.

Getting to Serena and getting to Imran wasn’t that hard but when they got the gift they just couldn’t believe their eyes it was a very high ranking ttp commander. And he was very close to Mullah Radio.

The 1st thing comes into Mubashir´s mind was you don’t have much time left Mr Radio.

Our Circle is getting Smaller Around you.

Pakistan’s Intelligence agencies were on high alert since last two days. One of the ISI`s informer informed his handler that a meeting will be held in the outskirts of Peshawar.

Chapter 3

G.H.Q Rawalpindi

A high level meeting went on for hours.
“ISI has received two important info’s about TTP. One is a gathering or so called initiation ceremony where 100s of new boys will be joining TTP so they can be trained and the 2nd info is Mullah isn’t in Afghanistan anymore. Tariq tells to Officers sitting in the room.

Brigadier Tariq raise’s his stick and points at Small Dot on the Map of Khyber.
Gentleman “This location is under TTP control and they are going to use this area as F.O.B (Forward Operating Base). We must take this position before they can harm us. We will use brute force on this one, because we will be facing 2k+ ttp scums.”
Tariq Stops for a second inhales his cigar and Starts talking again,
“As I was saying! It won’t be easy, our informer has informed us Taliban has secured this location pretty well, tons of caves in surrounding hills they have few IED factories there too.”
1st part will be played by PAF, our Boys in Air Force Start hitting these SOBs around 2. Since there are no Civilians in the area, it will be a lot easier for us to kill anything which moves. Our Intel has insured us this area is clean of civilians.
2nd we need to moved 1 brigade of our force to Cover all of the area as fast as possible because many of these bastards will try to run and we can’t let anyone go back to Afghanistan, But it must be done in the cover we can’t let any know where we are moving this big force, it won’t be an easy task to move this big force without anyone noticing it.

3rd We will Deploy few of our Units on a Special OP in the area, if they need help they will inform us, And “Captain Zaman ”it will be your duty to help them asap so you will be Deployed at the back side of the mountain.

“Gentleman, this won’t be an easy task, because on one side we have thousands of jihads while on the other side, the main leaders of TTP we have to be very precise
we can’t let any go, InshAllah”.
After Tariq discusses little details of the mission with officers.
“That’s all”, was the last word out of Tariq’s mouth and he starts walking to another room at the end of the gallery. Where he will be Briefing the 2nd part of the mission to ISI’s top two agents.

Mountain shakes up with the souls living on it. Pakistan Army with its brother Force in Skies Start to bring hell upon TTP from the skies. Mortars and LGB fired by f16s, and Burraq with its Barq wakes up everyone in the face of sudden death. Pakistani forces catches Taliban off guard early morning, remaining Taliban try to run in the caves dug up by TTP or join their comrades fighting against enemy.
Body parts scattered across mountain, smell of gunpowder, sound of shells exploding upon their comrades, Death is in the Wind.
A slogan “Allah Hu Akbar” tears up the sudden silence caused by the stopping of Shelling. The fight has started Pakistani soldier’s starts to move in to take over the mountain.
Lmgs, assault rifles starts to utter their noises in atmosphere, making holes in the bodies of both sides.
Pakistan army brought 8000 soldiers to to breakthe backbone of TTP once and for all all.
They set their ambush in every direction and stationing most of their forces on the back side of the mountain through which the Taliban were supposed to retreat to Afghanistan.
It was like a target practice for Pakistani forces, ssg and army takes over the mountain before the dawn broke out.The element of surprise
took out more than 1600 Taliban through the 1st wave of bombardment and by soldiers of Punjab regiment while more than 600 were captured. However, a few lucky ones managed to escape.
Casualties were not little on the Pakistani side, 30 soldier’s embraced shahadat and more than 100 were injured which were later taken back by Mi 17s

“Significant effects achieved by air strikes last night targeting terrorists in [a] area close to the Afghan border,” ISPR Director General Maj Gen Asim Saleem Bajwa said on Twitter. The news was also being broadcast on TV by different channels across the country.

The briefing was over now he was heading to a different room, he opens the door, the only two occupants of the room stand up and give him a salute.
“Sit down Captain there is no need of that”. Says the Brigadier.
Tariq asks “So how was your trip to Afghanistan, and how’s the squad?”.
“The squad is fine, and ready for action, sir just waiting for your orders.”
Mubashir replies back.

Mubashir was the head of Scorpion Squad, SSG’s elite Squad, the best of the best were cherry picked in this Squad. They were best of the best and always showed excellence, outperforming in every test they were given.
After at Khalid’s death in Afghanistan Mubashir was his successor.

Mubashir, “we won’t deploy your squad with main forces, you will have a different mission. Your Targets are some other high ranking TTP leaders.
The gift you brought back with you, has informed us that Mullah isn’t here anymore, he is out of our assets reach, the only thing he told us about him is that someone informed him that our boys are into him so as usual he ran away, to save his miserable life”, Tariq stops.
“Your mission will be to take out convey, carrying 4 of TTPs major commanders, convey will be heading to the ceremony. Your job is they don’t get there. These are your targets”. Tariq passes few photographs to Mubashir.

1 Khalid Haqqani, the deputy chief of TTP.
2 Sheharyar mehsud AKA Shahbaz, major leader of ttp in South Waziristan.
3 Abdul Wali AKA Omer Khalid Khorasani, Chief of Jundallah group.
4 Abu Bakr, Chief of Bajaur agency also a lucky bastard he managed to escape last time.

“And This Will be Your Guide “Raza”, turning his face to the person sitting opposite to Mubashir. You don’t need to cover his ***, Mubashir. He will be a big Asset to you in this mission, he knows every part of the area, and he also knows how to use guns.”
Any question? Boys, Tariq ask.
No Sir. Mubashir and raise both reply back.
Dismissed Boys.
Mubashir and Raza both Salutes the higher ranking officer and go out of the room.
“Raza! We will be leaving at 16:00 hrs. Allah hafiz”. Mubashir says and leaves Raza to find his squad.
This story is for those who serve their Country without asking anything in Return. Sacrificing their today for our Tomorrow.
The Brave men in Armed Forces.
Brother I will read it some other time....
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