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Whats happening? This was never made public, only rumors.......there was the Russian choppers deal as well? Is it how it is going to be? Secret deals, only revealed upon delivery? The Jordanian Cobras, F-16s now Z-10s.

@Oscar @MastanKhan @Horus
Can you confirm?

I believe it is a good measure by the Chinese, to have their new technology tested out in Combat situations, since PAA already has decades of COIN experience with American weapons.......or is it, we have struck some oil somewhere?
While Pakistan does tend to keep it's acquisitions quiet, I doubt that PA has already selected the Z-10. The Z-10 is still an unproven system, and PAA is looking for a system that won't run into unneeded surprises. These 3 Z-10s are probably for evaluation and testing purposes. I highly doubt that PAA is going to buy these any time soon: In fact, I'd go so far as to say that PAA will either go for US offer of surplus helis (reportedly at a cost of $200 million total) in the near term, or Turkey's offer of (reportedly) two free T-129s + local assembly if bought on mass, after waiting a few years for the economy to complete it's recovery.
While Pakistan does tend to keep it's acquisitions quiet, I doubt that PA has already selected the Z-10. The Z-10 is still an unproven system, and PAA is looking for a system that won't run into unneeded surprises. These 3 Z-10s are probably for evaluation and testing purposes. I highly doubt that PAA is going to buy these any time soon: In fact, I'd go so far as to say that PAA will either go for US offer of surplus helis (reportedly at a cost of $200 million total) in the near term, or Turkey's offer of (reportedly) two free T-129s + local assembly if bought on mass, after waiting a few years for the economy to complete it's recovery.

How is the Turkish option better? It is also unproven and i believe Pakistan is well versed with 'proving the unprove' It's the same as Chinese, without any western components, plus Chinese can always beat any other financial obligations hands down, not so easy with Turkey.
These gifts are on the similar lines of the 50 JF-17 gifts.. except even more dubious with this source.
Unless the Chinese are dying to battle-test their virgin toy, I have little faith in this story.

Whats happening? This was never made public, only rumors.......there was the Russian choppers deal as well? Is it how it is going to be? Secret deals, only revealed upon delivery? The Jordanian Cobras, F-16s now Z-10s.

@Oscar @MastanKhan @Horus
Can you confirm?

I believe it is a good measure by the Chinese, to have their new technology tested out in Combat situations, since PAA already has decades of COIN experience with American weapons.......or is it, we have struck some oil somewhere?


If this news item is true---it is good news and also very concerning---. Good news that pak military got a potent system---and the concerning news is that why is this happening.

Seems like china is extremely concerned about what is happening around. It is strengthening up its base in Pakistan to strengthen up for the coming storm.
How is the Turkish option better? It is also unproven and i believe Pakistan is well versed with 'proving the unprove' It's the same as Chinese, without any western components, plus Chinese can always beat any other financial obligations hands down, not so easy with Turkey.
The Turkish option is based on a proven platform (the T-129A, what is being offered is the T-129B), so it would be far more reliable than the Z-10. Financial issues may be the only reason why PAA goes for the Z-10, but even then, they'd rather go for the US option (who've said that they'll loan the $200 million to Pakistan). If the Z-10 is bought, it will mainly be due to politics, and then finance.

Also, I should also mention the less likely, but still more probable than the Z-10, the Russian offer of the Mi-28NE. Right now, PAA is evaluating it's options, this is one of them. It has yet to make a definite decision, and I predict that it will still take at least another year before we hear any news about a potential large scale acquisition of attack helis; It'll take another year after that for Pakistan to be in a position to actually make the acquisition occur.

Is it me or the Z-10 has some similarities to the Rafale. :D



:D same here from the day 1 :D
The Turkish option is based on a proven platform (the T-129A, what is being offered is the T-129B), so it would be far more reliable than the Z-10. Financial issues may be the only reason why PAA goes for the Z-10, but even then, they'd rather go for the US option (who've said that they'll loan the $200 million to Pakistan). If the Z-10 is bought, it will mainly be due to politics, and then finance.

Also, I should also mention the less likely, but still more probable than the Z-10, the Russian offer of the Mi-28NE. Right now, PAA is evaluating it's options, this is one of them. It has yet to make a definite decision, and I predict that it will still take at least another year before we hear any news about a potential large scale acquisition of attack helis; It'll take another year after that for Pakistan to be in a position to actually make the acquisition occur.

200 million USD is nothing for procurement of choppers from the west or even Russia. If Turkey can guarantee support and spares under all conditions, then sure, go for it, but you need to realize that with Chinese Z-10 you'd have the option of integrating whatever you want. Russian Mi35 are still needed for spec ops. So Army better think carefully, what it needs today and what will be relevant in the future anti-armor scenario.
Could it be that China wants to test them for Combat ability and efficiency?
In the end, China will benefit from it if its true.

That's what it is, test drive this bird in a war zone, use it, provide details or feedback on its actual combat capabilities so the Chinese can improve it. They are not at a conflict with anyone so they can't really test it in a battle. But Pakistan can.
I just hope these gifts dont force us to buy Z-10s.... personally n realistically T-129 is a better choice...(without US engines that is)... i dont trust the russians...

Realistic, T-129 will forever stick with an American engine. Buying T-129 is as good as going back to square one.

I do not know what is your fetish with T-129 since many of their tech is still based on imported western technology. If you look at the spec between WZ-10 and T-129. WZ-10 gunship wins everything of T-129 in terms of weight , power and payload.

Wanted to buy a T-129 looks like a downgrade compare to WZ-10. T-129 is a light weight gunship not offering much protection while WZ-10 is a medium class gunship that will provide better spec.
While Pakistan does tend to keep it's acquisitions quiet, I doubt that PA has already selected the Z-10. The Z-10 is still an unproven system, and PAA is looking for a system that won't run into unneeded surprises. These 3 Z-10s are probably for evaluation and testing purposes. I highly doubt that PAA is going to buy these any time soon: In fact, I'd go so far as to say that PAA will either go for US offer of surplus helis (reportedly at a cost of $200 million total) in the near term, or Turkey's offer of (reportedly) two free T-129s + local assembly if bought on mass, after waiting a few years for the economy to complete it's recovery.

Unproven does not means is no good. If by your logic, the world will never progress with new technology.

WZ-10 design is more updated with reduced RCS and stealth coating. The advance HMS makes targeting and fire of ATGM a breeze.
Plus the KD-1 missile in terms of range and payload is superior to anything that the turkish can throw at us. The turkish even needs to buy HQ-9 SAM from China. I do not know what advantage of technology they have over China? If it's so good, they wouldn't even need to buy SAM but build one themselves.
200 million USD is nothing for procurement of choppers from the west or even Russia. If Turkey can guarantee support and spares under all conditions, then sure, go for it, but you need to realize that with Chinese Z-10 you'd have the option of integrating whatever you want. Russian Mi35 are still needed for spec ops. So Army better think carefully, what it needs today and what will be relevant in the future anti-armor scenario.
Those are surplus choppers, aka second hand, and the deal didn't include long term maintenance. If I recall, the Mi-35s that Pakistan bought was for counter-narcotics division, not the PAA.

The Z-10 comes with it's own problems, one of which I already mentioned, which is it's reliability. Turkey is expensive right now, but it has offered a really great deal which PAA is seriously considering pursuing.

I'm sure the army will try to get the best platform it can afford, the problem is when it will happen.
These gifts are on the similar lines of the 50 JF-17 gifts.. except even more dubious with this source.
Unless the Chinese are dying to battle-test their virgin toy, I have little faith in this story.
Mr you need a doctor you are always negative 3 is nothing for China and will also get tested in real situation
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