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Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

What have Iraqi Sunni Arab politicians to do with the Arab world? Nothing is the answer. The Nujaifi clan has closer ties to AKP ruled Turkey than any group in the Arab world. Daesh is led entirely by Iraqis. Whole areas within Iraq support it. That's the harsh reality.

This tribal sheikh wants the Arab world to help. The GCC offered to bomb Daesh but Abadi refused. Jordan is thinking about sending soldiers to Anbar. KSA, Egypt and UAE are thinking about creating a pan-Arab army against terrorism. I very much doubt that all those farsi sponsored Shia militias would not target those Arab soldiers.
Sending land troops? Did any country send any land troops? No. Did any Arab/country at all send any land troops to war torn Libya? Yemen? SYRIA (which is 10 times more bloody than Iraq)? No.
oy Saudis, don't Saudi what I said and start shit. I didn't say you don't have history. Of course there were people living in that region for thousands of years before Islam. The discussion between me and Mosamania was about the current Saudi culture and how an atheist like Mosamania can't find something else in Saudi to call his own. A Saudi that doesn't believe in religion or even the concept of a sky god would be like an alien in contemporary Saudi society. He/she wouldn't even be able to speak about it to his/her parents or family. On top of that, the history that you guys talk about has been buried away and it doesn't exist anymore. I'm an atheist Iranian, but I can speak to my parents and laugh at religious people b/c they're also atheists. My entire family is either agnostic or atheist. Most Iranians I know are the same as well. In Iran people aren't religious. We celebrate non-Islamic holidays like Norooz, Charshabe soori, shabe Yalda etc... We still have a ton of our pre-Islamic identity intact and those that are like me use that to replace the Islamic identity.

My whole point is that Mosamani can't replace his wahabi cultural identity with anything that's native to contemporary Saudi Arabia that can be acceptable to contemporary Saudi society. There is nothing.
our help and aid to them is not your decision to make, we offer help to them and they accept, both shia and sunni, kurds and the others accept that help and offer, what u do for them!!! support and helping isis is to kill them all is the only thing you do in iraq
, of course this is iraqi people are fighting with terrorism above everything, this is their duty for themselves and their countries, and what we do is we help them, are u upset of this?

The point is that your "help" is not crucial for the fight against Daesh at all nor are you the only country that is helping. Far from it. So stop trying to paint anyone that is against your terror regime's meddling in the Arab world as being pro-Daesh. Tell this to the Israelis and Republicans too. Yes, I cannot sleep at night because you send a few weapons and have that photo whore appearing on every photo claiming all the hard work that locals do.

Do you realize that Kurds and Iraqi Arabs/Turkmens/Assyrians are at war with each other almost? Only the Daesh retards are keeping them apart for now. You are basically helping their enemies openly.

Yes, every Lebanese that is not a Hezbollah fanatic, every Yemeni that is not a Houthi fanatic also appreciates your help. Every Southern Iraqi that is not pro-Mullah also appreciates your regimes support etc.

The Arabs love your regime, Turks, Israelis, Westerners etc. Hell everyone. That's why your country is such a open and friendly country and not sanctioned by the entire world and known as the North Korea of the ME.

All the minorities in Iran that make up 40% or so of the population also love your regime.

There were not even 1/100 of those problems when Iran was ruled by normal people. Iranians and Arabs in the GCC were doing business as normal people. Many still do but you get the point. Those that do are Iranians that escaped the Mullah rule.
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hahahahah :whistle:
You need just one ? Rafidi
I'll be generous and give you 5 militias !

Asaeeb Ahl Al-haq
Bader Militias
Almahdi militias
Saraya Alssalam

See I'm so kind ,, I skipped the Iranian militias I didn't list them :-)

Or you don't see your s!tt because it's comes out from you ? :lol:

I'm Arabic and I know all your BS, so don't try to be smart ..Okay ?

Daesh came after your extremism so don't blame on others and carry the results by your selves with your Iranian masters .

If there's a thoughtless and brainwashed people you're one of them , no doubt at all .

You seems to be also following the Mullah's School :)
No doubt, that you are barbaric not arabic as you are bedo

( الأعراب اشد كفرا ونفاقا وأجدر ان لا يعلموا حدود ما أنزل الله)

second: all those shea groups never blow up themself among sunnis, they never threaten to annihilate sunnis.

See the difference go get a life go free your self of this ignorance and hate.

الحياة - السعوديون نفذوا 60 ٪ من العمليات الانتحارية لـ «داعش» في العراق
The point is that your "help" is not crucial for the fight against Daesh at all nor are you the only country that is helping. Far from it. So stop trying to paint anyone that is against your terror regime's meddling in the Arab world as being pro-Daesh. Tell this to the Israelis and Republicans too. Yes, I cannot sleep at night because you send a few weapons and have that photo whore appearing on every photo claiming all the hard work that locals do.

Do you realize that Kurds and Iraqi Arabs/Turkmens/Assyrians are at war with each other almost? Only the Daesh retards are keeping them apart for now. You are basically helping their enemies openly.

Yes, every Lebanese that is not a Hezbollah fanatic, every Yemeni that is not a Houthi fanatic also appreciates your help. Every Southern Iraqi that is not pro-Mullah also appreciates your regimes support etc.

The Arabs love your regime, Turks, Israelis, Westerners etc. Hell everyone. That's why your country is such a open and friendly country and not sanctioned by the entire world and known as the North Korea of the ME.

All the minorities in Iran that make up 40% or so of the population also love your regime.

There were not even 1/100 of those problems when Iran was ruled by normal people. Iranians and Arabs in the GCC were doing business as normal people. Many still do but you get the point. Those that do are Iranians that escaped the Mullah rule.

you are so in pain!!! no matter! the world is not our enemy, only some euro countries and usa are against us a few countries in me like you! they because of usa those country do those sanctions against us, but no worry! it is not going to change everything, the usa know that and thats why they want to lift sanctions and agree our nuclear rights! understand?!
anyway the usa global hegemony is on Descent and fall slowly, imperialism is going to trash in time, u can see that in middle east! with all euro and usa and some servant middle east counties like you try to stop that! they cant, we take all usa allies country and free them one by one, we act not like usa! we gave them Independence! they are free to decide, u see today in yemen to! and tomorrow bahrain and who knows! which is next?
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No doubt, that you are barbaric not arabic as you are bedo

( الأعراب اشد كفرا ونفاقا وأجدر ان لا يعلموا حدود ما أنزل الله)

second: all those shea groups never blow up themself among sunnis, they never threaten to annihilate sunnis.

See the difference go get a life go free your self of this ignorance and hate.

الحياة - السعوديون نفذوا 60 ٪ من العمليات الانتحارية لـ «داعش» في العراق

You do realize that you as a Southern Iraqi has more in common with the average Saudi Arabian than anyone else? Thousands of people from Southern Iraq escaped to KSA during 1991 and the Shia uprisings. It would not surprise me if you were one of them. I have talked with many such Iraqis and they had nothing but praise for the local people.

Iraqi Shia Arabs from the South (most of those modern day cities were founded by Arabs from Arabia) are closer to Arabians than any other Iraqis. Neighbors too. You are from Nasiriyah right? All the clan, tribes, families etc. that live in that city also live across the border in KSA and vice versa. Many of those families migrated as recently as 100 years ago. Those artificial borders are less than 100 years old. Dozens of Saudi Arabians are of Iraqi origin too.

Secondly Bedouins formed a small minority 1500 years ago during the time of Prophet Muhammad (saws) and mostly only inhabited Najd. @Gasoline is from Ta'if. A mountain city located almost 2000 meters above sea level.

Ta'if - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

WTF are you talking about? Bedouins of today make up less than 1% of the 450 million or so Arabs out there. There are as many Bedouins in KSA as in Iraq nowadays.

Bedouin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those same so-called "Bedouins" (not an ethnic group) founded World UNESCO Heritage sites such as Petra in Jordan, Mada'in Saleh in KSA, Hatra in Iraq, Palmyra in Syria, Shivta and Avdat in what is today Israel.

Shivta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Petra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Palmyra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hatra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Avdat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mada'in Saleh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All this between 1000BC and 200 BC.

Repeating the same bullshit time and time again does not make it correct.

Yes, let's use 1500 year old religious scriptures (out of context) to demonize a people that have hardly hurt anyone in their history. A people famed for their music, poetry and most importantly hospitality which is famous across the world and which has been romanticized in Western and Eastern literature.

All those religious figures be they the Ahl al-Bayt, leading Shia clerics past and present, Imams etc. all originated in what is now KSA (Hijaz mostly) that you Shias hold dear are by your logic all "Bedouins" despite this being factually incorrect.


I don't want to embarrass you further but since you speak Arabic then I suggest that you take a look at this link of the demographics of Iraq.


You are welcome.

الوضع عام 1867 م[عدل]

كان عدد سكان العراق عام 1867م وفقاً للدكتور محمد سلمان حسن في بحث نشره معهد الإحصاء في جامعة أكسفورد لا يتجاوز المليون وربع إلا قليلاً[7][8] أما فئات السكان الثلاث فكانت نسبتهم كما يلي:

  • القبائل البدوية: 35% من مجموع السكان.
  • القبائل الريفية: 41% من مجموع السكان.
  • أهل المدن: 24% من مجموع السكان.[9][10]
@Gasoline does not support Daesh yet your hatred and prejudice was clear from the get go. You just reacted due to his flag knowing nothing about KSA or users from KSA on PDF. He could have been one of those 3 million Shias in KSA for all you know that are cheering for the Iraqi army 24/7 on social media.

You are carbon copies of each other (I am talking about fanatics in general). You can make excuses all day long. Same mindset and same shit that keeps this ancient region with so much potential from progressing.

No matter how many of your likes I will encounter you will still remain a brother by virtue of being a fellow Arab. Call me foolish but whatever.

you are so in pain!!! no matter! the world is not our enemy, only some euro countries and usa are against us a few countries in me like you! they because of usa those country do those sanctions against us, but no worry! it is not going to change everything, the usa know that and thats why they want to lift sanctions and agree our nuclear rights! understand?!
anyway the us global hegemony is on Descent and fall slowly, imperialism is going to trash in time, u can see that in middle east! with all euro and usa and some servant middle east counties like you try to stop that! they cant, we take all usa allies country and free them one by one, we act not like usa! we gave them Independence! they are free to decide, u see today in yemen to! and tomorrow bahrain and who knows! which is next?

The average impoverished Iranian has nothing to say about anything just like anywhere else in the ME. He is not my enemy as long as he is not hostile against my people (Arabs). I am against your regime.

The West is not against anybody in the region. They obviously care for their own interests like anyone else and have their own agendas but they are not out there to hurt some Middle Eastern people. If USA wanted they could turn the ME into a nuclear waste in the matter of minutes tomorrow and you or me would not be able to do shit about it.

Since the Iranian Mullah regime came to power almost 36 years ago (I believe that you are going to "celebrate" the anniversary soon) you have mostly created nothing but trouble in the Arab world. Everyone believes this regardless of nationality, sect, political views unless they are Hezbollah, Houthi, Shia militias etc. fanboys. Your regime has helped kickstart a sectarian war in the region and you have dragged rich Arab countries in this mess to as a counter to your expansionist dreams.

There was not this bullshit before 1979. People hardly knew the differences between Sunni and Shia Islam. Now the retards don't talk about anything else. You think that this is a coincidence?

When you are sponsoring terrorist groups, political parties, militias etc. hostile to most Sunni Arab countries most Sunni Arabs will be against your regime. It's simply as that.

Take Syria as an example. You are sponsoring a genocidal murderer that is mostly mass-murdering civilian Sunni Arabs (not only them but Kurds too). You think that this helps?

Meanwhile if you were doing all this in nearby Tajikistan, Afghanistan or Pakistan hardly anyone in the Arab world would have cared. Do you understand this?
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Iraq is a Shia majority country, these "Shia militias" are the official forces of the Iraqi people. Are we supposed to import people from China in order to stop being secterian. :lol:. The thing is any Sunni in Iraq that takes part in the government or joins against daesh is automatically seen as a "Murtad", "kafir", "traitor", "rafidhi Worshipper" by the masses. There is not much we can to to please people with such a mentality other than just defeat IS and get it over with.

Iran helped with organizing and arming the PMF. But ALL the PMF members are Iraqis.there may be some images of a handful of Iranians, but that doesn't mean anything compared to the scale of the battles. We aren't short of men. As for Iran taking over Iraq, that is far stretched. Both countries have mutual interest and and that's what the relationships are built on.

As for the history and who's better, TBH I think we should focus on our present and future than out past.
Iraq is a Shia majority country, these "Shia militias" are the official forces of the Iraqi people. Are we supposed to import people from China in order to stop being secterian. :lol:. The thing is any Sunni in Iraq that takes part in the government or joins against daesh is automatically seen as a "Murtad", "kafir", "traitor", "rafidhi Worshipper" by the masses. There is not much we can to to please people with such a mentality other than just defeat IS and get it over with.

Iran helped with organizing and arming the PMF. But ALL the PMF members are Iraqis.there may be some images of a handful of Iranians, but that doesn't mean anything compared to the scale of the battles. We aren't short of men. As for Iran taking over Iraq, that is far stretched. Both countries have mutual interest and and that's what the relationships are built on.

As for the history and who's better, TBH I think we should focus on our present and future than out past.

Who are talking about the Iraqi army, local Iraqi Sunni Arabs and Iraqi Shia Arab volunteers? Those are all Iraqis doing the right thing and their patriotic duty as Iraqis, Arabs and Muslims as any sane Muslim Arab should consider Daesh as the biggest enemy currently.

People are referring to those 4-5 Iranian Mullah regime sponsored militias. They are not ordinary Iraqis at all. Maybe you should ask people from Basra and the South if those Iranian sponsored militias were speaking for them when they were running riot before Maliki dealt with them.

Nobody has a problem with Iran or Zimbabwe helping in the fight against Daesh. Whether you like it or not then your enemies "Sunni Arab majority states" (this includes the GCC) are also helping in the fight against Daesh by doing hundreds of bombing raids, supporting Iraq politically and economically.

People are against Farsi Mullah supporters trying to make it appear as they are on a individual crusade against Daesh while everyone else supports them. We are against people telling us that Iranian Mullah regime sponsored militias are innocent angels and that they have no agenda in Iraq.

Had the Mullah's in Iran not ruled for 36 years and spread chaos and misery in the Arab world from Southern Lebanon to Yemen we might have given them the benefit of the doubt.

It's this simple.

There are 3 MILLION, may I repeat 3 MILLION Shias in KSA. Nobody is bothering them or killing them. This Arab-Farsi rivalry has nothing to do with sect. Sunni and Shia sects are just hijacked by this rivalry. It's a racial rivalry that predates Islam and it was present when we were known as just Semites. Read up on your history.
You are carbon copies of each other (I am talking about fanatics in general). You can make excuses all day long. Same mindset and same shit that keeps this ancient region with so much potential from progressing.
Well look at you and the other wahabis honestly you guys really the same thing you all keep repeating the same words.

About Iraqis been from aljazeera yes but they already know their path and they on that path.

The only one who is idling is your fanatics in Ryadh who keep you from getting rid of the nomadic culture. They keep using outdated version of Islam with scholars ignorant enough that they still believe the sun is the one orbiting the earth what embarrassing is that when some ignorant people keep convincing their followers that earth is the center.

go and tell southern Iraqis that and see how they will laugh at you.

you talk about embarrassing me right see who is embarrassing who now.
No doubt, that you are barbaric not arabic as you are bedo

( الأعراب اشد كفرا ونفاقا وأجدر ان لا يعلموا حدود ما أنزل الله)

second: all those shea groups never blow up themself among sunnis, they never threaten to annihilate sunnis.

See the difference go get a life go free your self of this ignorance and hate.

الحياة - السعوديون نفذوا 60 ٪ من العمليات الانتحارية لـ «داعش» في العراق


You're posting the same replies no differences between them .. Have a problem with me ?

If you want talking about the origins I've no problem at all .

I'm from Hijaz from Taif city exactly ..I'm native Arabic ,but you ? what about you ? are you from Karbalaa :eek:

I doubt that you've Identity though ! You're foundling man .
Well look at you and the other wahabis honestly you guys really the same thing you all keep repeating the same words.

About Iraqis been from aljazeera yes but they already know their path and they on that path.

The only one who is idling is your fanatics in Ryadh who keep you from getting rid of the nomadic culture. They keep using outdated version of Islam with scholars ignorant enough that they still believe the sun is the one orbiting the earth what embarrassing is that when some ignorant people keep convincing their followers that earth is the center.

go and tell southern Iraqis that and see how they will laugh at you.

you talk about embarrassing me right see who is embarrassing who now.

Thanks for ignoring all those historical facts that I mentioned as a brainwashed parrot. I was even kind enough to provide dozens of links in English and Arabic to help you out. Maybe a click or two would have changed the tune of the parrot. I guess not.

"About Iraqis been from aljazeera yes but they already know their path and they on that path."

Can you elaborate on that? Besides this is not correct as we are all mixed but the majority being from there originally is correct.

LOL. 25% of KSA's population live in Najd. Riyadh has a population of 6-7 million. Millions of foreigners, millions of Saudi Arabians from all corners of the country. South, North, East and West. You got thousands of Iraqis too. In fact Najd and Iraq (Southern Iraq) are too very close regions historically speaking. Neighbors too. But I am sure that you already know this.

The House of Saud were not a Bedouin family nor are they representatives of KSA which is a huge and complex country with numerous distinct ancient historical regions, dialects, cultures, histories etc.

You do realize that KSA might have 1 clergy but that you have every single sect native to KSA? Shia Twelvers like you (about 2-3 million) Shia Zaydis (oldest branch of Shias), Shia Ismailis, Sunni Shafi'is, Sunni Hanbali (which you guys call Wahhabi) Sunni Hanafi, Sunni Maliki and Sufis?

I have no ties to Riyadh or Najd. I am a Hashemite and the ancestral homeland of all Hashemites is Hijaz. You know that region next to the beautiful tropical Red Sea and that mountainous province where Makkah and Madinah is located among many other cities. You know that region located across Egypt and next to Sham (Levant) and Yemen.

Now did your family not escape to KSA after 1991 and the Shia uprisings as thousands of other Iraqis? Did you not praise the people of KSA but being against the regime (like millions of natives are)? What changed?

In short Malik, why are you so ignorant? Please tell me. Help me understand.


You're posting the same replies no differences between them .. Have a problem with me ?

If you want talking about the origins I've no problem at all .

I'm from Hijaz from Taif city exactly ..I'm native Arabic ,but you ? what about you ? are you from Karbalaa :eek:

I doubt that you've Identity though ! You're foundling man .

He is like a broken record. If you told him that 1+1 = 2 he would say that it is 3 just to oppose you. He probably has no idea what Ta'if is. He thinks that it is Anbar, Ninawa or Muthanna province in Iraq.
There are 3 MILLION, may I repeat 3 MILLION Shias in KSA. Nobody is bothering them or killing them. This Arab-Farsi rivalry has nothing to do with sect. Sunni and Shia sects are just hijacked by this rivalry. It's a racial rivalry that predates Islam and it was present when we were known as just Semites. Read up on your history.
Great 3 millions and they still have no representatives they still have no minister they still have officers in the army and they still have the poorest income while the country feed on the oil that been produced from their land.

The rivalry started and fed by sunnis throw out the history so you are the one to be blamed man look how many religious channels that feed and deepen the sectarian mind set and the hate towards the shea all saudis what a destructive rule that you doing in that region!!!!.
Great 3 millions and they still have no representatives they still have no minister they still have officers in the army and they still have the poorest income while the country feed on the oil that been produced from their land.

The rivalry started and fed by sunnis throw out the history so you are the one to be blamed man look how many religious channels that feed and deepen the sectarian mind set and the hate towards the shea all saudis what a destructive rule that you doing in that region!!!!.

Dear brother in race and religion, why are you writing all this when it is not correct? Who told you this? Where do you have those claims from? Can you back them up with facts? I don't know whether I should laugh or cry.

Saudi Arabian Shias;






Ashura Al Hussain
by Tayseer Alabyadh, on Flickr

Ashura Al Hussain
by Tayseer Alabyadh, on Flickr

Ashura Al Hussain
by Tayseer Alabyadh, on Flickr

No officers you say?

There are Shia ministers. Shias have their own clerics, mosques and leaders. They are allowed to celebrate all their religious festivals in public as my photos above also confirm.

The widespread idea of Shias or other minorities being killed every hour in KSA is simply one of the biggest lies ever propagandized. Nor based on the ground realities and facts. There have never been any massacres in KSA on minorities. Be they religious or ethnic like elsewhere in the ME.
Shias in KSA live much better than in most Muslim countries let alone the fact that they live in one of the most wealthy and secure nations on the planet.

A citizen is a citizen regardless of his background. Shia schools, religious courts, places of worship etc. have been built by the government, there are Shia representatives in the Shoura Council. Shias are part of KSA and are patriotic citizens that have contributed to the society. Moreover some of the richest families in KSA are of a Shia background. Separatism from 100-200 people at most or traitorous behavior (pleading allegiance to foreign enemies) won't be tolerated though. As seen by the dealings with terrorists and other troublemakers in Al-Awamiyyah.

Yes, tell the Shias that live in Shia majority cities such as Al-Khobar, Damman, Jubail (all way ahead of the average ME city in terms of infrastructure) that they are poor.:lol:

Tell that to a large percentage of the native Saudi Aramco employees who are Shia too.:lol:

Meanwhile the ordinary Iraqi Shia Arab in the South is living like people lived in KSA 50 years ago. The Shia government cannot even serve their people or keep their country safe.
Help from Iran is simply taken cause they're offering help and arms, if other offer it's taken as well. Air strike refusal from Abadi was a general message to all neighbors to avoid them clashing above the airspace, still he allowed Jordan to strike and they did in Mosul when they came to make a request.


The only thing i'm afraid of is that they're flying at daylight, the terrorists have manpads and Iraq's former ministry of defence did not buy the defense upgrade ( MAWS ) for the Mi-35 making them vulnerable. The should add the defense upgrades.
Banu Hashim: i just say how you are ignorant! islam is not in blood! islam is a fact every one can accept and be muslim, it is not a arab Religion! it is global Religion! it not depends on arab, persian, turk, turkmen or any Race, your race can be any of these and be muslim! thats what most of you saudi wahabi blind minded can't know! because you are a part of zionism! you are flowers of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab the one be teach by britain agent: Mr. Hempher, britain make your false version of islam religion for making Division and fight between muslims, u are not muslims ether, just like britain made Bahá'í Faith by Bahá'u'lláh in iran for make shiite false, they are not shiite just like you are not real sunnis. your false version of mullas! spread false between you and want deception sunni muslims, but they cant, sunnies are muslims and our brothers, we destroy false Bahá'í Faith in iran but yours is there yet, youre duties is like Bahá'í Faith duties, serve israel in back and be servants of zion worldwide masons...
and why prophet be in saudi?! because you're people in that era were so so false and Heathen worship statues and ignorant, you burried youre poor daughters alive and do false things, besides the world in that time be christian, that is why prophet come to you people, and know islam is a world wide religion not only yours, besides yet youre saudi salafi and wahabi people(not regular sunni and shiite in your country) are still false and ignorant, a false version of islam you have, you are remain some kind of barbaric mind yet and dont change, cut neck of peoples! in islam we have not Slaughtering men women and childs, islam is peace and true religion not a barbaric one! zionist need you to show the world this is islam and scare people of being or wanting to be muslims and stop spreading true islam for making islam stop of being more world wide because islam is the real thing can enlightenment people and show them stand against false global powers...
this is what you are and you're kind!
but you can't succeed! real sunnis people are peace people like shiites, and stand against Bullying of false world powers...
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