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I thought you were Arab. It's clear that you're a wanna-be Persian who hates Islam and doesn't follow Islam. Itbaar3 min deenak ya wati, inta mish muslim wala 3umrak kunt muslim

This guy hates Islam, Muslims so much but he's still clinging to our religion. Go become a zoroastrian we don't care about you just don't get out of Arab land.

You can be Arab and hate Islam.
Long live Israel. lol

That's fine too. :)

Look I like you as a person. Never cared about Shia or their ideology, until I learned about them. Still had no problem. But the truth is Shia's don't sound anything like Muslims. They hate Arabs, curse almost Arab Islamic figures. They hate everyone Iran hates. They don't think for their selves, and just follow Persian path. If he is wannabe Persian then I invite to leave our religion. We don't need stupid people who envy us and always backstab us when West supports them and when we're weak.

lol I've been reading through this thread and laughed hysterically.
I just find it hilarious how @al-Hasani kept obsessing about Iran and velayate faghigh (as he mentioned it in every fecking post), considering that you were all at each others throats before even 1 Iranian stepped into this thread.

lol @ Arabs....

When I say Arabs I dont mean Iraqis. They are infinitely more sophisticated than the saudi zombies from khalije fars. :D
it was an argument between brothers. we already put it behind us. you are a bit too late. this brotherhood is expanding to iran. i understand you are scared lol
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You can be Arab and hate Islam.

He claims to be devout Muslim, he clearly has nothing to do with Islam just by the rhetoric he posts here. Yet claims to be 'Shia'. He's a Persian retard, he should become Zorostrian, dumb moron keeps using Islam as a tool to conquer Arab land on behalf of Iran. People like him aren't Muslim, don't care how much brainwashing they do to themselves. He's an enemy of Muhammad, Ali, all Muslims and Islam.
That's fine too. :)

Look I like you as a person. Never cared about Shia or their ideology, until I learned about them. Still had no problem. But the truth is Shia's don't sound anything like Muslims. They hate Arabs, curse almost Arab Islamic figures. They hate everyone Iran hates. They don't think for their selves, and just follow Persian path. If he is wannabe Persian then I invite to leave our religion. We don't need stupid people who envy us and always backstab us when West supports them and when we're weak.

lol I was kidding and yet you took it seriously.
Thats how pathologically sectarian you have become.

And as has been repeated several times before, Iraqis and Iranians follow two different schools of Shiism.
The Najaf school have never really subscribed to this militant version of Shiism coming out of Qom.
But you wouldnt know squat about it anyway.

it was an argument between brothers. we already put it behind us. you are a bit too late. this brotherhood is expanding to iran. i understand you are scared lol

@al-Hasani @Mosamania please forgive me brothers if i got carried away. and forgive me for being rude even though we have different views on life we are brothers. as i said before in many threads il say it again. please come visit my home whenever you are in jeddah.

Its a wonder how a presence of an Iranian can make you do a 180 % turn. :D
lol I was kidding and yet you took it seriously.
Thats how pathologically sectarian you have become.

And as has been repeated several times before, Iraqis and Iranians follow two different schools of Shiism.
The Najaf school have never really subscribed to this militant version of Shiism coming out of Qom.
But you wouldnt know squat about it anyway.

All schools sound retarded and don't make any sense. The vast majority are anti-Arab, pro-Persia. They curse all Sahaba that took part in war against Persian Empire. They claim Imam Mahdi will come to kill Sunni's and reinstall Persian Empire. This is just minimum of their ideologies. I used to read about it to understand it, it makes no sense and I don't take it seriously at all. As for Shia's, don't care about them as long as they stop interfering in Arab world. When someone like Hassan Nasrallah sends his forces to Iraq, calls Yemeni Houthi takeover as part of revolution and says stuff about Bahrain. You quikcly realize what interests Shia value. I don't have a problem with being militant as long as you are militant for right reasons. Iranians have warped view of Islam and odd beliefs which won't make any sense and on their forum they refer to Sunni's as 'wahabis' and hilariously try presenting notion that Prophet hates us and we are lower than them.
lol I was kidding and yet you took it seriously.
Thats how pathologically sectarian you have become.

And as has been repeated several times before, Iraqis and Iranians follow two different schools of Shiism.
The Najaf school have never really subscribed to this militant version of Shiism coming out of Qom.
But you wouldnt know squat about it anyway.

Its a wonder how a presence of an Iranian can make you do a 180 % turn. :D
thats on the internet imagine in real life what can i do to you hahaha :butcher:
plus i said you are late
All schools sound retarded and don't make any sense. The vast majority are anti-Arab, pro-Persia. They curse all Sahaba that took part in war against Persian Empire. They claim Imam Mahdi will come to kill Sunni's and reinstall Persian Empire. This is just minimum of their ideologies. I used to read about it to understand it, it makes no sense and I don't take it seriously at all. As for Shia's, don't care about them as long as they stop interfering in Arab world. When someone like Hassan Nasrallah sends his forces to Iraq, calls Yemeni Houthi takeover as part of revolution and says stuff about Bahrain. You quikcly realize what interests Shia value. I don't have a problem with being militant as long as you are militant for right reasons. Iranians have warped view of Islam and odd beliefs which won't make any sense and on their forum they refer to Sunni's as 'wahabis' and hilariously try presenting notion that Prophet hates us and we are lower than them.

How can they stop interfering when they live in the Arab world.

I remember once @rmi5 said that Hazzy goes on beheading Shia mode when Iran stops giving support to Hamas, it has reached that point.
How can they stop interfering when they live in the Arab world.

I remember once @rmi5 said that Hazzy goes on beheading Shia mode when Iran stops giving support to Hamas, it has reached that point.

I don't want Iran to ever support Hamas since I've seen Iran's agenda exposed ever since 2011. You are delusional if you think I want any support Iran(Which is minor). You are not familiar with Islam either, once Arab regime(incuding SHia ones) fall we will take matters into our hands and destroy something called Israel. Whilst you focus on destroying Arab women and children.

You are only ones obsessed with us. Even though we have no ties anymore, Iranians on IMF still calling us their proxies and trying to appear at forefront of Palestinian cause. And of course if Israel attacks Gaza Iranians will declare that the response from Hamas was theirs. Even though they know full well there is no rehabilitation of ties.
All schools sound retarded and don't make any sense. The vast majority are anti-Arab, pro-Persia. They curse all Sahaba that took part in war against Persian Empire. They claim Imam Mahdi will come to kill Sunni's and reinstall Persian Empire. This is just minimum of their ideologies. I used to read about it to understand it, it makes no sense and I don't take it seriously at all. As for Shia's, don't care about them as long as they stop interfering in Arab world. When someone like Hassan Nasrallah sends his forces to Iraq, calls Yemeni Houthi takeover as part of revolution and says stuff about Bahrain. You quikcly realize what interests Shia value. I don't have a problem with being militant as long as you are militant for right reasons. Iranians have warped view of Islam and odd beliefs which won't make any sense and on their forum they refer to Sunni's as 'wahabis' and hilariously try presenting notion that Prophet hates us and we are lower than them.

STFU with your stupid rants you mindless insolent idiot. I have heard this countless of times from you and you sound like a broken stereo. No wonder your country is getting chewed up piece by piece by zionist settlers. Not only can you find it within your heart to accept Shias as fellow Muslims, sectarian as you are, but you cant even unite amongst yourselves in your own country. So what the hell are you doing here worrying about Iraq? Your country is being wiped off the map, but here you are focusing on Shias in Iraq. Shias this Shias that. Obsessive to the core. Worry about Palestine, instead of focusing on sectarian hatred and conflict that is taking place thousands of miles away from Palestine.
Im not even gonna bother reading rest of your post.

Getting tired of all this nonsense about Iran rebuilding an "empire".
First of all, Iraq is too large and powerful a country to be controlled by anyone. Not even the United States could do it.
Iran and Iraq having friendly relations is misinterpreted as Iran building an "empire", when nothing could be further from the truth. Iraq-Iran normal relations are driving Najdi f.uckers absolutely insane and apoplectic. Well, your problem, not ours.
Dont bother responding because I am not going to bother reading it.
STFU with your stupid rants you mindless insolent idiot. I have heard this countless of times from you and you sound like a broken stereo. No wonder your country is getting chewed up piece by piece by zionist settlers. Not only can you find it within your heart to accept Shias as fellow Muslims, sectarian as you are, but you cant even unite amongst yourselves in your own country. So what the hell are you doing here worrying about Iraq? Your country is being wiped off the map, but here you are focusing on Shias in Iraq. Shias this Shias that. Obsessive to the core. Worry about Palestine, instead of focusing on sectarian hatred and conflict that is taking place thousands of miles away from Palestine.
Im not even gonna bother reading rest of your post.

Getting tired of all this nonsense about Iran rebuilding an "empire".
First of all, Iraq is too large and powerful a country to be controlled by anyone. Not even the United States could do it.
Iran and Iraq having friendly relations is misinterpreted as Iran building an "empire", when nothing could be further from the truth. Iraq-Iran normal relations are driving Najdi f.uckers absolutely insane and apoplectic. Well, your problem, not ours.
Dont bother responding because I am not going to bother reading it.
Keep cool bro ;)

there are lots (and i really mean lots) of them on the internet .

Ignore .
STFU with your stupid rants you mindless insolent idiot. I have heard this countless of times from you and you sound like a broken stereo. No wonder your country is getting chewed up piece by piece by zionist settlers. Not only can you find it within your heart to accept Shias as fellow Muslims, sectarian as you are, but you cant even unite amongst yourselves in your own country. So what the hell are you doing here worrying about Iraq? Your country is being wiped off the map, but here you are focusing on Shias in Iraq. Shias this Shias that. Obsessive to the core. Worry about Palestine, instead of focusing on sectarian hatred and conflict that is taking place thousands of miles away from Palestine.
Im not even gonna bother reading rest of your post.

Getting tired of all this nonsense about Iran rebuilding an "empire".
First of all, Iraq is too large and powerful a country to be controlled by anyone. Not even the United States could do it.
Iran and Iraq having friendly relations is misinterpreted as Iran building an "empire", when nothing could be further from the truth. Iraq-Iran normal relations are driving Najdi f.uckers absolutely insane and apoplectic. Well, your problem, not ours.
Dont bother responding because I am not going to bother reading it.

You clearly don't read nonsense your fellow Iranians and 'Iraqi's' write. Go again read 'Malik-Al Ashtars' post, which was purely sectarian. Not to mention 99% of his other posts. Funniest part of his posts is he is trying his hardest to not make them appear as references to Muslims/Sahaba. An 'Iraqi' isn't someone who insanely supports Iran's actions everywhere in Arab world and refers to early Muslims as 'your bedioun ancestors'. Even though I'm from Levant and not bedioun but he actually is. When Iraq sends Shia militias to Syria to fight for Assad regime then it will be discussed here whether you like it or not. Palestinian subject is supressed by Shia's and Sunni's. Both of you are interested in two major struggles, the Shia one being rebuilding Persian Empire(This is words of your own people, otherwise I wouldn't make remarks) and other is preserving Arab regimes. Neither are pro-Islam or pro-Islam. You are agnostic(As you've stated in past), Muslim causes are not nationalist ones. We don't encourage selfishness or disregard to other affairs of Muslims. On contrary, what separates us from other faiths is our committement to each other as a whole. If you don't understand this do more research on Islam.

As for Shia's being our brothers. We will gladly take them as brothers once they:

-Stop with their fanatical pro-Persianism
-Stop propaganda against Sahaba
-Stop grave worship
-Stop Mutaah
-Stop fanatical obsession of Ali(in any cases saying he was supposed to the Prophet)
-Stop fanatical hatred against Arabs
-Stop using your various codewords such as 'Wahabi', 'Najadi', 'Nabsawi', etc.. which we all know are references to early Muslims and modern Muslims
-Finally, join us in a united cause


Once this happens we can be united and struggle for change in the region. But of course, this is unlikely as Iranian non-religious nationalists do not want this to happen as they rather do everything on their own and through their cultural ways. Sunni's are majority in Muslim world, West will never be defeated unless the remaining Sunni's choose to do so. Stop being delusional thinking Shia are at forefront of this when Syrian regime keeps ranting of West/Syria common cause against 'terrorists'.

You can yell all you want, I am not afraid of you. You yell when American bombs are supporting you in Iraq and when Sunni's are under attack by West all over ME/Asia.
Iran and Iraq having friendly relations is misinterpreted as Iran building an "empire"
Not true, in 1988, Hassan Nasrullah said that he wants to make Lebanon a 'part of Iran' :
Summary :
Hasan: Our plan is the one which we must adopt as our only choice since we are ideological believers; it is that of the Islamic country, and the governance of Islam, and (we do not want that) Lebanon be a single Islamic Republic, but a part of the Grand Islamic Republic, ruled by his greatness the Wali Al-Faqeeh, Imam Khomeini .

Hasan: I would not stay for a moment in the organization (Hezbollah) if I wasn't certain that it was directly under the Wali Al-Faqih, the leader, the vindicator, the one whose decisions must be followed .
That speech made hims lose the trust among Lebanese people (non-Shiites) .

Anyway, if the so-called 'Wali Al-Faqeeh' wants to swallow Lebanon, he -for sure- wants to swallow Syria, Iraq and the entire Muslim world to establish his Persian Empire v2.0 .

@Falcon29 :- Seriously bro, stop wasting your time...the very best thing they may do is they will either insult me or ignore me, unworthy of the time you spend replying to them .
You yell when American bombs are supporting you in Iraq
The funniest part is when they shout 'Death to America', at the same time an American airstrike helps them by killing their enemies .
Let me tell you why destroying those Historical statues was a grave mistake :

Tens of thousands of Iraqi nationalists will now join the jew army of Iraq to wipe you scums off the earth .

Which fvking Moron destroys statues with thousands of years of history ? Prophet mohammad told muslims to destroy idols you dumb a$$ bastards .

Which iraqi now worshipped those statues ? Fvcktards ....
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