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Pakistan Succesful Test Fired Hatf-VIII Ra'ad ALCM

Imran Pakistan was working on ICBM even before India after 2001 but because of US threatening to Mush regime over Pakistan Nuclear Program like Libya, Mush regime rollback ICBM project. Pakistan lost in ICBM race @ that time unfortunately because of fear of sanctions.
Sorry bro but we never stopped working on ICBM we are working on them
Your radar can detect at long range but can't engage at those ranges and there are tactics to fool radars if you know how these ops are done, and JF-17 have more then enough fire power and support to make Mig-29s run for their money, please try to block Gawadar port and then you will learn the lesson hard way.
I'm sorry but the JF-17 isn't going to make any MiG-29K pilot lose sleep at night. The aerial delivery system (JF-17 and Mirage III) are the weakest points of what you are proposing and until you can address this (not going to happen for a LONG time) then no Indian CBG is going to be all too concerned by these ALCMs.
And you think that PN don't have those kind of assets?? PN is small and don't have ACC or N Sub but they have all necessary equipment to avoid blockade of sea ports in future, they have learned the lesson hard way so they will make no mistakes now, PN have all stuff available as per their doctrine.
Now you backtracking from your own statements.

And what would you think, what would be IN retaliation? Do you going to pour whole AF fleet and Navy against IN?
Now you backtracking from your own statements.

And what would you think, what would be IN retaliation? Do you going to pour whole AF fleet and Navy against IN?

Your IN is not as mighty as you think, try to send some ships against us after few years and then you will know what PN & PAF combined can do in case of war to defend home land.
Your radar can detect at long range but can't engage at those ranges and there are tactics to fool radars if you know how these ops are done, and JF-17 have more then enough fire power and support to make Mig-29s run for their money, please try to block Gawadar port and then you will learn the lesson hard way.

There are many assets from which PN can launch UAV like those MRTPs are very portent stealthy platforms for recce and other ops.
You thinking like when Indian CBG realized that bogeys coming at a distance of 500 KM, still commander of CBG didnt allow MiG to takeoff?

Your IN is not as mighty as you think, try to send some ships against us after few years and then you will know what PN & PAF combined can do in case of war to defend home land.
Try something? If you have any argument then please share?

Dont defend yourself on a thought that PAF and PN can do anything, and IN remain idle in whole battle. Dont come up with imaginary strike role. Thank You.
No , Pakistan had modified a ship launched cruise missile(Harpoon as per the Americans) into LACM.
None of the reports indicated that any SLCM had been tested.

Babur or RAAD are LACMs using Tercom Terrain Contour Matching or DSMAC i.e It uses a pre-recorded contour map of the terrain.

So far Pakistan has neither fitted a Active radar homing(required to lock on to a moving ship) nor does it have ocean magnetic field maps, required to fly over large water bodies.

So far Babur/RAAD can not be used as AShCM.

And how you know that Pakistan has not tested these type of systems?? Pakistan tests stuff many Pakistanis can't believe they have tested because we have good friends like China and Turkey. Few months back no one could have believed that Atlay Tank systems could end up in Pakistani tanks but they did.
Err no, I have edited the post, take a look at it again. Both of them were cancelled. Separate NOTAM was issued for Shaheen-II for a separate date, explicitly detailing its range to be 1500km (later verified in the press release).

Are you suggesting that Pakistan simply cordoned off parts of International Waters and actually had nothing to show for? Really? :disagree:

As we have the benefit of hindsight, we do know there was nothing shown either of the times...or maybe they tested and failed?

And how you know that Pakistan has not tested these type of systems?? Pakistan tests stuff many Pakistanis can't believe they have tested because we have good friends like China and Turkey. Few months back no one could have believed that Atlay Tank systems could end up in Pakistani tanks but they did.

How do you know they have?
350 km range seems to be fine if Pakistan can increase the range of this missile and make it supersonic if not hyper-sonic then is missile would become even deadlier. No doubt terrain hugging capability is the quality that makes Ra'ad stand out.

Please search "Laser Weapon System" in Wikipedia and this will give you an introductory information about laser weapons.
You thinking like when Indian CBG realized that bogeys coming at a distance of 500 KM, still commander of CBG didnt allow MiG to takeoff?

Try something? If you have any argument then please share?

Dont defend yourself on a thought that PAF and PN can do anything, and IN remain idle in whole battle. Dont come up with imaginary strike role. Thank You.

I don't assume any thing stupid like you people do. PN's main job is to protect coast and sea lines and they can do that against IN, they may not be able to threat all IN ports and coast but they can defend theirs.
As we have the benefit of hindsight, we do know there was nothing shown either of the times...or maybe they tested and failed?
Indeed, nothing was shown, but something concrete was planned and aborted. Your argument was that there is no confirmation of any such system in development, but we can assume that initial development of the system is complete and it is about to enter the testing phase. Whether it is an entirely new system or just an improvement over Shaheen-II is a separate topic.
No, missile tests of this scale can't be hidden.
When I said that?? detection does not mean you have weapons to engange or radars can't be fooled or jammed, PAF AWACS are there to find sea and air based target at 450 km range and please don't bring NCW here as PN is also fully NCW capable now all 03 forces are now NCW capable and linked with each other for joint ops.

India is much ahead in network centric and ELNIT warfare than Pakistan. We have much more sophisticated systems on land sea and space than Pakistan. And you are thinking, we will lack all those capabilities, which you just mentioned. Do not forget IN operates its own satellite
I don't assume any thing stupid like you people do. PN's main job is to protect coast and sea lines and they can do that against IN, they may not be able to threat all IN ports and coast but they can defend theirs.

Your whole arguments based on imaginary things and strike role, without knowing anything about Indian doctrine.

I tell you first,

In a Indian CBG( after INS Vikrant commissioning) the Indian CBG would be escorted by 2 Kolkata class, 2 P-17A, one Shivalik class, 2 Kamotra, 2 Scorpene sub.

It means around 200 Barak 8 alone, do the calc. of others by yourself. One more thing, the range of land attack version of Block 3 in hi-lo configuration is about 350-400 km, and in hi-hi around 500 Km.
India is much ahead in network centric and ELNIT warfare than Pakistan. We have much more sophisticated systems on land sea and space than Pakistan. And you are thinking, we will lack all those capabilities, which you just mentioned. Do not forget IN operates its own satellite

and how you that India is ahead in NCW tech??? Pakistan also have satellite support from China even if GPS do't work Beidou will work and its just tip of the ice berg so no need to have own satellite now.

Your whole arguments based on imaginary things and strike role, without knowing anything about Indian doctrine.

I tell you first,

In a Indian CBG( after INS Vikrant commissioning) the Indian CBG would be escorted by 2 Kolkata class, 2 P-17A, one Shivalik class, 2 Kamotra, 2 Scorpene sub.

It means around 200 Barak 8 alone, do the calc. of others by yourself. One more thing, the range of land attack version of Block 3 in hi-lo configuration is about 350-400 km, and in hi-hi around 500 Km.

Pakistan knows what IN & IAF will through at them there fore they always planned how to handle it don't worry Pakistani port of Gawadar is built to make sure that sea lines remains open. Its not 1971. Scorpion subs?? please induct them first and till all 6 will arrive PN would have inducted new 6 AIP subs of its own.
and how you that India is ahead in NCW tech??? Pakistan also have satellite support from China even if GPS do't work Beidou will work and its just tip of the ice berg so no need to have own satellite now.
Satellite support is not just used for navigation, it is also used for detection and safe communication. And more over, it is a part of network centric warfare. If hovering above arabian sea, it can take pictures of karachi and your assets and what is being loaded on your vessels, where as your Naval communication is always at brick of being heard from anywhere. That's the difference.

A naval satellite can tell you, when to attack, and when the seas will favor you through meteorological calculations, more precisely.

It increases the range of awacs, by more than 1000kms.

That's network centric warfare.
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