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Richest 80 people in the world revealed... and 35 of them are American citizens

Yeah, the normal people can also become rich, but just the people with the special background can have much more chance to become rich.

Absolutely, Tiger. One very good example is one of your countrymen, Mr. Jack Ma. I was actaully impressed to know that he came from a very hard working family, and definitely not rich. Academically, he did well, tho he had difficulty getting into Hangzhou Teacher's Institute , i think its now known as Hangzhou Normal University ? (do correct me if i got the name wrong) . He said in an interview with Japanese media that he was motivated to learn English and to find a way to express English and Chinese through technology. Jack Ma used what we call -- Transformational Leadership -- to whole new level, paving the way in China's e-success stories. This man who came from very, very humble origins, is now one of the richest men in China, and the creator of Alibaba. Who ever thought that a teacher from Hangzhou would , ultimately, be worth almost $30 Billion (US Dollars) ?

Innovation, Drive, some smarts, and a whole lot of luck. lol.
Absolutely, Tiger. One very good example is one of your countrymen, Mr. Jack Ma. I was actaully impressed to know that he came from a very hard working family, and definitely not rich. Academically, he did well, tho he had difficulty getting into Hangzhou Teacher's Institute , i think its now known as Hangzhou Normal University ? (do correct me if i got the name wrong) . He said in an interview with Japanese media that he was motivated to learn English and to find a way to express English and Chinese through technology. Jack Ma used what we call -- Transformational Leadership -- to whole new level, paving the way in China's e-success stories. This man who came from very, very humble origins, is now one of the richest men in China, and the creator of Alibaba. Who ever thought that a teacher from Hangzhou would , ultimately, be worth almost $30 Billion (US Dollars) ?

Innovation, Drive, some smarts, and a whole lot of luck. lol.

Whats the point of slaving yourself at work for a fat pay cheque at the end of the day when all you're really left with is an abundance of wealth but an absence of time to use it ? Most of these billionaires by the time they make their billions are already well beyond the age needed to enjoy that kind of wealth. Besides its not as if more wealth equals more happiness.

I'd rather have a decent job, a loving family and a purposeful life than make sh*t loads of money but have little time for the people I care about or to do the things I once loved doing because theres always that one more meeting or that one more assignment needed to make the promotion !
I'd rather have a decent job, a loving family and a purposeful life than make sh*t loads of money but have little time for the people I care about or to do the things I once loved doing because theres always that one more meeting or that one more assignment needed to make the promotion !

ha ha ha ! I agree with you bhai @Armstrong . To quote the late Notorious B.I.G, "da mo money, yo, da mo problems, yo.."

Is that a veiled reference for me ? :o:

That's for all of us brother. :-)
Your post got me thinking all philosophical.

Just because I can go scot-free for trolling, off-topic posts and even the occasional tantrums while the less privileged members here would probably be handed a ban for 1/10th that; shouldn't in any way imply that I don't stand for a fair, just and equal PDF ! :D

All are Equal here but some are more equal than others ! :azn:

Funny trolling and meaningful trolling are sanctioned, hell I'd have been banned too by now.

On Topic:
I hear you. But this has to stop; this primal instinct of survival of the fittest has given way to compassion, understanding and fairness in other areas and I think it may do so in economics as well. The Socialists tried that out....it didn't quite work as planned but I'm sure there would be more who'd come up with different ways of achieving a society where the Elite isn't filthy rich while the rest of us have to fight for scraps. Who knows maybe someone, somewhere may finally succeed in finding the right balance between the fruits of labor and having a compassionate society.

This topic deserves a thread of it's own somewhere in senior's cafe. Rather a group of threads with never ending posts and no worldly resolution or compromise.

It's in our nature to be greedy, greed is a very human trait. I must add greed has also done a great deal for the advancement of human kind. But in my opinion, the relative rich cannot exist without the relative poor, no matter the advancement of human kind as a whole or our societies. Greed, disparity, act as incentive for said advancement in turn. We're all trying to out do each other, we're taught from a young age to be compassionate to others, to think of all as your equals and care for all, but especially for the needy. At the same time we're taught rise above others, out do each other in all areas of our life. Human existence in this world is a mass of contradiction, bitter truths and horrors, yet stunning beauty and simplicity. I sometimes wonder, when I die old, if I should make it that far, will I regret and feel guilty for having led a life of over-indulgence?

I'm not a Marxist either by the way. From what I'd describe myself and some analysis of my political opinions show me to be centre and leaning left on most issues.

Anyway, I'd gladly have these sort of discussions with members if someone were to make a thread, it's conversation like this you don't get anywhere in real life.
As far as my basic to little understanding, and limited thinking capacity allows me. Don't get me wrong, my thoughts are merely the ramblings of a cynic who thinks too much, nothing smart or sophisticated, but yes, I do like this sort of stuff.

Maybe we should start a Philosophy Thread in the Seniors Section, Sir. I'd love to take part with you and others. :)
Maybe we should start a Philosophy Thread in the Seniors Section, Sir. I'd love to take part with you and others. :)

Feel free, I'd gladly take part, it would be an honour, times like these makes me wish I was a philosophy or mathematics major. :P
Question is whether these rich are there being of merits or whether because of criminal activities or lucky sperm club. The wealth of the rich are actually an under statement calculated base on their public visible asset. Rich often diversified their wealth through private and shady vehicles and today we know that super rich are not Gates but Gadaffi who owns 200 billions.

How many more Gadaffi are there?

Qaddafi Was Worth More Than $200 Billion — By Far The Richest Person In The World - Business Insider

Bill Gates could owns 2-3 times more than his net worth base on Microsoft share price.

Has the rich got their wealth by plundering, terrifying, murdering others? Have they got their wealth through financial engineering by lobby central banks to make asset rise faster than wages?

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There is always somebody who wants more.. there is always somebody who is working harder than others... so naturally there will be an unequal distribution of wealth. A world where everybody has the same is an utopia and wont work. And such a society would also lag behind in innovation, compared to a society where there is no limit for rewards... may it be in money, status or power.

can we talk about why the Philippines lags behind Russia then?

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