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Pakistan cleric says anti-Taliban fight 'un-Islamic'

The Fook :o::o: arrest this scumbag & kill him for treason

A terrorist can sue a former president over an anti terrorist operation here... couple of days back he also launched an FIR against "police harassment" after the release of that ISIS video.
May Allah SWT help him in understanding Islam, which clearly says they cannot kill anyone,
May Allah SWT guide this person to the straight path.
Seems like he forgot his past.
Lets remind him Lal masjid in this re-cap





That bastard is heavily protected inside the lal mosque compound. Big walls all around with barbed wire. Jihadists surrounding the whole mosque trying to scare away anyone who is not welcome.

Take him out now. Else it won't be long before Lal Masjid becomes a rallying point for the terrorist scums.
I do not understand that why on earth was our media taking his interview in the first place?
The problem with Pakistani media is that they always give importance to such useless pieces of shit.Instead of highlighting such people, ignorance is the first step. Plus,he must be arrested by security officials with accusation for supporting terrorism
Haha I think he is going to end up being hung by public protesting outside his lal masjid before govt can reach him. But I am really glad that our awam is finally waking up to these morons.
The head of a hardline Islamabad mosque Friday called an army offensive against the Taliban "un-Islamic" and said the militants' massacre of 133 children was in retaliation for air strikes against them.
The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), claimed the assault as revenge for an ongoing military offensive against its strongholds in the tribal northwest.

Maulana Abdul Aziz told worshippers at the Red Mosque he "shared the grief" of the victims' families but said the TTP's response was understandable.

"O rulers, O people in power, if you will commit such acts, there will be a reaction," he said.

The army has killed more than 1,700 suspected militants since June in operations against bases of TTP and other militants in North Waziristan and Khyber tribal areas.

In the wake of the Peshawar attack the army has pledged to redouble its efforts to wipe out the scourge of militancy, but Aziz condemned their struggle.

"This operation in the North Waziristan is un-Islamic," he said.

"You may debate it, you may call scholars from abroad, from India and Bangladesh, I will go before them and prove it that this operation is un-Islamic."

The Red Mosque, which stands a stone's throw from the parliament buildings in the centre of the capital, was the scene in 2007 of a week-long military siege against radicals which left more than 100 people dead.

The scale of the Peshawar attack and the fact the victims were almost all children has horrified Pakistan and prompted many to demand action against Taliban sympathisers, including radical preachers.

But a civil society protest outside the Red Mosque on Friday afternoon was broken up by police, while members of a hardline group were allowed to stage their own demonstration nearby.

Earlier this month female students affiliated with the Red Mosque issued a video statement praising the Islamic State group and calling on it to avenge the death of Osama bin Laden.

The women belong to the Jamia Hafsa seminary which in April named its library in honour of the slain Al-Qaeda leader.

Pakistan cleric says anti-Taliban fight 'un-Islamic' - International - World - Ahram Online
Should have been taken him out already after his speech. Because of ppl like taliban has hold in Pakistan.

Actually this reflects poor authority power of Pak Government
I'm giving fatwa on this retard. Can some pious Pakistani do the deed?
I have a question to all pakistanis.... why this sect ( wahabi, deobandi) have produced so much extremists and terrorist. Why they have such extremist views? I am not saying that all of them are terrorist, just saying why each sympathizer of terrorists belong to this sect.
Irfan Baloch

Don't try to provoke sectarian war. Deobandi have nothing to do with this. Mufti e Azam of Pakistan who is a deobandi himself have condemned this attack and called these bastards Zaliman. No deobandi support killing of innocent citizens and Ulemah of Deoband have publicly denounced any armed moment within Pakistan.

These TTP bastards are brain washed by RAW, Mossad and CIA and they have nothing to do with Islam. Remember pictures of TTP Talibans having tattoos on back? and their were few of them who didn't had any khatna.
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