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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Waisy, we must present a bill in Assembly on Public execution of these mofos, lets do it for once...am contacting media outlets to run this, we need to push for this bill....burn such mofos publicily, Civil Socities can kiss my a$$
You mean the circus known as assembly where so far no useful bill has been passed?
so sad
Everytime we put something positive you just need to wait less than 24 hrs to see a troll ruining the whole thread with his backward thinking...It is disgusting...I wish Pakistani threads would be monitored more often.

ON TOPIC: This is really worrying and I really have no words right now I am just going through the news...

i cant even watch news , its just making me extremely sad :(
its not about who they are , they were kids ... even Prophet forbid to kill kids of mushreeken ..
ARY is saying morons when entered school they asked who are Army children I mean children of those who are in Armed Forces bastardeds show balls and face Army not there children
There are Taliban fighters in jails, captured on the battlefield, others arrested in operations over the past few months and years. Guilty as charged for attacking the state and innocents.

Round them up and execute them within the next week. No mercy.
A reporter asking injured student about the scene at the school...

He said "The terrorist entered in the class all of us were trying to hide under the seats ... they grabbed my fellows 1 by 1 and start firing at their heads... Day will come that i'll be stronger then i'll find them and kill each and every one of them"
sorry to say mood will go away in a few days we have became a nation of zombies they will watch it on tv say a few words pray for them for a day or too and then they will forget it ever happened
until it happens again
I agree this is what we have done, but it have to change some day. If not, then things will come to an end soon.
Simply need to correct what we have been doing wrong and no better time to do it now.

A blast in a bazaar is one thing and this is different, it is personal for each and everyone of us. It should be if we call our self Pakistani
I dont know how these sick scums sleep at night after doing something like this?

Would they ever get sleep at night ?
O -ve Blood urgently needed. All the people with this blood group must go to Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar.
Repeat this post after 5 mins with soo much BS discussion going on it will be suppressed within mins!
There are Taliban fighters in jails, captured on the battlefield, others arrested in operations over the past few months and years. Guilty as charged for attacking the state and innocents.

Round them up and execute them within the next week. No mercy.

This is the thing that should happen. Hang or shoot at least 200 rats of TTP that are enjoying free food in jails.
I hope this attack would help Imran Khan that real enemy are the attackers of this school and not Nawaz Sharif. You can abuse Nawaz Sharif all you want. But please get your priorities straight. It is the Taliban who are our biggest enemy and we expect you to first eliminate this menace for good and then we can create naya Pakistan and all that.
get a life not a political thread please
I hope this attack would help Imran Khan that real enemy are the attackers of this school and not Nawaz Sharif. You can abuse Nawaz Sharif all you want. But please get your priorities straight. It is the Taliban who are our biggest enemy and we expect you to first eliminate this menace for good and then we can create naya Pakistan and all that.

Bro, Imran Khan's beef with Nawaz Sharif is not due to the attack on children, but the rigged elections.
4:55pm - PM calls APC in Peshawar

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has called for an all parties conference in Peshawar, in light of the devastating gun and bomb attack on the army-run school.

Leaders belonging to all parliamentary parties are expected to be in Peshawar tomorrow. The meeting will be held at the Governor House in Peshawar.

4:50pm - US ambassador condemns attack

A man comforts his son at Lady Reading Hospital in Peshawar — Reuters
US Ambassador to Pakistan Richard Olson condemns the attack and issues a statement offering condolence to the families of the victims.

“The United States strongly condemns senseless and inhumane attacks on innocent students and educators, and stands in solidarity with the people of Pakistan, and all who fight the menace of terrorism,” a statement issued by the US Embassy in Islamabad says.

“Few have suffered more at the hands of terrorists and extremists than the people of Pakistan,” the statement says, adding that “that is why it remains essential for the United States and Pakistan to continue to work together to secure peace and stability in the region”.

4:40pm - 130 killed

Army personnel shifting the school children on motorbike fallowing the attack on Army Public School situated on Warsak Road. — INP
Provincial information minister Mushtaq Ghani tells AFP the death toll has reached 130, with a similar number wounded. The toll was confirmed by another provincial minister.

4:13 pm - Battle against terrorists will continue: PM Nawaz

Relatives of a student comfort each other outside Lady Reading Hospital in Peshawar — Reuters
While speaking to media representatives after his arrival in Peshawar, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif says that the Pakistan Army launched the Zarb-i-Azb operation and its blowback was being felt now.

"I feel that until and unless this country is cleansed from terrorism, this war and effort will not stop, no one should be doubtful of this. We have also spoken to Afghanistan about this and we will fight terrorism together."

"Such attacks are expected in the wake of a war and the country should not lose its strength," he says.

4:10pm - Fifth terrorist killed: Military

Military spokesperson Asim Bajwa says the fifth terrorist has been killed by security forces. Meanwhile, SSG forces have rescued two more student and two more staff.

4:05pm - Journalists, politicians condemn attack

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister, Pervez Khattak at Lady reading Hospital to visit victims of the militant attack on Army Public School — PPI
Read: Another black day

Meanwhile, Peshawar city is at a stand-still, Markets and shops are being shut down whereas traffic jams are being reported at several points due to security cordons.

4:00pm - PM announces three-day mourning

Men carry an injured school girl to a hospital following an attack by Taliban gunmen on a school in Peshawar on December 16, 2014. — AFP
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif announces a three-day countrywide mourning over the Peshawar attack.
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