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Pakistan has ICBM Technology Defence Production Minister

go n learn when your religion born n when hindu culture started....10,000BC......

10,000 B.C.? And you couldn't name your religion in all that time? Took an Englishmen in 18th century to finally call it "Hindu-ism". As for your culture, its stolen from Sindhu / Sindhi people. In fact, they were called "Hindu" by Persians and Arabs who couldn't pronounce "Sindhu". Likewise, the word "India" is Koine Greek and given to you by your British salve masters. You still haven't managed to get rid of it. You cannot make up this stuff. You're a joke and the more you talk the bigger it gets.
Guys ... U gotta agree with 1 thing...creating a nuclear warhead and missile is tough..after it getting more range is relatively easy ... I bet that pak had ICBMs fr a long time but kept it under wraps but now they have decided to make it public..I'm betting that in some time...approx a year Pakistan will test taimur or any another ICBM
ICBM is actually much more difficult to develop then Ballistic Missiles of shorter range.
10,000 B.C.? And you couldn't name your religion in all that time? Took an Englishmen in 18th century to finally call it "Hindu-ism". As for your culture, its stolen from Sindhu / Sindhi people. In fact, they were called "Hindu" by Persians and Arabs who couldn't pronounce "Sindhu". Likewise, the word "India" is Koine Greek and given to you by your British salve masters. You still haven't managed to get rid of it. You cannot make up this stuff. You're a joke and the more you talk the bigger it gets.

If i am not wrong Greeks use to call Indos where as the Persians even now call Hindus and Arabs call Hindi and Turks even follow the same. And from this Indos came Indian.

India/Bharat/Hindustan/Hind all are historical names of India since centuaries.
would you like to recall how israeli *** got beaten in Lebanon by hisbAllah
Do not answer a total ignorant.

April 26, 2012

"Pakistan possesses various ICBMs which have a range of 9000+ kilometres", said the official, "But they will be revealed and tested when there is a need for it. At the moment, Pakistan is silently observing the Eastern Theatre of Operations spearheaded by the US and its increasing presence in Europe, the Pacific Ocean and South Asia. Add to that Indian frolicking and the coming US-Israel drills in the Middle East... and when the time comes, those who should know, will know, Pakistan also has targets beyond India... way beyond India".

Exclusive: Pakistani security official discusses the Shaheen-1A test | Terminal X

Old news saying they are not tested yet, but they exist, or at least their full fledged technology is in Pakistani hands.

ICBM: Pakistan intercontinental missile underway
Headlines Thursday, August 13th, 2009

Technology to cover range of 7,000 Kms, Pakistan, to increase its defensive capabilities, has started preparing intercontinental missile with a range of 7000 kilometres.

According to sources, the intercontinental missile has a range of 7000 kilometres and is capable of hitting its target falling within its range. The missile can contain nuclear as well as traditional warheads. The missile has been termed a significant milestone for the defence of the country and is believed to strengthen the defence. According to sources, the missile would soon be test fired.

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India has ICBMs with ranges up to 15 000 kms:


Pakistani missiles can/will easily break india's "shield"...

The distance is very less between two nations. Can't work.
Best Air Defence system of Israel was not able to stop 3rd grade rockets of Hamas Indians no way can stop ballistic missiles but let them have wet dreams
is is real said store weapon on school , they fools who can't fight themselves use kids to fight , when kids get kill they make hue and cry.... why not tell those people don't use kids?

you are a soul less creature shame on u..

who use kids to fight?? jews kill them in cross fire they are trained to see all civilians and millitants as targets so they go gun blazzing and kill everyone in there sight to meet there objective..
you are a soul less creature shame on u..

who use kids to fight?? jews kill them in cross fire they are trained to see all civilians and millitants as targets so they go gun blazzing and kill everyone in there sight to meet there objective..
Sorry , who put kids in front of them? if i have to save myself from a gunmen who is hiding behind the kids and if i have to kill the kids to kill that gunman , in order to save myself i will do it and everyone in this world do this.

Don't you see pics of Kids throwing stone and standing in between Gun mens , Militants hiding weapons in schools, hospitals , flats etc. fighting from school etc

Even terrorist use kids as a shield ... why blame fingers on other when u want them to kill your kids.
Sorry , who put kids in front of them? if i have to save myself from a gunmen who is hiding behind the kids and if i have to kill the kids to kill that gunman , in order to save myself i will do it and everyone in this world do this.

Don't you see pics of Kids throwing stone and standing in between Gun mens , Militants hiding weapons in schools, hospitals , flats etc. fighting from school etc

Even terrorist use kids as a shield ... why blame fingers on other when u want them to kill your kids.

as i said u r a soul less creature.. case clossed
Best Air Defence system of Israel was not able to stop 3rd grade rockets of Hamas Indians no way can stop ballistic missiles but let them have wet dreams
Living in which imaginary world, haven't you seen IRON DOME performance??? ... they are made to stop 3rd grade rockets which is impossible to stop..... man sometimes you make me laugh.

Its difficult to stop 3rd grade rockets and artillery shells , If any defence system can stop them , means it is best defence system.....

During the 50 days of the conflict where 4,594 rockets and mortars were fired at Israeli targets, Iron Dome systems intercepted 735 projectiles that it determined were threatening, achieving an intercept success rate of 90 percent. Only 70 rockets fired at Israel from Gaza failed to be intercepted. One civilian was killed and three others and nine servicemen were wounded by mortars, but they were not in areas protected by Iron Dome.

I think you missiles must have less projectile height and less distance to travel OR reach more faster then these 3rd grade rockets?

Come when you have something date to prove your imaginary dreams...
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Pakistani missiles can/will easily break india's "shield"...

The distance is very less between two nations. Can't work.

India will place multi layered Missile shield.

If its not work then why Russians and Americans are placing missile defense shields all over Europe ?

Living in which world, haven't you seen IRON DOME performance ... they are made to stop 3rd grade rockets which is impossible to stop..... man sometimes you make me laugh.

Its difficult to stop 3rd grade rockets and artillery shells , If any defence system can stop them , means it is best defence system.....

Israel need to get investment to make more IRON DOME System and like always are waiting for American aid. Yesterday Hamas showed drone in Gaza Parade.
as i said u r a soul less creature.. case clossed
and you have heart to put kids and then blame others.


Pakistani missiles can/will easily break india's "shield"...

The distance is very less between two nations. Can't work.
well Distance is not matter in these days , IRON DOME , is intercepting MBRL's rocket which is travel less , has very less trajectory heigh and less time to react.

In case of PAK missile , High trajectory, Heigh heigh and more time to react.......

you have any technical things to back up your claims?

FYI, India is negotiation Israeli to implement its IRON Drone Technology in its Shot range missile defence system.
India has ASAT tech but the matter is, whether we can put the tech together and produce an effective weapon system and whether we are ready to face the world should we test such a weapon system which is not seen as the direct defense need of our country!

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