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Pakistan has ICBM Technology Defence Production Minister

Should it come as a suprise even if you did ...its not that you guys have a dearth of decent scientist or the tech knowhow.
But just pondering what your minister wanted to convey..if it is true its aimed mainly at the domestic market to instill confidence. The world *might* take a very negative view of you guys dropping bombs half a world away :P
Are u an Indian...if u are then shouldn't the world take offense at u about making ICBMs
would you like to recall how israeli *** got beaten in Lebanon by hisbAllah
lol , Did you Iranian friend liberated Shibba farms which held by Israeli from war? which they tries to librate and their leader is hiding under ground even since, behind women and children.... that call themselves mens? they are worse then xxxxxxx......
What's Pakistan going to do with an ICBM? What would be the potential targets? I can think of only one: Israel.

But then Pakistan should be prepared for a riposte by Israel which would have terrible consequences for Pakistan.

Therefore, instead of wasting billions of PKR on a useless ICBM program, it would be far better for Pakistan to spend that money on education, sanitation, healthcare, energy, infrastructure development, poverty alleviation and so on.

Politicians on both sides love to spew bombast for brownie points. But then, habits die hard!
What's Pakistan going to do with an ICBM? What would be the potential targets? I can think of only one: Israel.

But then Pakistan should be prepared for a riposte by Israel which would have terrible consequences for Pakistan.

Therefore, instead of wasting billions of PKR on a useless ICBM program, it would be far better for Pakistan to spend that money on education, sanitation, healthcare, energy, infrastructure development, poverty alleviation and so on.

Politicians on both sides love to spew bombast for brownie points. But then, habits die hard!
Man u can't put money in everything...And thing is that right now our missiles don't have range to hit Israel .. we can hit then if jf carries a nuclear warhead and launches from Iran Jordan middle east mainly...those countries might not allow it and by time we have launched Israel will be ready... If we have icbm we even might be able to cover USA if it's long range and if deployed in sub we can hit any place in the world thus 100% deterrence
If anything we should at least make Space vehicle , and worry about the ICBM later
lol , Did you Iranian friend liberated Shibba farms which held by Israeli from war? which they tries to librate and their leader is hiding under ground even since, behind women and children.... that call themselves mens? they are worse then xxxxxxx......
what israeli do? they use bombs on children who throw stones on israeli basta**s
what israeli do? they use bombs on children who throw stones on israeli basta**s
well even if stone hit at right point can kill someone...., stone is also a potential weapon, isreali use rubber bullets for them.

who ask children go and throw stones instead of study in classrooms ?
well even if stone hit at right point can kill someone...., stone is also a potential weapon, isreali use rubber bullets for them.

who ask children go and throw stones instead of study in classrooms ?

and then israel bomb them together in school like he did last time
Doesn't this character Rana has a big mouth and no brain, men with brain dont talk this much
and then israel bomb them together in school like he did last time
yes if they store Weapons to kill civilians, who is responsible to store weapons in schools?

is is real said store weapon on school , they fools who can't fight themselves use kids to fight , when kids get kill they make hue and cry.... why not tell those people don't use kids?
yes if they store Weapons to kill civilians, who is responsible to store weapons in schools?

is is real said store weapon on school , they fools who can't fight themselves use kids to fight , when kids get kill they make hue and cry.... why not tell those people don't use kids?

so how much weapons you recover
kill innocent people and just say they store bombs and weapons and planning to kill
if you know there is weapons go and get them why killing innocent peoples
so how much weapons you recover
kill innocent people and just say they store bombs and weapons and planning to kill
if you know there is weapons go and get them why killing innocent peoples
lol and they will allow it, lol come and please get weapons form school/ hospital/ house ..... we will not fire any shot. But the Fact is even UN admitted , Hamas used school / hospitals/ mosque to store weapons and even fire them.

Thats makes them legitimate target. In short its Hamas is responsible for all this.
lol and they will allow it, lol come and please get weapons form school/ hospital/ house ..... we will not fire any shot. But the Fact is even UN admitted , Hamas used school / hospitals/ mosque to store weapons and even fire them.

Thats makes them legitimate target. In short its Hamas is responsible for all this.
send troops and recover them don't fire missiles on innocent people in the name of weapons
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