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Sending Pakistan to Mars

This is a change of heart @Solomon2 ?

This is a pandemic among developing countries. The masses of PhDs being awarded for substandard research. Most universities apparently dont fact check the dissertation!
I admire Dr. Sahib

However I disagree with him on this.

If you want to get to space, to moon, to Mars, you need to go make a simply request to our rocket program incharge in military.

When they test their rockets, don't just shoot them up with minimal stuff.

Put some astronomy equipment as payload instead of mock bombs.

This will serve to test both the rocket and get some science done.

Some times Dr. Hoodboy talks complicated things as if he himself is a religious scholar.


Pakistan can't rely on the military for this, SUPARCO along with the private sector would do wonders, Pakistan needs better universities, make better use of it's talent in Physics and Engineering. And trust me, almost every Engineer I know fled Pakistan and never looked back, even the military those Engineers seemed appalled at the lack of direction, scope, mismanagement and they felt overqualified, their colleagues all passed Engineering school and had the paper but nothing to show for it, they were incompetent. Indian missile tech today is aeons ahead of ours because of their space program, because of their vast pool of Engineers and Physicists, money and private sector involvement.

If they can send missions to the moon or Mars, making an ICBM is no problem at all. Pakistan from the early days of it's missile programs focused on doing the bare minimum required to bring capability up to a satisfactory level, if that means using other people's tech, not applying proper scientific method to learn from developments, so be it and that's what we did.
This one is an excellent analysis by Dr.Pervez Hoodbhoy!!
He is right on the spot! Pervez Hudbouy talks sense everytime. Religious fanatics won't understand him.
Pakistan can't rely on the military for this, SUPARCO along with the private sector would do wonders, Pakistan needs better universities, make better use of it's talent in Physics and Engineering. And trust me, almost every Engineer I know fled Pakistan and never looked back, even the military those Engineers seemed appalled at the lack of direction, scope, mismanagement and they felt overqualified, their colleagues all passed Engineering school and had the paper but nothing to show for it, they were incompetent. Indian missile tech today is aeons ahead of ours because of their space program, because of their vast pool of Engineers and Physicists, money and private sector involvement.

If they can send missions to the moon or Mars, making an ICBM is no problem at all. Pakistan from the early days of it's missile programs focused on doing the bare minimum required to bring capability up to a satisfactory level, if that means using other people's tech, not applying proper scientific method to learn from developments, so be it and that's what we did.


What you suggest is true for long term space programs.

However please note.

Military and civilian programs work hand in hand. they are two sides of the same coin.

For example please see Nazi space program, USA program, Russian program etc.

All of them started as military and then split out to two or more branches.
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He is right on the spot! Pervez Hudbouy talks sense everytime. Religious fanatics won't understand him.

Religious fanatics will continue doing so.

We just need to counter them by becoming science fanatics.

You can find today in USA, a museum on "creation" built and run by born again christians. This museum still shows earth is only few thousands years old. hahaha.
must be the reason your sittin in usa..:lol:

My point is when you have some deficiency/drawback you need to point out vis-a-vis Pakistan then restrict it to that only and don't try to pull in others. I recall even Musharraf when confronted with mismanagement on Kashmir floods was pointing to US vis-a-vis Katrina. You guys always seem to be relishing in finding the lowest common denominators while on the high end .... well the less said the better
My point is when you have some deficiency/drawback you need to point out vis-a-vis Pakistan then restrict it to that only and don't try to pull in others. I recall even Musharraf when confronted with mismanagement on Kashmir floods was pointing to US vis-a-vis Katrina. You guys always seem to be relishing in finding the lowest common denominators while on the high end .... well the less said the better

WTF are you smokin?

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