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Ben Affleck gets worked up defending Islam on Bill Maher's show

Never watched it. Sorry.

It does not matter. This is about Bill Maher and Sam Harris, the Jews. They must be indicted as Jews, no matter how specious and tenuous their connections to Jewry.

If you can find the time to watch it, it would be perhaps interesting for you.

I thought the overall grievance was against the Western media at large, not just these two individuals, for being biased, even though it is clear and effective counter arguments are welcomed if made in a proper way.
Her response overall seems to be pretty effective in presenting a counter-point, don't you think?

The point is that she implicitly accepts Bill Maher's "credentials" as a liberal.
She also implies that there is something wrong with liberals and liberalism.

I thought the overall grievance was against the Western media at large

The overall grievance is that the Western media considers negative racial stereotyping of non-Jews (Iranians, Arabs, Kazakhs) by Jews as acceptable, but the reverse is considered racist.

I am still waiting for mainstream Western media examples to disprove my claim.
What kinda atheists constantly talk sh*t about something they don't believe in and then label themselves as liberals? Why is there so much prominence given to these Islamaphobes in the media? :nono:
If you can find the time to watch it, it would be perhaps interesting for you.

I thought the overall grievance was against the Western media at large, not just these two individuals, for being biased, even though it is clear and effective counter arguments are welcomed if made in a proper way.
Naaah...That is just a convenient but ultimately paper thin cover for D's true mission: Joo-hunting.

He is smart enough to know the great contrast between the Western media and ME's. Regardless of the ethnic make up of the Western media's talking heads, this side have always tried, and usually successful, at presenting to its audience a balanced buffet of opinions. If someone from a side refused or unable to present its argument, said talking heads will tell the audience that they at least tried to get a contrasting view. The argument that the Western media somehow 'prevents' criticisms of Israel and Jews is a red herring.

This is about the Joos Bill Maher and Sam Harris. Nothing more than that.
Naaah...That is just a convenient but ultimately paper thin cover for D's true mission: Joo-hunting.

Buddy, you wandered once again outside your domain of cut-and-paste radar specs and got humiliated.

All you could offer -- all you have been able to offer -- in this thread is shrill rants of anti-Semitism, only to get egg on your face because of your ignorance of Jewish customs.

Reality is not hostage to your ignorance.
What kinda atheists constantly talk sh*t about something they don't believe in and then label themselves as liberals? Why is there so much prominence given to these Islamaphobes in the media? :nono:

That is an interesting angle. Maher claims himself an atheist, but he is obsessed about religion. He has deep hatred for the Catholic church for what the Church did to the Jews for a thousand years. His is an convenient atheist, wearing the atheist hat when it suits him.

Bill Maher is intellectually dishonest.
That is an interesting angle. Maher claims himself an atheist, but he is obsessed about religion. He has deep hatred for the Catholic church for what the Church did to the Jews for a thousand years. His is an convenient atheist, wearing the atheist hat when it suits him.

Bill Maher is intellectually dishonest.
Nonsense. Anyone who values his basic freedoms and rights should have some measure of wariness about organized religions. LOOK AT THE MESS THAT IS THE MUSLIM WORLD AND SEE PROOF OF THAT.

Who is really intellectually dishonest here ? Certainly not Maher.
Buddy, you wandered once again outside your domain of cut-and-paste radar specs and got humiliated.

All you could offer -- all you have been able to offer -- in this thread is shrill rants of anti-Semitism, only to get egg on your face because of your ignorance of Jewish customs.

Reality is not hostage to your ignorance.
One does not need a technical education and experience to know what is obvious: That we should focus on what are observable and if they are observable they are quantifiable.

That is so obvious that it became 'common sense'. Mine or anyone else's ignorance of Jewish customs are irrelevant.

Maher and Harris straddles the fence between agnosticism and atheism. Their 'Jewishness' have never been observable and quantifiable in any way. If they are Jews, it is because YOU made them that way, not because of or from any Jewish customs, of which no Jew is ever going to call them out anyway. You did not 'resurrect' their Jewishness because by implication, a resurrection means the thing must have once existed. Maher and Harris were never practicing Jews or even nominal Jews. You violated scientific principles and common sense when you conjured up a phenomenon that never existed and since you cannot quantify that phenomenon you falsified data via a tenuous link with Jewish customs. The sad part is since you know what you are doing is wrong, you had to drag their mothers into your irrational Joo-hatred to make them into something they never were.

So the one who have been humiliated -- by his own hands -- is YOU.
One does not need a technical education and experience to know what is obvious:.

Your continued attempts at denial are amusing.
Maher and Harris' demonstrated bias in favor of pro-Israel Jewish fanatics makes their Jewish roots relevant.

Face it, buddy.
YOU jumped into the debate outside your limited domain of cut-and-paste radar specs..
YOU got exposed for your ignorance of Jewish customs.
YOU got exposed for ignorance of ethnicity v/s religion.
YOU got humiliated, as you do every time you wander outside cut-and-paste world.

Now, in desperate humiliation, all you can do is cover your ears and shout anti-Semite. In debating circles, a clown like you would be laughed out.

Stick to cutting and pasting radar specs.
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Your continued attempts at denial are amusing.
Maher and Harris' demonstrated bias in favor of Jewish fanatics makes their Jewish roots relevant.
Maher and Harris have done their parts in focusing their criticisms on Judaism...

Why Don’t I Criticize Israel? : Sam Harris
So, when we’re talking about the consequences of irrational beliefs based on scripture, the Jews are the least of the least offenders. But I have said many critical things about Judaism. Let me remind you that parts of Hebrew Bible—books like Leviticus and Exodus and Deuteronomy—are the most repellent, the most sickeningly unethical documents to be found in any religion. They’re worse than the Koran. They’re worse than any part of the New Testament. But the truth is, most Jews recognize this and don’t take these texts seriously. It’s simply a fact that most Jews and most Israelis are not guided by scripture—and that’s a very good thing.

I don’t think Israel should exist as a Jewish state. I think it is obscene, irrational and unjustifiable to have a state organized around a religion.
So now if they turned their attention to Islam and Muslims, it is because what the Muslims do in the name of Islam are very observable and quantifiable.

You just do not like it that despite what you often scream about the Joos and Israel, proportionality overrules you and compels people, including Muslims themselves, to note that what are observable and quantifiable from the Muslims far outnumber what the Joos have done and are doing.

There is nothing to 'deny' because Maher and Harris are not Joos and never were. It is only your irrational Joo-hatred that made them that way.
Maher and Harris have done their parts in focusing their criticisms on Judaism...

From your own link,

there are millions of Jews, literally millions among the few million who exist, for whom Judaism is very important, and yet they are atheists.

This directly supports my claim that even atheist Jews can be considered Jewish and makes a mockery out of YOU.

I don't care about Maher's religious beliefs; all that matters is his favoritism to pro-Israeli Jewish fanatics, regardless of whether it's based on ethnicity or religion.

The rest of the article is mere sophistry. He simply says that he, personally, doesn't support some Jewish claims, but he understands why Jews use those claims and he supports them in their cause.

Though I just said that I don’t think Israel should exist as a Jewish state, the justification for such a state is rather easy to find.

That's not a criticism of Israeli religious fanaticism; it's merely apologist sophistry.
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From your own link,

there are millions of Jews, literally millions among the few million who exist, for whom Judaism is very important, and yet they are atheists.

This directly supports my claim of Maher being Jewish, and makes a mockery out of YOU.

The rest of the article is mere sophistry. He simply says that he, personally, doesn't support some Jewish claims, but he understands why Jews use those claims and he supports them in their cause.

Though I just said that I don’t think Israel should exist as a Jewish state, the justification for such a state is rather easy to find.

That's not a criticism of Israeli religious fanaticism; it's merely apologist sophistry.
That commentary is not the first time Harris criticized Judaism and Israel. What you really want is for him to be exactly like you. Simple as that.

Do not tell us how you supposedly 'followed' Bill Maher for years and that you know him. You do not. Maher poke fun at Jews and Israel many times in the past, long before he became famous with the HBO show 'Politically Incorrect' and where he is today.

There is no need for me or anyone to satisfy your absurd demand. Your approval is worthless. Your irrationality make a mockery of the Muslims in general. Congratulations.

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