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Saudi Arabia announces 20% defence budget increase

You think by 2030, Saudi Arabia will be producing its own high-tech tanks, submarines, ships, missiles, jets, engines, etc..and will have been industrialized?

Or to what extent you think the above is possible in next decade an a half

It's difficult to predict such things. It depends on so many issues. Such as investments, focus etc. What I can tell you though is that KSA along with the GCC as a whole is moving toward full industrialization and self-reliance but until now (if you want the best of the best as we tend to want) then you will have to look towards the West and buy from them.

If I should make a qualified guess then by 2030 KSA or the GCC as a whole will have a potent military sector and at least partial self-reliance on many important areas. I don't see why that should not be the case given the events and changes in the past few years an the focus on that.

The only thing that can change the current stream of water is for some major conflicts to erupt and being situated in the middle of the ME this is not entirely out of reach.

As this 80 billion includes the police funds as well I guess.

Turkish National Police:




And there we have Saudi Police cars :D




It's like playing NFS Hot Pursuit at Saudi streets :lol:

Please hit me back when you are available. .need some details.

Those police cars (Lamborghinis) are from Dubai mate. Never trust the internet - so much bullshit out there. They are the only ones that can do such a stunt.:lol:

KSA is Toyota/Nissan/Japanese cars land.;)
See their Current accont status.. reserve status ,, GDP per capita .. their psyche and social setup so 11 %
india and pak no way near to them so less
our priorities iur diffrent at tiop 3 level than them
exam, SA police best of it

indian police best of it
sahi pics tho post kar diya kar :mad:

Nope KSA patrol uses Mercedes, Dodge, GMC, Fjs and many other different brands.





Yes, but I am talking about ordinary cars. People think that all people in KSA are driving sports cars while nothing could be further away from the truth.:lol:

I believe that Japanese cars are the most popular ones. Brands such as Toyota (especially), Nissan etc.
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1) ISIS will never be able to invade KSA since it's a major power and not a failed state like other states engaged in such a situation as of now.

2) If ISIS will somehow be able to infiltrate KSA for real the fight will be a guerrilla fight like during the 2000's when AQAP were successfully defeated. Sleeper cells, suicide attacks, bombings, assassinations etc. I don't see where a navy comes into the picture here or even an air force.

3) KSA has a a very potent secret intelligence service.

1. That makes no sense, failed state or not the IS operates like a well organized military and will attack any state regardless of its condition.

2. What makes you so sure? Considering that the IS has used both guerilla tactics and conventional warfare depending on the situation. Additionally, IS is MUCH larger as en entity than AQAP ever was.

3. So do many other nation, that does not mean that they failed to anticipate the rise of IS. There is a lot of potential for recruits and sympathy in certain areas of Saudi Arabia for the IS.
1. That makes no sense, failed state or not the IS operates like a well organized military and will attack any state regardless of its condition.

2. What makes you so sure? Considering that the IS has used both guerilla tactics and conventional warfare depending on the situation. Additionally, IS is MUCH larger as en entity than AQAP ever was.

3. So do many other nation, that does not mean that they failed to anticipate the rise of IS. There is a lot of potential for recruits and sympathy in certain areas of Saudi Arabia for the IS.
Also have you seen the combat footage of the IS? I must say I was impressed - the modus operandi was very very professional.
There was proper use of cover, phased approaces, use of smokescreen, using feints and other diversionary tactics, proper camouflage and swiftly cutting supply lines, psy ops etc.

They even carry 'war correspondents' like regular armies who upload them on Youtube in HD after some quality editing!
80 billion, wow that is huge.
Saudi already spends more on defence than the rest of the region combined. That's an amazing position to be in. :cheers:

If they can spend some for their own dedicated GPS like system otherwise in Wartimes US can manipulate results. When i look at China , saudi budgets the major difference is China develops almost everything in house so every penny goes back towards state in someway the internal economy gets stronger, on the contrary half of saudi money goes to US/UK in terms of equipment/parts, training, wages/salaries it may reduce over the years but still 10-15b would go to them.

Looking at increase budget and funding Navy the most is a good but to hasty move...Navy will always play very important role. But than again very experienced Navies know how to work around with limited budgets except for few largest Navies an increase of 13-14b seems to be mostly going towards adding new frigates/subs etc. I still don't see a payback weapon in saudi inventory that can really make their opponents think twice mostly cruise missiles are US/UK which can be useless in wartimes there are many other examples.
Japaness care are indeed the most popular among Saudis. I myself drive a luxes (economically efficient). My dad drives Mercedes and my brother drives Panamera (just for show off, old habits never dies):lol:. But as overall most Saudis drive Japanese, Germane and American made cars.
You are good rich family
1. That makes no sense, failed state or not the IS operates like a well organized military and will attack any state regardless of its condition.

2. What makes you so sure? Considering that the IS has used both guerilla tactics and conventional warfare depending on the situation. Additionally, IS is MUCH larger as en entity than AQAP ever was.

3. So do many other nation, that does not mean that they failed to anticipate the rise of IS. There is a lot of potential for recruits and sympathy in certain areas of Saudi Arabia for the IS.

1) It makes perfect sense. Groups like ISIS and other terrorist groups only operate in weak nation states or semi-failed nation states or regions. Look at the groups that cause havoc from Mali to the tribal areas of Pakistan. The same problems can be found in all of those places.

This is not the case in KSA ANYWHERE.

2) So you really believe that ISIS will suddenly move all their focus away from Eastern Syria, Al-Anbar and the Al-Jazira region in Iraq just to attempt to roll into Northern KSA? The same Northern KSA that is one of the most heavily militarized zones of the ME and which has amble military bases, airbases next by? Let's not even talk about geography. Despite numerous valleys and highlands here and there in the Northern regions/provinces the territory is mostly steppe/desert or just flat grasslands. It's ideal territory for an air force to do what it does best or for an professional army to do what they do best.

3) Yet KSA is one of the few if not only major countries that have managed to clamp down more or less fully on an local insurgency like KSA did in the 2000's. Yet ISIS has been causing riots in Iraq and Syria for at least 2 years now and we have only seen 1 attack in KSA since then. On a border post near Yemen. This speaks volumes. Besides ISIS has minimal support in KSA. People value stability and prosperity over what has been seen during the Arab Spring especially in nearby Syria. Nobody is interested to repeat such a stunt and there are no real initiatives that can cause such an uprising as KSA is in a stronger position than ever as is the whole GCC. You are underestimating AQAP. Before the rise of ISIS they were the most powerful terrorist group in the ME if not the world.

Anyway I have to go and we are off-topic.:)
1. That makes no sense, failed state or not the IS operates like a well organized military and will attack any state regardless of its condition.

2. What makes you so sure? Considering that the IS has used both guerilla tactics and conventional warfare depending on the situation. Additionally, IS is MUCH larger as en entity than AQAP ever was.

3. So do many other nation, that does not mean that they failed to anticipate the rise of IS. There is a lot of potential for recruits and sympathy in certain areas of Saudi Arabia for the IS.

Guerilla tactics in an empty desert!!!:lol: Are you not aware of KSA, Iraq geography?

Conventional warfare against the most powerful air force in the region?

Not sure if your being serious.
If they can spend some for their own dedicated GPS like system otherwise in Wartimes US can manipulate results. When i look at China , saudi budgets the major difference is China develops almost everything in house so every penny goes back towards state in someway the internal economy gets stronger, on the contrary half of saudi money goes to US/UK in terms of equipment/parts, training, wages/salaries it may reduce over the years but still 10-15b would go to them.

Looking at increase budget and funding Navy the most is a good but to hasty move...Navy will always play very important role. But than again very experienced Navies know how to work around with limited budgets except for few largest Navies an increase of 13-14b seems to be mostly going towards adding new frigates/subs etc. I still don't see a payback weapon in saudi inventory that can really make their opponents think twice mostly cruise missiles are US/UK which can be useless in wartimes there are many other examples.

You're right. :tup:

And if the USA wants to cut people off from their GPS system during wartime, we can provide our own Beidou satellite GPS network for Saudi to use instead. :cheers:
You're right. :tup:

And if the USA wants to cut people off from their GPS system during wartime, we can provide our own Beidou satellite GPS network for Saudi to use instead. :cheers:

Checkmate! and bag some good huge cash because if west refuses saudis have no where to go except for China because they have bad relations with russians. But there is a problem during wartimes not easy to upgrade software and hardware it takes a long time by then war would be over so they best course is saudi arab gets into a long term partnership/deal with China to receive an independent beidou like system based on parent product that is Beidou I/II/III soon. My view is now is saudi arab in position to get some good 2000km-3000km better and latest ballistic missiles, alternative China SAMs system and cruise missiles to even further strengthen their position in the region that would make their budget look fair.
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