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Prime Minister Modi Fumbles on Pakistan

those well knowledge on the Kashmir conflict know who is the real aggressor/mass murderer

"status quo power" ....you come up with that yourself? :laugh:

talks have led to nothing constructive, which is why not just hard-liners but many moderates in Pakistan feel that they are an utter waste of time

it was important in the sense that we need to continually show that we put more value and priority on talks with Kashmiri nationalist groups over talks with the indians who are the main source of the problem vis-a-vis Kashmir
the status quo power quote is from an ISI ex general in an interview I saw, in which he was at pain to describe India as against dialogue based solution and pakistan being keen on it.
For once I tend to agree with him(about status quo bit), because its India which gains from status quo and pakistan loses.
Even passing year makes it harder for pakistan to claim kashmir, in international arena.

If you see the patttern, number of times pakistan brining kashmir to international forum has reduced. Where as India has hardened its position vis-a-vis kashmir. We kicked out a UN org. recently, very few countries take open position against us wrt kashmir. This is not magic, this is many years of diplomatic hard work.
This has not a lot to with Modi or MMS. PM is not everything in India when deciding foreign policy.

Of course this being PDF lets play army army and pretend each side is braver than other... but I have no doubt in agreeing you are the winners :devil:
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Fight for rights by butchering your CPRF day in and day out. Right.
yeah they are. We refuse to use our armies aginst them
Many of the naxals have laid down arms by talks and we believe many more might too

There are plenty of other groups (approximately 22) that are seperatist groups in india. Its in your interests to focus on those rather than harp on about Kashmiri nationalist groups fighting for their freedom
we will focus on all thankyou, including kashmiri groups :coffee:
If anything, Modi's tough line and less than friendly overtures are strengthening Pakistan's soft image abroad, a feat that our own government has repeatedly failed at. For the first time in three decades, Pakistan is being seen as the country that wants peace and India as the instigator of regional tensions.
Perceptions aside Pakistan knew full well what would happen if it went ahead with talks with thew Hurriyat leaders as the GoI had informed them explicitly.

Pakistan created a situation where they would win (politically) no matter what India did- India doesn't cancel the talks and Pakistan holds talk with separatists and India looks weak at home (and abroad) and Pakistan looks strong back home, India cancels talks and Pakistan comes off looking like the victim?

I'm sorry sir but I don't buy this nonsense about Pakistan's image being softened abroad, whilst many may not side with India they certainly would never sympathise with Pakistan not after all that has come out regarding your nation.
Pakistani's can't even talk with each other!

Perceptions aside Pakistan knew full well what would happen if it went ahead with talks with thew Hurriyat leaders as the GoI had informed them explicitly..

Pakistan knew about india's deep sensitivities.

And Pakistan didn't care.
US newspaper blamed Modi for India-Pakistan talks cancellation


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.— AFP file photo

NEW YORK: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been faulted for cancelling a high-level meeting with Pakistan’s top foreign affairs official irked by a meeting of a Kashmiri leader with Pakistan’s High Commission in New Delhi.
“There are no two countries in the world that need to talk, and talk regularly, more than these nuclear-armed South Asian neighbours whose tensions must be carefully managed”, the New York Times editorial board said in a lead article.

Noting the significance of talks, the NYT said that “cancelling the meeting was an over-reaction on India’s part, especially when it could have served as an opportunity to discuss grievances and press for a solution.”

Also read: Cancellation of Pak-India talks unfortunate, says US

It observed that “absent such an airing, there is a tendency on both sides to escalate the tensions, with the Indian news media emphasising Mr Modi’s willingness to take a tough stand and Pakistan asserting it was not subservient” to India”.

“There will always be political excuses not to take risks”, the newspaper said Mr Modi, who won a huge victory in the May election, is in the strongest political position, while Mr Sharif is facing street protests led by politicians seeking his ouster.

What’s needed is a meeting between the leaders to establish a continuing dialogue. Next month’s United Nations General Assembly meeting in New York offers a good venue. It would be foolish and dangerous to let this episode destroy the chance for a more stable relationship.”

The Times said: “Mr Modi raised expectations that he would work harder at resolving cross-border differences when he took the unorthodox step of inviting Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, along with other regional leaders to his inauguration in May. The photo of the two men shaking hands came to symbolise the promise of that moment.

“But that felicitous picture seemed a fading memory when, on Monday, India cancelled foreign-secretary-level talks, which would have been the first in two years, that were scheduled to take place in Islamabad on Aug 25. The proximate cause was India’s anger over a meeting that Pakistan’s ambassador to India held with a separatist leader from Kashmir, the disputed territory over which the two countries have fought three wars.”

Published in Dawn, August 21st, 2014

US newspaper blamed Modi for India-Pakistan talks cancellation - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

Indians got all happy when Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif attend the swearing in ceremony of the democratically elected Hindu Extremist leader Narendra Modi. They simply assumed this invitation will somehow cheer up the Pakistanis and give up Indian Occupied Muslim Kashmir. Wrong, very wrong.

Pakistan does not need India. That's why the Islamic Republic hasn't done business with India for the past 68 years despite the latter's non-stop begging.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's Government was correct to deliberately arrange a meeting between Kashmiri Mujahideen leaders and Pakistani officials. This was a way of reminding the Indians Pakistan's priorities.
No as much as PAK ambassador is & Ex PAF chief is , he was asked to take print out of UN resolution and read it...... & then start talkng they were born like you.

Says the bloody retard who talks abt frozen AGTMs,tanks losing aux power making ATGMs useless... Gets owned by Chak Bamu .. N talks abt 4 names of the one and the same region claiming they are separate identities ... Retards like you shouldn't even be allowed on PDF .. You are a bloat on this forum ... Symbolising the great indian stupidity.
Indians got all happy when Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif attend the swearing in ceremony of the democratically elected Hindu Extremist leader Narendra Modi. They simply assumed this invitation will somehow cheer up the Pakistanis and give up Indian Occupied Muslim Kashmir. Wrong, very wrong.

Pakistan does not need India. That's why the Islamic Republic hasn't done business with India for the past 68 years despite the latter's non-stop begging.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's Government was correct to deliberately arrange a meeting between Kashmiri Mujahideen leaders and Pakistani officials. This was a way of reminding the Indians Pakistan's priorities.

India begging Pakistan for trade... :lol:
And please explain how can Pakistan give up Indian Kashmir without even holding any of it.. you are a joker :lol:
Pakistan does not need India. That's why the Islamic Republic hasn't done business with India for the past 68 years despite the latter's non-stop begging.

Begging???? I am hope you know the meaning of that word..... Pakistan Need India as much as India need pakistan, just because we share a boarder and you cannot choose your neighbor...
Says the bloody retard who talks abt frozen AGTMs,tanks losing aux power making ATGMs useless... Gets owned by Chak Bamu .. N talks abt 4 names of the one and the same region claiming they are separate identities ... Retards like you shouldn't even be allowed on PDF .. You are a bloat on this forum ... Symbolising the great indian stupidity.
Dude i have seen you use personal insults very offer,and they say if one dsnt have any to contribute they come up with unrelated replies and getting personal.grow up
If anything, Modi's tough line and less than friendly overtures are strengthening Pakistan's soft image abroad, a feat that our own government has repeatedly failed at. For the first time in three decades, Pakistan is being seen as the country that wants peace and India as the instigator of regional tensions.

very good observation, jazakAllah khair
I think modi's step was very short sighted...
in NS he has a partner who at least on paper pro-Indian (or at least not rabid anti indian).. who has experience and confidence to take the talks forward...
he should have matches NS's good words with his own.. and take one step at a time.

We Indians are muddle headed about the relationship with Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif is pro-Indian? Friendly? An assertion based on what ? That he says good relations with India is important? Too much is read into stray comments without enough stress being put on clear & perceivable actions. Nawaz Sharif almost certainly wants good relations (as did Zardari, probably even more so) but the muddle headedness is in thinking that it somehow translates into a workable compromise. It doesn't. He may want better relations but it is essentially based on getting India to compromise more and for a solution that benefits Pakistan. Nothing wrong with that (that's his job) but for us to believe it translates into automatically better relations is more than a bit crazy. India cannot & will not give Pakistan what it wants, Pakistan cannot & will not settle for less right now, there is simply no realistic meeting point. Musharraf was the only one who offered an out of the box solution but both the civilian governments that followed him as well as the Pakistani army have now withdrawn support for that on the grounds that he went too far. India is hardly likely to give any more than that when it is the status quo power.

It is not our business to prop up any civilian government(or any individual) in Pakistan, it cannot be done, doesn't work & we will have conceded something for nothing. The Pakistanis will have to solve their own issues & we should deal with whoever wants to deal with us. We should avoid, as the government has done, any arguments that we need to help them by concessions for strengthening the "non-extremists". It is nothing more than a masterful ploy used by many in Pakistan & we should have no truck with that idea. The India-Pakistan problem simply has no solution for now, we must accept & plan accordingly our method to contain & manage the situation.

(P.S. I believe that even the Musharraf-MMS plan is unworkable. Soft borders with Pakistan? With the amount of trouble they have? Never going to work. )
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