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Status difference between India & Pakistan - Highlighted by Pak Media

There are alot of things where we need to see our neighbor and learn from them. There is no denying or shame in it. That is how nations progress. The one thing i admire about Indians is their nationalism. I have never ever come across any Indian who has spoken against his country. On the contrary you will rarely find any Pakistani who wont speak against his country. Heck people don't even shy away from criticizing the founding father.
There are alot of things where we need to see our neighbor and learn from them. There is no denying or shame in it. That is how nations progress. The one thing i admire about Indians is their nationalism. I have never ever come across any Indian who has spoken against his country. On the contrary you will rarely find any Pakistani who wont speak against his country. Heck people don't even shy away from criticizing the founding father.
For Highlighted part: Indian also criticize their country...It happens everywhere in the world.
I think biggest Difference is we(indian) put Nation before religion.
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For Highlighted part: Indian also criticize their country...It happens everywhere in the world.
I think biggest Different is we(indian) put Nation before religion.

I hope you understand the difference between criticizing certain policies of the government (country) and to criticize the whole of the country in general, playing in the hands of others for propaganda (Malayla) and hatching conspiracies with foreign intelligence to break it.

Otherwise i will have to edit my post (I never came across to I rarely cam across) as i have come a crossed you.
I have never ever come across any Indian who has spoken against his country. On the contrary you will rarely find any Pakistani who wont speak against his country. Heck people don't even shy away from criticizing the founding father.

We're a nation of 29 very diverse states yet we respect and love each other. European countries fought two wold wars among themselves before they could learn to live peacefully among themselves. Not so the case with India which is quite the miracle. As for Pakistanis speaking out against their own country, why should they not when the country is so badly screwed up and regularly features in the list of failed states?
As for Pakistanis speaking out against their own country, why should they not when the country is so badly screwed up and regularly features in the list of failed states?
It is unfortunate that this situation has arisen due to the priority that Pakistan gives to religion over nationhood. There are any number of Pakistani posters here who have categorically stated that given a choice they would fight for Islam first and then only Pakistan!!

If that is the general feeling, then its no wonder that Pakistan is where it is today. There is little pride in nationhood. Religion has been corrupted by self serving vested interests like the self styled 'holier-than-thou' mullahs who think they are God's own representatives. The pity is that most follow them like sheeple. The scenario reminds me of the Pied Piper of Hamlin!

Just look at the hoards who are being brainwashed by fundamentalists, wasting millions of man hours attending huge congregations every other day listening to straw-men belting out conspiracy theories and lambasting the world especially the US, India, and Israel. An utter waste of time which otherwise could have been utilized in productive ways like nation building etc.
We're a nation of 29 very diverse states yet we respect and love each other. European countries fought two wold wars among themselves before they could learn to live peacefully among themselves. Not so the case with India which is quite the miracle. As for Pakistanis speaking out against their own country, why should they not when the country is so badly screwed up and regularly features in the list of failed states?

Country is by and from its people. What do you mean by badly screwed up? Is India perfect..... No. No country is perfect not even the mightiest US. Its the people who screwed the country and who need to rectify themselves. They keep giving votes to the same corrupt bunch and willingly, yet they expect anything better and on top of that have the audacity to criticize the country.

Criticizing is easy how about do something for a change.
Till 90's Pakistan was ahead of India in almost every aspect.... Yes there was US aid to assist them in this..... But I guess if a nation struggles the blame is on the government and its leaders, People elect them to lead the nation on the right path and path of growth and prosperity..... For that you need a leader or leaders who has long term vision....... I think Pakistan lacked leaders with vision that too long term..... Another important thing is Priority..... For any government the first priority should be well being of its people.....Another Important aspect is "USA".... They may have helped Pakistan in short term..... But in long term they were screwing Pakistan.......

(Note: This is my take on it.... I may be right, or may be wrong)...

When it comes to India we haven't done much either, or we havent grown to the potential we have..... I think the change started in India (also) in 90's and luckily we had MMS... During that period INC was not controlled from 10 japnath....Some of those steps taken during that regime changed the econimics of India... But then the problem india faced was Leadership or lack of it.....Vajpayee was one leader who had vision, But since then We never had any decent leader forget great leader.... One more important aspect was regional parties..... These parties had only one thing in their mind.... that is " Appeasing of their vote banks" They never cared for the nation..... and 10 years of UPA which needed the support of these parties successfully screwed the economy which they themselves have built.... and irony is MMS was the leader of UPA in all this 10 years and the worst part was MMS was controlled by a leader who never wanted to be in politics and lacked knowledge on Indian politics... Heck She was not even an Indian.... There is lot of hope on the new government and its Leader.... I dont see much changes in the policies as the new government is continuing the policies of previous government..... May be the leader has more control and regional parties have no say in it.......

If you ask me, We should stop comparing ourselves (pak vs Ind)..... Instead we should look at the developed nations and learn from them....
Country is by and from its people. What do you mean by badly screwed up? Is India perfect..... No. No country is perfect not even the mightiest US. Its the people who screwed the country and who need to rectify themselves. They keep giving votes to the same corrupt bunch and willingly, yet they expect anything better and on top of that have the audacity to criticize the country.

Criticizing is easy how about do something for a change.

What would you do to change Pakistan?
What would you do to change Pakistan?

For my part, i never voted but last election i did, voted for somebody different and not the status quo parties, was able to convenience my colleagues and relatives to go and vote and vote different. My vote got rigged and stolen, someone who lost from that area now happens to be the railway minister. I do protest and have raised my voice against it. Come this August 14, you may see a difference in Pakistan because of the people who decided not to sit around and actually do something about it.
There are alot of things where we need to see our neighbor and learn from them. There is no denying or shame in it. That is how nations progress. The one thing i admire about Indians is their nationalism. I have never ever come across any Indian who has spoken against his country. On the contrary you will rarely find any Pakistani who wont speak against his country. Heck people don't even shy away from criticizing the founding father.
You are quite wrong.
Indians regularly criticize their country, how else do you think we are changing and progressing each decade? Unless we find faults and then talk about them, how will we improve them?
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For my part, i never voted but last election i did, voted for somebody different and not the status quo parties, was able to convenience my colleagues and relatives to go and vote and vote different. My vote got rigged and stolen, someone who lost from that area now happens to be the railway minister. I do protest and have raised my voice against it. Come this August 14, you may see a difference in Pakistan because of the people who decided not to sit around and actually do something about it.

But the only honest man in PTI is Imran Khan according to Hassan Nisar. Rest are all crooks. How will he be able to change anything?

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